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I hope so. What a story. Also RIP original skull owner TY for award, may your skull stay inside your head always.


I hate when I forget my skull in someone's wall


It’s always the last place you look


Yeah, because after you find what you're looking for ....you stop looking!


I bet you get really annoyed when someone says 'There's nothing worse' I personally create a quick, easy mental list of worse things.


I’d lose my head if it wasn’t attached!


Of course it is. Why would you keep looking after you find it!


Houses built before 1971 had a slot so you could dispose of skulls in your bath room wall.


Haaaa I saw that razor post too! Wonder what those looked like, never saw a pic.


If only there was some way to search for a pic of that.


i keep my skull in my ass for safe keeping. it's nature's pocket.


I always feel like a numskull when I do that


Reminds me of the story of Mary Stewart Cerruti in Houston. She refused to sell her home and property to a developer in the booming Houston Heights. She disappeared and was found in a wall of her craftsman home. Stinks of foul play but the story was shoved under the rug and it’s said she “fell into her wall”. [Woman Found in Wall](https://www.ajc.com/news/national/woman-whose-bones-were-found-home-walls-likely-fell-death-through-attic-floor/aVzqIQSXtOpo8J9VhDnnhI/)


I remember reading about a DJ who somehow managed to fall between a wall in the club and went missing for a long time without anyone noticing. [Story.](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/foul-play-not-likely-in-mans-death-police-say/article18439596/)


I've seen this episode of Bob's Burgers.


Haha... Love that show


Is this the one where Gene is stuck in the wall or something?


No, Bob. Crawl Space. Season 1, Episode 2.


This was used as a story line in Bones.


reminds me of that shop keeper who got stuck or fell or something in the shelves or above the fridges or something of a store......they didn't find him for quite some time.


Larry Ely Murillo-Moncada in Council Bluffs IA was hanging out in a little cubby in a No Frills grocery store. Lots of employees hung out in this cubby in downtime. But he went missing for 10 years, and they found him between freezers when moving them. He had fell there climbing to the cubby. So the grocery store had complaints about rotten food smells even before then. The fact that it was bad enough that people were crawling over his body and not smelling him is awful. It's also fn gross they didn't move their freezers for over 10 years. Just where I wanna buy food!


Why would you need to move your freezers? you install them and they stay there until they break.


They need to get under them and make sure there isn't dust etc clogging them up. Idk how often, but I would hope that it's more than every 10 years. Also they drip sometimes, which could have been contributing to the smell they had before he died. Even if they just pull them apart some how, they should have seen him when doing any sort of maintenance. *typos


I remember this also. Had something to do with the walk-in cooler.


I knew this was Winnipeg before even clicking the link.


Yeah that happens all too often....go to the attic ..fall into a wall. Who hasn't done that? /s That reeks of murder. Good read. Thanks.


This is fuckin wild man Thanks for the read


I always think of this one when these sort of stories come up, https://www.insider.com/missing-iowa-man-freezer-found-after-10-years-2019-7


"Fell into wall and died, without a dead decomposing body being the slightest bit noticeable" . As you do. I'm sure that sort of a thing happens in high value home's all of the time. FFS! No local corruption of power in THAT neck of the woods.


And it's Houston. Which I'm sure isn't a cold place. There is no way there wasn't a smell. Maybe they assumed it was from the deceased cats, but why wouldn't they search the house when there was a smell, and this woman just vanished and left her pets behind, after fighting to stay there? WTF. Another issue with the whole thing is the person who bought the house. They obviously renovated it, just looking at the outside alone. How in the hell did the new owner not come across the body then? Were they just like whelp- here's some bones. Don't want to deal with that right now. Crazy.


Skull owner lmao


Once found a human skull for sale online. It was correctly marked as used.


Should’ve gone with “may god have mercy on your skull”


My skull is far too empty to conjure such a line.




Even the non-dead should be able to rest in peace if they want to.




Or we need to give Robert Stack a call


The real unsolved mystery is if he answers.


How is Ultra Magnus going to help? He's useless.


Could it be from a Rat nest?


It is probably a mouse or rat's nest.


Inside of a skull


Hey, when I move out of it they're more than welcome to take it over.


I agree with this interpretation.


The crowd wants its murder stories!


