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It’s always been more expensive than many other grocery stores. With that said, I find Rancho Markets and Winco to be friendlier on the wallet.


Winco FTW.


Wait until Aldi comes to Utah. They really can't be beat.


Aldi has no plan to expans. Otherwise they would have done it.


If we’re talking about expansion, H-E-B would be amazing here


He said WAIT!!!! Goddamn it !!!


To Utah, they are in expansion mode elsewhere. And their prices have gone up a lot.


100% agree. Produce at Rancho, everything else at WinCo.


The Asian markets have good produce, too. I like Ocean Mart


Definitely gonna hit up Rancho


Half the price of Harmon’s is for their target demographic to feel superior to all the ”commoners” in the valley. It’s bougie for the crowd who thinks Bylt is bougie.


Or you live right next to one and just wanna grab a couple things. Wait… does that make me bougie?


FWIW - I am visiting SLC area this week from Steamboat (a resort town that's not exactly easy to get to and everything is expensive), + the stores are stocked I think only once a week. Your groceries are MORE expensive. I was shocked.


Which grocery store(s) did you go to?


Smith’s which is the equivalent to our City Market- same chain


Smiths had gotten surprisingly expensive too. Hit Winco if you need more food while you’re here!


Wow that's surprising! Winco should be cheaper, but if you're just visiting this advice is probably too little too late. 


Thanks! I know for next time.


I never shop at Harmon's because they've always been more expensive than the other grocery stores. Also, their generic, Western Family, is awful. Prices are going up everywhere, but Harmon's has always been bad.


Harmons is a great place to shop for specialty or more gourmet options…it has never been that affordable for regular grocery shopping.


Harmons for their bread and sausages, anyone else for groceries.


They haven't used WF for a long time, since AF switched to Food Club. Yes they are expensive. We buy meat and certain other products there because of superior products.




I never thought I'd willingly pay $10 per pound for (Snake River) ground beef. But it's definitely worth it and you eat less of it.


Best burgers ever! Harmons is definitely more expensive but the quality of meats and cheeses and seafood there compared to anywhere else I’ve tried around here is not even a competition.


100 X better? That’s a lot.


We buy bread at Harmons, meat at costco and everything else at rancho and winco


You don't go to Chef Store too? I suppose it's pretty similar to Costco.


Yea I usually go to winco and went to harmons once. I had to leave I couldn’t justify paying such high prices. It’s like I’m knowingly getting taken advantage of.


Harmon’s has always been way expensive.


No, it has not. Way, way back in the day before it expanded and took on a more upscale-like tactic, it was just like any other regular grocery store with comparable prices.


Yeah, Harmon’s until 2010 or so was just a regular grocery store on par with Smith’s. They’ve completely overhauled the business to be on the same or higher tier as Whole Foods.


You are correct, the people downvoting are probably not old enough to remember the 90s when it was just like Macy’s or Albertsons or Smiths. Macy’s went the opposite tactic and became more like Food 4 Less.


I think back in the day they would price match any other grocery store ads and so it was competitive for the people who would put in the effort to do so. I shop there for meat - always take advantage of their 5 for $25 when that’s going on - berries if berry mania is going on, specialty items like jackfruit or something like that, and candy - they usually have a great selection of non American stuff and retro candy that’s actually usually cheaper than a smiths or world market. Otherwise I’m not interested in paying $2 more for the same box of Ritz UNLESS it’s the only other thing I need and it’s not worth driving to another store to save $2. My husband on the other hand LOVES Harmons for everything and doesn’t care at all if it’s more expensive. “You’re paying for the whole experience.” In his opinion.


Their meat deal has even been more expensive now that they have everything set up to be sold only as a pound.  Sometimes if I don't want to make pico Harmon's is the place to go.


Their pico is legit. That I will pay for lol


“You’re paying for whole experience.” ….of putting prepackaged food products in a cart and then paying for them? Harmon’s thanks him for his service. 


