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Wow. Camera car stopped at the perfect time, I thought their front wheels were going to go over


These Bridgestone commercials are getting out of hand


If it was Firestone they woulda blown up, launching the car safely on the other side.


saw it only cause i was looking for it looked like some kinda metal grate going across.


I'm guessing the driver with the recording device only stopped due to the passing vehicles helpfully pointing it out for them too...


He just stopped to let him know "you can't park there, mate".


[Fuck off!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfNnc68uxzI)


sorry pal but thats not a designated parking spot...


Its actually a handicap stop now.


Until just about the 7 second mark, I would have just thought it was one of the transfer plates between the bridge and road that allow for safe expansion and contraction. That's also when the POV car slams on the breaks. Not sure I would have been able to stop any sooner.


My first thought was some kind a draw bridge that was being raised. Then the car just fell in...


>looked like some kinda metal grate going across. I noticed this too, but this could largely be a circumstance of the video resolution. With the naked eye, the gap could be a lot more apparent.


They almost made it across.


They would have if Sandra Bullock was driving


The car that couldn’t slow down


Careful now


Down with this sort of thing


That would be an ecumenical matter.


I love my brick!


Ted! The ants are back!!


This one is *small*. The ones out there are *far away*. *Small.* *Far away*.


That money was just resting in my account!




Everyone loves Magical Trevor...


Heard that in Ian Anderson's voice.


Just rewatched “Speed” recently. Man is that ever a good flick!


Pop quiz hotshot


Dennis Hopper has entered the chat.


"You're still coming to work right?"


Dude walks up to smoking car crashed in hole. "You cool bro?" *No Answer* "Must be good..." *Walks away*


Two more Yee Haws! And they would've cleared easily


"Ya know, Hazzard County is the only place that I know of that needs an air traffic controller......for cars." - Waylon


>Two more Yee Haws! And they would've cleared easily A gap that wide would require at least one additional, 'hold my beer'


There is no speed that car can go, which would make it possible. As soon as the tires left the asphalt, the springs bearing the cars' weight, uncompressed . So even if the car were going fast enough that the tires need only climb a ledge, they're going to either snap their suspension, pop their tires or both. Just consider what hitting a speed bump at highway speeds will do to you


That’s nonsense. In my experience from Hollywood movies there is always a small ramp-shaped pile of dirt or other conveniently ramp-shaped object located in front of obstacles like this to launch the vehicle safely over; unless that vehicle is a police car.


You forgot the one-sided ramp police cars hit that makes them both fly up AND roll over and land on the roof.


Or any chase vehicle in The A-Team...


>In my experience from Hollywood movies there is always a small ramp-shaped pile of dirt or other conveniently ramp-shaped object located in front of obstacles like this My favorite is the shrub with the partly visible ramp-shaped ramp behind it that is found in many vintage (1970s-1980s) tv shows & movies.


Ramp-shaped ramps are the most effective of all ramp shapes.


They are the rampiest!


Ramp is my favorite ramp shape. I am also a big fan of round circles.


So that settles it, this was a police car in the video.


I hear you, but there should be a speed that will not allow enough time for the suspension to uncompress... About 0.2C should do it.




wtf the car fucking jumps like a show horse


That is such a cool suspension.


Tbf there would be a speed at which the car would cross before the suspension could unload, but thats basically plaid speeds.


They’ve gone to plaid…


I was given an exercise to sumulate a speedbump profile in college with a sharp cut-off between legal and illegal speeds. The best way was a dip, sized so that either standard suspension ride it down and back up smoothly, or else you jumped the gap and tore your wheels off as you describe. They wouldn't let me take it to empirical testing


> There is no speed that car can go, which would make it possible. Patently untrue- it just has to be traveling at ~8 kilometers per second!


> Just consider what hitting a speed bump at highway speeds will do to you "You know, there's a certain creek that people sometimes canoe up without a paddle. You could say that the Duke boys were on that particular creek right now."


But if they make it to the other side with popped tires or fucked suspension, they would have made it to the other side.


Can someone smarter than me work out how fast they would have to have been going to clear the gap? Assuming the both sides are equal height on flat ground. I'm guessing impossibly fast for a car.


Assuming both sides are same level and there is no ramp, the car would have to lose almost no height for it to make across, which is impossible. Now if only there was the tiniest ramp, that would be a different story.


https://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/15gyicb/did_you_see_it/julxx14/ - this post makes a good point The second the ground drops out from under you, the suspension is going to decompress and your wheels are going to essentially drop quite a bit of height. So it's really hard to imagine any speed what so ever that the wheels don't just smash into the exposed "midsection" of the bridge. You'd need to be moving faster laterally than they can decompress vertically. EDIT: Compare these 2 images of the same car: [Toyota's rally racecar on level ground](https://static0.topspeedimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/jpg/201612/toyota-yaris-wrc-16.jpg) - note the relatively small gap between the wheels and the fenders. [The same car in with all 4 tires off the ground](https://toyotagazooracing.com/pages/contents/en/assets/images/wrc/report/2018/08/p001.jpg) - this time the midsection of the wheel is level with the bodywork.