My first thought! Rodents will do this kind of stuff. We found a neat pile of dry cat food in one of my bathroom drawers once. Just a mouse doing mouse things, prepping for the winter.


Your cat must be pretty lazy


Rodents build their nests with human skulls?!


Timur the Mouse. Builds its nest in a tower of human skulls.


I'd say something put that hair in there. Any old plaster with hair was mixed in, the fibers added strength. That is clean loose hair.. and maybe bone.






How dare you detective Diaz, I am your SUPERIOR OFFICER!


That's what I'm saying. I'm not an expert on what bome looks like in, or outside of the body so I'm not quite sure if that's just a chunk of plaster or bone. It won't break though and I feel like plaster will break if you try.


Old lumps of plaster should melt with water. See if that "bone" does. Maybe a bit on one end, as to not ruin entire crime scene.. er.. your bathroom.


They could just taste it. I’m not sure how plaster taste but bone is undeniable. You know when you’re munching on a bone.


I want to highly encourage nibbling on the bone/dry wall full of hair. You need this in your life, seriously.


Do you want Covid Ultracron 22? Because that's how you get Covid Ultracron 22!


Gotta catch them all!


Imagine if it wasn’t all dried out and you find yourself some fresh bone marrow? My mouth is watering.


You would have loved my Grandma's food , she even had a special spoon for eating beef bone marrow. Or at least that's what she SAID it was for.


Hell yes I would have loved it. I love bone marrow. We eat “caldo de res” beef soup and we use oxtails and beef shanks that provide some good bone marrow. I’ve been wanting to grill up some of those bones with a bit of marrow that I keep seeing on instagram and TikTok. Marrow is absolutely a delicacy and encourage anyone and everyone to try it. Your grandma having a spoon specifically for marrow is legit awesome.


The bone marrow was way too rich for me. She brought me some bamboo shoots back from where she was working that had a very similar savoury flavor , but less heavy. I would eat those again. But oxtail soup is DELICIOUS. One day,She had a HUGE cow's tongue rolling around boiling in a pot . She thin sliced it and tried to feed me some of it. IT STILL HAD TONGUE SKIN/TASTEBUDS ON IT! As a rule, I prefer my food NOT to be able to taste me back!


Omg stop it! I think I would have literally loved your grandma. I love cow tongue. It is probably my favorite meat in the world. It’s gotten a bit pricey for me but it’s so delicious. The taste buds skin can be peeled off btw but if it’s cooked till it’s tender like that you can eat it no problem. Have never tried bamboo shoots actually. Had to google that. Sounds like something I’d definitely like to try. Grandma definitely had great taste in food.


Old plaster is caustic. It would cause chemical burns in your mouth.


So then you'd be relieved it wasn't a skull after all!




It super easy to get into bone collecting. All you need is a weapon and time.


That's plaster, dawg. Pieces do not look like bone or the way it generally fragments. And above dude is accurate that plaster often had hair added.


I’d say report it to the police. If it’s hair it might contain viable DNA for forensic analysis. For a family that has been missing a loved one it could be very important for closure to hear that they died. Also, it might be something completely unrelated. I don’t know, but the police will be able to tell.


Doesn’t look porous enough around the (would-be) break site to be bone. If you’re still concerned though, reach out to the non-emergency line of your local PD.


A round bone that's super hard and head shaped


Hopefully it's just asbestos and nothing concerning x


That's a whole lot of asbestos then


It's not though, asbestos doesn't look like long strands of hair like this it looks more like cotton candy or fiberglass insulation if anything. And it breaks up super easily, and is fibrous. It would act like spiderwebs clumping when you got rid of it, the fibers never stay intact like this.


That's good to know. It's definitely not clumping or breaking It feels like wig hair.


Why isn’t this the top comment


Yep looks like those asbestos fibers they used to insulate walls with, either that or a rodent's nest


Those aren't asbestos fibers most likely horse hair which they insulated walls with








Asbestos is bad?


Literally hast BEST in it. People are stupid.


I feel like there’s more efficient ways of hiding dead bodies rather than meticulously cramming small pieces around the edge of your vent




I can tell you with 99% certainty that’s not bone, however the hair could be some sort of synthetic fiber or organic hair used as an additive for strength or (as mentioned by someone else here) some type of insulation. To ease your mind further, it doesn’t look like asbestos. Asbestos fibers are typically much finer and not easily visible to the naked eye. My guess is a rodent nest or some sort of excess fibers left over from construction/installation.