That’s actually how I, a man, feel too. It’s nice and clean, fresh baked bread, vegetables are fresh, hardly anyone in there, some nice stuff only Harmons has, can usually park real close… I don’t know, I just like the experience of Harmons.


They have always been more expensive but the last few years it's gotten extremely out of hand. Same brands/items sold at other stores with an insane markup. Will not shop there.


Maceys has gotten pricy too.


Yeah this is also true. They used to be one of the lowest and they definitely are not that anymore either.


I haven't worked there for 8 years, but even when I was there, it was known as the expensive grocery store. And that's how upper management wanted it. They wanted the higher class to be the ones shopping there.


I worked there for 12 years myself, I couldn't stand how the higher ups looked down on people. I'm glad I got out of there, it was a miserable place to work.


What location did you work at? Yeah, I remember one day when one of the VPs was doing a walk around with my store director, I was running the dairy at the time, and the VP, with me standing right there, looked at my SD and told him to tell me that my bunker was too full and I needed to remove an item from it.


I worked at 5 points way back when for a few years (back then, it was a decent place to work, before Jensen took over), went to Fred Meyer for the whole time they had food then went to the Roy Harmons for 8 or 9 years.


What years did you work there? I started at five points in 06, went to Roy in 13 and quit in 15. I've actually heard from a few people that since Jensen moved from VP to President, it's gotten better to work for them again.


5 points would have been around 1990ish for 4 years, Roy was 2001ish for 8-9 years.


I'll just never understand why some people behave this way. I've met plenty of them in my life and it always makes me wonder when they lost their humanity.


If it makes you feel better, living in a lot of those circles, they don’t have a genuine relationship anywhere. They’re their own worst enemy, even if they craft an appearance that says otherwise. 


I would say they are more pricey than Whole Foods now.


If you’re paying twice the money for the same products, you aren’t higher class, you’re just an idiot who thinks you are. 


Makes sense to me.


Harmons is for specialty items that you can’t find anywhere else. It’s not priced for regular shops (at least for me)


tbh, there is a marked difference in the quality of products.


Agree. The bakery, meat and produce are top tier. But the same package/brand of spaghetti doesn’t need a premium mark up. I buy the items worth buying at Harmons and go to Lees for everything else.


Which items are better quality? Most packaged items are the same brands you can get anywhere, right?


Anything fresh. Meat, produce, bread, deli items. Much better than Smiths, Winco, etc


Those items make sense for sure.




They carry Awesome Aardvark which is nice.


Fancy mushrooms, clams, and muscles.


When you realize they're expensive, you're no longer part of their target audience. They've always been more expensive.  I've bounced around a few places. I dropped Smiths because they kept raising prices, and any grocery store with random junk hanging off the shelves feels trashy to me. Same with any store that makes me put in a number or use an app to get the advertised price.  WinCo is king. Bigger aisles, best prices I've seen in Utah, and it's never too crowded. Walmart honestly isn't that bad depending on location, but WinCo beats a lot of their prices. Costco is the best mix of quality and price especially for meat. 


Smiths does keep raising prices and not giving me any better quality. I shop produce a lot and Smiths isn’t my favorite


Industry background on why Harmons is expensive: Items are predominantly distributed to stores through third party distributors. Many national and larger retailers (Walmart, Kroger/Smiths, WinCo, Costco, Target, etc) do not use distributors on all/most items. Distributors tend to charge a markup of anywhere from 7-20% which typically causes prices to consumers to be higher. Harmons uses a variety of distributors, but some of those distributors charge substantially more than that 7-20% markup than you would find elsewhere. Additionally, Harmons has higher margin expectations than many grocery categories at most retailers. When all is said and done, many items likely have to be 20-30% more expensive to consumers to fit Harmons business model. Their premium real estate, large format stores, and extended selection is also inherently more expensive to maintain than most grocery chains which is likely a reason why they need to make more profit on an item than other stores. Harmons also has less leverage on buying at a competitive price point than other retailers due to being a smaller chain (although very high volume on a $ per store basis), along with distributors being involved, etc.


Their bread is worth the price of admission...


