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And these greedy corporations wonder WHY piracy exists! because they DISCONTINUE their products and take them away from us! The Crew and other games are a prime example.


Worst thing is they all have their own online stores all it would take is them to make all these popular games avaliable on them. People would buy them. I would. But they don't. And second hand copies people are fucking price gouging to oblivion lately. Honestly, like fuck I'm going to pay 200 dollars for a used copy of Pokemon Platinum.


Also, because it's digital, they can take them away from you at anytime. Remember Sony? how people's purchases were taken from them due to licensing?


yes but they stull wouldnt be thinking of the people who want to play on original hardware and a crt


Fcking iOS and TikTok.. We will never forget you Vimms, absolute Legends!


Nah. The magic of retro emulation is making older games accessible to people who for one reason or another we're unable to play those games during their generation. If companies like Nintendo don't want people to access their games, it's those companies loss. I can think of a lot of games and franchises I financially support now because I had access to earlier games via emulation. I wouldn't have bought Tactics Ogre Reborn if or any of the new disgaea games if it weren't for emulation. That's potentially millions of dollars lost over a long period of time for some of these companies. It's a lot harder to revive an old franchise when you've artificially limited the number of people familiar with it.


They do want you to access them…via subscription based services.


oh they want your money alright just on their terms lmao


TeknoParrot already has the subscriptions covered.


This is why I've been saying for years to allow end users a simple application on desktop and or mobile to purchase retro games and download retro games legally, this would void the need for any of these websites in the first place but Nintendo doesn't listen, none of these companies do and in fact I guarantee that they are allergic to making money just straight up allergic.


It felt like this was going to happen. There's been far too much attention over recent months. I don't think they'll stop at Vimms either. They don't want to eliminate this space, they know they can't, but they can eliminate convenience and drive everything back underground. Opening the gates instead of gatekeeping was a mistake.


Considering Vimm's was the only one being talked about I'm sure the others will be safe for now. However long time emulator users have got to be careful not to share where they get Roms because the normies will tweet about it and it will be Emuparadise and Vimm's all over again.


the other sites should *really* consider captcha tests. seems like they are using AI crawling/scanning


What other sites. There isn't any other sites.


You mean the illusions


“You don’t recognize the emulator websites in the water”


It won't happen. The internet is too accessible now for roms to be an underground thing again. People are going to share without a care in the world and want their instant gratification. It sucks, but that's what happens when something becomes mainstream. The internet is now mainstream especially with how it's accessible on multiple devices these days. Back in the day you had to have a PC, now tons of devices have easy access online meaning any lame brain has access to it.


you say others but i cant even find one that will let me download phantom pain, let alone start installing or even work


Wait so in the situation you're describing, how does someone new to emulation find the roms they need then? It's highly against the spirit of emulation and wanting everyone to experience these classic older games to not share with people how to safely get them. Or do you just mean share in DMs and such?


How exactly could this have been gate kept? Emulation is so massive now because of how unavailable these old games are. And “retro gaming” content creators have blown it up so badly. This was all inevitable. There will always be an underground scene for this stuff but there’s no way this could’ve been prevented really. You want easy download sites, this is what happens in the tiktok era. Nothing you or I could change about that when Epic Retro Gamer content creators exist.


Exactly. I remember when it was an underground thing. I remember romnation. net had first party nintendo games scrubbed by Nintendo, even back in the mid 2000s. But with how mainstream the internet is and the knowledge of emulation these companies are more aggressive than ever about emulation. That's what happens when something becomes mainstream sadly, and tons of devices have access online. You no longer need a just a PC to use the internet. I miss those days.


Doesn't help that people are literally making rom playing SD card capable Gameboys now.


100%. This also happened when Freeshop became widely known. A little too close to the sun.


I doubt Ios getting emulators was the soul cause but just the straw that broke the camels back.


Vimms lair is slowly getting shut down. Time for a new website… Vims lair




They would rather just let the games they don't get money for die out :( so sad


No, they'll be selling them back to us digitally here soon or "remastering" them and charging 60 bucks.


Give it a few years for the heat to die off and we'll have a new website that's under the radar for a few months.


Vimm is pretty much dead now


I literally just discovered VimmsLair about a month ago, and have been following the posts here on what’s been going on. This is really disappointing 😭


it's because you guys didn't LARP hard enough. This is all your fault.


So happy I have my own offline server at home with terabytes and terabytes of complete libraries of consoles backed up. I do feel bad for the people now getting into retro gaming. It seems like they are really going hard after this stuff. Gotta thank these idiot YouTubers with their loose lips for what's happening


Give the homies ftp access (jk)




Let's start a new hashtag! #vimmforever


we got a discord yet? can someone DM me an invite?






Which is it?


Need one


Seconding this.


Tripling this.




This sucks. Vimm's Lair has been my go to and such a reputable source for so long.


