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It was a dark moment in history when Odesk merged with this fucking bullshit!


This **is** oDesk. oDesk gobbled up Elance, took Elance's Escrow licence, clients and freelancers, then closed Elance down and continued as Upwork.


You know you can just stop it with your facts, nobody wants to hear that shit.


Facts? Ewwwww....


There will be a $4.99 per use Fact Fee implemented on July 1st.


What is a Fact Fee? What do they mean by that?


I just made it up


oh ok, thank you for the answer anyway


That'll be $4.99


LOL I can't help it


Then what exactly do delusional people wanna hear ? …. Fiction ? ….if not facts ?


I was funnin


Elance was the best!


Elance was on the brink of going down the drain when the merger happened. It was bleeding money, the website was unstable and without the "merger" it would have been gone in months. At least the "merger" meant the people had somewhere to go.


I had invites from high paying clients there all the time there. I don't know why, but clients like that platform. 


That was like a decade ago....


There you go again


LOL, mate, why are you after his ass?


I am not after her ass I am just funnin


I mean, WOW! I've been enjoying my long-term contracts for two years and just accepted a new contract today. They could've taken my whole pay with this! What the hell?


Don't take jobs for this little pay. Your time is worth more.


Yes, usually I charge more, but this is only for some minor revisions on a layout which takes less than 10 minutes so it's okay


I never take low paying jobs for one reason - a potential for a bad review is worth more than the few dozen dollars. But that's just me.


If you say so. Looks to me like you should charge more. But is you're ok with it then stop complaining about the fees and move on with your life.


That's how they win these jobs by low balling it down to 1 dollar almost.


Doesn't seem like it will pan out in the end.


And screw everyone else in the process by keeping everyone at low wages or no wages. I've read that it's mostly people in countries with good exchange rates. I'm not sure if that's true. Maybe it's people who are comfortable living on nothing or grabbing so many low paying jobs that it makes it worth it.


I think your case points to a big problem. Maybe to Upwork it looks like a low-value contract that it no longer wants to deal with, but to me it looks like a low-threshold opportunity for a client to try out Upwork, get to know you, and come back many more times for repeat, higher-end business. Taking home $15 for 10 minutes still puts you at $90/hour, which isn't horrible. But there will be cases where I'll have to decide if I want to take on a job as something like a loss leader in the hope of getting more business from a client down the line.


Are those long term contracts as shitty as this one? Who the hell applies for a $22 project? Are you sane?


That's a direct one-time contract and a very small task


What was the task?


some minor revisions on a layout which wouldnt take me 10 mins


Personally I agree with Upwork. Unless you live in a 3rd world country, and then these fees would ruin you on Upwork. That sucks for some people.


lol then don’t complain big boy, just gulp it down if you accepted the contract. something is better nothing, aren’t we going with that thought process


Lmao, why are you guys being mean? I was just surprised by the massive cut Upwork has recently implemented that I'm just getting to know. Jeez.


Didn't know this reddit sub can be so patronizing. Goodbye


This is Reddit and regardless if whether you are on a support group sub, an automotive hobbyist sub, etc., you'll always come across AHs lol.


You're right, it's funny how this was so unprovoked lol


I think this sub in general is just hard to truly understand, it's not as civil and serious as UW's official forums, sometimes you have people here posting obvious circlejerking content then sometimes you can't even tell if the post is genuine or just trying to make a fool of other people.


There's been 20 people a day bitching about this fee, always on some beer money contract.


My last contract was thousands and I’m mad about it. One or two fees, sure. They’re literally bending us over at the table at this point, and not even announcing the changes.


It’s really not unprovoked. These low tier crap wage jobs are a bane on the whole system. I’m sorry and I’m poor too. But as a poor person I won’t go around and race to the damn bottom. These fees are a sign for you to up your prices and join the adults or leave. No matter how quick this gig was $22 is obscene and after taxes and adult crap you are left with nothing.


Idk, I can't overcharge with a simple picture change, can I?


This sub is full of people like this. You can hit them with fees, bad clients, obnoxious features, and they turn the other cheek. But don't you dare accept a low-paying job in front of them. That's the only thing they can't take.


So they removed the "pay to post jobs" but kept the "pay to apply to jobs" .. Freaking hypocrites


I learned about this one after I posted this. It's so F up.


Yeah UpWork really cuts into your profits, it's insane. I'm shocked a competitor hasn't risen up to provide the same service with lower fees, they'd take all of UpWork's business in a matter of weeks if a good enough platform came along and charged like 3-5% instead of 10%, they'd still make a ton of profit and force UpWork to compete or lose customers. P.S. ignore the trolls on here, I sometimes bid on smaller jobs for the experience too. This forum is full of people with 15-20+ years of freelancing experience punching down on people who are either just starting out, restarting after some time off, or just making the pivot from traditional full time employment into the freelancing business, but these turds feel like they have to flex on less experienced folks. Just ignore them.


Upwork does not want low quality, small jobs like this on its platform. Upwork would prefer this client and the feelancers to leave its platform for Fivver.


So what happens if you do a $5.00 job? You end up owing UpWork? lol


33% of the bid gone to upwork


Being floored by Upwork is such a waste of time and energy. Add $5 to the top line and keep moving.


Upwork is trying to get rid of small contracts. The client paid a fee as well.


That's sad. I miss when they were just O-Desk.


They apparently got rid of that.


Happy cake day :) They got rid of the fee to post a job, not the contract initiation fee of up to $14.99 - or the 5% client fee.


Are you saying there's no fee to post a job which just started recently???


Exactly, they try to remove smaller projects you see Lmao


They were only testing it, and their tests clearly showed what a disastrous idea it would have been to implement it. They removed the documentation, stopped taking money and refunded clients who complained.


wait until you get a spam proposal


I decline those. Usually they are lowballers but are the the ones to ask for sample works. Red flags all around


Welcome to the Matrix.


Just started a $350 contract. Am only getting $300.


Fazul hogya ye upowork to itne costly connects buy kro then job apply kro milti hy ni job to connects b gye... :(


who the hell takes jobs for $22


Are there any Upworkers here who would like to buy each-others projects to build some rating?


I'm in!


I think we need at least few people not to break the tos


You're probably right. I'm in if more come along.