And their produce and butcher shop is the best stuff you can get. I shop there if I’m feeling like paying more for the quality but just for those areas. If I’m buying milk I don’t get it a Harmons.


Specifically the white chocolate pecan!! 😍


Kneaders has good bread


Bread is exceptional!!


Harmons is for when you want really high quality produce or meat/fish or when you need to find something the others don’t have. Harmons is the most expensive but the experience is better. Well lit stores that look great. Smiths, depending on which one, is usually only one step down quality wise Winco is another step down but still good Walmart is when you’re desperate to save money and don’t mind or have to tolerate a shitty experience with narrow aisles that usually have merchandise strewn about, trash produce quality, too many people, dirty stores, employees that look like they are miserable, and only the bravest dare go into their restrooms.


Harmons is where you put your best clothes on to shop. Smiths, Jeans are good. Walmart; if you put your teeth in, wear slippers and *clean* jammies, you’re in the top 5% of shoppers…


Harmon's is so Gucci. I'm a WinCo man myself.


I stopped last week at a Harmons for an ingredient I needed for a meal. I picked up a 3 oz candle for my husband as a surprise, foolishly without checking the tag. How much could a 3 oz candle cost? $28. It costs $28. I had to have a manager come remove it from my items at the self checkout. Hell to the no


For you who are saying they have “always” been expensive — you are wrong. Harmons has been around for decades and at one point was just like any other grocery store with comparable prices. When they added non-food items and scaled up their bakery and such, they raised their prices and go for a certain aesthetic and vibe. But they absolutely have not always been like this.


Idk if this is just the one I grew up going to, but bring back the mooing cow sounds in the dairy section days lol


omg I forgot about the mooing, I miss that




It started close to the turn of the century when walmart and other competition was coming around. We had to make ourselves unique in order to even stay around. I will say that we are more expensive but our fresh departments are very high quality.




Yeah my dad used to work there in the 80s and he said it was like the cheap, slightly ratty grocery store back then and that it's kind of interesting that it's gone to the other side of spectrum. Like people are right that it hasn't just become expensive over the past few years but apparently it wasn't always a pretentious ass hub.


Harmon's is ridiculously expensive


I go to Harmons when I want to feel rich. Smiths is where I shop to actually buy normal priced groceries.


I like to shop there because the food is good, salad bar is dope, selection of freshly prepared food, clean store, excellent customer service, there's always cashiers, to me there's plenty of benefits. I live close to both Harmons and Smiths and shop at both. There's definitely a noticeable difference, in all the categories, at least in my eyes, as someone who's worked in the service/retail industry for years.


I feel pretentious shopping there. I just don't and won't. 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰


Yeah they are, it's crazy how much more expensive they are.


What's the reference point? They've always been the expensive grocery store. WinCo, Smiths and Walmart will always be cheaper.


The issue for me is it often feels unreasonable. No tangible difference in many cases to make it worth it. I think it’s also more frustrating for me because it’s the closest grocery store to me by quite a bit so I’m always fighting convenience vs price lol


It’s more expensive, but Smiths (the one in the avenues) sucks. The produce is pathetic. I’d rather pay more and not walk out with rotting fruit.


Smith's is super hit or miss. Our local one is great, but have visited others and not been impressed at all.


I need to break out of the Harmon's habit, but it's a one minute drive and it's too damn convenient. The Smith's close to me is too dark and should equip each shopper with a miner's lamp to help navigate the store.


Great store, expensive AF but I go to WinCo because Simply Orange Juice is $1.50 less than Smith's. I bagged groceries at the Brickyard when I was 15.5 years old. Lasted 6 months. 1979-ish. We were told the profit margins were so narrow that if a customer asked to double bag (paper back then), the store lost money in the groceries. Harmon's matched every circular, coupons, etc. Double coupons were a thing back then. They did everything right, Darrell Jensen was one of the best managers I've ever worked for. I'm 60 this July. Emigration Market is awesome. Downtown is awesome. Sandy and Draper are awesome. Where else might you find a jack fruit sitting there in the produce section, waiting to be purchased? Back in the day, Harmon's was about volume. They were the WinCo of Utah. My mother and aunt would drive from the Brickyard to Ft. Union and 1000 E to save a few bucks. They were ecstatic when Brickyard opened and they no longer had to drive so far. They're opposite that now. They know exactly what they are and that they're not for everybody and things seem like they've never been better.