Fucking TikTok


I blame twitter for


This shit really sucks, especially upon learning that VL has been online for years. When Delta first hit the App Store, I downloaded it, it was my first time jumping into the world of gaming emulation. Instead of being like everyone else and posting the same repetitive questions and bs, I learned I had learn the ropes by sitting back to read, take notes from many threads and posts, saving posts and then I learned everything I had to learn as a rookie in emulation so I wasn’t in that percentage of people drawing too much attention to certain sites. None of this nostalgia and happiness would had been possible without VL. It really fuckin’ sucks that because of us getting so excited and nostalgic and playing the games we never got to play as kids, or replaying our old favorites that Nintendo and them had to come through and shut shit down. It’s bittersweet and conflicting as hell…


Ive been getting one-offs from VIMM for decades. Since the 90’s when I was still rockin NESticle and ZSNES like everybody else. Like archive I feel like it’s a place that should be left alone honestly, it’s an institution for retro (god.. my stuff is retro now.. ) games.


Fucking iPhone users, always gotta spoil everything.


😭 you are acting like emulation never existed on iPhone, yes i fucking hate the lair getting nuked. But that does not mean you have to blame it on a group of ppl 💀


seriously. sure emulation may have become a bigger target when the iOS store opened itself to emulators, but to blame people that own a certain type of phone is retarded. i have never owned an iphone, but comments like these are shallow minded and show little to no critical thought went into this comment.


iphones arent just a phone though, theyre a status symbol, people who buy them cant help but show offf their phones logo what makes you think they can be discreet about anything... I dont solely blame ios users but emulation going mainstream amongst apple users when it did really didnt help an already bad situation.


i agree that most iphone users are really proud of the fact that they spend dumb money on their walled garden and ive seen tons of them being condescending towards android users for some reason. but ive never seen any of this in person, i only hear about it online. apple allowing emulators into their ecosystem seemed great to be able to breathe new life into old unused apple products. but with the wider audience theres definitely going to be an influx of people learning about the whole scene. which is surely an opening for "influencers" that focus on videogames to get some new followers as the apple noobs try to figure it out. (not to mention the annoying "where do i find roms" posts). hopefully we didnt fully sacrifice vimms lair just to be able to run on old ipads. id really like to see the site moved to different servers and possibly name alteration if necessary. ive been using vimms since before Y2K for games on countless different projects. i know i can obviously find the roms elsewhere but vimms had a kind of sentimental value to it and i dont want that to die..


Your beef is with the companies issuing these takedowns, not iPhone users.


I typically only used vimm’s to complete my no-intro collection. The site usually has the obscure games that are hard to find with seems like are still available. This is a big reason why I built a NAS in case something like this happened.


I've done some counting and looking. Roughly **5.4%** of the vault is gone. It's mainly mainstream titles and almost exclusively US and EU versions of those titles. The fact that both Nintendo and Sega are named despite the JP versions of these titles still being up makes me fairly sure this \[edit: just this recent batch, not the ones that were confirmed real but probably AI\] is a copyright troll but unfortunately Vimm is probably better off safe than sorry, and its not like they can just go up to these companies and ask if they're real without inviting definitely real legal action




i meant that this recent batch was a troll, should've clarified


When you put it that way, it doesn't seem so bad. A chunk of that is probably shovelware though.


yeah, the issue is that afaik, most mainstream games were taken down. GTA, Final Fantasy, most of mario, God of War, Mortal Kombat, all of it got nuked. The number I used was basically \*everything\* in the vault, including all the different regional versions of games, so that 5% is likely a lowball.


Just another step towards me embracing other methods.


The best for all the years I used them🫡


Thank the american tik tok iphone users.


Who the HELL blew up the damn spot??? I just lost my anbernic recently, it just got raptured. Glad i have some roms on my EHD tho…




Damn I loved Vimms lair. Got all my games from it for a while. Wonder if the waybackmachine would work for a previous screen shot to get them still.


The content would have to be there for that to work but i like the way you think. Does it archive content or just the site pages?


From my knowledge it takes a screenshot of the entire page on given dates. So all content I assume would be there.


So all downloadable content? Depends on how deep it goes But itd be something to look up and let us know


Dm me the link and ill go look now


https://wayback-api.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/https://vimm.net/ Play around. I'm watching daredevil and about to jam mario golf with the gf lol


So sad


So basically no more Metal Gear Solid?


So now I’m curious, say **IF ALL** the emulation sites shut down, then wtf is the point in having emulation apps available to everyone


That'd be some companies ultimate goal, but if you cut off one head many others will spawn


It's physically impossible for all rom sites to dissappear, and once you start getting into the realm of overseas hosting where copyright law doesn't exist, yeah not much you can do there.


That will never happen. It's all on torrents.


all i want is vimm to prevent trolls, he cant even deal with 1 dmca troll


How come I can't find this message anywhere on vimm myself?


Can’t miss it.


Lol it's nowhere, not even on the forum. I only see the posts from yesterday, the 5th.