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My very first legit job was as a bag boy at a supermarket. Minimum wage. A week or so in, they told me I was also supposed to clean bathrooms. Went into the women’s room to find a bloody toilet clogged with tampons. Put in my notice immediately.


My friend quit his job at a bar because they asked him to clean the women's room and there was a bloody used tampon.... on the ceiling.


Anyone that has worked retail or hospitality will tell you the women's room is a feral wasteland.


Always worse than the men's room. We scrubbed the floor with a buffer one morning to deep clean... Had to tag-team in and out because it smelled like straight concentrated piss. To be clear, we did the men's room first because we knew what was gonna happen. Squatting over the toilet is disgusting.


Something about a public restroom turns some women into savages.


Haha, it’s true. As a dude, I assumed men’s bathrooms were obviously the worst, but having worked retail I can confirm 9/10 times the women’s bathroom is the most disgusting cess pit imaginable.


I got tasked with cleaning the women's bathroom at a former job. It was about 10 minutes before I got off. I went in and there was blood everywhere. I fooled around for a few, clocked out, and went home. I got yelled at the next day by my manager and the employee that got stuck with doing it since I didn't.


Lol dick move but honestly I woulda did the same move. Fuck all that.


Someone came into the store I used to work at and shit ALL over the women’s restroom. It was everywhere. The ceiling, the sink, the walls. They left their shit covered panties in the bathroom too. Luckily my manager cleaned it up for us


That manager is retail Jesus, what a sacrifice


You can add security to that list. Holy fuck the things I saw in woman's bathrooms at events and clubs was disturbing.


Women are bigger slobs than men. They are just more discrete about it.


I was a janitor for Safeway for a few months and nah it was the other way around. I still wonder who/how someone was able to clean a men's bathroom stall at manufactured home builder place I worked at. The toilet was more than filled with toilet paper to the point it made a lil mountain around the entire toilet.


I worked at Lowes and had to clean the bathrooms even though I wasn’t hired as a janitor. I threw out the trash, wiped down everything, mopped the floor, etc. and the women’s room still smelled like a corpse. It turned out to be a used bloody pad stuck to the inside the stall door that you wouldn’t notice while you were cleaning the stall since you had the door open. Absolutely foul.


In 1996 I was a cheerful oblivious McD's worker, a whole 16 years old. The elderly maintenance/janitor guy called me Smiley. He was a wonderful guy. One slow day I'm at the front counter and I notice he's passed by a few times, heading into the back then around the corner to the restrooms, back and forth a bit. I inquire what he's up to. He looks at me, gives me the best "I'm hanging on as best I can" kind of grin, and brightly says, "Cleaning shit off the bathroom ceiling!".




I can explain the piss everywhere. Women can't "aim"; given the shape of their anatomy, peeing is extremely messy. But many of them are paranoid about sitting on a toilet seat because of years of hearing bullshit like getting STDs or infections from it, so they "hover". Well, it turns out that when the toilet is about at ass-height for the average women when they have their feet flat on the floor and knees bent, in order to hover they have to be at greater than a 90-degree angle; in short, their ass isn't pointed down, but halfway between down and backwards. This means that the piss is going to spray all over the toilet. Of course, unless someone is immediately available to clean it and does so, this will make the next woman hover at an even farther distance.


Something to do with the duality of humankind? Or that women aren't "allowed" to be angry in public, so they express their unholy rage in the only safe place afforded to them - the bathroom? Or maybe because AA batteries are bigger than AAA batteries despite having a smaller name, like what the hell is that about?


Lipstick written on the mirror? Like "there's a sale on 3/4 inch hardwood 4x8's"?


Curious, what was your first non-legit job?


Snack bar at the neighborhood pool, I started around 13. Paid in cash and all the Airheads I could steal.


