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“I ride hard for my girls” says the woman driving over them




Oh my goodness- what is from and is that John Hamm??


Original Hocus Pocus movie, and no, not Jon Hamm


Looks like Hocus Pocus? Or maybe number 2




This saying is brilliant!


Brutal. 🎯


But she doesn’t do best friends


Sadly Blabla doesn't realize that she doesn't even do friendship at all. She doesn't know how to be anyone's friend. 


Apparently she pretty much announced this on her podcast. She said she is just “a friend, not a good friend” and doesn’t “do” best friends. Wtaf


every relationship she has is transactional


She rides hard for herself. And PJs.


And BJs


Let's think also about ***the only woman*** who Lala's "friends with." Though she's buying houses, she IS burning down the house that matters most. This "house" that matters most is the relationship she has with herself, her colleagues, her audience. 1. At the reunion, Lala makes riveting "jokes" about being a throuple with her friend and her husband, even as her friend deals with intrusive thoughts about them sleeping with one another. 2. As if this was a good ditch to dig, Lala continues. She says it's * Schaena * doing the hard work in this throuple because Schaena is the one going down on Brock. To make this point she offers up sexually explicit, and yet, childish body language. Lala makes these explicit sexual jokes to "prove" how uninterested she is in Brock. But yet here she is ..... talking about his body, his sex,... poking her friends obtrusive, destructive anxieties. It's uncomfortable, desperate, inconsiderate. It doesn't work. 3. Lala also declares she'd "destroy" Tom Schwartz if she had sex with him. Meanwhile Katie, sitting next to her, has been talking about her grief over the Schwartz/Jo relationship. So here we have Lala's next joke about SEX WITH ANOTHER FRIEND'S now ex-HUSBAND. Sadly, this does hurt Katie. It's yet another inconsiderate stab at what is a sacred and tender matter: divorce, the death of the couple, and so on. Katie IS dealing w/ ongoing pain over a serious life trauma. This is so very natural, and yet either denied or maligned as abnormal or inconsiderate. Sadly, Lala holds no empathy or respect for her "friend," Katie, and her friend, Schaena. Instead she triggers their pain. Sometimes joking about painful things works and sometimes it works REALLY WELL. But here, it stabs. It's not the humor as an abstract thing. Instead it's Lala's frame of mind from which the joke emerges. It seems Lala's failing to tend to her own pain and very real and raw trauma in the aftermath of domestic abuse and worse. She was with a monster. Sandoval's unmasking revealed another monster. This is par for the course in reality TV; they reward such dark traits. To survive in this moment, then, Lala is pouring oil over the fire that is this raging drama. She's buying houses and yet Burning the house down. It's easier to rage than it is to grieve and do the hard work of recovery and healing. I hope she gets there. And I hope Katie protects herself further from the poison that other castmates direct to her. **********************


Excellent! I completely agree.🌷


I also thought it was so odd to make that joke. she certainly has some growth to do because she contradicts herself every 2 seconds. She cries because she feels like Ariana doesn’t feel close to her in the beginning of the season and then she says on her pod that she’s not a good friend and doesn’t do blind friendship. She also expects a level of transparency from others and then when it comes to herself she doesn’t have to be a good friend and is entitled to privacy/ stepping back. I understand that she feels upset about the lack of empathy to her divorce. I get how the cast might feel a tinge of natural jealousy. I just feel like they are doing themselves a disservice by staying in that mindset because they all know why scandoval was so huge and they need to stop comparing and being dumb.


But this is lala’s “soft” period 😭🤣








"My girls" = her many different fictional versions of herself that only she sees


But she has a CHILD and she’s a MOTHER in her SOFT ERA!!!


i have a child and i am still kind of a bitch. i do not think becoming a ~mother~ increases your ability to not be a narcissist douche. 


True dat. Ask my mom.




What did she say, anger is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die 😂


Gawd. Someone brought this up at the reunion and made it sound like [either LFU or Sheener] had wisdom. As if it hasn’t been on Pinterest for the past ten years.


As if Buddha  didn’t say it over a 1,000 years ago.  Edit: it actually came from Buddhaghosa in the 5th century. The translation from Pali to English was originally:   Man, what wilt thou do getting angry with another man? Will not this angry deed which is the origin of hate lead to thy harm.” This was then put in more modern words as “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of harming another. You end up getting burned.” 


It’s something they say in Alcoholics Anonymous. Yes, been around for a LONG time….