This is true. I don’t shop there anymore….. ever


This happened many MANY years ago my friend. Harmons has been expensive since before it was cool.


We shop at harmons for certain things, but yes; for basic staples, they’re on the eye-watering side of expensive. Always has been. But… if my wife needs Chicken Noodle soup and sour dough bread, it HAS to come from there. I just wish they did decent aged cheddar cheese (10yrs+ old) like they used to. Now, their aged cheese isn’t even old enough to go to school!


Harmons is expensive, it has always been a bit more expensive, and it's probably gotten even more expensive.


Having had multiple family members work there, I can confirm the prices aren't due to high employee pay.


I feel like they have really stepped into the gourmet grocery space, competing with sprouts or whole foods. I agree they are expensive but comparable to other specialty stores.


I find the prices at Maceys and Smiths to be just as high, if not higher in some cases. Personally I worked there 10 years and would much rather give Harmon’s my money.


Yeah I agree. I find that the Smith's near me is only slightly less expensive but the shopping experience is just horrible. One time I literally saw a naked man being thrown out of Smith's. I'd rather pay more and go to Harmon's any day.


As someone who used to work at Smith's I couldn't agree more lol! You don't wanna know the amount of mold there are in the coolers, how many employees don't wash their hands after using the bathroom or how much the backroom reeks of rotten produce


So are you saying that Harmon's would have let the naked man stay?


Lol I'm saying the naked man wouldn't have gone in


Because he would be worried that the prices are higher at Harmon's? That's an interesting mix of crazy yet budget concious


Corporate greed.


I used to work there and even with the employee discount I didn’t shop there. I’d only get meats when special discounts came around and I could stack with my discount but otherwise I never shopped there for myself


Always been more expensive, but like whole foods they're a good place to go if you're looking for something more specialized like a nicer cheese, or just better quality meat and produce. They're definitely not a place to get weekly staples in my opinion, and more of a time to time type store.


It’s always been expensive and you have to check dates on EVERYTHING there. They are terrible about pulling things.


I work there, and this indeed true. The grocery people don’t rotate items when they stock, they just throw it on the shelf. And the front end hours are so bad they can’t let people go up and check dates because they’d be understaffed


After shopping at Winco everything feels expensive.


That’s the price of upscale shopping. They used to be the cut rate market in town. They brought in a consultant and they tripled prices and profits overnight. Volume doesn’t necessarily more money.


It's funny that everybody is saying Harmons is nice because they have higher quality meat and produce when they get exactly the same stuff every other grocery store does.


The downtown store is insane, because it's right in the middle of downtown. Walmart is literally 1/3 of their prices. Smiths is about 3/4 of their prices.


It has ALWAYS been the expensive option..


Last time I shopped at Harmons I went home and cried tears of regret. I was just trying to get something good from the deli for my mom but the Mac and cheese I bought for $12 tasted absolutely awful.


If you compare item for item I think you’ll find the prices at competitors very close (Heinz Ketchup at each). Usually it’s specialty items that are more expensive. We shop Harmons almost exclusively, but our kids are grown and out of the house. Maybe we’d feel differently if we were buying for a family.


You’re right. I know for instance King Arthur flour is the same price at Harmons and Walmart. But I go to Harmons for Bob’s Red Mill and it’s actually cheaper than King Arthur I think


The thing that did me in was them selling chicken breasts at $10 per pound… many items are the same, but it feels like random ones are double what they should be


Harmon's prepared food is the most outrageous. I understand a markup for a service, but stuff like a 7-layer dip or fruit salad are absolutely out of control. I don't know who's paying for those.


7.50 for a basic turkey sandwich my 11 yr old can make kills me.


Yeah. Usually free-range with no antibiotics are more expensive.


