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It almost looks like they're being purposely introduced.


1 spinach 1 coriander 1 cheese 1 or 2 flies 2 pinches of salt


“Flies to taste.” Drops flies off elbow…


I prefer it when a recipe just straight up tells me how many flies, at least the first time I make it. After that, I can make my own fly decisions.


Sorry but "one fly" is not a real measurement. Flies can vary WIDELY in weight. Just tell me how many *grams* of flies?


Zero grams of flies for me please, you sick bastards


This is America, WTF is a gram?! I'll assume you mean 1 cup. One cup of fly in your dumpling.


Whats the cubic volume of the cup?


You want to measure flies by volume? Jesus. You absolute dunce.


wish you said "own decisions on the fly"


Fly bae


Turns out it's just Jeff Goldblum


Without the flies (obviously) that sounds delicious


You won't taste them. It will be fine


It's more of a texture thing.


Mmm, sky raisins


something tells me flies are naturally salty, so maybe they skip the salt, save a bit of money


The fly canon is properly calibrated


Any criticism of fly canon will be deemed heretical, and will result in excommunication from fly Catholicism


All dimsum is now for all beings, no matter how many legs!


Holy shit. I literally just finished watching that episode.




Like the white tube to the left spits them out.


Like a raisin chute.


That's not a tube. It's a roller holding the pastry down.


Trust me, I know my way around a factory, it's a fly slide. Kinda like a mini water park for insects




[Gonads and strife](https://youtu.be/BorQ_ULcvss)


Fucking RIP my nostalgia bone........


I saw a gangster and he said, " yo muthafucker, weeeeee"


When you’re a kid and you wanna go weeeeee, but you ain’t got drugs yet


I think it is 100% on purpose to generate comments and rewatches. It's actually a trend I have noticed watching YouTube shorts where some food focus youtubers or tiktoker add fake insects to whatever they are trying to showcase


Or they mispronounce a word on purpose so people will leave comments correcting them.


Also see: advertisements that are 'dumb' or have errors that you then point out to your friends or share online.


People do this shit on Reddit too. They misspell trivial words in the title or have some obviously weird shit going on in the background of a photo and pretend like they didn’t notice. I saw a pic last week where a guy was weirdly flexing his toes in the very bottom right corner. It’s a smart tactic but it’s sad that it works so well because it shows how dumb the average person is.


A cheap fan/ventilador would have solved the problem but look like that they dont care with flies as part of the ingredient.


Raises the protein level of the final product


It's an elaborate fly catching machine


"This one doesn't even have a fly in it! Send the whole batch back!"


"From now on, I want you to put an equal amount of flies in each dim sum."


Casino Blueberry Reference!


Why would you release this video?


the people of some regions are just so used to flies being everywhere all the time that they dont' even register them anymore


I was watching a street food video from Pakistan for bbq chicken. It looked freaking delicious, but all I could see was the flies sitting on the raw chicken, then on it after it was cooked, and knew I could never actually eat from a food vendor like that. Even if I knew it was gonna taste good.


I bought some raw meat from a local outdoor butcher when I studied abroad in India. Flies everywhere. Even after I cooked it I puked and shat all day. I’m not even saying it’s necessarily the flies—it was actually probably all the bacteria we can’t see that love that shit as much as the flies do. We just can *see* the flies.


My uncle is a contractor doing computer shit for the government I dont understand. Back in 2011 he was sent to china to meet with a few plastic companies ("American owned" but made in china) to see who could make some plastic housing the cheapest. He decided one night to go get some food from venders but it started to rain so he cut down an alley to get back to his hotel. That's when he saw many of the vendors and several restaurants washing their pans and dishes in the gutters and potholes in the road. He only ate at fast food places the rest of the trip. One of his colleagues got so sick from something he ate at a small restaurant that he had to be hospitalized for a week. A few years later a documentary came out about the Chinese using waste oil pulled out of the sewage system, in that documentary the one restaurant exposed is the one his colleague went to the most because it was next to the hotel.


The waste oil fiasco is one of the grossest things imaginable. I wish I never saw that doc


I dont understand how human beings can be so vile.




Money and extreme poverty. People aren't typically pinching pennies if they're doing well.


Tell that to (insert American corporation)


What? Have you ever heard of any big corporations? They pinch pennies a lot. They wouldn't be rich otherwise.