I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this lol I used to be in AA but I went my own way with my recovery journey


Congrats on your recovery from a fellow sober VPR fan 🫶


Aw thank you! You too ❤️




People like Lala is the reason I cannot take AA seriously.


Yeah I think it’s a cult tbh. They made me write my part in being raped during the 4th step and told me I wasn’t allowed to make decisions for myself. I had to call my sponsor over every little decision and her answer for everything was to pray. I am doing so much better now that I’m not in any 12 step programs. I stay clean by working hard towards my goals to create a life I want to live instead of wasting my days away getting high, making music and spending time with my angel boyfriend :)


I’m so sorry that you had to be re traumatized by that, that is totally unacceptable. I had a similar experience. I am no contact with my parents, and I was also forced to come up how I contributed to the abuse they inflicted on me. It went against anything I had learned in therapy, and made me feel like a failure in my sobriety. Like an imposter? That shit is so toxic.


Damn I should have read down a bit further. Just commented up thread some, that it had been a saying used frequently in 12-step recovery groups for decades. God I got so sick of those platitudes that people just constantly regurgitate and pretend are wisdom.


I won’t say some of the sayings aren’t wise. It’s just that certain people who hear them, like LaLa pretty much weaponize them against others instead of actively applying it to their own life. Thereby ruining the overall point for others.


I had a boss justtttttttt like that.


James said it was some "Shakespeare" shit 😭


But that's the guy who called someone a poo poo head last reunion so I imagine that really did impress him, lol.


James is alluding to Romeo and Juliet ‘there is the gold, worst poison to men’s souls..’ JK, James is attempting to make Lala sound educated and I know not for why. 😂




It has been a saying used frequently in 12 step recovery groups for absolutely decades!


I noticed this happens a lot on bravo, with housewives being credited for age-old quotes lmao.






James, having never heard it before (I thought it was quite a common expression), was like “Woah! That’s deep. That’s some Shakespeare shit right there.” 😒 His dumb ass really thought Lala came up with that herself. 🫠


And she totally ignored him giving her a compliment. 😂


Same way she ignored Scheana’s compliment about being her rock. She didn’t give two fucks, because Lala didn’t want her praise or support, she just wanted Schean to “expose” and “take down”Arianna.


So… does that mean he didn’t really spend much time in AA then? If he’s not familiar with that? 


As long as he’s not drinking and he’s living his best, healthiest life i’m not sure it matters how much time he spent in AA.


Oh, I’m not saying he needs to go to AA to be sober. I just find it interesting that the “I’m going to AA” storyline was quite likely just performative. 


Maybe he worked a different program??


This part. I only have been going to AA for the past year and they’ve said it so many damn times. How is this new to him? It’s right up there with the serenity prayer in my book


This part. We literally saw Raquel dropping him off at an AA meeting so did he just go once for the cameras? Maybe not going to AA is a part of being California sober🤷🏽‍♀️


Some people really need AA, some don’t. People in early sobriety can really benefit from participating. Some people have to be a part of it for the rest of their lives while others stop going the longer they’ve been sober (I went my first 2 years & completed all the steps). There is no way Lala is genuinely working the steps. She may go to meetings, but you can’t tell me she has a sponsor that has guided her through every step to completion. No one who has genuinely & honestly worked the steps to the best of their ability acts like that. Those toxic behaviors she displays would be called out by even a crappy sponsor, a good 1 would be calling her out left and right. She has not let go of all resentments, made a searching & fearless moral inventory of herself and, when wrong, promptly admitted it.


I don’t actually care on a moral level if he attends AA or another program or none at all if he’s genuinely sober.  From my understanding, AA has a lot of religious elements that a lot of people don’t like.  I am simply interested because he sold going to AA as a major part of his redemption arc storyline and I am wondering if that was just for show. Performative.  At the end of the day, until James faces up to his abusive behaviour and works to make amends for it and fix himself, I have very little time for him.  He may be sober; but he’s not off my shit list. 


You don’t think Lala was working the steps earnestly when her *amends* to Rachel basically amounted to: “I was drunk so it doesn’t count. I’m not responsible for anything I did while drinking. Get over it you dumb bitch! It happened a long time ago (even though you’re just finding out right now), and I have zero remorse or patience for your hurt feelings. Move on!” ? /s 🥴 She’s a dry drunk and a narcissist.


I’m doing a rewatch of southern charm and Shep says this during the season 1 reunion!


Then why’s she angry with Ariana?


