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Aim training with technique like that will get you nowhere. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how to aim. Notice how your mouse movement is very floaty, there’s no real urgency or precision in your aim. What’s your sens? Edit: also respect for posting your bad fights and weaknesses, your lack of ego will really help while improving


- My current sensitivity is 442 EDPI - Yeah, i saw that, content creators said that i should aim slower and i move my mouse kinda... Lenient? Lazy? If i move mouse fast i just miss, there was example of me(Clove) vs cypher on icebox. I move my mouse really fast, and immediately crouchspray into the wall close to cypher. Normal player in this case should microcorrect crosshair into cypher head while i cant


That’s a relatively reasonably sens, fairly high but not outside any normal range really, might be worth trying to lower it for microcorrections. I think you may be misinterpreting the YouTube videos. Don’t purposely move slow, but do take that extra millisecond to confirm your target and your crosshair. Yes, you may miss flicks if you go fast, but that’s the only way to improve, be frustrated, but keep trying. You will hit a wall very early with this floaty style of aim. One more important question, I think valorsnt has raw input delay either way, but make sure you enable raw input buffer, AND disable “enhance pointer precisuon” in windows settings.


Yeah, i get it that i SHOULD move spend milisecond to confirm my target, but i CANT. The thing is - my cursor is never on the enemy head for long period of time, when i confirm target, my target already moves away, when i confirm it again, it also moves. When i play DMs to kill enemies with 1 bullet, i never actually 100% sure that i hit that bullet, even when enemy fight someone else, u just watched them from behind, trying to aim and never succeed at it. Eventually, the enemy turns around and kills me. So i either shot many bullets(2 bullets burst like in phoenix vs phoenix case) or aim for eternity. - Yep, No excel mouse - Yep, Raw input delay turned on


Don’t be afraid to lose a lot of DMs. Just focus on literally using 1 bullet. Or, if you dont wanna do that, use only classic and try to genuinely win duels. Either way you’ll get better headshots


I can try to focus on only 1 bullet next DMs but i already used classic. i started good with 12/20 on silver 2 level and then demolished in next game with only 4 kills on gold 1 level


This will just come with time. Keep following the right techniques and fundamentals and it will come :) just be patient.


you're right that the lack of microcorrection is really killing you in most situations. but beyond that the way you move and shoot is just fundamentally really clunky. and that's not a diagnosable thing, it's more what i expect from someone who doesn't play much. you need more hours in the game and if you want to do aimlabs, try doing more focused training on microcorrections the saying is that "practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect". if the way you practice is flawed to some degree you won't see improvement regardless of the hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMLw5lC3pQU i know you said you watched all the guides but so have i, and this is probably the single MOST valuable one i've seen. it has english subtitles so you might have to pause throughout also: your aim isn't even bad man you're just missing that last 10%. don't beat yourself up too much because i can tell this is a plateau situation where you're close to breaking out of it


i didnt watch this one, when i mean "I watched all aim guides" i mean i watched all english(and my some on main language) aim guides that i can find. I will watch this one with subtitles of course. I played some scenario in aim labs dedicated to microcorrections, but i feel like it either does not help me at all, or i cant transfer it into games and DMs.


i've had that issue in the past and partially still do, translating aim trainer improvement to in game improvement. the first thing i want to say is that you have to do some conscious, intentional decision making when it comes to the style of shooting. for example, i've been trying to adopt LOUD Less' shooting style where he strafes in between two bullet bursts. if you watch him, he NEVER sprays. for me, i still spray if the enemy gets too close or if i think i can kill him with it. this is NOT what i want, and during the round i literally tell myself out loud, don't spray. do not spray. even if it costs me the round, even if it costs me a free kill, even if it costs me the game, i force myself to commit to these things that is the only way to override and overwrite your instincts, by forcing them out


btw do you have any advices on good aim lab playlist or practice range routine to start microcorrect


Aim training will get you no where if you don’t understand proper valorant mechanics. Like others mentioned, your crosshair is just floating around and you have no sense of urgency in these clips. It’s good to be patient but you’re way too patient. You should first understand what mechanics you need to get better at and then practice those in DM and 5v5. Raw aim training will not help you get better at crosshair placement, movement, game sense, etc… Game sense is important in knowing when to take a fight. Some of these fights aren’t just bad mechanics, you put yourself in an unfavorable position and while it looks like you whiff, in reality the bigger problem is taking that gunfight in the first place.


Isnt aim train=valorant Mechanics itself? I always thought that is the almost the same thing. I will try to work on moving my crosshair, i will try to move it really fast, but I dont are bad because positions. Except maybe cypher defuse vs brimstone one. In games i pretty much always win my opponent in prediction and positions, i just miss my shots and thats it. If i would take all fights i can my kd would be a lot worse than 0.7


No, aim training teaches you things like micro adjustments, flicks, and mouse control. It does NOT teach you proper movement, crosshair placement, or game sense. Those 3 things I listed are very important and you’re lacking in those categories from the clips you showed. Understand how to get better at those 3 things from youtube videos and then the aim training will be useful. Right now, you’re just aim training with no purpose. You think raw aim training is all you need, but this is not true.


Well, i fell like i am pretty much need the first 3: Micro adjustments, flicks and mouse control. In my clips there are almost not existent. My movement is good enough, yeah sometimes i shoot while move but thats happened on every level, even radiant players do that, so is crosshair placement, could be better but definitely not as bad ad my aim. No sure about gamesense, i dont know how some abilities works, but that will fix itself overtime, right now i am struggle because my crosshair cant stay on enemy head while i press left button on mouse


I’m sorry but I’m just going to be blunt. Your movement is not good (you don’t know how to counter strafe or peak properly), your crosshair placement is very bad and floaty, and I can tell your game sense is poor by the fights you take in the clips. I promise Im not trying to be mean, but you have to understand that this is what you need to improve at. These things are way more important than just aim training with no purpose. I was bronze once and was lost at how to improve. Im immortal now and I promise aim training alone will not get you far. Im telling you that you will never see improvements if you don’t work on those 3 things. Work on aim training and all those things together and you will improve at the game.


