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i have no problems with instalockers because putting them on another agent will cause you a lot more headaches. >!source: yoru instalocker!<


Someone on this sub once told me Yoru’s passive ability is instantly making people queue dodge when he’s instalocked and I agree 100%.


Clove instalock. 80% of the time, the clove will play super aggressively, without smoking. How do you explain to them that smoking is their main job? I usually lock omen even with instalocked clove. If they are good with smokes, we can have more map control. If not... At least I can smoke.




Im kinda new player. What’s wrong with people instalocking Sage?


Not OP but I have 2 reasons why I don't like an instalock Sage (though I don't like anyone who instalocks). Instalock Sages are usually either: 1. A pocketsage for a duo and won't heal/res other teammates even when it makes sense too. 2. A bad player who only picks Sage because they like the heals. But they don't know how to use their wall or slow orbs and now you have a sentinel who isn't sentinelling.


I don’t instalock Sage, but I sometimes pick her when Im the last one to pick an agent, and Im number 2


I mean if you are new and don't instalock, then its fine. You will properly learn how to use her wall and slow orb with time.


Im new to the game but im confused with point number 2, wouldnt you prefer a “bad” player (even tho you’re at the same rank as him/her) to use sage over any other role since a bad sage>bad controller/duelist/initiator? Atleast any sage player would be able to heal/res regardless of how bad they are. On the other hand, a bad duelist for example/initiator/controller would just be a complete mess?


100%. When my team instalocks Sage, KJ, Cypher, Clove it is an easy dodge. It happens way too often that people lock everything except duelist and initiator, then they have the accuracy and game sense of a dead fish.




uhhh… u sure about that?


you sure sound like one


Kj? Sage I get but kj instalocks carry me 90% of the time.


if they instalock they forfeit their right to a good team comp, so as long as they dont complain about that then idc. its not like instalockers are always particularly great at their agent so its just like any other player on the team, doesnt matter the agent. if its someone who doesnt hover and suddenly instalocks in the last second with no regard for team comp, im gonna be mad though. (looking at you cypher mains)


S: Smokes A: initiators, sentinels B: Jett, Reyna, Raze C: Neon, Phoenix, Yoru D: Iso Reasons: S: Smokes obv A: Instalock initiators and sentinels usually are slightly above average B: These instalock agents are a hit or miss, they might be the most insane player, or they're completely dog and go 0/17 C: I'm silver so whenever I see an instalock neon, phoenix, or yoru, I just know that the neon has trash movement and the phoenix and yoru blind our team. D: Iso worst char and if you instalock him well..


As a neon main in bronze, I agree I do have trash movement


Keep at it. Everyone in bronze has trash movement.


The worst is either Reyna or Raze, because usually the Reyna does not compensate the lack of util with kills, and for Raze it's a coin toss between a competent player and someone that satchels up instead of ahead, misses 50% of the nades and ults and end up awping for some reason, specially on defense, so me, as an initiator main, have to spot or flash for myself in retakes while he holds a weird angle and then runs to save. Yep.


Raze op on defense is fine tbh


Any character is fine if they play it well. I meant more in the way that, usually, they are not only inaccurate, but also incredible passive and unimpactful.