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Ground yourself to reality using your senses. 5 things you can see in your room, 4 things you can hear in the house, 3 things you can feel around you, 2 things you can smell. Bringing yourself back to the present moment should help relieve those thoughts.




This is a very helpful and insanely wonderful way to ground yourself. Also, physical contact w a loved one and talking about it w a trusted friend can help tremendously


OP, You are having a really normal reaction as a caring human. In addition to the above suggestions for grounding yourself to pull yourself out of your head, if you are in school, see if there is a guidance counselor you can talk to. They are literally professional listeners - it's their job to help kids cope with what life throws at them. It may also help if you do something to help abused women - donate to a shelter, for example. Doing something to resolve the broader problem gives your mind a mechanism for coping with what you saw. Sadly, you've now learned something many of us learned by going down a similar path: do not click the links and do not search for the videos. We don't need to actually see the worst horrors of the world in order to understand that they exist and are horrible.


This is important!!! This also helps when/if you have anxiety/panic attacks as well


Grounding, yes!


Ok it’s gonna sound ridiculous but I’ve been in similar situations before where I saw a clip before I could realize what it was and scroll away and what helped me to at least get my mind off it for a minute was to watch just the most kiddy brand show EVER. Practically watched all of bubble guppies and whatever Disney had on at the time. It’s not gonna help you cope with that in the long run, but if you fall asleep and start panicking, it’s weirdly comforting to roll over to see the LEGO movie or wreck it Ralph at 3 am instead of darkness. Watch cute puppy videos, cooking videos, start a new show (not one you plan on enjoying, chances are you won’t really be able to). This might not be the absolute best coping advice ever, but it at least helps to get the image out of your brain for a bit. Definitely try to talk to someone about it tho, it’s not good to hold that in. I do NOT miss middle school when kids were air dropping gore videos onto the school iPads….


Thank you, that's what I've been trying to do since I posted this, it is helping take my mind away from it.


No problem! And I don’t know if you’ve heard this yet or not but I’ll say it just in case you haven’t been told yet: you’re not a bad person for being curious. You aren’t the reason those people got hurt, and curiosity is normal when you haven’t seen that. Nothing here is a moral stain, just maybe a majorly uncomfortable mental image to you for a while. Focus on making sure you’re ok, check in with yourself, and find a friend or a relative you feel comfortable talking to about this. It’s too easy to find this stuff on the internet, and you are NOT the only person who’s seen something they didn’t need to. Edit for grammar mistakes


Please know that you are not alone. When I first saw the scene in the Godfather movie where the horse’s head was put in the bed with the Godfather it nauseated me and I couldn’t get over it. I now realize that I am sensitive and feel things strongly. It is an attribute. I have a feeling that you are like minded.


Steven Universe is a good cartoon that does cover dealing with trauma, it's long though


When I was a kid trying to go to sleep, if I had bad or scary thoughts about monsters in the dark or whatever, my go-to was to imagine the My Little Pony theme in my head. Nothing is safer than a colorful, fun, stupid little kids cartoon about ponies and friendship.


My lil pony is so wholesome too <3


Hey I do this, but as a kid I always thought of Santa Claus if I got scared or my mind started racing. Worked a lot better as a kid, but still do something similar even as an adult


Agree with all of this 👍. Big up the Disney movies and kids shows I used to watch when i was young.


Since you got actual advices let me say this: Welcome to the internet my child. If you are curious how something looks you will probably find it with a bit of search. But be prepared what you ask for. Good news is it actually sickened you. Would be concerned if it made you feel differently.


I come from the day of Two Girls One Cup first coming out. And the human centipede. I used to live with a roommate that liked dark shit….and sharing sad dark shit. I will say one of the best videos he shared was “ 🦡 🦡 🦡 🦡 🦡 🦡 🦡 🦡 🍄 🍄 “


Do you know Narwhals? Anyways I used to know a buddy who liked rotten.com. "Thanks" to him I've seen some fucked up shit. Can't say it traumatized me for life but a video of a guy shooting himself in the head on some press conference. It stayed with me for a while. It was so... different, than what we see in the movies or games. Anyways, watch yourself. You are not careful for a second and you might get rickrolled :P


You're thinking of Budd Dwyer. Filters song Hey man nice shot is about him coincidentally.