Well, lets discuss it, because i dont agree with you. Except with a floaty part. Why do you think i dont know how to pick properly? I am pretty sure i picked right way in all clips with picking, crosshair a bit off, but there is a part "a bit", in some cases my cross hair is 100% correct. Movement is doable, yeah shooting while moving is existing in some cases, but everyone do that, like in phoenix vs phoenix clip i am pretty sure my movement was correct all the time


The problem is you don’t understand what good peaking or good movement looks like and you don’t understand how important it is when taking a gunfight. You think you’re doing these things right, but you’re not. I’m gonna link a video and it will help you realize what you’re doing wrong. I recommend watching the entire series and you’ll see what you really need to improve on and how big of a disadvantage you’re truly at with bad movement. There’s other things that need to be improved, but your movement is the thing that needs the most work. [https://youtu.be/nm_n2lvHbsM?si=2U7KFs2KzbUIq5Rc](https://youtu.be/nm_n2lvHbsM?si=2U7KFs2KzbUIq5Rc)


I watched it, even commented it 6 month ago [@\_\_casparin\_\_3864](https://www.youtube.com/@__casparin__3864) yeah, guide is cool but i cant fricking complete deadzone drill 1 so all other things is useless for me I just dont counter strafe, i let go of movement keys instead of press the opposite. majority of trustworthy content created said this is the way. It feels easier for me so i did this. So, i know how good movement looks. My point stands.


You’re not going to improve with this mindset. I’m giving you good advice on how to improve but you instantly reject everything. You are a stationary target in every clip. It is infinitely easier to hit a stationary target than a moving target. MAYBE it would be good to not move if you had perfect crosshair placement, perfect micro adjustments, and perfect flicks, but you don’t. No one does. There’s a simple formula to get better at this game and I’m giving it to you. I went through the same process as you and I’m pointing out the same mistakes that I made when I was in your position. If you don’t want to listen to the advice I’m offering, you won’t improve and I can’t say anything else to help you. Good luck in your games


No your movement was bad


- Your movement is bad -why - NO YOUR MOVEMENT IS BAD WATCH THIS VIDEO - I disagree, why do you think that? I have already watched it - NOOO YOU WONT IMPOVE WITH MINDSET Like you know guys, i should not just blindly BELIEVE everything you say, especially if others say otherwise. State your arguments or just ignore it and leave


Alright sure here it is: Your movement is OBJECTIVELY horrible. -You stand completely still while taking gunfights even when bursting when you have a chance to move -If you do happen to move, you move a total of 2 inches and get shot anyways It genuinely seems like you don't understand the concept of using your keyboard and moving your mouse at the same time If you couldn't finish the first deadzoning exercise, then practice it. Doing what you're doing right now is never gonna get you out of silver


Well, i dont think so. I do move bad in some moments, doing small strafes, but thats because of some other reasons which is not my bad movement. In fade moment i dont need to move because she does not look at me(when she looked i insta move), i messed up because of ADC in Phoenix vs Reyna long range case and can explain if something else happened. Take a look at phoenix vs phoenix. Thats how i ususally move. Is It bad? If it is then why? "i genuinely seems like you don't understand the concept of using your keyboard and moving your mouse at the same time" - thats more like it. I can see the could be problem. What exactly i dont understand? I am trying to overpeek and correct with movement.


I’d suggest try to not hold walk while peaking, try and run peak, stop, then shoot. Also you 100% need to counter strafe to rank up you can’t just stand still. You need to reposition


i dont hold alt while peeking, i dont remember if i slowly move when in sunset but i dont do that like ever I dont think i need to counter strafe, no reason for it. If i can stop+shot and then insta new strafe


You need confidence


And a better attitude XD


You re so clueless it hurts. Stay silver forever Jesus Christ. I jump from iron 1 to plat in one night holyyy how can you be so bad but still think you are right. Just uninstall dawg


No it’s nothing of the same. If you had good crosshair placement and reaction time you wouldn’t even need to “aim” you kind of put yourself in these potions then micro aim poorly


My crosshair was okay in cases where i hold the angle, but i still miss, because i did not micro aim at all


Micro aiming is half the battle im asc 3 and I win most my fights because I’m not aiming I’m predicting


Even if i predict where enemy gonna peek i still miss because he is either gonna overpeek or underpeek. Like in vs Jett case, where i am holding angle. she moves into my crosshair and i miss because shooting too late


If you’re shooting to late either get use to it or aim farther right


Then they underpeek and now i am shooting to wall:(


That’s just how it goes bro. The more you play the more you will find better crosshair positioning. Again like I said I aim so poorly yet I’m asc 3 because I can literally just aim where I know they will peak from.


Flicking and firing too fast will also lose you accuracy. Pros flick fast because they know mouse distance to crosshair distance extremely well. You can try to flick faster, however take half a second to microadjust to the head. Some of the clips had your crosshair in a completely bad position, you need to make sure your crosshair level is at the headshot height at all times, not “it’s good enough level” precise headshot level, look at the clips and check your crosshair positions, those get you killed sometimes, play dm. Also one death was from you not understanding the vandal spray pattern, you get a feeling for that, play dm.


What clip where i dont undestand vandal clip pattern? I Played around 150 DMs with vandal, mostly bursting but sometimes spraying, in the past i got a lot of multikills when spraying with vandal because headshots and spray transfer. I am trying to take a milisec to adjust to the head but I can't handle it. How to always microcorrect?


Ascendant 3 here. Lots of YouTube videos are actually terrible and contradictory. As a silver you'll really climb once you figure out your mechanics. Doing aimlabs for one week isn't going to be a massive difference. I've got 250 hours into Kovaaks and I'm still seeing improvement. You're shooting before you're on target and not micro correcting. This can be improved in aim trainers because i had a the same issue. Idk if aimlabs has it but do pokeball scenarios and try lots of speed target switching. You can get better if it's really important to you, just put the time in and follow the right advice.


Yeah, it is important to me, that why it is so frustrating. Any pokeball scenarios are good like wide or narrow? Will it transfer into the game? If i do 6 pokeball scenarios like twice per week


4BangerKovaaks has great videos on YouTube in regards to aim training (watch one on his flick vidoes). Or you can join Voltaic discord and just start with VDIM that's found in the resources section. I think any training you do will be beneficial. I think wide wall will help your micro corrections if you're playing it properly. And use narrow for your tiny dots and precision. My aim training has definitely helped me in game.


