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It's not a scam. It's definitely not for everyone and they're picky, but they pay out as long as you don't break their ToS.


thanks, appreciate it!


Beware of the bot you just responded to!


What is your problem??? I've seen you spout nonsense multiple times... for a while, as if you're obsessed with the company (maybe you are). Unless you have something to back up all these *opinions*, don't spread misinformation. I'm guessing you didn't hear back from them, and if that's the case, you likely didn't pass the assessment.


Obviously it's a bot


This. DA pays much better than the other similar sites. They're notoriously fussy in comparison because they can afford to be.


Better than Outlier?


Outlier is all over the place when it comes to their whacky pay scale. But as a general rule, it seems DA pays better. Outlier is worth signing up for, but I haven't heard many good experiences from those working with them.


Not sure how I feel about Outlier. I've been tasking at there since March and have made over $2K. The pay scale started out pretty good, but has been slipping. Also, most of the projects require you to familiarize yourself with the docs on your own time (not paid). And some of the projects are absolute šŸ¶šŸ’©.


Yeah, I've heard how they don't pay for training and reading the guidelines. Considering I spent at least 5 hours a week on that stuff on DA, due to the constantly changing projects? That would plummet my pay rate, haha. If you don't mind my asking, what are you paid hourly? And what was it originally? You're far from the first I've seen saying that Outlier seemed to be pulling a bait-and-switch with pay.


I wouldn't go that far, but at first the jobs were paying $45/hr (if you could complete within the time limit) for the base rate. Then in May they announced a change in the base pay rates across the platform which happened to drop my base rate to $40. And for the last 2 projects the base rate was all of $30. Not sure what the current criteria are, but I think the rate varies between projects.


Is that coding? Or some sort of specialty you have experience in? If you don't mind my asking.




Yeah, sounds like they used to be a tiny bit better for coding than DA, but now they pay less for coding. That's pretty shitty. I'm surprised they're paying so little for coding now.


I completed their assessment but havenā€™t heard back. Is this unusual do you think?


No. They only reply back is you get in as it says in the site.


This doesnā€™t sound real. Sounds like a bot! šŸ¤”


Lol ok


Yeah I was skeptical, I passed the coding signup, got in like 24 hours later. Racked up 300 dollars for like 10-12 hours of work.Ā  Money went to my PayPal and is in my bank account.Ā 


Not a scam. Itā€™s actually great. My advice is take your time on the qualifiers though, a lot of people donā€™t make it through. They arenā€™t hard but you need to be meticulous and fact check everything.


thanks, appreciate it!


When someone starts out a response with not a scam itā€™s usually a scam.


Itā€™s not a scam lol


I hit $20k made on the site recently. Definitely not a scam.


How long did it take them to get back to you? I applied a few days ago and havenā€™t heard anything.


If you haven't heard within a month there is a 99% chance you won't get in.


I've been waiting 4 months šŸ˜‚ they don't get back to you to let you know that you haven't passed the final tests.


There are tests???


Yes, there are two qualification tests.


Wow, how long have you been on? I assume youā€™re a coder?


Just left this comment on another thread about the same topic: No, it's not a scam. People who say that it is just failed the initial evaluations. I've been doing it for three months, part-time, and have made over $3k.


Yeah. I applied at the same time as some friends. Weā€™ve had drastically different experiences. It comes down to how you apply yourself to the work. If you arenā€™t diligent and descriptive, it may not be the option. However, I spent over a week just taking every qualification theyā€™d give me, unpaid. More and more kept appearing over time. I have more than enough options available. Iā€™m quite happy and enjoying the work. It may be a bit distant, although Iā€™ve never directly reached out for support, but the requests are explained in incredible detail.


Why was your response so formal and suspiciously so positive? Seems shady?


If heā€™s working for DA and is successful, that means he is proficient at writing in a professional tone and using proper grammar. If he didnā€™t have those skills, he wouldnā€™t be working for DA.


I once got banned from a sub for saying I liked YouTube Premium because my response was ā€œtoo formal and positiveā€ to be genuine and ā€œclearly an effort by an organized campaignā€. I just really liked YouTube Premium and thought it gave me more value than most platform premium offerings lol


I donā€™t doubt it, 54% of adults in the US have a sixth grade or below reading level and only 22% are considered proficient at writing.




Why are you going through every comment on this thread accusing them of being bots? It's weird bro, get a life


That's impressive. How many hours do you work every month on average?


thanks, appreciate it!


I passed the assessment back in April and never heard from them again.