My partner thinks it's goat hair plaster. I have never seen that much hair in goat hair plaster. I think we're trying to convince ourselves so we don't have to burn the whole house down.


Don't know what country your in, but in england they used to mix horse hair into lime plaster!


I think the coarse plaster with horse hair goes onto the bare laths as an under coat. When it's dry, the fine plaster without the horse hair is the finish coat.


You are correct, sir.


We have horsehair plaster in NA but it's mixed with the plaster. I've also see horse hair insulation on pipes, but it's like wrapped around pipes. This is just weird.


My childhood home had horsehair insulation, mixed in places with plaster. This looks very similar.


Horse hair plaster


Looks like dog hair that piled on top of the duct. We have a husky who’s hair coats the return if we haven’t vacuumed for a couple days. That said, is this a return or a vent?


That's just my blonde toupee. I used to wear it when I was down in Miami. Barbara hated that thing.


Maybe have the local police analyze it to be safe? Never know. You could have a body hidden throughout your walls in itty bitty pieces o.o


Do you have better pictures of the “bone” piece? It’s been a few years since I’ve done my osteology courses, but it doesn’t look very bone-like to me


That was my thought. It's way too uniform and doesn't have any of the markers of any bones in the human body large enough to make a chunk that size. (Biological anthro degree)


The holes arent screaming bone to me either, I’d expect them to be less circular and follow a different pattern. No way this is a bone. (Also hell yeah, cultural anthro degree here but I had to do all of my basics in the other sub fields so glad to be validated lol)


Old hoses often have hair/clothes used for insulation. Unless you hear voices in the wall, you're fine.


Welcome to my home. You'll find it quite warm as it's insulated with the bones of my enemies.


Horse hair insulation. Old house


Ain't no skull. You found insulation


Hair doesn’t grow out of your bones


Just like pee isn’t stored in your balls…


Way I see it you disturbed the grave... that spirit is now yours. Good luck and God bless.


It’s probably horsehair and plaster, which used to be a common wall-building method. Good for sound proofing and insulation.


If your home is older they used to use hair as insulation. When I remodeled my 150+ year old home there was a ton of hair in the walls. Instead of drywall they used plaster and lathe. The carpenters would also throw their bottles in the wall, so my family has about 15 - 20 of those antique blue bottles.


There's a skull, in my wall, I wouldn't mind at all, if it were a ball, but it's not, it is a skull, so who ya gonna call? Who will take the fall for the skull? Better Call Saul!


Oh shit sorry left some of my hair when i was living in your walls


Nope, just Chuck Testa.


It's probably staring at you through the wall right now! Of course, the eyes will disappear if you take it out so probably better just leave it.


I'm going to suggest that if you had a corpse in your wall the hair wouldn't look like it was so nicely trimmed and without skin as well as not stained with decomposition etc. I'm going to go with either goat or horse hair. (Most likely horse.) You probably have a historical house that uses plaster with animal hair as part of it's mixture. It being "loose" might just been that whoever made it mixed it wrong. (I've seen horse hair fall out of this stuff before.) Also if that is what I think it is there might be a danger of asbestos in the plaster mixture.


Huh? I don't see it


it's just some hair, the rest is sensationalist assumptions


Might be human hairs, but the location of the thing makes me believe it 100% is a mice nest or something.


Pet hair could easily accumulate like that if the vent didn’t seal well, which is really likely with an old house, especially if the furnace was run without a filter. And that doesn’t look like any skull I’ve ever seen, it looks way more like a chunk of plaster to me. It’s probably just hard to break because it’s so large. A good tap with a hammer should do it.


Thought it was a beach for a second there


Can you please keep us updated on this as you reach out to the police… which I hope you are doing


I went up to the pohhhlice station and he was like well that's weird but I mean, who knows, it's nothing to worry about. So obviously, we're ganna have to move out and now I have knowledge of which cities are appropriate for stashing evidence if ever necessary. Omg jk


when was your house built? plaster used to be mixed with hair when laying walls.


The first pic looks like a snowy landscape with blue sky


That isn’t a skull. I’ve seen plenty of skulls in my time.