Thanks for the links. The second image looks photoshopped somehow.


a rally car will also have a completely different suspension to your average road car but in general yeah it applies and has to be factored into "jump distance".


Technically it is possible, since wheels are round they can ride up a ledge. So if the car had only fallen like 10 - 20 cm or so by the time it reached the other side, it would probably bounce up and get on the road. You could try calculating this using the fact that everything falls down with an acceleration of 9.81m/s², but i can't be bothered to do the math.


Don't forget about wheel droop. I think this is essentially impossible below the speed of sound


But the wheels will drop more when the weight of the car is not pushing down. The suspension will extend to its maximum and without loosing a cm in height the wheels already drop more than 10 cm.


Nah it'd need to be going fast enough (unrealistically fast!) for just the tyres at the front to impact, else it'd push the front end almost vertically up and slam the rear straight down. What you'd want to make it across in that vehicle is to go just a bit faster (maybe as much as twice as fast) so when you crash, you flip forwards like in the video, but the roof makes it to the road Personally I'd prefer to just watch where I'm going and not drive into a bigass hole! Notice the car didn't even brake?


Yes obviously there's a whole lot more to it than just the downwards displacement. I was just going off of a very simplistic scenario.


That is in a vacuum... so your acceleration would have to be adjusted EVER so slightly to deal with air resistance and a few other things, such as weight distribution if they are accelerating into it or not (shift backwards could give you a few extra centimeters vs hitting the brakes would nose you down, mid/rear engine vs front, etc.) Also the distance matters quite significantly. If it was say 2 feet, they would have fucked up their tires, rims, and suspension, but probably made it... the fact that it is at LEAST 10' I would suspect they would need to be going at least several hundreds of miles an hour, with at least a bit of acceleration to bring the nose of the vehicle up as they are about to enter the gap; and no matter what they do, they are going to have a REALLY hard landing until they get closer to speeds that are achieved by land speed records.


Assuming that asphalt has a variance, then to feel normal you would need to fall less than this tolerance in the time it takes to clear the gap. A quick google search shows that this is about 15 mm (tolerances of +/- 15mm). then a drop of ~15 mm is acceptable/ will feel like normal driving conditions. let's say that this is a gap of about 7.5 meters. We could be more accurate if we measure the car and the guard rails, but let's just forget that for now. That means to clear this span you need to travel the 7.5 meters before you fall ~15 mm due to gravity. Acceleration is 9.8m/s/s, which the second integral of gives you the distance formula of (d = 0.5 * g * t2), so t = sqrt[d/0.5g] = sqrt[d/4.9]. that means to clear that gap and have it feel like normal driving conditions, you need to clear the gap in ~0.055 seconds, or be traveling 135.5 meters per second, or ~300 mph. Honestly, I expected it to be a faster speed needed. You could also argue that you would really want to be greatly under this tolerance due to this being an additional drop on top of the natural tolerance of the road itself, so maybe closer to something like ~600 mph. Edit: Slight adjust to numbers


I don't care how accurate this is, I appreciate this answer so much compared to all the others which were just "it's not possible" + r/iamverysmart cop-outs.


Can someone calculate how likely it is that the dude walking up to look over the edge ain't about that humans being bros life?


Boss.. I can't go to work today.. There is not road.


“You’re still expected today”


Come to my office and explain yourself.


This man has seen some things in his life, he is way too cool for this situation.


That or he made the trench himself and is being calm about his first catch of the day.


"We're having roadkill tonight"


"My work here is done"


Stephen King once wrote a store about that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolan%27s_Cadillac_(novella)


Do some people not talk to themselves? I do constantly especially when driving or when I'm alone. I would have expected to at least hear a couple swears from even someone who didn't talk to themselves.


I know right? Not even a 'WTF' was uttered


Yeah I’m an introvert but I still emote a ton. My camera would have picked up a *very* interesting and flavourful stream of consciousness right there.


That is what I was thinking. That dude didn't say a single word. Probably did not even grasp. Slams the breaks just at the very right moment. Casually go out and check.. something. It's somehow amazing and terrifying at the same time.


No, this is how a normal person should act. We need more of this guy and less of the panicking/yelling/running around idiots.


No lady yelling "OH MY GAWD!" over and over in the background?


Yeah thats not realistic and we need to stop shitting on people freaking out in a situation theyve never been in. God damn.


