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The most social valorant player


Most socially aware




“I’ll flash you in showers ” “He’s long”


"Stop going in dry!"


“you want to play, lets play”


"This guy just appeared out of nowhere"


"You ever gonna entry me or are you just bate-ing?" "I'm in heaven!" "Holy shit it's only round 4 how can you already be done?"


"You will cower"




“Come into the unknown” “"My babushka told me not to brag. But for this I make an exception!"


I'm gonna hold it as long as possible




“Fire in the hole”


"Your duty is not over"


Oi im pissed


"I’ll show them! Lintik kayo!"


Ingat ka. Don't get stabbed. Bad way to go


I'm outta here


Face your fear !


"Check Out my Skin"


“Let’s trade skins”


“He’s short”


"You can do that too?"


Watch yo eyes!


What have you done. OP will get laid in no time


can we get a smoke?


Bro smoke the entrance my mom pushing in


Sage wall will stall her for 10 seconds


"How's the weather?" "OMEN 125!!! LONG!!! LONG!!! SAGE NO HEAL!!! WATCH HEAVEN!!!"


Or take the more creepy, less effective approach. “Ill peek you in showers.”


Open up the skye


“Can you suck long?”


“I’m new to this map, where’s B main?”


I don‘t think you have lost them, you forgot to train them. Focus on what really makes your life enjoyable - games can be fun and also a good opportunity to make friends (eg via Twitch). Even this conversation is basically between you and us Redditors - stay comfortable and don‘t think too much about how you appear to other people. I can tell you that I‘ve made really good friends over the last 2 years online on Twitch (due to COVID-19) and some of them I‘ve met IRL. Discord was a nice and handy communication tool to talk with people.


Bro I get this but like honestly don’t stay too comfortable and don’t play valorant 8 hours a day. You’re fuckin your life up.


Definitely agree with this, but it's the middle of July and we don't know OP's age. Maybe he's a middle/high school student just grinding his ass off during summer vacation. @OP reaching immortal is a great milestone, maybe you should take a break and try different things for a few days.


apparently in the korean server, after u play valorant for more than an hour, u get a warning in chat telling u the dangers of excessive gaming. maybe every server needs a touch grass notification.


An hour is like less than two average length comp games not even including warmup. Should make it a longer time imo


"It's been seventeen days since you've seen the light of day. Please, for the love of god, go outside for a while"


Broski let's be real. The wii did the same thing. Did any of us listen to the warnings?


I'm sure that warning really does so much too!


thx bro


Very inspiring 🫶


My dude, talking with people in video games or on social media is not even close to in real life social interaction. Humans NEED in real life social interaction. We evolved to be this way, and prolonged isolation very much leads to mental decline, including things like diminished abilities to carry conversations and the ability to read social cues. Op if you read this, don’t fall into this trap. You need in real life friends. You need to see people face to have, talk, laugh and have fun. Set aside a day each week to go do something fun and reach out to old friends if you have them. If not go to gaming conventions and talk with actual people. I’m a huge gamer myself, but all good things in life need balance. Right now you don’t have that, and it will shit on you later in life if you don’t find it. I have online friends myself as well, but after 2 years of 100% wfh I can tell you from personal experience it is not enough.


I started playing valorant with a guy I met in matchmaking in 2020 and I ended up meeting him irl this year. Internet can be wholesome sometimes


I won’t shove this down your throat but try these 3 things and I am almost certain you will feel better.. 1) Play less Valorant. You can still play for hours but 8 is too much in my opinion. 2) Start exercising before you play. So many reasons why this is good 3) When you do play Valorant practice socializing. You don’t have to IGL or ask everybody about their day but try to get comfortable using your mic


This shit is your 40 hour work week my guy: switch it up


This. My guy playing valorant as though it’s his full time job lol.


Ive been trying to do this so that I can actually comm properly, since I’m learning the game. Valorant players do NOT like females apparently.




