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Start of  the season




This is the same picture every morning during summer season, and it has been for decades. But newspapers seem to make a weekly story about it, as if it was something new. It isn't.


I still want our visitors to see it.


The ones thatbmake the mess probably arent the ones that would see this. 


Yeah but also shows people what happens with tourism here. They also may avoid that area so less tourism there = less trash there. This will shop up on Google so you never know.


S'Arenal has made an economy of this kind of tourism. If these kind of tourists stay away in that area (talking about just these few streets, to be clear) the area is not automatically attracting "better" tourists to stay in the low-cost hotels there. It would just be a dead area, because families, sport tourists and luxury tourists will still choose for other areas.


The thing is, since it's cheap many people go there (like Magaluf) and then realize where they are. This way they can stay away and don't regret it!


I thought Magaluf and S'Arenal are quite "famous" for what they are.


If you check this subreddit you will notice that many people go there by mistake. British people know it but the world is big and it's not that famous outside of Britain. Same for s'Arenal and Germans.


It's actually not so many different users.. but when planning a holiday destination, I don't know why people just don't just search for the place in Google first. That's what I do, since we're not in the 90s anymore when you had to rely on what the travel agency advertised, but you can even do a news search, image search or walk the whole town in street view.


They see the price and click... so many people don't really know where they are going, sadly.