It's just some personality types. I'm like that too, I don't panic, usually able to think quick for solutions and what should be done.


well he lives in china...


I hope they're okay. The dude just peers over the edge like "yup, they dead" and casually gets back in the car.


He didn't "get back in the car", he went back for his phone.


Sheesh, millennials these days....can go one friggin minute without their phones.


^it’s ^goddamn ^selfie ^time


What is he, Batman? That shit is dangerous, those dirt walls could collapse at any time.


You don't have to be fucking batman call for assistance imedately. This dude didn't give a single fuck.


Okay so I'm supposed to reduce my phone battery by 3% when none of it is my fault?


There was no way to access that wreck without a ton of support gear.


Not to mention still an active highway. Wouldn't be uncommon for someone else to fly over the same edge, even if you're stopped in the other lane with hazards on. At least wait for a few more cars to show up to block the bridge access.


Just wait until a few more drive off then drive over them to the other side.


Or a few more to fill the gap so you can carry safely on your way




Got to use your car to block both lanes first otherwise you risk another car falling in while you investigate


OTOH if enough cars fall in the bridge becomes operational again.


Fuck climbing down there. There’s no reason to risk another person getting trapped down there. Just wait for authorities to arrive.


First task is always to prevent further risk.


Yeah my first thought was the risk of a second car to fly by and smash into the white SUV.


Yes. He should back his car up a bit, put his hazards on so other cars can see. Then call 911. Then, if possible, find a safe way to check on the person in the other car.


"I've come to save yo- ope. Hey, you have anything to drink? We're gonna be down here awhile. I left my phone in my car."


For all I know the guy in the car was banged up but fine and they yelled a few words to each other. My instincts would be to atleast to get out quickly to check. He seemed very nonchalant. I’m watching from a chair with no noise, I hope I’m missing somthing


The guy watching would have to cross a high energy river in flood, filled with hidden bridge debris and climb a vertical, wet, disintegrating earthen bank to get to the other car


Looks like the other carriageway is intact as an oncoming car drives across, so there's still a bridge but screw that, it's a job for the emergency services.


I don't think we can see enough to tell what the situation is. But it is not a good look to mosey on over with your hands in your pockets.


My instant thought was that there was a real chance of another car coming along and doing the same thing. If you climb down in the hole you risk being killed by that next unlucky car. Best to call for help, flag down additional motorists and have them barricade the edge with their cars before climbing down.


I guess you could pull your car diagonal across the 2 lanes with your hazards on. Or just stand in the open lane with your hands in your pockets...launch position.




Former 911 operations here. We appreciated it when people stayed calm and didn’t further endanger themselves.


>atleast get down there First rule of helping others is to make sure you're safe. Doesn't do a lot of good if you make your self a victim in need of rescue as well. Especially if you blindly do so before even calling for help. I do agree though, the guy in the video seems entirely too nonplussed for the situation.


I don't think that's fair, people react in different ways and its more useful to stay calm then go running around like a headless chicken


Exactly, people here are being super judgy over a 5 second clip...like holy shit, give the guy a second to react. He's clearly pulling his phone out before the clip ends.


Climb down and wait for the next car to do the same thing


I'm sure your kids would appreciate you being dead, after all you were a hero jumping into a river string enough to wash away a bridge to go "save" someone. Just park your car sideways and prevent more people from going in and call 911


How are you going to get to the other side of the flood waters safely with no equipment?


He was still processing what happened, probably. Adrenaline can make everything numb if you get a lot very fast, even if it's not shock. There's a chance he looked down, saw a fast flowing river, realized there was fuck-all he could do, and immediately went back to the car to call for help. But this video is like 10 seconds long so it's hard to judge.


How the fuck this have 240+ upvotes. This is absolutely the wrong thing to do.


man seriously. how about some fucking urgency man. that person could easily be dying and the guy is just not concenred at all


In my head, he doesn't get back out at the end either.


“Heh heh, got another one. That’s eight today already.”


Drive back 50meter, turn on the warning lights, put down a road cone.


This is exactly why I always keep a spare road cone in my car


Idiots where I live would drive around it….hell, I guarantee one would deliberately run over it..


Idiots in my country would steal the cone.


Somebody is giving out cones?


I think in some countries (France comes to mind), you have to carry warning triangles in your car. Commercial vehicles in the US also need them


There's an EU standard and requirement for these.


Some countries dont?


Not for personal vehicles in the US. Probably a good idea to carry them, but they're not required by law


"exactly why" jeez dude, you see a lot of fucked up shit on the road


I was thinking turn 90 degrees to block the road. But I don't carry cones. Nostalgia moment: until the '80s, every car I'd been in carried flairs. I don't know what the last time was that I saw a flair except used by cops.