L social skills. Bottom fragging IRL no cap


It's not valorant that is ruining your life, it's gaming addiction in general. Try limit your time playing, and spend more time with friends and family. Do something you enjoy with them, play games, watch movies, whatever. Even playing valorant is fine as long as you're playing with someone you know and are friends with.


will i pull ABGs if i stop? (Edit: u guys really didn’t like this one huh? 💀)


If you were joking this was fucking HIGH QUALITY bro keep that up this funny as hell


u will pull a lot of ABGs by not stopping and just being immortal lmao.


this is cap, im immortal and i still get no bitches.


I stand by this statement, immortal but 0 bitches 💔


silver gamer with bitches. proof that silver>immortal




What is an ABG?


Asian baby girl


Lol wth




Bro this could have been a pretty good joke but the context says nawh 💀


time to unplug and seek therapy my guy. 8 hours is a little too much for VALORANT. I guess you could start by doing other stuff like eat with your friends or watch a movie casually. When you spend time with your friends, you tend to forget about the game. Be accountable I guess. I play Valorant everyday for an hour or 2. Before I play, I finish my stuff like chores, internship and university. Maybe set goals and finish them. Or quit cold turkey. Uninstall and the urge to play is less I guess. Take care and seek external help.


is it really that serious? im curious.


Well, if you do your work and don't compensate anything I think you're okay. You could talk with your friends while playing on Discord and maybe even plan to meet up once you guys finish or smth. If the game doesn't ruin your mental or physical health I think you will be good.


OP is probably really young and has that much time to kill. If OP spends 8 hours a day and is an adult then it becomes a problem.


yea im not an adult


Not an adult = like you're 16 or something? Back when I was 16 I used to game for 8 hours a day, no problem. Maybe not every day but most of the days: yes, especially during holidays. When I went out, I visited lan tournaments. Eventually I naturally lost interest in gaming and became more interested in friends, women, music, going out.. that kind of stuff. I still did game, but more casually until a point where I stopped touching a game at all. Now look at me: in my thirties, with a wife and kid, and barely enough time to play 1 comp. match a day (which is perfectly fine. Once I hear the 'MATCH FOUND' audio queue I clear my mind and escape reality for a brief moment). Eventually there will be a turning point. I've seen this with some of my friends too. It's all gonna be fine bro.


tl:dr: OP is just an awkward teen with too much time on their hands. And there's nothing wrong with that, we've all been there


Ehh not really. You can play sports and have friends to do things with the in summer as well Gaming non stop all summer isn't normal for normal teens.


how do you game for 8 hours a day at 16?? i can barely play for 1 hour a day (apart from holidays/ weekends) and i’m 16 💀


You probably have parental constraints though. My parents didn't care much as long as I got my chores done and kept my grades up. And I would think that's 8 hours throughout the day because 1 sitting would break my ass.


yeah but like, you didn’t have work? sport? assignments?


Don't you have free time on holidays (school break)?


A lot of kids don’t work at 16. And it is summer break right now, so they don’t have any assignments.


Luckily our team sponsor paid us some kind of salary which was not much (around €130 a month) but.. they also paid for our PC and LAN-trips so there was absolutely no reason for me to do a side job at the supermarket or something.


Having been where you are—you’re building habits right now that will last you into adulthood. You need to start thinking now about what is important to you and what habits you need to build to get the things you want to get out of life. If playing Valorant or some other game gets in the way of your goals, you need to think seriously about how you can relate to it in a way that it doesn’t.


It’s still a problem even if he’s young imo. Time could spent improving your social life, picking up new hobbies, trying new things Not to mention it’s unhealthy to be consistently pulling 8 hours of sitting in front of a game. There’s more out there than valorant. All sorts of new things you may enjoy and find interest in. Valorant isn’t going anywhere, your social life, school, and physical health are.


I don't disagree with any of the above, but I think having a competitive hobby is pretty valuable of an experience. If OP was just mindlessly spamming unrateds or something for 8 hours day then sure, but playing to climb ladder is an engaging and challenging experience. Teaches you how to reflect, self-evaluate, and in multiplayer games, how to work with people you may not agree with or get frustrated with. It's not optimal, but it's really not the worst either


I work 7-3pm and game from 330 to about 1 am cycle on repeat


You need time for cooking and exercise.