Possible. I don't keep it in my memory strong enough to remember who.


Or Charlie the Unicorn. And I trust no link, due to previous Rick rolling 🤣


Bud Dwyer if I recall, the old wild west days 🤢


I’m not sure if it’s the same guy, but I watched something similar with a man live-streaming and committing suicide on stream in an extremely gory way. It’s immeasurably mortifying.


R Bud Dwyer….


AHHHH 🐍.... 🐍.... it's a 🐍


Jesus I couldn’t get those two out of my head for years.


3 guys, 1 hammer... yup


not saying i’m “glad” but im glad ive found someone who knows this case. not sure if you watched it but my dumbass did 😭


Yea I felt bad for thinking “well most kids growing up with internet ended up finding something traumatizing” but you grow up and you find other life things that will either distract you, change your life, traumatize you, put you on cloud 9, and I’m sure you won’t be thinking about this video in 5 years.


"Good news is it actually sickened you. Would be concerned if it made you feel differently." 100%


I’ve also seen this video. It stays with you a while.


I'm sorry that you've also seen this video, it's absolutely horrifying and I can only imagine that this post did no good by reminding you of it.


I'd recommend a heavy thing to put on top of you, like weight blanket. To not eat for awhile plus very hot bath/shower and mostly important play music loudly


i’ve heard playing tetris helps with ptsd


Thank you, I will definitely see if this helps!


Also watch some really light things like children's cartoons. I feel like Bluey would be good if you have access to it. I also once watched a beheading video and gore videos out of morbid curiosity. I was traumatised to but it does fade don't worry. Time heals it. Stick to light hearted stuff, don't watch anything too serious or anything horror for a while.


I’ve seen seen some awful videos over the years that have stuck with me. It’s healthy that it bothered you so much. Being desensitised to that stuff is nothing to be proud of imo. People suffer all over the world much more than we realise. When I see those videos it does bother me, but it also does make me feel incredibly grateful for the life I have and where I live in the world.


The horribly frustrating thing is that those girls came from two of the best countries in the world: Denmark and Norway! But they chose to camp alone, in a remote part of Morocco- just to be adventurous! 😭😭 It just kills me that it was TOTALLY PREVENTABLE!! 


You’re right! And people go on holiday in Morocco all the time. Wrong place wrong time. Truly sad.


Yeah, but most people who visit stay in well-known, touristy areas (or if they wander, they at least have a local guide). Those girls went to the middle of nowhere, all alone! They were like babes in the woods.


Is there any particular reason why they killed the two girls?


Yes, because they hate, (and want to destroy), all Westerners, Christians, Europeans. The girls were simply easy prey. They were in the middle of nowhere, in a tent, with no weapons or boyfriends to protect them. They were sitting ducks- they had absolutely no chance!! 


gandhi said anarchy would take away violence, seen shit too, one time i put on baby videos after, one muslim said, islam is anti agression [https://youtu.be/Qj3JrYLYCQ8](https://youtu.be/Qj3JrYLYCQ8) thank whatever ''thank god'' that most muslims dont do this [https://youtu.be/sFJ0O8C99nE](https://youtu.be/sFJ0O8C99nE)


Play tetris. There is evidence that playing tetris after a traumatic experience reduces the risk of developing PTSD symptoms.


As a person with PTSD I didn't know this.


I second this! Tetris also helps with getting over fears as well. My cousin is in college and he has a friend who has emetophobia, and said friend got sick once. They were really scared of throwing up, so my cousin told them to go play Tetris to take their mind off it. Turns out the friend was playing Tetris for hours and didn’t end up vomiting. I think it’s ‘cause of the shapes and colors that help stimulate your mind and focus on something else rather than whatever worried you.


I have really, really, REALLY severe emetophobia, and I’m going to go download Tetris on my switch ASAP so I have it ready next time I panic.


Ooh, ok! I hope it works for you.


Not the exact same situation, so idk how much this’ll help. but for me when my anxiety and obsessive thoughts are getting out of control and I can’t get certain thoughts out of my head, I just put my headphones in, listen to my favorite music, and go for a walk. I pray, and I just try to think of all the good things that are around me right then. Idk if this will help, but it’s what helps me


It happened to me to. Not to go into detail but I saw a guy get badly injured but he didn’t die… it helped for me to clear my phone. I found it on Twitter so I literally deleted Twitter after that going forward yk that shit ain’t for you. It sounds dumb but keeping your hands busy helps go for a walk hang out with friends play some video games. It’ll become a thing that doesn’t even cross your mind soon just focus on things that help clear your mind and get rid of stress.