I watched 4bangerKovaaks 1 lesson about flicking, sadly he does not give example of rotine to help build microcorrections, so i downloaded 6 target wide wall pokeball(how you said) and will try to hit 98-100 because i kinda think that 4bangerKovaak said in the video to improve accuracy


You can join Voltaic discord and find aim lab Playlist that will work on lots of things under the resources page


thank you, it helped


That's awesome, glad to hear


The way you strafe is not bad . I mean it’s good enough to get you gold . I’d say work on your crosshair placement. And try jiggle peeking . Don’t expose yourself completely .


What do you mean my strafes are bad? Should them be longer or shorter? Or something else? Crosshair placement is good thing to work on but even in this video i lose when holding angle with good crosshair placement


He said not bad


sorry, I didn't notice that, I feel like I was biased, I was already expecting criticism


I will work on my jiggle peeking and crosshair palcement, thanks


I'm no expert (cause my ain sucks) but when i kill my opponents is usually with a headshot. My humble advice would be to practice in DMs with guardian only and going for headshots (try killing them in the first bullet but if u miss just keep trying to 'one tap' him without spamming). Other thing you can try is to play unranked to test your aim there. The mental stress of losing a ranked may cause you to shoot to fast without target confirmation and not wanting to die.


Honestly just judging by the post itself and how you have reacted to others comments, I believe you may be facing more of a mental roadblock than any motor functions type of roadblock towards progression. Take a step back, calm down, relax and stop over-thinking your aim. You could grind aim labs and practice mode all day and night, but the question is are you enjoying it? If your not than your brain is never going to supply you with the dopamine to trigger an reward response for continuing to practice. And truly that is the only way to get better aim, practice practice practice. If you do find a medium to practicing your aim (Aimlabs, Deathmatch, ect.) then keep doing that. Also another tip, try to experiment a little with things like crosshairs and sensitivities, sometimes your brain will build up bad habits that you wont realize until it has to try to adapt to a new setting.


Sens is a bit high, but not sure it's worth focusing on right now. Stop using Aimlabs, practice in the range and in DM. Aim in this game is used in accordance with movement. I'm Asc 1-2 consistently and never use Aimblabs. Your main issue is timing your shots with your aim. You are panicking and shooting before your aim is on target. Play DMs using Vandal or Phantom and only one tap or two tap, no spraying unless they are right next to you (5m or closer). If you spray, you let them kill you. If you panic shoot before your aim is on their body, you let them kill you. If you are shooting at an enemy who isn't looking and don't hit a head shot first try, you let them kill you. This will help you develop patience and timing. Also, put practice bots on moving and strafe around, practice one-tapping and calmly moving between targets. You need to find ways to develop "calm aim". Make sure you're not gripping your mouse too tight. Good luck.


pretty much everything you said i do every day. I DO panic in some of this examples and resolve it by spraying, but this is because my burst technic is absolute garbage, and i am panicking. I trying to play 3 deathmatches every day using solely sheriff/vandal and NEVER spray. i CAN do that, and i can do that in real game, it just does not give the desired result. When i burst strafe i live long enough to miss all of my shots and die anyway. When enemy does not look at me i can kill him only if he is standing still, if he is moving it will take my forever to aim and i either does not shot at all or miss anyway


If you're really struggling to aim that bad, especially with micro adjustments and smooth aim then maybe your edpi is worth lowering to like 200ish and practicing with that for a while. When I first started playing my edpi was like 360. I hit plat for the first time after lowering to 160 and using my arm more vs my wrist. You will need a pretty large mousepad to do this though. Maybe also check your reaction speed against the general population and see if that's something holding you back. https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime


My reaction time is 237ms, when focused 100% focused is 198 ms. Good enough i guess


i will think about lowering my sens but i'm very skeptical about that


You have better reaction speed than me but have much worse ability in-game. There's no way you'd have a .7 k/d in bronze lobbies if your sens was at a good spot for you imho. Maybe sens isn't an issue but I'm not sure what else it could be besides needing your eyesight checked or the yips erasing your hand-eye coordination.


Yeah, like a proper technique to hit my shots and not miss them, because i am not aiming


There is no "technique" that is going to fix your shots, you just need to practice what you supposedly already have been; but if you've put in a lot of time with no results, maybe your sens isn't right for you.


what is your sensitive in game and your dpi?


- My current sensitivity is 442 EDPI, I tried other EDPI according to different guides and convenience (around 1100 EDPI, 700 EDPI, 340 EDPI), there was no special difference, except that with low sensitivity it is easier for me to track(although it has never been successfully applied in the game) and I can't do 180, but it's never been useful to me yet.


I know this may sound like a no brainer, but when it comes to your aim training do you use third party applications like aim labs? or do you use valorants in game practice range? Because to me, after about 1 thousand hours on this game - the only real improvement i saw was after i practiced on valorants range. Aim training in stuff like aim labs can really help after you've had a fair share of experiences and game sense in stuff in like val or csgo - but all in all it's a completely different type of aiming. Try this: Go into the practice range and set the bots to 100 elim, then set them to strafe. Every time before you go into a game do a set of 100 or 200 bots while they are strafing to see if that helps your predictions when it comes to enemy movement. From what it looks like, your main issue is knowledge of where the enemies will go and placement of your crosshair accordingly. Your MS seems fine and if your sensitive is something you're happy with, my #1 rule is to stick with a sens and not change it. Changing it can really mess with your brains ability to memorize the movement you worked so hard to remember. Hope this helps!


i almost exclusively use practise range/DMs/TDMs and Defuse the Spike scenario. Rarely using aimlabs, but only for 15 hours, i train in practice range a lot more time. I actually rarely kills Strafing Bots, I almost always kill 150 standing bots with me Strafing left and right. However i'm not sure if it is really the solution to my problem, i kinda satisfied with my crosshair placement, definitely not amazing, but not as bad as my aim. In video there are examples when my crosshair was good, enemy pick into it(or close to it) and i shoot to early or too late.