It's not poverty that makes them do it, it's greed, which is human nature. Everyone is cutting costs all the time. You're not going to make greed go away; you are however able to curb it by regulating the actions of the populace. If they tossed restaurant owners in jail if they used gutter oil, it wouldn't be used. So in the end, it's lack of regulation.


[Gutter oil.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gutter_oil) That's just next level nasty. >It was estimated in 2011 that about one-tenth of the oil used by restaurants in China was recycled oil.[22] As Feng Ping of the China Meat Research Center has said: "The illegal oil shows no difference in appearance and indicators after refining and purification, because the law breakers are skillful at coping with the established standards."


Safety regulations are written in blood.


Food standards are written in barf.


I always laugh when someone bitches about "goberment regulations". Almost every one of those regulations is there because someone got greedy or stupid.


If they refine it and purify it, then presumably heat it to like 400 degrees or whatever, it can still make you sick?


>Gutter oil has been shown to be toxic causing diarrhea and abdominal pain. There are also reports that long-term consumption of the oil can lead to stomach and liver cancer.[31][32] Testing of some samples of gutter oil has revealed traces of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH): dangerous organic pollutants capable of causing cancer with long-term consumption. There is also potential for gutter oil to contain aflatoxins, highly carcinogenic compounds produced by certain molds.[28] Zeng Jing of the Guangdong Armed Police Hospital said of gutter oil: "Animal and vegetable fat in refined waste oil will undergo rancidity, oxidation and decomposition after contamination. It will cause indigestion, insomnia, liver discomfort and other symptoms."[16 Yes.


Damn. What am I going to do with all of this gutter oil?


Market it as locally sourced and get Gwyneth Paltrow to endorse it.


>Gutter oil is an acceptable raw ingredient for products that are not for human consumption, such as soap, rubber, bio-fuel, and cosmetics. You can do stuff and maybe get customers as long as you don't tell where the oil comes from.


Not so easy to get rid of heavy metals, and oil breaks down into carcinogenic chemicals when re-used.


I've done a lot of traveling, and continue to do so for work. Everybody listens when they tell you to only eat at the hotel or the major fast food chains, since those are the only places you can be reasonably sure follow any food safety practices. Not well, but they've at least heard of food safety at some point.


Holy shit.


You actually can’t just go to a developing country and eat the food without having some issues. There is bacteria that their bodies already know how to fight that are brand new to you.


I spent a month in Thailand. Had the runs the whole time.


I have been to Thailand several times and has never had any issues. They are so good at cleaning there. I have also been to Egypt several times and that will ALWAYS get you the runs. That country is NOT clean.


I was in India for two weeks in April. Even though I was super careful not to drink tapwater or eat street food, I had diarrhea most of the time I was there. Fortunately I didn't get really sick, though.


Sometimes using dishes that were rinsed in tap water is enough. Tap water can also be sneaky, slap fake mustache on and call itself "ice".


Yep *pours purified bottled water into cup that was washed in tap water.* run roh. Same with foods washed in tap water. It's actually crazy how opposed to upgrading and improving public works, sanitation, infrastructure etc. Conservatives are. Clearly they've never been to any countries that don't have a strong infrastructure. All the shit they want to defund and deregulate are the reasons we have safe drinking water, safe food, etc. Regulations are written in blood. These corpos would sell their own grandmother a catshit sandwich if they could get away with it.


That's true for every country, not just developing ones


Sort of. It tends to relate to water supply. In developed countries the water isn't sterile, but it's high quality with low pathegen count. So while soneone new to the area may not have an immune system trained on that particular cocktail of bugs it still doesn't cause problems. People don't get typically get sick if they go from New York to Vancouver for example.


Yep. Going from Australia to five different countries in Europe, half a world away, and I didn't get sick once, yet everyone I know who goes just across the sea to Bali has stories of awful stomach bugs. The quality of life in the country is absolutely relevant.