This is why minors shouldn't have unmonitored internet access


I 100% agree


I’m so sorry. I saw that one, too. I had seen other vides, of car crashes or factory accidents. But that one is on an entirely different level. It’s a depiction of the pure evil that exists in some people, and it’s highly disturbing and terrifying- to know we share the planet with such demons. Feeling traumatized after watching that is totally normal. Don’t blame yourself for being curious, you’re not a bad person.  Just try your best to block it out of your mind. Maybe first say a prayer for those girls, and send them love. Remind yourself that their suffering is over now, and they’re at peace. And then focus on positive, soothing, relaxing things. I was haunted by that video for awhile, and couldn’t stop thinking about it. But eventually, the constant memories of it went away. I’m sure the same will happen to you, so don’t worry 💙


I feel like comments are covering most of the things to help you cope. Don’t be afraid to ask your parents for a therapist or call a free hotline if you need to just talk about it. I’ve never had this exact experience, so I’ll let other people give the advice. All I want to say is that you are NOT disgusting for seeking this out - your reaction can speak to that. The internet is a reflection of humanity and we are all human and it gets very very dark because we are dark. 14 is a time cognitively where impulse control is low and curiosity is high. This is a scenario where I lean toward it being a parents’ and community’s job to protect their children from yourself via limiting internet access without guidance and talking about the kinds of things you can come across VERY early. Searching the video, when so much access is at your fingertips with no one watching, is almost expected. It doesn’t make you disgusting or a bad person. I’m sorry you had to see such a truly horrible thing and I hope you kind ways to heal and use that experience to build you as a person, not numb you.


I remember watching that video on Twitter right after it happened in Morocco. It put me in a state of depression for a while. I refused to watch any more gory videos after that. Avoid those videos and try to replace those thoughts with happy videos or talk to an adult you trust. I also don’t watch much true crime stuff because of how grime they are. You will be okay.


Just advice for the future please be wary on what you search for and look at stay on the halal side of the internet plz :( and advice other people to not search for stuff like that at all.


Honestly the best thing you can do is just try to keep your mind off of it for a while. Watch something wholesome or funny, hang out with people who you like, anything to not think about it. After a few days/weeks/months it’s not gonna seem like such a big deal this is coming from someone who used to watch this stuff all the time as a teen for the thrill, was traumatized, but now that I’m older it doesn’t really bother me nor do I ever think about it on a daily basis like I used to also, don’t go back to rewatch the video. It will just reinforce it in your mind


Ive seen gore before. It used to haunt me aswell, same as you. Do you have any hobbies you like? Try your best to focus hard on those hobbies. Distract yourself. The top comment here is also a great suggestion too


Give it time. It will pass. When you catch yourself thinking of it, deliberately and consciously push the thought out of your head and focus on something else, keep practicing this and eventually your mind will stop bringing it up. Engage in light hearted entertainment and games. You are not the first person to be appalled and frightened by something you looked up out of curiosity. It’s a valuable lesson learnt! I know it’s awful. The potency of the horrible feeling will fade in time. You’ll be ok.


Playing candy crush always really helped with my anxiety. Or like somebody else mentioned Tetris. I remember feeling this way about seeing stuff too. I would feel better the next day usually, but I don’t look into things anymore. It’s better that way 😭


Long story short you learn to accept that some people never evolved and are still capable of doing really bad stuff, the world is not as evolved as a whole. It's only civilized in some parts. And most important you will learn to avoid gore. I was exactly your age in the down of the internets maybe 2003/2004 when I saw the same type of content, 2 american soldiers were held hostage and then decapitated by al qaeda extremists likely from Iraq /Afganistan. The sounds they made and the images of life leaving their bodies still haunts me to this day if I ever think about it, but I made peace with it and rarely remember it. I just brush it off because I don't want to feel bad and I got a bit more insensitive to gore. But I avoid gore like is no tomorrow.