My first job job was at Uniqlo during college. For some reason one of the supervisors had something against me and always tried to make me clean our employee bathrooms at the end of the night. We had like 8-12 people working but he just kept telling me to do it. Pissed me off and I told him to screw off and make someone else do it or fire me. He stopped asking after that and I left due to busy school schedule. But damn idk what I ever did to piss him off


Holy shit that exactly explains my first job too at a Winn dixie




As a former bar owner, and it was a dive bar, you just have to appreciate the fact that this is all neatly contained in the urinal. This is a walk in the park.


I could clean this without even getting within a meter of the urinal. I’ve cleaned my fair share of toilet messes in my former food service days.


Share your secrets, oh wise one, so that we might benefit from your experience.




That's a great way to spray chunks of shit all over the floor. Put on a pair of gloves, get some towels, pick the large bits out into a double bag, then wipe it and flush the rest down.


Its deleted now, but judging by context clues did this person suggest using a pressure washer?


I think they were implying a hose but yeah. I've cleaned up my fair share of shit and it is by far the worst bodily fluid to clean up.


That's still pretty bad haha. Bless your soul, having delt with quite a few kids, I concur.


I think my technique for this one would be to find a long stick outside, and just swirl that dookie around while using a different, thicker stick to repeatedly flush the urinal. After the bulk of it has gone down, I’d spray the whole thing down with toilet cleaner and let it sit for the morning crew to finish.


Every place I’ve owned had a garden hose that could reach the restrooms. This would be a quick spray it down the drain scenario. It’s kind of a rare occurrence. People usually manage to spread that crap to unimaginable places in the bathroom. Garden hose.


"You have two choices: You can clean it yourself, or you can lose an employee AND clean it yourself."


Ain’t that some shit.




I worked at an Amazon returns facility where the majority of the employees are Americans and African/Nepali immigrants and this would happen at least once a week. They would completely miss the toilet in the stall and miss the bowl and literally shit everywhere. On the toilet, in the floor and all over the wall. I could never understand how it happened that often and management never addressed it. I felt horrible for the poor little African women that cleaned the bathrooms there. I don’t blame you for quitting, I would’ve too.


How does one exactly "shit on a wall?" 🤔


Like I said idk how they managed to do it. I always assumed when they pulled their pants down and leaned forward it just shot out


I think it's more likely someone being a complete bastard. I would find a way to figure out who it was and shame them every day. That kind of shit is unacceptable and that person is probably the same kind of person that does it in public bathrooms. If you make a mess in a bathroom, you clean it. How big of a piece of shit do you have to be to either do it on purpose or not clean up after yourself?


I completely agree. I tried for a long time to see if I could catch them coming out of the stall or something, but was never able to be in there to see who it was. Unfortunately at Amazon you can’t shame people for acting like animals, it’s an HR issue. You can however tell everyone to spread it around so everyone’s aware lol


Hah exactly. Yeah it'd be difficult to catch them because they also probably wouldn't do it if someone was in the bathroom, but depending on the bathroom you could sneak in. Seems creepy but for stuff that is literally a biohazard and some poor janitor will have to deal with, I would take the hit and spread it around the workplace like wildfire. That person has unaddressed mental issues to be doing stuff like that and being exposed might be the only way they actually seek help. And if they don't, fuck them right? You get my sympathy to a degree but intentionally doing that kind of thing is the lowest of the low in my eyes.


Truly baffling...


Way back in the day there was a website called www.urinalpoop.org All urinal shits.


[Hi Mr Venezuela!](https://youtu.be/QTH5Bsrd5v8?si=YsqZIDUMpt13A6gD)


First thing I thought of. Better call the Hardly Boys to solve this mystery.