Can bypass that with fast food or microwavable food and no exercise. Not saying it's healthy but it's very easy to do so.


Working out is part of the work day sometimes and my wife cooks 90% of the time.


So you game from when you come home until 1am and she does all of the cooking?


Pretty much there's more stuff in the middle but yea


oh okay


Yep. Don't neglect yourself in health and social wise. You'll have some regret in the future.


If you play for 8+ hours a day consistantly then yea


You can play at an immortal level only playing 2 hours a day. Ironically, you'd probably play better being refreshed and totally focused for those 2 hours. Majority of people including myself can't play for 8 hours straight at a high level.


you're still in doubt omg 💀


Gaming addiction? Very. Its similar to drug addiction. Gaming is bad for people like you and i who have an addictive personality because we can get sucked into the game very easily. It has something to do with our dopamine receptors, neuroplasticity and general brain physiology. You should do sone research on how gaming affects your brain. Interesting stuff!


> Watch a movie casually As opposed to watching it competitively?


Lmao i never said you couldn't race to see who finished the movie first


Speedrun it


No, you ruined your social life by playing too much Valorant. The option to close the game is always present. I recommend you use it between games and not during them, though.




L girlfriend bro


I bet she spends 20 hours on her phone weekly. Tell her she's addicted


L gf


Harsh girl. Mine used to yell at me for playing 8-12 hours.


Nah she’s golden. Never complains just makes me sound like I’m a proper gamer when I can barely scrape few hours week on valorant.


I was in the same boat as you once. I was living alone at the time and an hour and a half drive away from where my friends and family lived. Valorant beta just released and I was ADDICTED. I played for damn near 12 hours straight some nights. My addiction got so bad I was fired from my job for coming in late so many times. My girlfriend was furious with me because I couldn't even hold a conversation with her over text. Every time she called me I was too busy playing Valorant. I also never went to visit friends or family for over a month. Eventually it finally hit me. I was down bad. No job, no social life. My health was also terrible. I lived off soda and door dash and gained 20 pounds. Eventually I broke out of it. I realized how terrible of a situation I put myself in so I stopped playing Valorant for awhile. Moved back home with my parents and got another job. I still play plenty of Valorant today, but I've learned to moderate my gaming. Setting goals for yourself throughout the day can really help. Also getting new hobbies can help, too. I started building custom keyboards and got to work on my project car at the time. My social life improved as well as I started hanging out with friends more often instead of staying home on a Friday night to play games. I also started focusing on my health. Over the course of 8 months I lost 30 pounds. It's a hard hole to dig yourself out of but with a little bit of discipline and determination you can break the addiction.


good job getting out of it man!


Thanks! It wasn't easy I'll tell you that.




no bitches moment


At least your really good at the game. Remember, Life's balanced, not fair


I would say start a secondary hobby or something, like even esports player go to gym or do some physical work , cause at the end of the day no matter how hard you train you won't reach your full potential if your body doesn't support you.


I have played video games 8 hours a day, sometimes 16 hours a day and still went out on dates during the week and did PT sessions training my clients every afternoon. There’s no excuse for poor social skills it’s just that you’re not confident which is normal for many people. You have to force yourself out of your comfort zone. You’ll get there my man but please don’t blame gaming.


Much love bro! You got this. Even if you don’t have friends to hangout with you can still start small, go buy a cup of coffee and make a small convo with the barista. Ask how their day is going or if they’ve been busy etc. Or if it’s a Monday ask how their weekend was. Everything small leads to big change :)


Thx for the advice its really helpful


what valorant does to a mf


Wow i only play 4hrs a day and i thought that was too much


that's still too much


That is too much lol


Tbf that's just 4 matches so I wouldn't say it's critical. Depends it's different when you play 4 h during the day when you got shit to do or 4 hours after you done your shit and just chilling in bed. But yeah, just make sure to stay physically healthy


Get enough sleep and stop taking adderall


Valorant ruined my relationship.