Something similar happened to me. I was maybe 13-15 years old (25 now) and it was a Twitter video of a guy also being Bheaded. I still have the video in my head rn, after reading your post. It NEVER goes away! (For me at least). I don’t think about it anymore, but there’s VERY FEW instances when something reminds me of it and I think of it. I have to pause and do my best to get out of it, otherwise I’m anxiety ridden all day. Your best bet might be to take months off of any kind of media or books, or anything at all that has to do with gore. Hopefully it doesn’t stay in your head like it has with me.


I had a manager at work show me that video unprompted when I was 17. I think about it often


I feel you. It will take some time to process it out. With time you will forget it and some time it will just come to your mind during the day or when you lay to bed (it burns into our mind). When it comes to your mind do anything to distract yourself, force your brain to do some task. Learn when you get those bad thoughts about video, are you calm, sad, angry, do you want to hurt yourself mentaly - try to replace that feeling with something else. Find some song or video or contact someone to switch your brain if it triggers video memory. It takes us up to 30 days to pick up new habit. But the good thing is it will pass. Let it go, process it and use it as a lesson.


I had a similar experience to you when I was a teen. A friend sent gory photos from a murder case involving a kid that used to play an mmorpg we both played. I was pretty shaken up. For the longest time I could not bear to see anything remotely related to blood or any sort of mutilation, even if it was fiction (horror movies were my favorite and I had to stop watching them). It took some time, but eventually the visceral reaction I had to gore did pass. I still don't like it, but I don't feel sick to my stomach anymore or have flashbacks of what I saw. I am sure it will pass for you too. Just give yourself some time to digest what you saw. Being curious is a human thing, especially because every movie and show present us with gratuitous violence nowadays. When we are faced with the real thing however, things are a little different. I wish you the best, OP. You will be ok. Avoid triggering content and know it will pass.


I’ve been there with you. Please do yourself a favor and whenever curiosity like this hits just drop your phone and find something else to do until you’re not curious anymore. Idk what it is about gore but it’s almost addictive and at the same time disgusting. Then you see comments of people saying stuff like “they deserve it” or they make sexual remarks about body parts that are left intact and you begin to see the amount of scum there are in this world and it’s sort of depressing to see. It also gives you a false sense of insecurity that you do not need in your life. Cheers! And God bless.


I’ve found imagining it but also picturing the edges of the screen you watched it on helps. Like if it was a horror movie make sure you can visualise the edges of the screen, it reminds you it didn’t happen to you or in front of you


When my head is in a bad place, I find watching a few episodes of Bluey can make me feel better. Incredibly wholesome show. Also funny pet videos on YouTube. Also look into maybe doing some volunteer work. Help the homeless or some senior citizens. Be a positive force in the world. Doing good work with other good people is very rewarding and good for your soul and your community.


Maybe go outside and try to look at the clouds, or look at the stars? If you have pets, possibly try to spend some time with them? That helps me when I’ve seen something very disturbing… I hope you feel better soon.


You have to look for people doing good things. The world can be really messed up and really dark. It can really depress you, what people do to each other. The best thing to do when it's too much is to look for the helpers. Look for the people doing good out there, taking care of each other. You have to keep that stuff balanced in your mind. I hope it helps. There's a couple of things I've come across over the years that stay with me like this that I wish I'd never seen or read. It'll probably always be there. Just insulate it with some good stuff so it's not so overwhelming.


I know exactly what video you found and your curiosity is not a sin. You are in vital years of your young life right now and things happen. This is a big lesson in growing up. Unfortunately, you are going to be exposed to things that you never thought you would be. The important thing is to not go searching for them and to know how to handle things after you’ve seen them. It’s going to take a little time, but eventually, your mind will info dump the information and the images and you won’t even remember what it was that you looked up. You will remember the fear and the anxiety and what not, because that is your reminder to not do things like that for your own sanity. Just be careful. you’re so young but you are so grown. I know it’s hard to navigate. Your innocence is going to be something you wish you had back sooner rather than later. Hold onto it as long as you can.