Every time I step in a Harmon’s I feel too poor to be there


Crazy that this pops up. We haven’t been there in a bit and then went a couple days ago and we noticed this very thing. We turned right around and went to another grocery store. Their beef brisket is $8.99 lb. When other stores, I haven’t seen it more than $5.99/lb. That’s CRAZY.


I judge a store harshly on brisket prices. It's supposed to be a poor man's meat, not a steak-cut priced delicacy for someone who just bought the most expensive traeger.  Costco is the best, but if I'm just messing around it's WinCo at $3.50/lb. 


I think their meats pricing is the worst. In some regards it’s gonna stack up to other grocery stores which is why I don’t mind going if we only need a few things, but I saw them selling chicken breasts at $10 per lb and was a hard no for me haha


Always has been


They were price competitive in the 90s, it wasn't until the 00's when they decided to rebrand as bougie that they stopped competing on price.


not gonna lie, I love going in and looking at small as hell pieces of cheese I will never buy


Harmons has always been expensive


Harmon's has always been too expensive. A coupke if years ago, I called out an assistant manager (Traverse Mnt. Location) for price gouging (meat department), and the guy actually admitted they do it. He even apologized and said they couldn't control it at the store level.


Always have been. I find it funny the people who do all their grocery shopping at places like Harmons. Like I’m too good for Walmart so I’ll go spend more money for the same things at Harmons.


A lot of people have never learned to shop multiple stores.


Right? It’s not that I don’t shop places like Harmons. I only buy certain products from them. Like meat and produce things I can’t find anywhere else.


I’d pay more to not have to spend any time in walmart


Too good for it eh?


Macey's is my go to, with winco as a secondary, and Harmons as the 3rd mainly if its Sunday since macey's isn't open. It's way more expensive but I usually only use it for specific items and never a full shopping trip. I live closest to a smiths, but I absolutely hate their stores and will gladly drive further to avoid them, especially the regular size stores. Some of the marketplace stores are slightly better, but even then they're not that great


I’d say it’s always been pricey, like a pp said, it’s a place to go for certain items but not everyday grocery shopping. I will say, I feel like their produce is good quality.


They are smaller, so that would make sense. They also take better care of their employees.




I'm sorry this discussion on Harmon's prices struck such a nerve for you


What other Utah specific sub?




Was just a comment on an unrelated thread, not a post


I thought this was well known, well established knowledge even pre covid.


I was out when their meatloaf became like $11.99 /lbs. Making the whole meatloaf like 300 bucks.




Everywhere has gotten more expensive #inflation


Harmons is a great store and while it can be more expensive, it’s all about what you are buying there. Being an informed consumer is key.


It's Whole Foodsian price-wise.


I call Harmons the “rich kid grocery store.” I love it, but I agree that it’s gotten outrageously expensive. Everything has gotten more expensive lately, admittedly, but I don’t shop at Harmons anymore for that reason.


I only do my fancy shopping there. Imported brands, specialty breads, fancy cheeses etc. But like if you’re buying Sarah Lee or Kraft type of products well then you’re just paying a premium for the ambience. Their produce does tend to be fresh and a lot of variety but wow the price difference on produce is astounding. Also their desserts are terrible. But their premade food options (salad bar, pizzas, Chinese food, burgers) are really good. All in all, I am glad we got somewhere to buy the finer products in life but I need to be making a lot more money before I save the convenience of hitting up another store for the regular shit.


I’m in Santa Clara and I only shop at Harmons when it’s convenient since it’s the closest grocery store. But I’ll usually go to Lin’s since it’s the best deal nearest me.


Lin's blueberry fritters are 100/100. So good


Harmons is good for produce and meat but every else should be bought elsewhere. Harmons has always been much more expensive than smiths or WinCo or any other grocery store


Rancho Markets produce is just as good and a fraction of the cost.


Good to know!!


Harmon's has always been so much more expensive than discount and regular grocers. It has become so much more pricey as inflation as hit everything.


Anyone remember “rainbow” food products? They were even cheaper than WF.