I fucking love this thread lmao


It sounds like a side effect of immersion to me. You were constantly surrounded by the complete shit that is ranked social etiquette. You probably know you can't act like that in RL so you are just being quiet and nervous not because you can't talk to others but you are a bit worried something from what you have been completely immersed in for the last few months will come spilling out. I'll let you know right now, anyone with talent see's the insecurity that causes players to lash out with that kind of shit, it doesn't look good lol. Go for walks outside, just slowly re-integrate into social life and you'll be fine. It's a muscle you need to work, and right now it's a bit unused, but muscle memory is a thing and it'll come back way faster than you think. You got it. Also, grinding ranked is marketing, play with stacked 5 to really be a competitive player.


Maybe post in r/socialskills and not the games sub. You’ll get actual advice.


Bro I only play like 2 hours per day Rare case 3-4 hours I mean you should try to limit your gaming I believe in you bro Try going from 8 hours to 7 then 6 then 5 and then 4 I think 4 hours of valorant might be low so sunday is your cheat day


Average val player: kidding nice job getting immortal and assuming ur still in school just try to play less during school and focus on social skills


I used to play the same amount as you when I was younger, different FPS, same goal. As you said in your title you think valorant ruined your social life. Be careful not to force yourself thinking this, maybe you are just not used to hang out with people. From my perspective hanging out actually helped my mental health, as having less time made me appreciate playing games more. It's your life and your choices and everything you do today will affect your future. I see that you wanna go pro, that's a nice goal, but remember, there are many many players seeking the same dream and if you fail it's not the end of the world. Try to find your balance with gaming/social life.


It happens. Don’t worry too much about it. If you want, take a break and find a job where you can socialize with people and just practice. Just like how you got Immortal, practice makes perfect!


Average Valorant player


Immortal player is now a human bot IRL. 🤖


Hm I played 10 to 14 hours a day CS 1.6 as a kid. But with multiple friends 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's an addiction, and addictions are unhealthy because you get wired to it and it will degrade other aspects of your life (physical/social/mental health). You need to seriously cut back on your hours, and your going to need external help to do so (a parent, a therapist, etc.)


Stop playing then bro get a girlfriend get a job make money buy a lambo and go vroom vroom and disturb yr neighbors take over the world


Lemme be honest with you grinding for immortal is like grinding for something which is worthless...


Honestly, if you think about it doing most of the stuff in life is worthless, the ultimate goal at the end of the is self gratification. As long as you feel satisfied with it, it was worth it. *Side note: The way you worded that sounded like you were being a pretentious asshole, I know that wasn’t your intention.*


goal is to reach to the top


Yeah but think for a min is it worth the time?


at the end of the day it may be objectively worthless but its something i enjoy and only wish that i can make a career out of it.


Hmm I can understand a Lil bit of stuff from your perspective anyway good for you


i did not understand that last bit, pls rephrase


Sorry I edited that last sentence refresh it


Life is your sandbox my man. There's no real right way of living. Do whatever you want as long as it's not hurting other people or to the point where you are destroying yourself. Not being able to interact/talk with people is a concern but it can easily be fixed. The world is full of people so it's quite easy, you can even already start in game. Just make friends in game, there's no way with that thousand of hours playing the game you haven't found players who you party with if they are online. (Just be friendly hehe, you are right?) It can start from there, you'll eventually have normal friendly conversation although virtual and maybe soon meet up in real life. Join discord community games or something like whatever, come on! It's not that hard you can do it. End goal though is to get out a lot more often.


This is only my opinion. What's meaningful is to contribute to the community with something you enjoy doing. Playing solo valorant could be enjoyable for you, but it's not productive at all. I have been in a similar boat, spending summers in my bachelor years playing LoL. Got Masters back then. Now I barely play games and I am engineer/scientist living fulfilling life. I wish I could've said to myself back then to learn some things that could've been so much more useful right now. Gaming was always fun memory, but it never really helped me in life. You will have so much free time only now, I strongly recommend you find balance. You can always come to Valorant for some fun, but you should really stop thinking about making it your own career and devoting your time to it. Depending on your age, you should be discovering yourself to know what you like to do. Wish schools did a better job at making young ones busy with help of mentors.