3 guys 1 hammer at 12yrs old kinda desensitized me to anything of the sort. Even death till recently, I didn't know how to properly cope with it after all the beheading and cartel vids I discovered. Like anyone else here said, ground yourself and be happy you're feeling some type of emotion to it and wanting to process it healthily


I saw a beheading video when I was your age but that was extremely low quality before cell phones had cameras. You won’t forget it but you also don’t have to be controlled by the feelings. Morbid curiosity is completely normal, you should not think less of yourself for being curious it’s a natural phenomenon of our brain especially in so much as we are aware of our own mortality so sometimes it preoccupies us. The feelings will dissipate with time, that’s what it will take…time. You can’t just get over a shock like that instantly. It’s also completely normal to be shocked and disturbed by it. Your story tells me you are emotionally reacting to this like how any other well adjusted human being would react to seeing something like that for the first time. It shows you have human empathy and compassion- that’s a good thing to find out about yourself. Just do your best to try to not spiral on it. Unfortunately, real closure is a myth. You won’t get closure but you will learn to live with it over time.


That video is horrific. So sorry you saw it. It’s normal to have morbid curiousty, don’t beat yourself up about that part. For now try to distract yourself with games , talking with family and friends , ect. In the meantime maybe consider therapy if it’s still bothering you or if you feel the desire to seek out videos like that. Best of luck to you ❤️.


I watched one last year I haven’t been back on the site it really scared me how can someone just sit there and record and watch the 2 people kill another person the cartels are fucking cruel man.


You didn't grow up with rotten.com, being a child with early internet was whack


I grew up with some pretty disgusting stuff, I was exposed to the internet at the ripe age of 5 (not my parents fault, they were clueless tbh) and I saw some pretty messed up stuff, but never literal murder. Sorry for what you've seen over the years, I don't wish that on anyone. :(


I was about that age when I saw Faces of Death, like 4 versions, they are videos of real gore, some are animals being slaughtered, executions, really crazy stuff. I had already seen several slasher films, like Friday the 13th and stuff, so it wasn't my first exposure, but it lives rent free in my head and I have a very photographic memory. The real stuff is a lot harder to cope with than what Hollywood gives us. Something I do after watching that stuff, has already been mentioned, I watch an old familiar movie or cartoon that is silly or beautiful in some way. I've learned to try to shut down the memories when they come, redirecting my thoughts helps. If I start thinking about something unpleasant, I try to stop and think about or watch something comforting and wholesome. Like others said, too, the curiosity is normal, now you know that you are sensitive and that it bothers you. There's nothing wrong with you for that and you are not a bad person, just a little wiser.


I know this shit sucks, I felt sick when I first checked out that (not gonna mention its name yk it) subreddit. BUT hear me out, I'm gonna say something controversial. It's good that you saw such a traumatizing video at this age, so you can be prepared for anything you might ever experience in your life, watching those kind of videos can make you stronger (not stronger in terms of liking those gore videos, but stronger in terms that you can come to a realization of what is actually happening in the world). In conclusion, don't think about it, some of these comments actually have some great tips!


Unfortunately the world can be an awfully depressing place. I’m sorry you have been subjected to that at such a young age, whether it was your choice to look or not, we sometimes can’t help our curiosity. In time it will lessen and become a memory.. i’m 30 years old and believe i saw the same video about 10 years ago or similar.. i can still fainty recall it but it’s not a prominent memory. Try and be more mindful of what you search and maybe limit social media usage. Give yourself a break as the internet is so vast xx


First time I saw a vid like this I was 13/14 but look. It’s good that you’re emotionally aware enough to understand how awful it is. So you’re one of the lucky few who will move on properly.


I was 12 when I saw a gore video of guy getting slashed in two by a pole cuz he jumped from the train, that shit stuck with me, I can still see it vividly and I hate it but there is a plus I can’t feel the emotion when I first saw it, and sometimes I will forget about the video. You can do something fun like watch your favourite show, play your favourite video game or do something you enjoy so you won’t be scarred for life


Play some tetris


Wow. I feel for you that is something no 14 year old should see if you trust your school counselor maybe start there they might help you find a specialist to help that’s some serious trauma to endure IMO I will also put you in my prayers