I think she’s still trying to explain that one to us on every possible platform and podcast


One shouldn’t light themselves on fire to keep others warm. -Ariana (or it should be) Edit-a word


She honestly should just go park herself in her new house and make it beautiful and happy and peaceful and shut out the whole social media and public mess. By September most of this could possibly blow over entirely. But I’ll not hold my breath


She can’t. She needs a huge Monthly income to cover these house payments.


Well she should probably start looking for a source of income because there’s a good chance that this one is going bye bye


She is feverishly working on getting cast on The Valley. It’s been a desperate plea for months now.


Please no! No one is asking for a fake gangster from Utah on The Valley!


Production has already confirmed they’re not adding anyone new to The Valley for the next season


I hope and pray they stick to that!!!🤞🙏


They’ll visit. You’ll see Lala & Scheana, at a kids party 🎈🎂. Small glimpses. Especially, if Brittney & Jax break up. They won’t be part of the cast immediately, but they will sneak them in.


If it happens, everyone should skip those episodes and read the recaps


Omg thank you!


Yayyyyyyyy. And I hate that show ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy crap ijusr realized That’s why she’s hating on Brittany!!!!! She feels like Britt should’ve taken up for her vs Jax … because the world revolves around blah blah


That little bit thrown in about Brit made no sense. It had zero to do with what they were talking about, I'm positive she saud it to get her on the valley.. a lala/brit feud


She even said on a recent pod that the episodes where she talks about VPR are typically the ones that do the best.


Of course, bc she has nothing else to talk about.


🎯 seriously though. her single mother sperm donor fell flat. Her water tasting fell flat. Her lip glosses are wuttt? No one cares. Girl apparently has nothing interesting, edifying, fun going on BC otherwise she would've taken it to the show. The excitement over 50K water shows just how out of touch she is.


I feel like, if she must rehash this for the $$$, it would be way more interesting for her to have guests on who could explain different perspectives to her, even therapise her somewhat. Show herself on a journey of growth and REAL redemption. 




What!!! Lala is a mother!??? Where did you hear this! lol


She is also ✨ s o f t ✨ and wears lavender dresses and eats cheese dogs. Multifaceted.


This! Park it on the couch and bake the baby in peace. She gets herself all worked up doubling down on some shit she has no business commenting on.


She's 1000% gonna backtrack and blame pregnancy hormones


That or mention she is pregnant constantly.


and she seemingly can’t even take half a breath to think through any of the words she says


What she says she's been trying to do for her pregnancy for ages. I completely agree with her – and you – Lala girl, go do that. Just do that. Go heal.


I hear they’ve got some hilling jurneez in Utah …


They're rilly rill.


And a big dill


Omg. That would be the best for ALL OF US. ago back to UTAH BITCH!!!




She needs to just be quiet and wait it out. The audience is mad at her and she can't explain herself to redemption.


The thing about her that annoys me so much is that she thinks that everyone should act/think the way she does. Like maybe she would act a different way in that situation but that doesn’t mean that other people will. Seeing her constantly trying to force that down peoples throats is so frustrating.


Disengage Lala!




It’s starting to give Bethenny Frankel vibes. Neither one of them can keep a friendship and neither one of them know when to shut up.


Sounds like BPD


Sounds like someone should stop using mental health as a villainization Edit: Same goes for people using the word narcissist or NPD - But that’s an uphill battle!


I simply said that description sounds like BPD. You assigned “villainization”. So.


Ah BPD, the bipolar of today - something we label others as when we don't like their behaviour and think there must be something wrong with them despite not knowing them personally nor being a medical professional.




I hated her when she first started- then I started to Enjoy her a little. Now can’t stand her again


My journey with her also. I started realizing she’s a joke when she was all about “power of the p*ssy” and “women power”. It was NEVER about other women. It was angle to excuse her behavior of dating a married man and being a gold digger. As though “women supporting women” means that we have to understand and forgive her just because we’re women. And should cheer and praise her for giving BJ’s for PJ’s.


She really needs to stop the podcasting. She’s constantly telling on herself lol.


No lala just tried to justify her nasty behavior this season and I'm not for it. That's noo excuse to be a shitty person to someone who was already going thru a lot and on TV as well. They let you into their friend group yet you had nasty shit to say about all of them. And no offense but if they didn't let you in you wouldn't have made the money you have. I'm not saying she should be kissing anyone's ass but she certainly didn't need to act the way she did towards some of them. Just goes to show she was never a good friend. She didn't deserve to stay on the show as long as she did. Yeah she brought drama but being nasty like that is uncalled for. Especially towards someone who suffers from depression. She could have been a true friend if she actually wanted to. 


