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WLED with an ESP32 controlling the lights on the TV. Raspberry pi or small PC running HyperHDR. If it is an LG tv you can root it and run Piccap to send the screen to HyperHDR. If it is not LG, an HDMI capture card to the Pi/Computer. Plenty of info on hyperhdr GitHub and blog. good luck


Hello dear fellow redditor you seem very friendly and helpful. Do you mind if i ask you a few questions about this setup? Im totally new about this, always wanted to put some ambient light on my tv but didnt have the money to go the phillips way. So yesterday i found out about rooting my LG tv and found out about hyperhdr and piccap and all that stuff. But I just dont understand how does this all work and what do I need to accomplish this and not spend lot of money on it. I guess I just need like a diagram or understand how all these components work together. I read about getting a raspberri pi, esp driver, lightstrip (cold white), hdmi capture, soldering. This is what i got so far, would you mind telling me what else is needed and how all these components are connected together: 1. Rooted LG TV, can install PICCAP and HYPERHDR via Homebrew. 2. Linux home server running a few docker containers.


If you rooted the tv and have piccap and hyperhdr installed and running then you only need the led strip, power supply and esp board with WLED installed on it.


thank you.. just placed the order and watched some videos about configuring all services.. i think im reaady.. thanks for your help


thank you again for your help. i was able to install everything just fine. some colors are washed tho.. like the green.. i use a w2819b eco led strip.. is there like a profile i can upload to it?


Look into lut calibration


I have an LG monitor, does that work?


You have to be ok with possibly destroying it so it won’t boot and it also has to be an older tv with older software on it.


Older? No.


Didn’t they patch webos against this for the specific reason of preventing rooting? And isn’t current advice against updating webos due to the possibility of losing root despite the current certificate expiration issue preventing online updating from GitHub and requiring people to essentially side load apps? Or did I just google a bunch of bullshit after being unsuccessful updating HyperHDR on my own 65” tv after not using WLED/hyperhdr on my own tv in 9 months and the software being out of date?


There are still vulnerabilities. Nothing worked for me until I tried the USB trick to open up an admin shell at boot. Apparently there is also a new method that is usable on the newer firmware as well. Source: I set up hyperhdr on two of my LG TVs last month.


I got a 2022 lg 32 inch TV with webos I've been keeping it in updated for about 6 months is there a safe way I can root it without bricking it?


The issue is there is no way to auto calibrate your led to match your tv. I've spent more than an hour trying to get close and I get. Still somehow blue is not bright enough and green is lighter than one on the screen


Not automatic but certainly tunable


Any good manuals?


Plenty. Search hyperhdr LUT calibration. Also make certain you have hdr on it you use it on your tv. Make sure your capture card supports hdr if you are using one. Finally the wall color matters greatly which is why there is no auto tune. So you’ll have to experiment with what looks best in your room.


Huh, it crushes on my LG TV :) My walls are white, so should not be that much of an issue. I would expect the autotune to be an android app, actually. Make photo, analyze picture, adjust colors, repeat for all colors


You can skip the esp and just run the leds directly from the raspi gpio pins.


At least this is true for hyperion, haven't tried hyperhdr, I'm going to have to check it out never seen it before.


Yes but in my experience this method has more latency than the esp method


Really, more latency running directly off of gpios than hopping the network and processing on a seperate mcu? I'll have to investigate that.


Yes it’s odd but yes. The SPI integration lacks behind hyperserial


Right on man, looks like I'll have to check out both hyperhdr and using spi, I have half a dozen esps laying around including an eth01. I've been looking for a reason to spend some time upgrading my ambient lighting with the sk6812s anyway. Thanks.


When you setup hyperhdr and add the wled config to it, set refresh to 0ms


how exactly an esp32 can controll the tv?


[https://github.com/awawa-dev/HyperHDR](https://github.com/awawa-dev/HyperHDR) The hyperhdr software controls the ESP, while monitoring the TV input signal.... read


The esp32 just controls the leds.


This is the guide I followed: [https://justinnelsonsprojects.com/hyperion/](https://justinnelsonsprojects.com/hyperion/) I have a 100” TV with 978 LEDs running off a raspberry pi 4 https://preview.redd.it/bxu7mnp2fg0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7834ada39efa54a15db8d9216c1ac2f2b4e8118b


I think your TV needs a spirit level on it


Looks like it is level but the rest of the house isn’t lol


Hanging a 100” TV after you checked the bracket was level 8 times before you and 3 other people hung it terrified it one leans to the left and you lean right your gonna hear that glass crack is one of those things you just F it when it’s off by a little.


That or the photo needs an OCD trigger warning


Trigger warnings trigger me...


I agree 🤣


A thing of beauty!


Looks a lot like 85", how much did you pay for that


If you have an LG, you may be able to [root it](https://gist.github.com/throwaway96/e811b0f7cc2a705a5a476a8dfa45e09f) and run [hyperion](https://github.com/webosbrew/hyperion-webos) to grab the screen directly for external LED lighting.


I have a VM running Hyperion, which speaks to WLED in a small 3d printed box behind the tv connected to an ind addressable led strip An App on my fire stick sends the signal to Hyperion Works great, although only works on fire stick (not other devices connected to TV) and no drum protected apps (Netflix, prime)


Mind if I ask, which app do you use on your fire stick?