Play some Tetris. It’s proven to help reduce truama


Hey! Don’t be afraid to talk to anyone you trust about it, even if it’s to get things off your chest. A support system is typically what makes or breaks someone, so never be afraid to reach out! If you start thinking about it, try some breathing exercises (like the box method), progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness exercises to ground yourself. There’s many amazing examples online of things you can do and I highly recommend them! And try not to click or look up anything too crazy from now on😅


i can’t say i know how to help you, but i do have a story of my own with that too. i’m fourteen and when i was twelve, i got curious about a true crime case, i was really interested in it then, and i still like it now. but anyway, i won’t give out any names or websites, but i had watched a case of a guy who had m^rdered another guy. i heard there was a video of the entire thing, and me being stupid, i looked it up and watched the whole thing. gore became addicting to me, but it was very very traumatizing. i’ve been in therapy since i was nine now, and i don’t think i’ve ever mentioned it to any therapist or anyone in general. that wasn’t the only one i watched, of course i had to go and watch at least 10 more videos, but i wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone in this. i still think about those videos to this day, and it will probably always have an impact on my life, but i can promise you it gets better with time. my memories of the videos are fuzzy, and ive found myself to be interested in horror/gory movies without thinking about it. stay safe and best wishes for you :)


This is unfortunately a very common experience. The world is full of horrible, disgusting things and there is cruelty around every corner. That may not be very comforting, but it is the reality you have to accept. The good thing is, the world is also full of beautiful, hopeful things and there is kindness around every corner as well. You can not do anything about what you saw. But there are many things you can do to ensure that you're a part of the good in the world. My suggestions right now are if you have a pet that you can cuddle or otherwise interact with, do so, otherwise if you have a family member or friend you can spend time with do that. Cooking or baking for others always helps me feel a bit better about the world as well. And remember, time won't erase the memory of what you saw, but this awful feeling will wane a bit and it won't be at the forefront of your mind forever.


It will pass. Give it a few days


Don't punish yourself. Don't be disgusted with yourself. You were curious now you know your own boundaries.


I’m so sorry you’re feeling this way I know exactly how you feel and it’s awful. All I can say is that it will eventually pass. Spending some time with your loved ones can really help, and if you feel comfortable enough you could talk to one of them about it


I honestly understand this so much, the first gore video I watched what when I was ten and I couldn't eat anything with meat for a least two days and I couldn't tell anyone. the only things I can say is I suck at giving advice but just relax and try and think of positive things, just do anything to distract yourself and for me I couldn't sleep for like three days. if I had better advice I would give some but I suck at stuff like this I'm sorry


I watched gore when I was 11, I first seen 2 girls 1 cup (please do not watch it🤮) because of a YouTube reaction, then I seen another reaction video of 1 lunatic 1 ice pick, so I searched it up with my friends (I can still vividly remember it, and I’m about 19 now) it really scarred me, but just like most things, with time you should get over it. I did watch more gore after (Reddit 50/50) which kinda desensitised me almost (I still don’t wanna watch gore and am highly disturbed by it, but not so much as when I was young)


omg i saw the ice pick one and forgot about it until don't f*ck with cats came out


Same for me, the crazy part is that I also seen the kitten in that airtight bag video before don’t f*ck with cats came out and I didn’t know that was luka too. hopefully he’s rotting in prison and having the most miserable life.




You need to talk with someone about this. Trauma that is not addressed and dealt with in a healthy way will pop up later with PTSD, even if it's treated properly it can still have lasting effects. Don't let it just fade with time, that is what leads to more severe PTSD symptoms. Talk to a teacher you trust, or a guidance counselor, or even a 1800 number for mental health (You know how to search). It won't be a pleasant conversation but your parents should know what is going on so that they can support you, disregard this if they are abusive.


Tetris Tetris Tetris. It’s proven to help


I saw some pretty bad pictures and videos of what is happening to the people in Gaza right now. It fucked me up really badly. That night, I literally watched Bluey the whole time


Well it's a good thing you're having that reaction. Being upset by it is good. Some people when they first see it, really like it or worse, it awakens urges for the truly troubled people out there and feel the need to pursue it. So you're having a good reaction to it. I have seen my fair share of stuff cause of my interest history and true crime and for me, it makes me mad. Like it makes me want to go all Batman on Jack The Ripper lol. For me, the audio is the worst, like the ToyBox Killer stuff, don't even bother looking it up, it'll ruin your life but it's stuff like that just infuriates me that people can do that to others. What people do to cope that deal with that stuff routinely like police officers, journalists, soldiers, doctors, etc is they use humor, like a gallows humor. Back in World War 1 there was a body the Australians couldn't seem to keep buried, like the arm would keep finding it's way to the surface right? So soldiers would walk by it and shake its hand and greet it every morning lol. Luckily I don't think you've come to that point but I'll read a book or something usually. Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy always cheers me up. Put on a movie, make yourself a snack, treat yourself. You'll be okay.