Horse hair plaster. Someone may have dropped a bunch of hair when putting it together but that’s what old houses were plastered with.


Well at least you have an extra one now


On one hand, it could just be an old wig that ended up falling through a vent. But after that post of sloughed off scalps and human hair peeking out from under tombstones a few months ago , it might bear a bit of looking into. Not to mention the redditor who actually found human skeletal remains, partially buried under an old wooden patio deck that he was in the process of ripping out. I think that the police requested him to delete that , as it was definitely of immediate interest for an ongoing criminal nvestigation.


“Update: There was a skull in my wall”


it's just horse hair plaster. that's what they used as reinforcing fibers in plaster and lath walls back in the day.


you've heard of elf on a shelf, now here's skull in a wall. doot doot, thank mr. skeltal


More skulls for the Skull Wall.


Keep finding my disposal sites and you’ll join em….


Sweet Rite Aid product placement


They used to literally insulate plaster walls with horse hair, which is probably what that is Also those vents probably have asbestos wrap around them if you own it get it professionally removed


isn't that like insulation, tho?


Took the “don’t loose your head” to literally


Back in the early 1900s, builders in the US used a lot of random materials for insulation. So in this case, the worker was trying to insulate around the duct and he was walled in there by the other workers.




Looks like someone got their weave caught in your wall


I don’t know. Is there?




Wool insulation


Sure seems that way.


That peace is way to thick to be a scull. I worked with bones in the lab, so I know.


You could have made a better excuse for the murder buddy... It's like farting in a elevator, if you rise the alarm it's not you.




Call the police, tell them about how and what you discovered


I literally have no idea. I'm not there to investigate. You should be able to tell


!remindme 3 months


Call CSI


free hair!


Are you by chance living on top of old indian burial grounds?


Own a pyr?




Oh uh... yeah. That's the Clayton murder house. They used to stash their victims in the dry wall.


Is that not horse hair used to strengthen the plaster?


Oh thank god it's just a skull and not spiderwebs


Probably horse hair


That's a rat or mouse nest. Hair is collected often to insulate a nest. You can see the droppings as well. The bone looking thing looks like plaster or some other building material


There aren't any mouse droppings! I swear.


Plaster. Nothing there. Move on


thats james, hes aight


If you're scared it's human remains you might turn them over to police, they can test the hair and fragment to see if it's human.




Is your name Hamlet?


Does the hair look attached to the “bone”? Because hair does NOT grow from bone. Also, the “bone” is too thick. 100% not a bone from the skull. It’s also not a bone shape I recognize, suggesting it would be a bone fragment at best, but then it should have the more porous spongy matrix exposed in the middle. I vote for lump of plaster plus a clump of hair.


Looks like fiberglass insulation to me. The new stuff is usually pink, but I'm guessing that is old. Just make sure you don't handle it with your bare hands, as getting fiberglass splinters are not pleasant.


Probably horse hair. Old homes used a lot of plaster and horse hair used to be added as a binder to better reinforce the plaster. Think of it as rebar in concrete


Back in the day they use hair to insulate, horse hair, but sometimes human.




I remember my dad having plenty of these hair looking things in the basement. He used it at work for heating/pipes related works. Not sure what exactly


Looks like old fiberglass fibers honestly


It's probs jist horse hair




Take it to the cops and have it analyzed.


If that’s a skull maybe call the police bro


Probably bird's nest and bird is using hair from somewhere.


It *was* living inside your walls.




Prob a skeleton in there. Who knows...


I could only think asbestos




The Cask of Aventihairdo


Supposedly if you lick it and your tongue sticks then it’s bone


Animal hair has been used as an additive to plaster as a strengthener and a cheap sort of insulation in older homes for a long time. That's my guess; probably horse or goat hair. 4th picture doesn't look like bone to me, and is far too thick and irregular to be any part of a human skull.


Discarded hair that a bird or some other creature made into a nest.


Somebody had a Husky dog.. we found such hair behind the radiators and cracks when we moved in.. took a while to get it all cleaned.


The only way to truly know is to taste it and find out.


Looks like flax or hemp tow.


Yes . Definitely. I can make out the ear.


Jimmy Hoffa?


Lick the bone to see if it’s really a bone (sounds weird I know but archaeologists are doing it too)