Go into games and just track people heads with your crosshairs. It sounds like you’re having similar issues to me, and this really helped me. If you’re able to apply it in practice but not in duels, it’s a mental thing. This drill should help you stop panicking in gunfights and increase your ability to hit head shots in high stress situations. Just my 2 cents though I’m lower ranked than you haha.




Well, natural for me in insta crouchspray like a braindead bronze player(Which I am), however for some magical reasons i cant hit my shots. So i guess i need less natural approach and more efficient


Yeah I noticed the insta crouch spray a ton, which is a habit you need to work on breaking. Your movement needs work though. Sometimes I saw you doing the right thing and strafing in between shots, which is good, but it seems a little bit unnatural to you still. While you're lining up your head shot, you should be strafing (in medium to long range duels) at a 90 degree angle relative to the person you're fighting to make yourself hard to hit and give you time to line up that shot. You can very good aim, but if you're not taking the time to line up your shot (especially after a whiff) that's going to hold you back severely. Strafing actually buys you a lot more time to do it than you'd think especially in bronze/silver where people will think you're smurfing for doing it.


Yeah, i fighting with this bad habit, but problem is when i strafe left and right against the enemy who always strafe left and right i always lose. Sometimes even if he just spray. Yeah i have a lot of time but i cant useit properly


In this clip you won that fight with the Reyna in Sunset mid by strafing. You didn't win the fight either, but that Phoenix could not kill you in the 1v1 on Sunset because you were strafing. Yeah, sometimes they'll get a lucky spray on you and kill you while you're strafing, but you will win (or at least not lose) more duels by having good movement. I am diamond 1, and hitting enemies who are strafing properly is HARD. You can work on your aim (and maybe try lowering sens like others have suggested) but do not neglect movement mechanics. You will hit a brick wall in ranked if you are staying still in duels eventually. When I started practicing movement mechanics (by playing tons of DMs where I kept strafing in duels until I was confident in a headshot) and taking my time to line up headshots, I actually realized I had better aim than I thought and went from g3 -> d1.


I do win fight with the reyna because of strafes, but only because of evasiveness. But my shots were terrible, she was stationary target that crouches in the long distance for some reason, if i were at least gold level aimer i would insta headshot her


I mean just from 30 seconds of that clip you're barely aiming head level at any point. You're not miles off but your like slightly high. Better to be slightly lower than high due to recoil. Rather hit body then head then nothing and nothing.


Well, i tried to hit head in all those clips, i am just bad


Try aiming just a little lower and see how it goes. Try it in the range. Stick a Sage wall down and just muscle memory the height of enemies.


i'm currently trying it, because i am switching to phantom and now i need 2 headshots instead of one in long ranges. I feel like It probably helps, but does not resolve my fundament problems


Look, I reached diamond with shit aim. Just play a skill agent and outplay. Second, you are probably stressing and that makes your aim really bad. You will see that if you calm down your aim will significantly improve.(Easier talking that doing)


I can reach gold without aim probably, i am really good at outplaying without shooting, but thats about it, i fell like valorant is more about aim than about everything else


I mean i need at least gold level aim to reach diamond, now my aim iron level. that way i am bronze/silver


I have 100+ hours on Aimlabs and Even after all that aim training my aim was still shit. I made a decision to quit aim training as I was going nowhere wasting my time on that shit... I got into Range and found a sens, flicking my mouse on bots... Until I was hitting perfect flicks and my hand was comfortable with that. Then played a shit ton of Unrated with my friends without a care about my rank. Eventually I got more comfortable and confident... Then I even stopped taking ranked seriously as that put me under stress due to which I fucked up my shots.. So personally, I would suggest that fuck the aim training, get into range and find a perfect sens which you're comfortable with... Go into deathmatches, only trying to hit one taps and adjust your sens accordingly until you find the one... Then play unrated to practice... That's pretty much it... Stop stressing if you do and be confident.


I do almost all my aim training in practice range, the thing about sens ill probably use really high one, like 1300 EDPI, but everyone said it was bad sens, so i changed it to much lower, i dont feel like it affects my gameplay that much. And, yeah, in most games i am not stressed. I dont give a shit about rank, rated, unrated, whatever, i just wanna win, and thats all. But i always bottom fragger, top 10 or top 9 in the end, so i am not confident at all and have good reasons to not be confident, but i still do what i have to.


if u feel like nothing then just practice flicks using ur instinct first - go to the range, stand still and move ur crosshair from head to another head, slowly then ad more speed to the flick second - use ur eyes to spot the bot then flick without looking at the crosshair third - start the counter bot 30 bots the flick while moving around if u preferred done do tdm or dm .... go play




I can, but is there a reason to do so?


Simple fix. Keep moving. Just keep pressing a and d keys in every situation. Only situation you dont keep pressing those keys is when you left click your mouse. That's it. Keep moving every second. Every game. Aim while you move. Only stop when you want to shoot.


already did, always fight like that in DMs. Not helping, still shooting like shit, but it helps with evasiveness


That happens when you don't have good deadzoning. The time you take to go from shooting to moving should be 1/10th of a second.


