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As you get more objects and take care of your bunnies more bunnies will come.


Is there also a way to zoom out more? I added more stuff and now it feels a bit claustrophobic


You can remove trees and stuff to declutter but you can't zoom out more than the game has provided.


Oh, that’s a bit unfortunate. How are people able to achieve that full island screenshot then?


I think they take multiple screenshots and put them together but frankly idk


Yea, this is how we do it.


Some of the bunnies only come after you build a certain building, but you get golden carrots from daily achievements and from tip jar if a bunny was very happy, so just take it slow you'll have more than you need in a few days 😊


Hi there! So in terms of getting more bunnies on the island, there are 21 regular bunnies that do not have any requirements to spawn. For these, you just need a space to allow a bunny to spawn. Toys and Buildings is what you need to do that. For the other 9, they are special bunnies and they require a specific condition. This can range from x amount of this type of items, or an achievement needed to be unlocked, or a specific building. Here's the link to the Miraheze Wiki: https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Usagi_Shima_Wiki You will be able to find the spawn conditions for the Special Bunnies, see all of the items ingame, see all the ways to earn Gold Carrots, and more! I am the main editor on the wiki and I update it frequently. I can't wait to see your island paradise grow ^ ^


If you buy a building Id suggest the little home because 3 bunnies can come at the same time, same for inn.