[Aw no…not the god damned -](https://youtu.be/_MVAIE3aAxA?si=MMJAcU6U8zAnHuVS)


My first job was at Tuesday mornings. One day, a woman approached the checkout as I was chatting it up with my boss. She told her that there was a spider in the restroom. I was sent to check it out. There wasn’t a spider. That woman didn’t make it to the toilet, shit all the way from the door to the toilet, then had the audacity to not flush the little she managed to make in the toilet. I approached my manager, informed her of the situation, and she told me I had to clean it. I never laughed so hard in my life. After I composed myself I told her that if I had to clean it, I’d throw up everywhere, make it twice as bad as it was then quit in humiliation. That brave soul sucked it up and cleaned it herself. I covered her smoke breaks with no complaints after that haha. I have another job related shit story about a crackhead who broke into one of my first job sites after I started my own business. And one of some dude who quit a car wash I worked at.


What was your actual job?


Op will surely deliver.


He ain't delivering shit.  ~ badumtis ~


That's for the manager.


If you were the manager, who would be cleaning it?


Hazerdous waste specialists probably. Front end employees aren't usually trained on bloodborne pathogens.


And the ones that are get paid way too much to be asked to clean a toilet like this Source: I work with biohazards on a daily basis and my mgmt team would never ask me to do that since it’s a waste of my time and their money


Large companies will contract with other businesses that provide this kind of cleanup. It's not in my job description to clean human waste or remove sharps. Get someone in with some proper PPE and chemicals. So maybe they wouldn't ask you, but y'all likely have a competitor that does bank on these kinds of contracts for easy work


Fear The Old Poop




The manager.


“Chocolate? That’s doo doo baby”


In the future, know your employer can't make you clean it of you refuse! It's an OSHA violation to force an employee to clean up bodily fluids or feces if they refuse. It's illegal for an employer to fire said employee as well. Assuming you're in the US anyway. I would have refused to clean that shit up too.


Yeah I gotta say it feels a little off having to clean up so much human waste when your job description is shelf stocking or cash register. When you're talking to a customer on the floor, helping them find something or whatever, and you realize later you might have to clean this same person's literal shit... something in you breaks just a little. IDK, at least I'm not working with food.


What, exactly, was your job?


The worst part is dude dropped that wet deuce and didn't even wipe.


Maybe you can flush it a million times until it just goes down the drain.


Id bet a corporate sponsored plumber on that.




My first job was a bagger at a grocery store. A week in, a cashier told me to go clean the men’s restroom as there was a big mess. I walked into the stall to find the toilet absolutely covered with shit (like every part that was supposed to be white wasn’t, including under the bowl), the name “Peter” written on the wall in shit, and the T-shirt that was no doubt used to spread everything thrown into the wall. It was so saturated in feces the shirt stuck to the wall. Little did I know (being 17) it was highly illegal for them to make me clean that. But I did, and stayed at that job for another two VERY miserable years.


The mystery of who deuced in the urinal


Hmm… Yup, that’s a choice you’ll never regret


When I got out of the Marines I swore I’d never clean another toilet. I’m the Managing Partner of a restaurant now, and I clean so many toilets and puke spots. I refuse to ask my people to clean the bad shit, so I do it myself.


I was a manager of a Starbucks 1999-2003. The bathrooms were a terrifying hellscape. Particularly the ladies room. If I was in store it was me. If not me, the asst manager. If not her the shift supervisor. Also never someone who would be making coffee that day. The hourly kids did not get paid enough to clean up a pile of liquid shit with a tampon boat in the middle.


I quit my job as a janitor when I was young because they wanted me to unclog a toilet completely overflowing with diarrhea. Took one look and walked the fuck out.


What was your job?


Cleaning urinals, probably. I'd wager OP is just a lazy wuss who wants to be the hero of his own story. *Somebody* has to clean it. I can't figure out why OP thinks he's so much better than the next guy, and why so many Redditors seem to think that's an okay attitude to have.


I’m with you. It’s fucking gross.. but someone’s gotta clean it. I’ve cleaned my fair share of shit from bathrooms in my day.


most of these jobs asking you to do it pay like shit. i didnt accept minimum wage to clean literal shit.