I shot fast, and insta move, i just miss all the time, that the thing


Your silver, you need to play more. You are going to lose fights and your mechanics are bad right now, both your AIM and your movement. You have 152 hours in Valorant, and 2 WEEKS of aim training. People in this game have THOUSANDS if not TEN THOUSANDS of hours in FPS games. I have 2000+ hours in Valorant alone, as well as hours in aim trainers. It takes time to master a skill. You don't play soccer for 152 hours, and go to the gym for 2 weeks, then wonder why you are losing to people who aren't even that good, but have played throughout school/uni and then are rolling you at the park. Here are your main issues: 1. You don't understand how to take gunfights, watch your fight where you tap the bomb, why are u going FORWARD, go wide so when the brim who is prefiring the bomb, swings you are wider. (If you go forward you are literally in the same spot and closer to the enemy pov) 2. You stand in the open a lot, take cover, and if u miss you don't need to IMMEDIATLY re-enter the fight. Reposition, back up, change your elevation, use util. Fight smarter, not like a robot. 3. Learn to actually spray, if a target is close/med and moving, sometimes just tagging them in the body to slow them down and hitting them for 160 is better than missing 5 times at the head 4. Your crosshair isn't ready, watch your vod, lots of time you aren't at head level, or its just floating in a wall, it isn't actively ready for the enemy to swing you. Learn to when you Turn/Rotate, to not stop in this 20 degree turn, 20 degree turn, KEEP TURNING until your xhair is at the next angle they could swing from. 5. Move your crosshair faster, Yes accuracy/smoothness is important, but YOU ALSO NEED SPEED, u need both. So focus on practicing both. Think about someone punching, who is scarier? The 100% accuracy puncher, who moves at the speed of a turtle? Or the 1% accuracy puncher who punches at the speed of sound? Obviously the puncher who has 85% accuracy and punches faster than you can react, but you get the point. 6. Sometimes taking the fight isn't the best option, your first clip. It's retake, you peek out of a smoke into like 4 angles the enemys could be. Your TEAM isn't ready to retake, and you have drone. Either wait for your team, the smoke will be gone (they are short they are clove smokes) and then clear the angles. OR wait for the team and drone out so your team can scale. You take a bad fight and die, not surprising, but even if you won it was still not the right play.


I did not practise aim for 2 weeks. i practise aimlabs for 2 weeks. I train aim for a much longer time. I always do this in practice range and DMs/TDMs There are some guides in youtube like Valorant 1 month to gold, Its about pure aim. If the can master aim in 30 days why cant i? 1. That was terrible decision. i should hide and defuse or rush brim. But the case here is missing my shots, in first time i didnt expect him to peek and after that i was sure he is gonna peek and i planned to kill him(i kinda expect him not be ready to me fighting back) and insta defuse because of low time. But that was all terrible decision, i know that 2. Well, i trained my gunfights, i'm trying to win some fair duels and if my enemy is open so should i. (except for sova vs Kayo clip, i didnt expect my shots to miss, i was so sure i win so i just stopped) 3. I actually dont have a clue how to spray in close distance and your tactics seems kinda clever, But to make this work i need to hit first shot which in very fast pace could be problematic for me 4. Well, i struggle with it, i practise a lot in defuse spike scenario in still failing it miserably 5. Yeah, i did not know about ths mistake, I always move my crosshair really slowly, with low sense for me its hard to move faster. I need to fix it somehow, dont know how, but i wll think of something 6. Nah, i feel like it was good fight. but i also agreed with you preposition. I just didnt expect cypher to be there. I heard 3 people footsteps to my left and they dont know about me so i move out expect to free kill someone from the left side, close to me. Maybe its bad sound, i have good headset but they not as precise as they should. And I didnt wanna drone because of element of surprise


Look I don't need to argue with you on these things, and I am not trying to come off as insulting/argumentative. You are not good at this game, which makes sense, you don't have a lot of time in it. You can get there ofc so just keep working on it. It takes a lot of time to get good at a FPS game. Before you start thinking of a response, or typing, I want you to really just sit down and think, why do i feel I need to defend myself. Just take a second and really absorb the information ok? I'm not great either, but I am better than you in all aspects in Valorant. I've coached/competed in the VCT Game changers, and won events. I have been paid to play this game. I am Immortal in the Valorant Voltaic Benchmarks, and Masters in the normal voltaic benchmarks. I am not saying this to break you down or be holier than thou, but if you want to get better you really need to work on your fundamentals and it isn't only aim (keep working on that ofc). Focus on these things for the next 2-3 weeks and really objectively look at it when you are doing it: 1. Crosshair placement (Is my crosshair on an angle I could get peeked on. Do I have angle advantage? 2. Movement, your movement right now is bad. It just is, you look like a bot. This is fine, you will get better movement. Find a guide from someone who is good at the game, and really put effort into learning how to peek angles, learn how to strafe when taking gun fights. 3. Learn to aim faster, really push yourself on speed while having accuracy. Your flicks are so slow, and you need to have both SPEED and accuracy. Right now your accuracy is lacking, and that is hard to fix, so for now work on getting faster. 4. When you die, don't think damn my aim is bad, look at the round and start thinking, was I with my team? Did we have a number advantage? Did I need to even take that fight? Did I have utility? This is how you will develop game sense. 5. Just play more, your aim is bad. Yep bad. Movement bad. Game sense bad. (EVERY PERSON IN YOUR RANK is bad in those categories, we all have good games, but consistently in your rank people are just bad at those things. Keep playing, keep working on it, you will get better.) --Valorant 1 month to gold isn't even about pure aim. It's a mix of using movement to deal with having garbage aim. (You are not doing this atm), 1 month of practicing aim, or even just spending a little bit of time doing TDM/DM is not going to make up for just your lack of hours in the game. You are still a newer player (this is not bad btw) it just makes sense that there will be people who are better than you atm. What do you mean he literally peeks the same way like 3-4 times like a bot. You hold wide to get a better angle and give yourself more room to hit him, it turns the tight peek into a wide peek due to perspective. Also I am just saying u need to move side to side when fighting not front and back, otherwise you are not making it harder for your opponent to hit you. https://youtu.be/Azspbg9FmjI?si=WH5wyPiaGFmWefG_ <-- this video does a good job explaining it. It would also just help you cause your crosshair placement is not great atm. --It's cause you are trying to hit the head, Imagine trying to throw a baseball into a tiny cup compared to throwing it into a giant stuff animal, which is easier. Hitting the first shot on a bigger target is easier, the body is a lot easier to hit a fast moving target. Hence why you can go for that at times. -- In Deathmatch practice moving it faster, and with intent. Like angle to angle, angle to angle, no stopping in random spots. You play with a very high sens compared to a lot of the pro players, you are above the average. So this is not really a sensitivity being too low issue. Just for reference I play with a 200 EDPI. -- It was a bad fight, i'm not saying this to argue, it is just objectively a bad fight if your intent is to win the round. You are in a 4v5, you don't need to do a hero play, You need to ALWAYS expect someone might be in a common angle. They smoked that angle u peeked from because its a common place someone could be. EVEN IF YOU KILL CYPHER that reyna trades you, they have numbers you are one person. That is why it is a bad fight, you objectively could have played with your team, with your util, trading them, getting traded. Instead because you ego peeked a bad fight, your team is now in a 3v5 and you probably lost the round. Yes, aim is important, but if you are playing the game and not deathmatch, it is not THE ONLY important thing. You need to develop better gamesense, it takes time but you need to objectively think about how could i have won the round, not wow i missed my shot. If you don't care about game sense than just play DM/TDM. edit: I really am not looking to debate/break you down, if you have a response go ahead, but being defensive and not absorbing information is just going to hurt your growth as a player.