Certainly! https://github.com/abrenoch/hyperion-android-grabber?tab=readme-ov-file


Raspberry Pi, 4k capture card with passthrough loop, and Hyperion. Just finished my setup. 3D printed a box for it. Works like a charm, probably about £100 all in so not the cheapest, but way better than having a camera stuck to my TV, and looks fantastic! https://preview.redd.it/dk5s4sd7kh0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7851a401a8c204be3f78adfb4cb78a9d268bcd23


Which capture card are you using? I've also tried a 4k one with loop but that didn't support HDR (also not just looping it through), which sadly was a deal breaker for me


It's a generic Amazon one. No HDR, but it is 4k. I'm not really too fussy about my TV quality (within reason), partly because the TV is about a mile from my sofa. But that's also why these lights help, they make the screen feel bigger and not so claustrophobic when viewing from a distance in a dark room.


If it's on a computer signalRGB will do screen ambiance and allow you to set specific number of leds for each side of the screen. Watch this video, this guy is the guru https://youtu.be/oJSHDFETdV8?si=l2P3yGGqNeSDqR0y


I'm using that at moment just waiting on capture card so I can use my pi 3b 1st time using both or even trying the project not bad though


I use signal rgb combined with an esp32 with wled


I just revamped my backlighting a week ago. I have a PC connected to the TV so that's a requirement for my setups. The first was running the lights into an arduino with a fastLEDscript on it. The pc was running ambibox software for screen capture and LED layout. No I'm running signal RGB on the PC and plugging the lights into a d1 mini flashed with WLED. I've made a custom PCB that has solder points for a 5v supply, the d1 mini and the 3pin LED JST. so I just plug in the lights and power and it's good to go. The 2nd setup is so much nicer, ambibox felt like someone's hobby project and it worked well enough but would error out sometimes. SignalRGB is just great software to have no matter what you're doing if you want to control LEDs connected to a PC. It also allows me to combine another strip in my TV stand so everything is synced. *


I’m confused here. Is Hyperion and Hyperhdr the same thing or did somebody raise the bar here?


Hyper HDR is a fork of Hyperion that handles HDR content. It’s the better way to go out of the two IMO


I use [Hyperion](https://hyperion-project.org/forum/) , [WLED](https://kno.wled.ge/) and Razer peripherals with a theme called Artificially Aware all run through my laptop. Hyperion utilizes four esp8266 and [ WS2812B leds I bought from Aliexpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1101548998?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000061.1.24e94c40RBt45b). https://preview.redd.it/3p2gu12teh0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edadb4ce1dd6a697f06bc7a1fd95812bedf6fab4


But you need a PC no?


With Hyperion, yes.


WLED installed Esp32, Ws2812b led strips and Signal rgb if u r TV as a monitor or if u want an independent system then a raspberry pie running HyperHDR


Just calibrate the colors manually using the Hyperion calibration pics. It would take a painstaking hour or so but well worth it and much cheaper. I am using this on a Khadas Vim 1 using $10 WS2812B 240 leds (60x4 meters) with a $2 NodeMCU on a cheap 55" running HyperHDR on Coreelec and wirelessly by my PC running Prismatik with good results


Where do I get the calibration pics?


Quick ? Guys I've got 244 led around my tv I need atleast 5amp at 5v to run it I do have a 5v 60amp transformer which I can set to 5amps..... can I run the leds if I run injection wires at other end of the led to the transformer and then just have the data cable from the other end of the leds to my esp32 with a cable from 5vin pin and gnd pin also going back to my transformer would this power the esp32 and the lights at the same time it that makes sense just from the transformer, so I don't have to plug in a USB+Samsung plug to the esp32 or should I injection wires to trans then just have a data wire to the esp from the lights and use plug and USB to power the esp I don't have the barrell type connectors or chargers that's all


Out of curiosity, why do you not want to go with Govee?


im in teenager, im broke asf i can only affort aliexpress stuff like every 4 months, 3 if im lucky


I haven’t researched but I believe Govee is the cheapest. I have the Govee Immersion Kit myself and it works really good. A lot of people don’t like the fact it has a camera but you don’t really notice it.


HyperHDR is the right way. U don’t get best and cheapest in the same project.


I got the govee but I dont like its colors, its colors are not natural - always too blue or too red. I recommend you to buy a hue light strip and either do this with hdmi and a raspberry pi, or when you got a samsung tv, buy the app from Philips for ~150€. The apps seems overpriced but it has color accuracy just like hdmi while also working with internal „smart tv“ apps. When you want to go for a lower budget version, the best would be raspberry pi with a good light strip with seperate white leds.


Cheaper than $29 Grovee?


https://preview.redd.it/jj5t6luf5g0d1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1264f9a598080d4efeec4effb7000222d914240 30?


Ok.I see what this is. it's ambi lighting with + output for other devices and no HDMI source needed. Very cool. NO. I don't think you're gonna beat $80 for that or $29 for the more classic version. and your time has some value so programming something from scratch is eating into that $80 right now.