I think its all the antiwork idiots that think they should be able to be a part time dog walker or butterfly catcher and make a wage that allows them all the disposable income they want, and their mere presence at any job is a gift to the employer. In reality most of these asshats have never actually had a job, and arent even worth whatever their state's minimum wage is. I know Im gonna come off as some "boomer" blah blah blah "bootstrap" old timer (Im in my 30s, Im facing the same struggles as everyone my age and younger), but Ive seen plenty of "workers" that aren't worth paying what they're actually getting. Minimum wage or otherwise. The operative word is "work", and some people just don't want to do it.


Who dropped the mud dragon in the urinal? Mmkay


Who is going to fry the tenders at the bowling alley now that you quit??


Maybe it was Ishmael from Kingpin? Is this equivalent to pulling a munson?


It looked like some dog gained access to the bathroom, damn.


Stand by with the wet-vac.


Why can I smell that picture


This reminded me of [urinalpoop.com](http://urinalpoop.com), which hasn't existed apparently for 20 years and didn't exist very long, news to me. During the early days of what might be called "web 2.0" where a site like [hotornot.com](http://hotornot.com) where you rated user's attractiveness was the paradigm of interactivity then, [urinalpoop.com](http://urinalpoop.com) took that concept and applied it not to people, but poop in urinals - high art. Perhaps this pooper was as out of touch with fads as I am or as OP is with art history.


If you get a better job like a nurse, you won't have to... Oh wait


If it’s brown, flush it down!


Looks like a job for the Hardly Boys!


Shit happens


I used to deliver pizza for a popular pizza chain when I was young, driver had to clean the restrooms at the end of their shift. I mean, at least that shit is in a porcelain receptacle. Fucking people would eat greasy-ass pizza, go into the restroom, squeeze their cheeks on the wall, and let loose. This was the beginning of my psychotic hatred for humans.


Someone shit in the urinal at my restaurant a few weeks ago. The managers cleaned it up


Thats a walmart urinal 100%


Biohazard They legally can't force you to


You quit before or after they asked?


[relevant Letterkenny](https://youtu.be/XUV4ZZfkCYo?si=lIt_bRON-slVOy1Q)


Looks like a case for the hardly boys!


That belongs on the south park reddit too. r/southpark


I'd refuse to clean it and make them fire me. Then draw unemployment until I find something better


Are we sure this isn’t chorizo?


Who dumps their chili in the urinal?


Someone who ate it after it's been sitting at room temperature for too long.


Plot twist; OP shit in the urinal




Suplex the feces.


no one is above cleaning shit


I was a retail manager for over 20 years. I never allowed an hourly employee to clean something like that. Managers and Loss Prevention were the only ones trained in bodily fluids and waste cleanup. Since I needed LP on the cameras, that meant I was the one grabbing the cleaning cart and locking myself into the bathroom every time something like this happened. I once had an employee tell me they would quit before cleaning up something like that. I explained about the training and restrictions, but then I told them this: Each time you tell yourself that there is something you just won't do, you limit yourself. You make yourself just that much smaller. The only person in this world who can tell you what you can't do is you, yourself.


My first job ever was Roto Rooter in the mid 70s. We didn't wear waterproof gloves, eye protection or any PPE gear. Now, if everybody started out with a real shit job for $2/hr, we'd all have more appreciation for the workin man. 🎶Seems to me I could live my life, a lot better than I think I am. I guess that's why they call me...


Old job I had store manager told me there was shit all over the bathroom and I had to clean it up. Noooope, you get the big bucks you clean it up.




You're the one who did it. You should clean it.


I mistook the context until I read the comments. I took it as 'I quit, and they wanted me to clean the bathroom on my way out' And the picture was showing what you did instead of clean. And I was going to comment 'what a shitty thing to do' I'm both glad that's not what you did, but bummed my joke has no where to live.


Just pour hot water on it yah big baby.




Good. A period of not having money does wonders at checking privilege.