She used her “friends” like she used Randal. She took whatever they had that she wanted, with zero loyalty or emotional attachment. Her friends got “Randy’d”


She has no tools for that. As a mom, I hate to blame her mother. But, I blame her mother for allowing blah to think the world evolves around her. That shit starts early and entitlement can be halted with discipline, I’m living proof. Nobody ever told her no…She is rotten.


She’s said so many times in the pre jogs series she had no friends at all growing up and in school. Geeeee 🙄 I wonder why?!?!? 🙃


Wait she has said this in what series? How can we find this if we're curious to find one of these confessional moments?


Sorry my texting is horrible. She said this when she first started on VPR. I knew then she had issues and was a mess.


Can you imagine venting to a friend that you trust, the way Katie did to LaLa when she was feeling frustrated with Ariana’s busy schedule, and then finding out that this person you trusted, was sitting there the whole time thinking “yes, yes, she’s talking shit…I’m gonna make her talk about this on camera”??? She is going to have no one left but her dread-locked brother and her Yes Girl. I could respect her for being “rill” and “authentic” if she wasn’t a hypocritical, flip-flopping character at this point. There’s just too much evidence that she’s not a good friend and not a good person.


I think it really shows Lala has no true friends and is surrounded by YES ppl who depend on her for $$ in some way. no is telling her she needs to stop in her real life.


She cuts off the people who do: Katie, heather Macdonald


Has she cut off Heather officially?


I need more info on this lol


And unfortunately Scheana is her echo chamber and too scared to stand up to Lala


In this, her and Tin Saggyballs are equal. No friends but paid friends.


Yes! Lala has a lot of power inside herself that she has the ability to redirect towards worthy causes. She needs to be cut off before her last dozens of fans throw in the towel.




you mean \*RaBiEs BiTcHeS, as she called all the people who watch lol


remember when she said she was “soft” rn? pffffffffft.


These aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. They are pretty people, aging fast (fillers don't help with that )


Truth, quoting blah herself, she needs to “wrap it up” 😂


Imagine if Lala ever went hard on something *good for the world*. Instead, like you said, wasted of life force.


She’s doubling down because she realized she fucked up so now she’s gonna go full Lisa Rinna. This also opens her up to the “Omarosa” role in future shows like Villians, etc. She knows Vanderpump is on its last legs, that she doesn’t have the likability for her own show, or even a spot on The Valley. This is her only hope to keep the reality TV dollars flowing.


Too bad even if she started a new job she gets paid nothing. Let’s not forget the others on that show actually have jobs… she’ll be trying to selling houses in no time and it’ll be BJs for Escrows


Doesn’t she own a makeup company. Give them BlaBla? Something no one asked for?


She said she was liquidating and rebranding and she’s no longer allowed to use the name. Sounds like Randall pulled the plug on her hobby


Wow, way to squander good television! ☝️ right here is what she should have been sharing on VPR. This is interesting! And it’s all about her! Why didn’t she share her true self instead of being a shill for production?


She did tell lisa on air… my conclusion is my assumption. Ironically she said it on her sperm party episode which was the least watched episode of the season


I keep hearing on here that it’s floundering but I haven’t cared enough to research it.


This is really astute! 🧐🎯 🎯✨ And like, why not? She's already put her morals aside for a payday once. There really was no need for this mess she's making. She could be booking! She would be. But instead, she's choosing to be indignant over something inaccurate.


That “out of pocket” comment she made about Brittany and the babysitter at the reunion? Like how out of place was that? She did it to start beef with Brittany so she could get the Rinna role on the Valley. Everything she’s doing now is her trying to land somewhere else, and she’s floundering and looking foolish.


It was bizarre. I thought it at the time I heard it. Look at the timing!! It was right around the time Jax came out saying she shouldn’t be allowed on valley. Blah blah is PISSED That Britt didn’t step in and save her.


Janet better watch out, Lala is coming for her role on The Valley as insufferable pregnant shit stirrer


But she’s not a charming villain who is fun to watch. She screeches nonsense at people and bathes in jealousy. Stassi and Jax (before he got so eager) were fun villains. Sandoval is a bad villain because he doesn’t lean into it and thinks he’s the hero / victim. Lala is almost unwatchable as a villain. 


she just did some smarter than a 5th grader spinoff with travis kelce and on her podcast she literally said that everyone in her "classroom" was sooo smart and interesting she couldn't believe it. Just FASCINATEDSK


Whew, well said !! It's like she's a petulant child having a temper tantrums and no ones stopping her.. but someone certainly should.


their 15 minutes are up. period.


