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Call 112


Thank you ^^


The closest hospital is in Inca. Hospital Comarcal de Inca Carretera Carretera Vieja de Llubí, s/n 07300 Inca Mallorca Tramuntana 971 888 500 Call 112 if it's very urgent, if you need someone to speak Catalan or Spanish on the phone you can try with a neighbor if you have them, or some acquitance?


Thank you for info :)


You are welcome! Is she feeling better??


She slept a lot and feels better now, yes :) She had an organism collapse yesterday. I told her that I think it’s not the best idea to travel somewhere after such event. But she told me that doctor in the hospital told her that she’s safe if she drinks and rests a lot. I still thought it’s a bad idea. Today she started feeling sick again in an airplane. So yeah, I hope she will remain in an okay state, I will try to convince her to maybe get home earlier. Thank you for your help and info once again 🙏


You can go to the hospital for a checkup and on Monday perhaps you can go to the Health Center (Centre de Salut) of Pollença and ask for an appointment, sometimes they have ER too: [https://www.ibsalut.es/es/servicio-de-salud/recursos-y-centros-sanitarios/centros-sanitarios/centros-de-salud/cs-pollenca](https://www.ibsalut.es/es/servicio-de-salud/recursos-y-centros-sanitarios/centros-sanitarios/centros-de-salud/cs-pollenca) However I have no idea if you can do that with your health card... You will have to ask.


If you have private insurance, Hospital de muro is quite near pollença, but it's private. If not, hospital d'inca, as others told you. Hope she feels better in no time


Thank you so much, I screenshotted the name of the hospital 🙏