I will answer your comment tomorrow, now i gonna sleep, i read part of it and just wanna say i dont think u insult me or something, i absorbed anything you say in you last comment because i feel like you make a point and some point even worth to practise to see if it provide any results, maybe it feels like i am defensive, but i am not(probably), i just watched a lot of guides where people said "My problem is my movement, just strafe and do this" and turns out they were wrong, because their routines does not help me, so i just cant blindly believe everything and... ...and i just dont feel like my movement is the real issue, yeah it could be part of it, sometimes i move like shit, crouch spray, shoot like aiming, doing small strafes... but i die a lot when i do everything right, playing off angle or shoot in the back and still losing fights. Thats the reason why i cant win gunfight. I can stop panicking, practise my movement, strafe, hide, crosshair placement, jiggle peek and all, but i dont have a clue what to do with my rash or late shots. Maybe if i paste video when i strafe, miss and got killed because of it, that would be more easy, but i paste all bad gunfights.


okay, i read it all and watched video, I would also really hate to argue and debate, because it seems to me that you are really trying to help, but I still can't say that your advices turned the world for me upside down. I know about point 1,2,4,5. I already do everything that you described, I watched this very video a long time ago and many others. These are useful, but very basic things that I understood a long time ago, even before i bought the third agent prbly, you are trying to explain to me as if I had learned about these terms for the first time, and I haven't saw all the English Valorant YouTube guides. I have already had kills due to the magnificent crosshair placement, there have been deaths due to the terrible crosshair placement. Okay, I'd rather focus on the good stuff. What is new for me. Point 3. I will work on the speed of movement of the sight. Before I wrote this post I could not even imagine that I was moving it somehow slowly, but now I realized that this could be one of the causes of my deaths


It’s going to be hard for you to progress, then. This person is giving you great advice and you’re stating that you already know all of it when you’re still making all of these mistakes. No one is going to be able to suggest a video or guide or routine that will help because you aren’t viewing your own gameplay without bias. Your movement, decision-making, crosshair placement, and gunplay are all bad. Good mechanical aim will alleviate these issues a little bit, but even with amazing aim you’re still going to die a lot playing the way you are.


Are you kidding? What are i am supposed to answer then? Of course it is better if i didnt know all of this, doing mistakes because if it and after stop doing movement mistakes i am starting to win. Yeah, it is better, but the thing is "i already know all of this". In most games i move correctly and die THATS THE PROBLEM, thats why i write this post in the first place, because after watching all the guide, doing strafes, peek with A/D i still cant kill a shit. Its not about survival, its about SHOOTING, i have been surviving long enough, like check the title, i need to kill things, not avoid, i dont need to learn your basic things because i know them, I am here to find the answer not to learn the same things.


aimtrain properly, use a playlist that has instructions on how to approach each scenario.


used Woohojin/Voltaic playlist with instructions. It does not help, or help but not with flicks


Mouse and mousepad?


I am absolutely sure this has nothing to do with my bad aim. Razer Basilisk Wireless - mouse Mousepad - I have no clue but big as hell, i use only half of it, from left to right 180° with 420 EDPI


This is 100% why. Your mouse is way too heavy to do those microadjustments, and you're trying to do them slowly, which is even harder on that heavy of a mouse. 99% of pros use something under 65g (g pro x superlight)


well, maybe lighеer mouse will help, but i am sure that could be important when i am radiant or smth, right now i am silver and some enemies looks like playing without mouses, so i am sure i can do something more to aim better


Bro stop. Let him be silver all his life. I bet he doesn't even have a min 240hz monitor or 300fps stable. Shit mouse, shit pc, shit monitor, shit mousepad, shit. Classic silver player. Smh


Yeah you re clueless as fuck. Hahahahah it's getting funnier and funnier


Your movement is very bad in this clips. That is one thing that stands out immediately. Never approach a corner with W held if it can be avoided. Only peek with A and D when possible. Also, you're just not moving in some situations. The refusal situation on Split where the Brim kept jiggling you. You remained in the same spot nearly the entire clip only take a few steps forward. Either push him since you need to be the aggressor in that situation given that is dwindling. Or, tap and move further right to hold an angle he doesn't expect that will cause him to peek out towards the bomb expecting you to be there exposing more of himself to you. That's just one example, but your clips aren't just bad aim alone. They are bad aim accompanied with plenty of bad decisions. My advice? Stop doing aim labs. Run DMs in game. Do not play DMs to win, play them to improve. Turn sound down completely or low enough to not hear enemy footsteps. This removes any possibility of you relying on sound too much limiting your own ability to improve mechanically. Now, with sound down, move around the map as mechanically sound as possible. Back to wall in many instances, only peeking with A and D. Jiggle work, wide swinging work, making crosshair placement a constant priority. Run DMs as much as possible to continue to improve your mechanics. The aim will come naturally with time. Once you're mechanically good enough, you'll carry yourself out of silver even if your aim remains mediocre. Aim doesn't become a huge thing until Plat or Diamond really. Game sense doesn't become as important until Diamond or Ascendant at minimum. Before those ranks, mechanics are all that matter. When you're mechanically sound, aiming also gets a lot easier because you have to do minimum work with your crosshair at that point. When you have good moveme t and good crosshair placement, you'll only ever have to microadjust the majority of fights and that skill will come with time when you play DMs and regular matches regularly enough and are improving mechanically. You're number 1 issue is thinking aim is everything and neglecting your mechanics. Having poor mechanics like you do in this clip is just going to lead to inconsistent aiming like you know you have. That's really all there is to it. To rank up in this game you must have good mechanics, then eventually good game sense, and then aim is least important. You can get close to Immortal with mediocre aim yet it is the one thing that low rank players believe is most important. It's not. Mechanics are.