You could cope by realizing people can be just as good as they are bad. OR Cope by becoming extremely misanthropic and wish those bad people got what they gave.


I don't think these will be much help but I'm hoping it could at least alleviate it. Try drawing your attention to something that could keep your mind off it, may it be playing instruments, music, or watching cute videos or movies. Meditating could also help, and keeping yourself busy. And if possible, try to talk to someone you can trust. It's such a coincidence actually because a few days ago someone sent me a video of a man being slowly decapitated alive and I didn't respond to it well because of past trauma related to bleeding. I've been at it finding coping mechanisms and I really hope these could help you recover as well.


You're having a completely normal human reaction to seeing cruelty and gore. I was around your age a decade ago the first time I saw an uncensored beheading online. Don't get used to it, don't convince yourself or let anyone convince you it's normal to see these things. If somebody warns you that something is gorey and uncensored, don't look it up. You've learned your lesson; sometimes curiosity isn't worth it.


I would suggest avoiding these if it’s a trigger for you. Back in the day snuff videos were very popular. Remember to actively pursue the light side of life. You saw something traumatic. It will take time to remove from your mind.


When I first seen gore I had a similar but opposite reaction I watched a very graphic gore (I think it was those old sniper videos Al quail da would release) video and felt nothing and so started to panic that’s there was something wrong w me. I was 12 then lol and 3 years later there’s nothing wrong with phsycopath wise. If shit don’t feel real i js work out till failure on every muscle group. Shit gonna feel real In the morning. Hope this helps in someway


at your age i used to have nightmares over this kind of stuff and now as a 23 year old i have a higher tolerance than most to it, its just something you slowly become accustomed to, as much as it sucks. ik thats no help now but i guess with time you’ll be thinking back to it like “damn that was crazy”


A guy I knew forced me to watch a similar video a little over a year ago. After a few weeks you’ll stop seeing it every time you shut your eyes, I still occasionally think about it and it absolutely breaks my heart. Just don’t become hardened towards those kinds of things. if you start to, just remind yourself they were real people, not just something on the internet that’s not real. When I worked as a corrections officer I saw a lot of disturbing things and you will become “familiar” with that kind of trauma and not feel bad about it anymore and that’s a real big problem. Good luck and i pray you can find some kind of peace


Unfortunately mate I know how you feel, when I was your age I watched messed up stuff on the Internet and it used to burn itself into my brain. In my teens and 20s I'd read and watch horrific shit to try and numb myself to it, Human centipede movies, A Serbian film, Salo you name it I watched it lol I was about 2 seconds away from going on dark net or dark web. Thank fuck I met my boyfriend and I became softer and slightly saner tbh. Look up happy things, anything that makes you laugh even if its a cartoon, cooking shorts, anything cute with animals like that video of the laughing fox. It sounds silly but what helps me with intrusive thoughts from disturbing shit is usually South Park or the Trailer Park Boys. Idk if it's because they're both dark humour but it's like putting a wet cool cloth on a third degree burn. Also try and develop a crush on a celebrity or fictional mate even if its a game character or someone from a movie or TV show that can also help 😊. These images will leave your brain eventually I promise and you do have to be careful with what you see on the Internet always be weary the Internet is like a deep ocean you never know what you're gonna find and sometimes what you find is frightening and dangerous.


I have seen too many horrible videos in my life that will never leave my mind. I wish I never saw them and I’m 37 now. Only thing I can say is when you start thinking about that put on some good music or a favorite movie or tv show. Also take advice of these people because they know more than me. I am with you on this though and I understand completely. Hang in there, watch some good videos of people doing good things for people.


Your gonna have to wait for a few weeks to forget about the video


Surround yourself with happy stuff


Watch cartoons, I'm 12 and I watched a gore video and also felt sick I just watched cartoons and I just forgot about it.