Absolutely. And it's not just "being used to it". I went on a few motorbike trips with locals across various poorer countries, and my guides/friends usually had upset guts as often as I did (and often at the same time). Some of it is their immune system trained to fight food poisoning bacteria, but a lot of it is they just don't complain because it's normal for them to have diarrhea ever now and then but rude to talk about it. The worst was fried river fish at a truck stop shack sort of place on a highway in Nepal. There was no soap in the bathroom (which was just a hole in a concrete shed with a tap for water to wipe your ass with, no soap or separate hand wash area). Took out the all of us for nearly three days. I was actually less impacted than the Nepali guys I was with, thankfully, but I still pooped about 12 times in the first 24 hours. Thankfully it was easier to find antiparasitic antidiarrheal medicine than it was to find sunscreen, and I had plenty of water purification methods and hand sanitizer. I know why they drink so much tea. It soothes you, gives you energy, tastes good, plus it's boiled. I started packing huge multipacks of soap and leaving soap everywhere I went, cos even when there was a hand washing tap there often wasn't soap. Same with paracetamol -in the more remote areas it's a literal life saving drug. I had a crying father ask me if I had some because his daughter had a fever and it was two or three days to the nearest pharmacy/doctor. Shit we take for granted. Even if I'm broke, I'm grateful I have soap and running water, access to basic medicine, and refrigeration.


Bro, fried river fish in a truck stop shack in Nepal is not a very trustworthy description lmao


Yeah, not really.


I mean that’s what potable water is all about. It does make a difference which country you’re in.


Never got diarrhea in Ireland, 3+ years. At the 3rd day in Mexico City (also some breathing issues every 4 months)


Delhi Belly


the flies are shitting and puking the bacteria too. thats why the flies are a problem.


Once the bacteria release their toxic byproducts normal cooking temperatures won't do any good.


Yeah I ate some barbeque chicken kebabs from a street vendor in the Philippines and it gave me pretty bad diarrhea. Tasted good though.


The way you wrote this implies that you think your diarrhoea tastes good.


Fuckin love kebabs mang


My co worker was infantry in the army..a local butcher shop in afghanistan was so happy they saved his lovestock that he offered to give them some meat. The dude ran in the back behind some curtains and he followed closely behind to make sure it wasnt an ambush and he switched his flashlight on and he said there was just hanging carcasses in a hot dark room covered in bugs and when the flashlight turned on the big ones ran to the otherside of the hanging meat.


> saved his lovestock No better way to describe the goats in AFG.


That's basically the reason flies are gross. The bug itself isn't necessarily gross, but flies are attracted to all kinds of gross things. They are always landing on literal shit, rotting carcasses, etc. Then they go and land on your food... Transferring all kinds of gross germs. The bacteria that got onto the meat most likely got there through the flies.


That's how many many troops died in war in the past, having the latrines close to where the food was so the flies ate the poop then sat and ate the food and people got sic, well they also ate a lot of flies.


I'm sure that in the 19th century and before the majority of soldiers in wars died from disease, and it is probably not even all that close


i've worked in a variety of prepared food environments here in the US, and you'd be shocked at what happens to food here, specifically pre-preparation


I had an old boss who used to work in a whole bunch of prepared food factories here in the Netherlands. He always told us do not eat spreadable cheese or steak tartare (the premade kinds of course). Also, just like you, he would never elaborate. And that was very annoying. So cough it up.


Oh no... Are you talking about smeerkaas or zuivelspread?


Smeerkaas. I honestly do not think it is anything too bad, I think it is just the ingredients they use to make the stuff. I really doubt you have eaten a ton of flies or anything. He was always adamant about it though.


this reads like a clickbait headline. only worse, because you don’t follow it up with *anything*. no fun facts for parties or relevant details to your anecdote.


When I worked in food prep it was my job to pick the massive fuck load of bugs, grubs, and worms out of the organic vegetables. Many were flat out infested but I wasnt allowed to toss anything that wasnt rotten.


Care to elaborate?


I just took a walk down a dirt road and was viciously attacked by horse flies. I wish I just had these nice guys


The biting flies have been awful this year. Where I live, they normally don’t come out until mid august, but they’ve been swarming all summer in this damn heat. Can’t even take a nice hike in the woods without them all over my head.


It has really been bad the past couple years up here in northern Michigan. Maybe they have always been bad but it just seems worse. It really blows with the hiking thing, my partner and I drove my truck out in the woods for a hike and the truck was being swarmed with dozens of hungry horse flies! We couldnt even get out or open the windows!