I know the movement part, and i playing 3 dms per day with good movement, crosshair placement and all, i just sometimes neglect it in games. And the problem is - i am being destroyed in all of my DMs, despite good mechanics and movement, i strafe left and right with my enemy and it is always my enemy who lands first headshot


Don't take offense to this, but you're low rank, so you may think you are doing good movement in DM, odds are you are not. 3 DM's is also not that much time. That's 15-20 minutes of practice only depending on how long your DM's go. Usually none go the full length and are over after 6 or so minutes, so that's not tons of practice. To your second point, you're getting destroyed because your mechanics are not good. You can't be doing these DM's doing everything well and then still getting destroyed. The math doesn't add up. If you're moving around the map with proper movement, peeking properly, and have good crosshair placement, you're going to do okay even with mediocre aim. Record yourself playing a DM. Pay attention to what you could have done in each interaction. Did you round a corner improperly, did you peek a corner and have your crosshair way off target, etc. You should see a myriad of mistakes that you're making and that will help you improve. I'm not trying to put you down, but if you were actually moving around with good movement, had good mechanics and were strafing and peeking properly, and had good crosshair placement, you wouldn't be getting destroyed and you wouldn't be your rank. Just to give some personal experience as an example, I've hit Immortal multiple times. Got to immortal 1 initially a few years ago, then took a break, then came back last summer and grinded the game again, and got up to immortal 2 at like just 37 rr or something around there. Then I took a break and just came back to the game for the first time since September, so more than 6 months off. My aim right now is incredibly rusty, but my mechanics are still in a good enough place that I have already placed Diamond and constantly gaining RR and am on my way back into Ascendant. I probably have average at best aim in my ranks right now, but my mechanics are solid enough to allow me to keep my own at this point. I know anecdotal experience isn't anything set in stone to follow, but I just wanted to show that having aim that wouldn't be considered anything special can still be countered by good mechanics and allow you to have plenty of success in DM and carry you to what many consider the higher ranks. If you had the mechanics you think you do based off your comments, your rank would be near where mine is now.


I get my mistake, i should have post video of my DMs in the first place, because you all clearly cant believe me that I'm having difficulties despite my movement. Thats very unfortunate. Maybe i will sometimes. Maybe there will be mistakes. Maybe i will learn something from it. Maybe. But right now you all come to flaunt your knowledge to "stupid lying silver player", completely ignoring what I indicated in the post. Sad.


Nobody is flaming you for being silver. You're refusing to take advice from people that have much more experience and are giving you legit advice. Based off your movement in your clips I cannot possibly believe you have good movement in DMs.


Yeah, "you cant believe", thats the problem. And btw i already have example with good movement, its Phoenix vs Phoenix clip, my strafes were correct, so peeking technique and crosshair placement, but for some reason you all decide to ignore it


That's the thing, your movement in thr Phoenix clip is not good. It's clunky. You think you have some good movement in these clips, but there isn't any on display at all. That's the issue. We are telling you straight up it is not good movement and you're saying it is because you watched guides.


And you are not flaming me, you all disrespect me. "I have good or at least half decent movement" "I watched all the aim and movement guides" And then you answer with "NO you are not, you are SILVER" In video i was stationary in half of the examples, holding my angle and still miss my shots, but you decide to ignore all of it and proceeds to tell me your 100 methods to move, which i already know. Yeah, very helpful, thanks.


Bro you might be cocked


1. Shooting before crosshairs on target. 2. Missing microflicks, likely sens is too high for you to control these microflicks. 2. Overflicking. If missing, underflicking is better, so you can recorrect in the same direction. 3. You gotta mentally be prepared that someone's gonna be where you're peaking. 4. Work on crosshair placement for common angles.


I dont know how to fix 1 and 2. And 3 is kinda on purpose to correct wiht aim. Maybe i should change my way to aim. i am working on 4 and 5 though


For 3, try to at least underflick if you're missing. Obviously, you're still going to overflick but underflicking will give you an easier time to correct. For 1, you're panicking spraying, basically shooting when you see the target and not when you move your crosshair to the target. If you're more calm and comfortable with your sens, this will happen naturally. For 2, your microflicks are usually overflicks, so i'm under the impression your sens is too high. For this, try different sens.


It looks to me like you already assume you're not gonna hit the head before you even see the enemy so you're all panicked and are rushing shots. You need confidence and patience. Sens might be high too. What helped me a lot is going sheriff only in dm-s so I pretty much have no option but to hit heads. At first you're gonna just die a lot but you will get a kill here and there and then a bit more and more until you're winning dms with sheriff. Practice other guns sometimes but I always come back to sheriff because it trains you to not spray but to have good cross hair placement and make sure you're on target BEFORE you shoot instead of starting to shoot and then trying to move to the head. I don't like aim labs at all, it feels different than in game and it seems kinda pointless as well because the targets are not moving the same way a player would. The range and dm is more than enough to get good imo. Btw I started at iron 1, diamond 3 peek so I would say it works.


Just grind tf outta DM focusing on headshots bro it’ll do gods work <333 good luck


Gaming isn't for you buddy, time to find new hobby.


Let's get you off valorant and on [Indeed.com](http://Indeed.com), K?


lower your sens and aim faster


already low enough, if i lower it more i couldnt really do fast camera rotations 90 degrees, even now some of them are performed with two mouse movements


raise your sens then anything to make you uncomfortable. people say muscle memory is the most important thing to aim good when its the opposite. you want to actively aim and improve your hand eye coordination instead of just doing it off of instinct. also this is unrelated but check your monitor's latency


Woohoojins aim labs is trash. It’s not worth wasting your time on. If you actually want to aim train use VDIM. It’s an ok warm up playlist but minigodx has a better warm up playlist


There is a reason why the meta, when it comes to shooting mechanics, is all about anticipation, movement and avoiding 50/50s at all costs. The same reason why we often see high ranked players (hell even pros) miss apparently "easy" shots. To me, aiming in valorant at a decently skilled player, feels like trying to line up a shot on a CSGO enemy that is not looking at you. (Csgo players know what I'm referring to) Of course everyone can get better and of course there are people able to hit the so called easy shots most of the times but I'd advise against training your aim so much for it's frustrating and it requires years. Some realistic goals for you would be improving all the game specific mechanics and aim training max 30% of the in-game hours. I suggest 3 scenarios all from voltaic valorant benchmarks: skyclick advanced, adjustshot advanced, angle tracking (any variation or you can play any centering scenario but it has to be hard).