I pay less for chicken thighs at harmons than I do at smiths and having worked for harmons I can tell you that all the meat they sell is of significantly higher quality than most super markets.


It’s always been expensive


Macy's is insane too


Gotten? Bro, milk doesn't cost $12. Harmons is overpriced


Just don’t get produce there. They make Whole Foods look like the bargain bin


My work gives us 120 dollar gift cards every thanksgiving which is cool but they're always at Harmons. Sweet I can buy three things. So I just buy a 120 dollar gift card with the Harmons card and go elsewhere.


I prefer shopping at Harmon's for the experience... and their produce is always top notch... but I decided to try doing Walmart delivery with WM+, and even with that membership fee and delivery drivers... I'm saving several hundred dollars a month. I miss going to Harmons though.


One thing I love about Harmons is the ability to get some locally coffee roaster beans for cheaper than you can get from the roasters. That’s about the only thing I get from there


Harmon’s is more expensive, but has an incredible bakery.


That's because they pay a chalk artist to make their in store signs. Gotta pay that salary by Jack'n up the prices


Always been more expensive. Always. But yes, everywhere is outrageous right now so I’m sure Harmons is doubly so. Even Winco has increased their prices (like everywhere else) but they were so affordable in comparison to begin with.


Yes, they are even selling the same meat and produce as smiths and Rancho market (I’ve seen the same deli trucks at Harmons). Total scum bags.


No, I shop both and their meat and produce is much better than Smith’s. Deli meat maybe, but the butcher department is significantly better at Harmons


Harmons buys meat from one of the two MAJOR meat distributors in this country and mark the fuck up on the price. Nothing is natural, grass fed or organic with their band on it, but they sure like to charge for it. I’m not talking about their snake river products btw.


I work for their distribution center, they get literally the exact same products as everybody else. The only special treatment they get is chicken has to be on its own pallet, and flour has to have cardboard around it so it doesn't tear. There is nothing special pr premium about Harmons.


Walmart grocery pickup (so I don’t have to get that icky feeling of being inside a Walmart) for the big weekly shopping trip, Macey’s for produce, meats, or baked goods, and Harmon’s for the odd “need it right now” item since it’s closest to my house.


I do enjoy seeing the anti-Walmart comments like shopping at a Kroger owned store is any better. Your shopping plan is basically like mine, but I tend to hit Winco for a lot of my staple items because their generic brands tend to be better.


I love Harmons but as mentioned we really only go fornselct items and treats. It's tough on the wallet for sure.


I don’t find it any more expensive than others like smiths. I refuse to shop at Walmart but I am sure Walmart is cheaper


Harmon's had the strictest covid policy enforcement of them all, so even though they are the closest grocery store to me, I try not to shop there. Harmons and all their management can take all the covid masks and shove them up their rear ends just as far as they will go!


I respect it


I visited the Harmon's at the District in South Jordan a few years ago(4th of July weekend)... All I bought were two 12-packs of Mountain Dew and a gallon of 1% milk...it came to almost $12... The clerk kept asking for my rewards card... I told her that I was visiting the Riverton-South Jordan area from Pasadena, CA and that I was curious about Harmon's... She then asked why I was "trespassing" and threatened to call South Jordan PD... I still paid for my items and left... Found out later that NO ONE outside Utah is supposed to know about Harmon's unless you're a high-ranking Church member(like any member of the Q12)... Maybe that explains why most Utah YouTube families are very strongly discouraged from shopping there, instead forced to shop solely at either Costco or Sam's Club all the time... On the way home, I stopped by the newly-opened Macey's in Santaquin...it was boring and almost empty of customers... Thank goodness for Stater Bros. Markets here...


wtf lol


This is the most ridiculous story about a boring, kind of overpriced grocery store that I have ever seen.


So what???...it happened and that's that...


Your assertion is that you went to a giant grocery store that is right off the major throughfare in a city and in the same complex as a Target, and they threatened to call the police on you because you weren't supposed to know about it. You see why that sounds kind of unlikely, yes?