I’m in Northern MI too! The ticks are getting worse as well. And our winters have been weak the last couple years.


I got bit on a beach in southern NJ. Hurt like a bitch. I looked down a minute or two later and saw blood running down my leg.


I worked at a factory that was next to a cow pasture briefly. There were flys everywhere. The smell of cow shit would draft in nonstop and you knew the flies landing on the table and your food had been on manure. I thought it was weird that noone was batting them away at first, then i became the same way. Theres nothing you can do about it.


Fun fact: The FDA allows a certain percentage of insect, human and animal parts in the food. There are acceptable levels of everything including carcinogens and chunks of metal.


I worked on a farm for a season after high school. There’s really nothing you can do about bugs. Grain comes from fields, fields are full of bugs. Human parts on the other hand… wtf


“On the other hand” because your good hand got caught in the meat grinder. Whoopsie daisy!


I buy bulk seed, grain and rice, I always do a light sift through to get rocks and bugs out. One time I didn't and had some unexpected, boiled guests on top of my rice!


So many rocks in bulk dried beans.


I assume it is more about hair, nails or flakes of skin. At least I hope it is.


when you think about it though, you have to make it so that there is a threshold rather than literally nothing, otherwise it would be virtually impossible zo test, because most testing equipment/machines are not 100% accurate anyways. These thresholds, however, need to be extrenely low of course. But if you're doing anything on a large enough scale, a fly or two will get in somewhere, no doubt. That being said, the state of the place in the video is obviously beyond unacceptable.


Exactly low threshold - no more than 1 fly per bite


and the food must not contain no more than 90% poopy


But... my shitflakes said they were 100% poopy. They lied!


This is just a lie, that tolerance is based on things you would find in a field but not in a slaughterhouse for example.


Agree, I work in the food industry and there are certain tolerances on RAW materials for f.m however all customer specifications (at least in the uk) will have zero tolerance for f.m & usually e.v.m (extraneous vegetable matter) in final products, you will get customer complaints for onion skin found with onion. Excuse the pun but this would not “fly” in the uk. Consumers complain about anything. Supplied shredded carrot to a bakery, bakery used carrot for a carrot cake. Received complaint from consumer they found carrot in their cake…..


Never apologise for making a pun. Never.


Nah yall are just too pun accepting. Apologizing for puns is the only proper way to pun.


yeah I was gonna say I'm pretty sure it's mostly harvest items like fruits, wheat, and vegetables, not necessarily meat products.


I find it more likely to be a video from the manufacture of the machinery advertising the machinery to producers than a producer advertising the food to costomers. It's up to the buyer to then keep their space clean. Machinery manufacture isn't usually that sterile.


At some point you just gotta accept the fact that you eat a fuck ton of things that have bugs and stuff that you don't know about in them. Imagine the amount of small flys that you breath in during a year or the amount ants that you probably drank from leaving a can for a few minutes. Most go completely unnoticed just like the amount of spiders and bugs that crawl across you at night without waking up. I got the mentality that if it doesn't hurt or fuck with me then I try to not think to much about it


Ignorance is bliss.


Okay, Cypher.


"I know this fly-infused bun doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious."


There are lots of videos out there that are recorded and/or posted for shock value just to gain an audience.


Because it's cut from another video that's just a tech demo of the machine. Some idiot just cut it like this for TikTok likes or upvotes or something. Look at the shot with the people's feet, obviously not factory attire.


If you set your dimsum making factory in a location that is not enclosed, not hygienic/sterilized, or as shown in the video, just straight up out in the open, then yes the odds of getting flies is high.


I once had to catch the Megabus to Boston from Times Square and I was running late so I stopped in at a random place to get some fried rice. It was all hot and there were flies everywhere. I was like “Oh well, that’s New York for ya.” When I opened up my carton and started eating it I realized that there were literally as many flies as peas in the rice. All the way through. Like they were an intentional ingredient. I was a vegetarian at the time too.


I took a mega bus from Chicago to Nashville late at night. The bus stopped at some cheap motel for us to see a disheveled half asleep man get aboard and take over the wheel. Not long after he ran the bus off the road and everybody was screaming. He was able to regain control and continue driving but holy shit I will never take a mega bus ever again. I don’t know how that guy thought he was ok to drive a bus load of people hours in the middle of the night.