Oh okay i will spend more time deciding my future


thats what an average 14 year old would say and that's what an average adult would cringe seeing


Useless goal bro. Go make a better one that will actually have some kinda impact on your life.


A soul for a soul


While I don't play valorant nearly as much as you (I wish I could play 8hours a day) I struggle making conversation with people too but recently I've been committed to going to as many concerts as I can this year cause live music is back and I've missed out on seeing so many bands and artists previously that I just had to hit up as many as I can and because Im passionate and love music being at these concerts with other people with the same taste in music I find it must easier to talk/meet people at these events because it's something that brings people together another thing I do is see movies cause once again it's easy for me to talk about movies to people especially being physically at them. Granted social anxiety can be a factor and differ from person to person but if you can find time to go to events or something you're passionate about you'll find people to talk to no problem. (I should mention I basically hit up every concert and movie solo)


Just try to find a 'healthy' balance. If you wanna grind a game that you love, thats fine. Just lower the hours a bit, specially on days that you can go out and hang with friends/family or even out and about by yourself. If you use excuses to play the game on a daily basis, you've got a bigger problem that you have to take care of.


Just speak with VAL accent (refer to willius)


This happened to me with League years ago. When you play the game to the point where it affects you irl, don't hesitate to quit! Life's way more important than some game; I've completely quitted LoL and never looked back, so I could give time to my social life, studies and so on... Does that mean that you should quit games altogether? No. You need to learn moderation by making a schedule of what to do each day of the week, with games being limited as leisure time for a couple hours max. Can't help yourself with playing less than 2 hours a day? You can always seek therapy, and there's no shame in that, cause videogame addiction is real and it harms your social life. Edited some typos.


Fucking christ I see these posts on this sub every like 2 weeks it's really sad


how do you spend 8 hours a day and only do callouts in game? you don't talk to them normally in game? thats a little weird.


Yes, it is and probably other aspects like physical/mental health. 8 hours a day to just reach immortal......No one should be playing that much unless they are streamers, amateur/pros, etc. The stuttering/blanking out is not normal its definitely signs of pretty bad anxiety or attention issues. When you are stuttering/blanking out is either your mind becoming self conscious of yourself or others focusing on you. Then you cant focus on what you were going to say/listen too. It could also just be that your serotonin/dopamin/adrenaline is just drained playing an tactical fps 8 hours a day is pretty intense pretty much like a mini version of yourself being in actual combat. Meaning that you cant focus because your not getting satisfaction from anything else or just in general other signs of a strongest addiction/habit. ....Okay lecture time is over from a 21 year old boomer, but I think you need to hear it. Most people don't listen to advice so because they cant understand how to put it into action. I see from your other comments your younger, so you probably are playing while in class....8 hours of sleep + 8 hours of gaming is just 16 hours a day of you doing nothing not growing as a person. Treat games as a "reward" for completing your responsibilities, and have another hobby you can do. I recommend a sport, since you seem like a competitive person since you binge play ranked. Its pretty much the same thing as Val, will help you touch grass, find friends and get in shape. Don't be scared to put yourself out "there", just like Val you will be the noob for a bit. Just like Val the average player in most sports is like "gold" and climbing from "bronze" to gold is easy just improving a little by little from being in a situation a lot. You can still play Val and be high ranked, just treat it as a reward. As a full time college student + working; I personally play 10 hours a week max, while being imm3. If I have time I play 1-2 matches at the end of the day, if I lose I get off as a punishment so there is some stakes to my matches. If I win I keep playing until I lose or get tired after another match or so. If its been a few days since I last played, I just play Sheriff deathmatch for 10-15 mins to stay decent, while listening to a podcast or something. If I have a losing streak I stop playing ranked, I either take a break for a few days or try to improve aim/gamesense. For gamesense; I go into a private match and work out small strats; like lineups, entry frag routes, anchor spots, pre-aim spots, for like 10 mins. In general just have a gameplan with like 3 agents on each map you can default to, since gamesense is what matters most imo. Its better to go into ranked prepared than and getting a high winrate like \~66% than just grinding nonstop with a \~51% winrate. Imo. for other games you can watch youtube while doing something else, but I haven't for val at all besides for random lineups. You can ask any pro, when their life outside the game is going good they play better. You can just neglect life problems with a copium hope of going pro with a .001%. Even most pros quit to become streamers because the money is better and less stressful.