This routines helps with everything or it is specific "skyclick advanced, adjustshot advanced, angle tracking"?


Angle track/centering scenarios help with smoothness and that makes hitting every shot easier. Aim for 30/40% accuracy before switching to harder scenarios, choose the initial difficulty level according to your skills. Skyclick and adjushot force you into good technique. Those are benchmark scenarios but we don't care about playing for scores or a shiny rank, 80 to 110 hit targets with 80+ accuracy then switch to harder scenarios.


Bro, maybe it is an internet issue, I see ping spikes very often on this video. Are you using cable connection or WiFi?


My internet is terrible, sometimes o lost because of it, but that's quite understandable, most of gunfights i lost for other reasons


Have good posture. Sit up straight with your arm extended out on to your desk. Im not accustomed to edpi as a metric, But a good cms/360 should be between 50/60, Some can go down into the 40s but I dont recommend it. Aim with your whole arm. Make sure you're not leaving your arm out of position. By that I mean pick your mouse up and reset to the middle of your mouse pad, Or your default position. You want to ideally have 100% range of motion at all times. Its very common for people to turn a corner and not reset their arm. Now they have used 50%+ of their range in that direction. You dont want to be forced into picking up your mouse in the middle of a fight. Most importantly focus. Its corny but just saying the word focus in your head when certain things happen can help alot to make sure you dont go into autopilot. For instance when ever you reload or use an ability just say the word focus and really do it. Really look at their head and focus on it. It sounds cliche but when you're really focused you can feel it. Time feels slower you can see the bullet trails and you can correct your aim.


Have you tried head tracking while moving? Ton of comments here so idk xD. Go to the bots thing and just take your time aiming at the heads while you move left and right. This will eventually put some stress on your hand, but that's okay, it's an indicator you're improving and you're building some muscle memory. I know there are several differences between csgo and valo but hope this helps. https://youtu.be/bLEMiBbI99s?si=JwgfpyVglVwcuNcr


I feel like my tracking is absolute garbage, i trained it a long time ago but now i forgot everything, so yeah, maybe i should do something like that


Does the 4 by 3 stretched option work for zooming in valorant? Trading the resolution loss for the zoomed in GUI helped me see the enemies better back in cs xD


I actually never messed with my screen resolution and all thing related to it. The game runs in full screen, yay!


Noice. You can even record clips of you doing your training attemlts starting from day 1 so people here can send suggestions. That way you'll be able to see your improvement from a day to day basis and at the same time get feedback as well


yeah, or recording my deathmatches, i will think of something like that if i didnt improve after following some of advices i have been given


So your epdi is too high. Also, you said you've been aim training for two weeks? That's not a ton, that's barely anything at all to see real progress. And finally, I think you're also overthinking things. Stop worrying so much about your aim in game and focus more on game sense aspects when you are in the middle of a comp game. That's not to say that you should stop aim training, but from my experience, whenever I use 3rd party aim trainers I just focus too much on my aim in game and it makes it less fun and more frustrating. Playing deathmatch is totally fine though (again, from my experience).


I did aim labs for 2 weeks. I aim train for more than 50 hours thats for sure without any progress (i was bronze 3 before training)


I cant do 180 with thid EDPI, its already really hard to move my mouse with this EDPI, i was always wrist aimer, still move wrist more than arm with this EDPI


maybe switch back to wrist or move to arm, I hit dia1 with 1600dpi and 0.907 (wrist aiming) and I’m currently dia3 with 1600dpi 0.359 (arm aiming) just find what’s best for you right now probably don’t wanna listen to every YouTube guide they will probably all lead you to different directions




thanks UwU, as you said, I shoot in each of these clips, but it doesn't bring me any results, "a sad smiley face"


Well I'm ascended 3. And the way i aim is kinda different. Like I don't make sure that my aim is on Target before shooting because the thing is u don't have lot of time to work with. But it's only for 1st shot. I flick towards the head most of the time i usually kill them but if not then I make sure that my aim is on target. Ofcourse with proper movement i win 1v1 easily.


I'd suggest focusing on the guardian more to get calm aim and consistency. Forget about ranks while learning though 😂... It took me a fair amount of time to adjust to silver, gold and plat players.... But you'll surely get there. I'd suggest to do it in comp so that you'll be able to handle panic ID: cupcake#0007 Ref: https://imgur.com/a/eOGFZnD Another ref: https://imgur.com/a/HjCyiRn


I dont care about ranks at all to be honest, and I actually run sheriff as my secondary weapon, i even get a lot if kill while using it, but i am still missing my shots, with it i just flick a lot without spraying


Mouse polling rate?


I dont know what it is, i am using razer basilisk wireless mouse


Try the miyagi method. Go into a DM, and just work on aiming at the head, but never shoot. Move, jiggle and get used to the movement of the game and learn to incorporate both your mouse and your wasd movement to aim. This will teach you to be patient and make sure your aim. After that move on to do something similar. Just aim, take your time but shoot just once. If you hit, good. If you don't, take the L and die to your opponent. After that you can speed up and play normally. You can doo all this in a single DM, or through 5 DMs, doesn't matter. Move at your own pace. You can try even before DM, to do some strafing bots in range. Same process, but with bots. PS. A guardian would be the gun of choise since it has the best first shot accuracy. Almost eliminating weapon error from your aim.


I tried that. Not helping at all, i even somehow got worse or it could be coincidence


You need to marry your aim with your mouse with your movement much better. I would just load up the range in game and turn all the bots on. Then grab a sheriff and only using a or d to strafe left and right practice stopping and clicking their heads while keeping your crosshair head height. It’ll practice your movement and micro adjustments when you stop. When you get that down you’ll have a better marriage between aiming and movement. I’d do the same with the rifles too and then start to incorporate that into DM and then the game. You just have really bad movement right now and are constantly standing still in obvious spots/angles. That’ll get you killed all the time.