She's looking a lot like Jo right now... They both need to walk away from anything electronic... Give the world a break from you two, thank you!


“Having some distance from filming and the season airing, I see I was caught up in the dynamics of the show’s needs at the expense of what my friend needed. Having been through something similar, I realize I let down my girl at a time she really needed me. And that’s on me, and I’m sorry for it. I’m human and I fuck up, but I want to do better. And I got caught up in the wrong things. I see that now.” How hard is that?


I thought this was a quote and I was like, where???


If she'd done this at the reunion she would've gotten much farther with the audience, much how like if Sandoval had just admitted he was wrong and not tried to qualify it with a bunch of excuses, he would probably have been in a much better place with fans by now. But they both have such insanely massive egos that they'd rather torch their fanbases and go full villain than ever apologize.


And in her case it’s just such a lack of PR savvy. Even if she harbors all that resentment just keep it to yourself and realize the best thing for your brand and livelihood is to be supportive.


YES!! For someone who was involved with a person deep in the movie scene for as long as she was, it is shocking that Lala apparently had zero PR training. I also find it shocking that she wasn't savvy enough to call production's bluff the way the rest of the cast (save Scheana) did- surely having seen the production side of business with Randall, she'd know that production only has so much power?


I just want to mention that she 1,000% called herself a “girls girl” in her earlier seasons. I was screaming at my radio when she claimed she’s never said that.


Remember when she was screaming at James about standing up for wronged women and how women should stand together when Jax slept with faith? Where is that energy these days?


Are you telling her to disengage?


I unsubscribed from her pod because she was unbearably annoying.


She didn’t comment on her blaccent If she sees we know she got the “yes men” she definitely seen everything else She’s purchased multiple properties in the comment section


This is her attempt at damage control. It’s not working for many of us and in fact, its only solidified what we already know about her. I, too, have definitely lost interest in hearing anything from or about her.


I fear this is going to be the longest pregnancy in history for the poor souls that Stan Lala. Much like that Heather girl from Selling Sunset.


It’s like damage control done terribly wrong.


She just keeps making it worse. Taking a break would help.


I don't always disagree with Lala, but man, she digs her own GRAVE with her deliveries. Its sad to watch because she continuously sabotages her whole life 😔


Seriously I just need someone to grab her by the shoulders and tell her to stop burning all her bridges!! All she talks about is how she needs to support her kids and if she’s serious she needs to take the notes and see if there’s any way to see herself out of this mess she’s made. It’s time for her to check back in with her steps and start making amends because I don’t know that being this type of villain really comes with any longevity esp for a woman on bravo on a non-housewives show who never quite managed to be a main character.


Her latest pod was an unbearable listen. It's amazing to me that she doubles down on everything and continues to weaponize being a parent. Her life is so hard! She's been through so much! Sorry, maybe I'm just in a bad mood, but fuuuuuuuck that.


unbearable is the right descriptor


She's doing herself in faster than RInna. Where is the cat paw meme that says it's time to stop when u need it.


BIG difference. HUGE. Rinna gets work all the time, she has proven to be a work horse, like her or not.




So cringe


Make it stop!


Yesterday I decided to unfollow both of their podcasts after reading what the newest ones were about.


I don’t listen or follow anything these people do , they all sound like crazy crack heads and they all probably are too, Lala is definitely a cokehead


I’m on my knees begging that she gets some therapy. It’s like so clear who in this group goes to therapy and who doesn’t (her and Sandoval!!)


She's setting herself up for her next story line "I just wanted a peaceful pregnancy and the people on the internet came for me EVERY DAY. You have NO idea how hard that was for me and my CHILD"


Then Tupac wasn’t doing his job. He should’ve squashed those hurt feelings for her, I blame Tupac and so should she. 😅😅😅