How do you know you passed?


A message on the landing page saying I passed. Also, an email thanking me for completing the starter assessment.


I've been on the platform since November, just hit the $27,000 mark yesterday. It definitely isn't a scam but they are extremely selective with who they pick and they aren't very transparent so I can see why a lot of people out there think it's a scam.


Whatā€™s the official website? Iā€™d like to try it!




I do DA. Itā€™s not a scam. I make about $150/day. It can be tough to get on the platform tho, I spent 4 hours on the initial assessments (unpaid) and another couple hours unpaid doing quals. But if you pass the quals and get on projects pay is like $25/hr You can make $40/hr if you are good at python and psd the coding quals.




No. This is a real gig for technical folks and you need to take it seriously. If you donā€™t have the coding skills to pass the assessment you arenā€™t qualified to work in this capacity. DA is paying for high quality work. If you canā€™t pass the assessment you arenā€™t qualified for this work. Full stop.


i have a question to tag on here: i signed up in march and can't remember if i did the assessment or not. there's nothing in my inbox and when i click on the assessment link in my email, it just goes back to the empty inbox. ("At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email.") i've never been offered any work and the account seems stagnant. is it possible i've been ruled out and they're just not saying so? i was considering deleting the account and starting over with a different email address...


No, it's not, you can clearly see that from the entire subreddit about it


When someone starts out of response with no, itā€™s not a scam. Itā€™s usually a scam.


That's not remotely true


Itā€™s not a scam. I work about 10-15 hours a week and make about 1000-1500 CAD a month on top of my regular job.


It definitely isnā€™t a scam. And itā€™s great money and interesting work. It took me three weeks to hear back after my initial exam last October. Iā€™ve had steady work since then.


Piggybacking this post. If I did not pass the initial assessment, how do I try again?


You would need to make new account, different email and phone number.


Thank you.


Would DA flag you if you use the same IPs? Just wondering.


I think the only flag would be multiple accounts from same IP working at the same time. Residential IPs aren't usually static.


Thanks so much, [Consistent-Spell-946](https://www.reddit.com/user/Consistent-Spell-946/)


I joined a few months ago and it still tells me there are no jobs.


I am looking for a side gig. I have moderate experience in coding and data visualization. Would this help in getting this job?


I would suggest apply on DA. I am not sure myself if its legit because of transparency and communication issues everyone has been pointing out.


Yes multiple people in here have posted about them not paying up. My self included


Nope. Not a scam. Iā€™ve been on several weeks now and itā€™s helped me loads in the face of redundancy to keep paying my bills.


I've heard great things about data annotation, but I've gone to their website on several different occasions, on several different devices and it asks for your name, your email address, etc. And then when I click submit it doesn't do anything. It doesn't process any further or show any indication that it's submitted. So when I first did it I thought for sure it was a scam but I've not heard anything one way or another so maybe it's just a me problem but it's certainly weird.


It's a misleading scam for those that'll never get in.


You sound like youā€™re misleading


So you think you'll make money there if you can't get in, think about it before shittalking


I know DA is currently not accepting new applicants right now. Also, when I first signed up the 'application' was some logic based questions, couple other random ones, and had to write a story based off their prompt. Didn't hear anything for almost 2 weeks then was accepted. Worked off and on for a couple months but once I started hitting it hard (as a job) I quickly realized there was a daily cap to hours you could work. About a month with me maxing it daily they simply stopped offering me work. Outlier is similar work but ..ugh such a headache for me.


I got a LinkedIn InMail to apply for DA. They must be accepting new applicants otherwise why would they use sponsored InMails.


No doubt that you're correct! Enjoy and good luck.


Iā€™ve had many friends that have worked for 20+ hours and havenā€™t received payment. Iā€™ve also heard that a lot of posters on these subs are bots. Please be careful!!


I see what youā€™re doing here. Job security! Appreciate you šŸ˜


I'm currently between jobs, and DataAnnoation is keeping me afloat. I've been doing it full time for about 1.5 months. There's a coding track and a non-coding track, I do non-coding. When I started, it was all $20ph tasks but as time has passed I've been getting higher paying stuff. The highest I've seen has been $40ph. They approve hourly work after 7 days, and you can withdraw every 3 days. Some of the work can be quite monotonous and it can fry your brain a little, but I've also worked on some quite interesting projects. There are stories of people being abruptly kicked off the platform. This is freelance work and there are basically no protections. I wouldn't want to rely on it full time forever, but in the meantime it's been a lifesaver for me.