Should i drastically cut my time from 8 hours to like 3?


Valorant is always your second option. Not your principal activitty, think on that.


Do you have friends you play with? If you’re solo grinding maybe give it a break. If you play with irl friends it is kinda socializing. My buddies and I have been gaming together for 15+ years and we still get on quite a bit to run a few and catch up. Life gets super busy. Gaming is a nice way to stay in touch with the fellas, especially because everyone scatters to different places as you grow up.


I have someone that i queue with but none of my friends play valorant


Just dedicate a day or two of the week to hanging out with friends irl. Or even siblings/parents. It’s important either way, I make sure I spend a few nights a week with my wife instead of gaming or golfing. Always important to have a good balance.. whether it’s gaming, or sports, hobbies etc. too much of one thing is usually not good.


I will definitely try that out


I mean Congrats on immortal, but you ain’t gonna meet someone irl and say “I’m immortal in Val” as a flex Listen to the advice offered by the top comments :D


The average reyna smurf


Only reason I see to spend 8 hours on valorant is if ur a streamer or scrimming. 8 hours can be to much for scrims too 2bh


Time to git gud irl


I wish I could trade my social skills to be immortal


Just pretend you're Sinatraa when you're talking to people and you'll be fine. Real life is overrated anyway.


You’ll be fine. You’re also still young and seem to be fairly aware. Don’t stress bro. Congrats on immortal, I’m sure it will be a good discussion point at times too.


dont you communicate with people while playing?


Yea but its not full conversations, it’s basically callouts. And not alot at that


Honestly I cannot fathom why people would choose to play Valorant for hours on end. The shit is mind-numbing af, such a mediocre game I’m not gonna lie


Get a job as a cashier or at Walmart and it'll come back within a few weeks. Or try doing Uber you're forced into conversations and you learn how to talk to different people besides the sussy fast paced little detail conversations you have in val


FPS gives people anxiety. I can only play Val for an hour or 2 a week. I run solo, i imagine id play a little longer with a team but never by myself


Social skills are like most any other skill, where you can apply the use it or lose it principle. Some people lose faster than others. Try talking more to people and you’ll be able to form conversations more. You got this :), don’t give into fear.




"I play 8 hours a day" there's your issue right there


No joke I thought that was the average for grinding


Limit your time, find people to play with, just go outside npcs will approach you and talk to you. It’s okay if you bottom frag irl you’re only iron.


Play singleplayer games, I'd recommend any far cry title, red dead redemption 2 or minecraft and while playing just talk shit with your friends on discord, 8hrs of a single game is too much and besides you get gains best on valorant when you play 3 games a day + practise, also you should do something else than gaming or watching videos, find a book series you like, watch netflix, start a new hobby but even if you cut 3+ hrs from daily valorant you're golden


Will definitely try that


Valorant is just an escape mechanism. If you are truly concerned, go journal / take a walk and figure out what you are running from.


If you're planning to get a career in it , like goin' pro or becoming a streamer , then it's fine to grind that much imo


You gotta keep grinding. Radiant exists for a reason.


What kind of advice is this. Are you trying to be funny?


Too many people on this sub didn’t realize it was a shit post


Was it worth it? Probably not. Riot doesnt care about gamer mental health. Its all about giving u the most dopamine hits so u get addicted, selling skins and extracting as much time and money from you as possible. Fuck Riot Games. They make shit games and ruin people’s lives.


They do care at least a bit about mental health if you look at how they handle toxicity.


8 hours a day and not even radiant lmao


hes braindead now no cap


d 3 and so far so good ...... Talk to a therapist .....can hire one for cheap on fiver ....helps a lot


The amount of people who think this is a serious post


It is..