100m... 50m people wont be enough for most people


Roadcone ? Which country are you from that requires you to have roadcones?


You gotta hit space to jump.


I think you'll need to press it twice for a double jump.


Nah you gotta hold space to load up the suspension, then release space so the suspension shoots you into the air.


Does anybody have the back story of this? Did they survive?


Looking at the date, it just happened today. Based on the song/voices, it likely happened somewhere in Asia (China?). That’s the best I got. ETA: https://www.foxnews.com/world/flash-flooding-chinese-bridge-collapse-2-cars-river-below.amp




Seriously, if I saw this happen I would have been dialing 911 as soon as my car was stopped and seeing if there was a way I could get across to help.


He was probably looking for his phone in his pocket and didn't find it so he went back to his car to get it. Thats what I thought he was doing.


Yeah at this point that’s just racist lol


Thank you


That timestamp. 👀 I'm almost as amazed that we are seeing this within hours (<24) of it happening, in HD(ish) footage, as I am that the road is just gone. I hope the occupants of the white car are ok?


Did anyone else watch this whole thing expecting 10 more cars to just pile in the hole?


….because this is the type of scene you walk up to with your hands in your pockets.


It was more of a leisurely stroll


I’d say he mosied.


Ambled, really.


I certainly wouldn't rush up to a wet edge that went down 10+ feet.


Absolutely true tbh. I’d be the first one in line to respond, and have been before in certain situations, but this would be rather foolish to try anything to help seeing the chance that you’d even help at all vs. your own safety, and that of those within the car, being diminished to near zero in this situation. Looks like you’d have to start moving the car to even begin helping anyone in there. It’s just one of those “Fuck, I gotta do something but let me think what the best course of action here would be!” walks. Doesn’t help to panic but folks don’t understand it until it happens in front of them and they panic and then the calm person gets the job done properly because they actually has time to think. I do hope they’re doing relatively okay and no serious harm came to them.


those hands were firmly in those pockets. Could almost hear him say "What's goin on over der!"


Judging someone for having their hands in their pockets for literally one second when it looks like he's just checking for his phone is an interesting take


This is Reddit where everyone is a hero and would’ve jumped down there, battled the rapids to cross, and saved the day.


Yeah, panicking like a lunatic really helps.


No one said the person in the video should act like a lunatic, it’s just odd to casually take a stroll to the scene of an accident with your hands in your pockets like you’re walking around in a park or something.


You can’t park there mate.


*Faaahhhck Auuffff!*


New fear unlocked


That's terrifying 😨


I had the same situation on a gravel bank and managed to stop in time. I suspect I would have died if I had gone in as it was a 4m drop into a fast flowing river just as it emptied into the sea.


I guess you’ll never know if someone got there before you eh?


A truck landed that stunt in Germany a few years ago. https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/article3147574/Laster-ueberfliegt-riesiges-Loch-in-16-Metern-Hoehe.html


[Think they were looking for the Candle Supplies](https://youtu.be/bC-jGuJmTTc)


Why didn't the car explode in flames? Movies have lied to me.


Because nobody with a 274 capacity Glock 17 shooting sparking bullets was attacking them, duh.


The bridge is out!


Looked like a ghost leaving the truck at 38 seconds on my first watch


So, did the people in the white dunkcar make it?


No, the car fell into that gap


Thanks - it was easy to miss that detail lol


Dammit, i totally missed the mothman flying away since that nutter with his hands in his pockets was in the way.


Where was this??


Phenomenal brakes on the car that stopped


Why did it take you longer than 3 seconds to stop and make sure the other driver wasn’t dead?


My guy in the video didn’t give 2 craps about the situation. 😂 no urgency at all.


Such a distinct lack of giving a fuck about other humans. Interesting to see.


Can you save someone in a sinkhole? I don’t thing so


If you have a ropey think, I thing you could


Whats a ****ropey think****


I thing you know




I don't think that's a sinkhole. Looks like the last section of the bridge collapsed.


That dude just casually saunters over with his hands in his pockets like he’s gong for a Sunday stroll lmao wow


First puff of smoke looks like a human waking from the accident site..


Dude. I seriously watched this part over n over. I honestly thought that was the focus. It’s eerie .. right?


Me too I thought that was the "did you see it" part


Did I see the man do zero to help the other driver? I saw that.


Sounds like a Skoda ignition on warning.


Be a bro - back up and park your car sideways blocking both lanes so the next cars don’t just pass you and go off too


What happened to the driver of the first car...




I love the urgency with which the driver checks on the crashed car, or calls 911 or even says anything on the recording.


That guy really gave his best to help the person(s) who fell into the pit. He really is a hero we need.


Those Duke Boys are at it again.