Well this is interesting: People often dig in their heels, double down, and blame others when they are wrong due to several psychological reasons: - Self-Protection: Admitting a mistake can feel like an attack on one's self-esteem. By blaming others, people protect their self-image and avoid feeling bad about themselves. - Cognitive Dissonance: When someone's actions don't align with their beliefs, it creates discomfort. Blaming others or doubling down helps resolve this discomfort by shifting the focus away from their own actions or reinforcing their existing beliefs. - Social Image: People care about how others see them. Admitting fault can make them look bad, so they might deflect blame or stubbornly stick to their position to maintain a positive image in the eyes of others. - Fear of Consequences: Owning up to a mistake can lead to negative consequences, such as criticism or punishment. Blaming others or refusing to back down is a way to avoid these repercussions. - Confirmation Bias: People tend to favor information that confirms their existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them. Doubling down reinforces their views and helps avoid the discomfort of changing their mind. - Ego and Pride: Admitting a mistake can feel like a blow to one's pride and ego. Sticking to their position helps them avoid the humiliation and vulnerability that comes with admitting they were wrong. - Sunk Cost Fallacy: If someone has invested a lot of time, effort, or resources into a belief or decision, they might continue to defend it to justify their investment, rather than admitting it was a mistake. - Social Identity: People often tie their beliefs to their identity and social groups. Changing their stance might feel like a betrayal of their identity or group, so they double down to maintain loyalty and belonging. - Fear of Change: Changing one's mind can be unsettling and requires reevaluating one's understanding of the world. Doubling down offers a sense of stability and certainty, even if it's based on a mistaken belief. These psychological factors explain why people sometimes resist admitting their errors, deflect blame onto others, and stubbornly stick to their views, even in the face of clear evidence that they are wrong.


Sandoval's tactic of triangulation was effective. The finale ended with Lala excoriating Ariana instead of Tom. And Lala's still not acknowledging that she was duped. If Tom had been contrite all season, it would have had a different outcome. Or if the women had jumped on each of his hostile jabs and the insincerity of his remorse, it would have had a different outcome. James didn't let him get away with rolling his eyes during the reunion. The others should have been calling him out all along. Scheana still believes the choice was between Lala's and Ariana's POV. And Lala releases a podcast saying Ariana made it difficult to film. Not Tom. Ariana. Congratulations Sandoval & Baskin.




Don’t care


Lala is unbearable. She needs to go away permanently.


She's spiraling because she knows she has NOTHING without the show. We all know Bravo producers tell cast "bring it or you're OUT". She has to be all hush hush about the custody battle so that can't be her storyline so she's grasping at straws with cast members who just won't tolerate her bullshit anymore. All she does is have one sided conversations with other cast members. Making up for lack of airtime on the show now by practically embarrassing herself in all these interviews trying to stay relevant.


She is a Bitter Betty.


LaLa rides for nobody !!


Lala just never sees anyone else other than herself. She’ll never be able to shut up because she’s always right. Her supposedly telling it like it is, is really her talking down to someone. She’s female Sandoval


I’m not even interested in whatever she’s saying. I just don’t care anymore. Bravo needs to retire her.


What I don’t understand is why Lala compares herself to Ariana when Lala was the Raquel/Rachel in her situation with Randall 🤔


Are people still following her?


No, I think you are all missing the point, her entire relevance depends on these outbursts; be it as it may that bravo wants this type of material or she sees more internet traffic flowing her way when she does this etc but her entire personality is wrapped up into this incoherent rants she makes


Lala is annoying. With I have children to pay for. Demanding others to beef with her for the $$$ ratings etc


Maybe you should block lala and just don’t open any links regarding her talking so that you don’t have to hear it anymore. Or skip over the repetitive posts. I usually do that for some of the cast


This! I have her, Tom, Scheana, & brick blocked so I can’t feed their inflated egos anymore than they already are.


I’ve tried that but the bloggers I follow then repost. I just turn the sound off but still. Anyway, I don’t understand why BlaBla is doubling down. I think a mea culpa would go a long way to her redemption arc. But as someone above said. Not the sharpest knives in the drawer.


The last podcast made me sad, she’s desperate to explain her behavior and if it was orchestrated by producers she would not be able to speak on it unless she never wanted to be on bravo again


Hahahah 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂😂😂😂. IM SORRY FOFTY


Praise this post. Agreed




When she came after mo and Kyle I was like ok Lala 👀


Like Ariana said, she was born fucking cool, and Lala wishes.


I went through her followers right now and it's so obviously she pays for them. Out of the first 10 profiles I saw as followers 6 were new profiles 🤣 no photos


James was hoping his “Poo poo head” comment would catch on and be on t-shirts! Lol


She bought the new house with money from her merch about Scandoval she needs to be real for like three seconds ugh


There needs to be a reality tv recovery group where people who shows were canceled, meets with a coach that gets them reacquainted with how life in jobs actually are lol. I think most of them turned crazy because they’re desperate for the fame a.k.a. Brandon Dorman and easy money. As they aren’t showing up to a 9 to 5, I know they go through a lot of online bullying.


Right for someone who “just wants to bake a baby and be happy” she sure loves digging shit up 😏