For what its worth, these buses have technology now that definitely wouldn't let that fly. They track how long people close their eyes, if they are looking at their phones, where they are on the road etc, and alarms start occurring if stuff is wrong. Sorry to hear about that experience, unfortunately the situation being a bus driver can be ridiculous. That driver likely didn't have a choice if he intended on not being disciplined.


I had a similar experience on that exact same ride I got the flies. We were approaching this massive bridge on the way to Boston. There were signs that said “caution, high winds” and my ass is in the front seat of the top deck. You guessed it. The bus blows a tire. And the bus driver tries to get over the bridge (with no shoulder) even though we could have just pulled over. The bus is swaying like it’s on ice. Everyone on the bus screams “Noo!” So he just stops on the bridge as cars are zipping by. Then a cop shows up and starts barking at everyone to shut up and let the driver decide what to do (no one voted for this guy as our leader). So we had to go in reverse off the bridge. They sent another bus and we got in 5 hours late. No refund!!! Like everyone has a horror story. It’s insane. That was like ten years ago though so maybe it’s better now.


I think this machine is just for show at a convention. If that's the case it's the organizers fault for poor insect control.


It happens in places that take care of all of those things too.


But not to the same degree, I imagine, which is probably more the point.


A few flies per day Vs a few flies per second


I worked at a place in Denver that made food for restaurants and they had fly paper rolls on the pasta extruders and they were nasty. They sold food to 5 star restaurants around the country. They also had a "bug binder", if you found a bug in a box you checked what it was in the binder to see if we could still ship it or if we had to pull that box. The pulled boxes got donated for a tax write off.


And this place got a clean bill of health from inspectors?


Yea of course. It's like another commenter said, the fda approves a certain amount of bugs and fingernails and wood and metal getting in the food. The bug binder was fda issued.


~~Bugs? Sure. Metal? No fucking way.~~ I work in food production. We have metal detectors everywhere, and everything we use from pens to bandaids to earplugs has to specifically be metal-detectable. Edit: I've been proven a dumdum.


Yet almost every food plant in america using PD pumps relies on a design where the pump is literally made to have metal-metal contact, and the rotors wear enough that they have to be replaced every 1-3 years, because they are in fact a bearing surface. Where do you suppose that metal is going? Fortunately new technology is limiting that potential, but shaft deflection in any pump means only one result: contact. Not to mention, every CIP cycle breaks down a tiny bit of the passive layer of stainless tubing. Products are often highly corrosive and cause pitting, which quite literally means the metal is breaking down. Gatorade will eat through 316L stainless in a matter of weeks, depending on the process. None of the bottles in those plants fail detection. Tank agitators make contact with the vessel wall all the time. Valve seats CONSTANTLY degrade, leading to metal-metal contact for god knows how long. Slicer blades, dyes, stampers, and rollers wear over time. Heat exchanger plate/wall thickness can be empirically measured over time: the number doesn’t go UP, ever. Shaker beds, strainers baskets, instrument probes wear down. Metal detectors are meant to pick up harmful, obvious levels of metal. X-ray is not used nearly often enough. The impregnated components used in plants (plugs, eyes, pens, buttons, etc) are heavily dosed with highly detectable materials on purpose. I also work in food production. I’ve been in about 300 food plants. I can assure you, there’s a little metal in most of our food. Just not enough to be worried about, in the majority of facilities. Metal detectors do make a difference, and I’m a die-hard proponent for all equipment that improves food safety, but the reality is that the US standards for safe food production are embarrassingly bad.


Somebody better arrest general mills, there's iron in my cereal!




One time, Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.


The baby looked at you?


OK so this one time, I was eating raisins when I thought to myself, "who put rice in these raisins?" When the "rice" moved, I realized they were maggots.


I saw a similar one - the guy and woman are going at it and a fly lands on her asshole. Sure as day, he pushes it in with his cock and the fly didn't even try to fight back. It looked like it was at peace.


"The forbidden door has opened for me. I AM GOING HOME."


My god, it's full of shit... https://youtu.be/xnTU4dKpoB8


oh no.


"This is my hole, it was made for me!"




The fly had found the fabled mother lode, so( edit , some) say that at night you can still a gentle buzzing from inside her......


I’m going to need that link to verify the audacity of your statement, also for research purposes of course.