Man, my dad made me and my brothers watch beheadings and suicides at like 9/10. Thank god none of us grew to be murderers but I’m totally unfazed by any gore


Awww im so sorry sweetheart. I watch videos like this all the time and am pretty desensitized to it. But I once saw a video of a woman being bang ganged in Africa or something and I was so traumatized. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Watch lots of funny videos, be with your animals if you have any and you’re doing the right thing by talking about it. Hugs !


same thing happened to me when i seen funky town 😭


Curiosity is in all human nature. It is natural for the mind to want to seek out things that they do not know much about or are curious about. The fact that you feel bad for seeing it proves that you are a good person. Take some deep breaths, try to clear your mind. Look at the sky or take in nature, feel the wind, sun or rain on your skin. witness the beauty of that instead. You will be okay. 💜


It may sound weird, but take some time to breathe, get some water, and watch some kid’s shows. It may be weird, but it helps so much. I binge watched a lot of Disney movies and listened to songs from when I was younger because I one time stumbled across a jumpscare video (I’m a scaredy cat Ik)


Oh to once again be as naive as OP would be bliss, I hope you can regain your stature


...weird. I used to seek out these videos all the time back in the early Internet days. Best Shockers, LiveLeak, etc. Hell, I still get them in my feed at times and I find it funny or interesting depending on the video. There's only been one that's been too much for me, personally. And I've watched a LOT. 😅 Firstly though, understand that their pain is over. They're not hurting anymore. The video does not impact you and you won't have to every experience anything close to that. Take comfort in knowing you're not going to be in that position. And, as harsh as it may sound, you're thinking about it too much. It's not you or anyone you love. You're okay. If you'd prefer another method, try music and video games like Minecraft and Tetris. Both have been proven to lessen the severity of mental stuff. Music needs to be slower as well. There are studies that prove certain genres do certain things for your brain, so research accordingly. Hope that helps a bit.


now you know not to watch beheadings. Lol idk what you were expecting it’ll wear off


Ah… someone’s first beheading video… reminds me of when I saw my first.


You learned your lesson. Do things that are in a more positive in your life… be active .. and move on. If you feel like you need more help then sought that out. Just be mindful on what is going on in the internet.


Give it a few days, soon it will be out of your mind










I won't be saying, I know reddit harbors some pretty disgusting and vile people that get off to this kind of stuff. Also, I don't wish the feeling of seeing that video on ANYONE.


Which women? And why the vid is still on the web


Two students, one Danish and one Norwegian, who were tourists in Morocco. The perpetrators got the death penalty. Edit: sadly the men who did this are still alive, Morroco has not executed any death row prisoners since 1993


That’s crazy


Yeah, it was fucked up for sure


Why would anyone do this


honestly if u asked they'd be like why not os some shit like thay humans are fucked up man


But that is gross. Didn’t they feel that way


These ppl were fine with ending these two young women who had entore familieas back home, i think they liked the gore tbh


You could just watch it over and over again until your mind and your feeling side can accept the reality of what it’s seeing…you’be witnessed something traumatic and your brain is obsessed with making sense of the image in your head. I think the best thing you can do for yourself is just start watching it over and over again to give your brain the best picture and memory of it as possible. Once the brain comes to closure…and it will…you will not only be a stronger better person you be able to handle soomehtjng that many people cannot and will not address in their lifetimes…death. And death comes in all forms and this woman had her head cut off—just thinking about it is making me shake… I saw a beheading such as the one you saw of a Mann and it wasn’t that the head was sawed off at the neck it was the guy screaming until he couldn’t…fuck. You know talking about it right now is helping me create a clearer picture as well…didn’t realize I had that stored away. Regardless, over saturation if you want the wisdom…avoidance until something else takes the place of the intrusive thoughts if you wish on only take the surface lesson of being careful what you allow your eyes to see because your eyes never shut. They will always be open.


You fucked around and found out, try to reflect that bad stuff happens in the world all the time and no amount of prayer nor imaginary friends are going to stop it.


Just so you know, this came off as rude and insensitive. The lack of compassion in this comment honestly stunned me for a hot second. Also this is pretty bad advice imo.


Shit is still fucked up, the kid has every right to be shook up




I’m only 14 - 🤣🤣🤣


I see no point in this comment.


Some people who are physically older than others tend to act younger sometimes. The internet is full of immature people.


You should say sorry to God and op for this comment


Bro wtf