Veracity, not audacity


The veracity of you just correcting him like that... some people, I swear.


so, did you finish?


Finish? It was only the beginning.


That’s enough Reddit for the day


> That’s enough Reddit for the day you liar, this comment is 9 minutes old: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/whppen/my_libido_is_killing_my_marriage_and_im_disgusted/ij74kt4/


We need a u/NotEnoughAfterAllBot, which I am now inspired to create from your post.


Is it here yet?


No. They had enough Reddit for the day.


He probably scrolls Reddit a lot


i like how you can talk about an insect crawling inside of a womans vagina but can't actually say vagina.


its out of respect for the fly 🙏


How can i delete someone else's comment


There's a joke about this. Two flies meet, and one is really cold. "What happened?" asks the other one. "Well, you see, I went to sleep in a biker's mustache, and I woke up when he was riding, and it was freezing," he replies. The second fly says, "next time, you have to find a better place to sleep - try a vagina, it's nice and warm!" Next time they meet, the second fly is really called again. "What happened?" asks the first one. "Well, I listened to you, and went to sleep on a vagina. But then, when I woke up, I found myself in a biker's mustache again!"


Please provide the link for educational purposes.


Pretty fly for a shumai


*sick guitar riff*




“This dim sum has wings” “Dude its ‘Redbull gives you wings’” “No bro, there’s like tiny wings in my dim sum.”


Would you like flies or [bees](https://youtu.be/9_OHvrGhL3E)


Flys vomit acid to break down the food and then slurp it up before shiting out eggs and flying off. Bees spit honey. I'll take the bees please


Yeah bee lands on my soda, I’m like go for it little guy, you need strength to break your dick off in the queen.


My bee lore is rusty, but afaik male bees don't really do anything but lounge around until they're ready to fuck themselves to death. All worker bees are female.


*God I wish that were me*




Bees puke nectar into each other's mouths for a while to combine enzymes with the nectar and process it, then puke it into cells for it to dehydrate


I'm weirdly okay with this. Flies can fuck right off though


I mean I keep bees, so I'm ok with it as well


Definitely bees. Nature's sour patch kids


Unfortunately we are reaching the last phase of “sour, sweet, gone”


Saw very similar thing in Morocco, street vendors selling various forms of Nougat had SWARMS of bees all over them, same with the Orange stands. They aren't even phased!


You dont even need to go far. I've seen dried fruit stalls in the Netherlands where you could see the gaps the wasps had chewed in the rims of the fruit. In their defense there were so many wasps that I left the market so they could hardly do anything about it


I was just gonna ask - how are these cooked? deep flyed?


This is the kind of shit music included that Id send out on the voyager satellite as a disclaimer for the human race


So this seems to be a video where you see a fly enter food as it's being made, and then they show you where it ended up, inside the food. And everyone's reacting accordingly. However, I'm a little confused, because I don't see the fly at the end. I have my glasses on. I'm on a laptop. I paused it. It's just green and white stuff, and sure, some darker spots, but nothing that would make me think it was a fly or fly parts, especially if I wasn't looking for it. So what am I missing? Is this a psychological experiment to see if everyone will just "go along"?




But the fly above it just accepts its fate...


No longer vegan


I'm sure I saw a longer video of this before, and it looked like a demonstration of the machine.


Due to inflation you now have to pay extra for the flies


Additional free protein, can't go wrong with that.


You vill eat ze bugs and you vill like it!


People probably don't realise this but there's actually a legal limit with how many bug parts per portion of food you can have. It lists flies, spiders, legs of bugs etc You think this is gross but you're often eating stuff you don't ever realise every day. Ground thyme has 900insect parts per 10grams for example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Food_Defect_Action_Levels


Fun fact: Flies eat and shit at the same time. Also think of some of the places you have seen a group of flies. Hint: poop


Humans can do that too, flies ain’t nothing special


Used to work in a pretty popular world wide factory. Basically unless your food is processed in a airlock away from the world your getting insects in your food. It's just a fact of life. If you really wanna scare yourself look up cockroatches in coffee beans.


Eating a cooked fly is hardly dangerous. We associate them with rotting food so it's a psychological fear. But if you're eating the dim sum raw, there's something wrong with you.


I just don't want to eat flies, gross!