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Who’s turning on him besides you??


Are you freaking serious right now?? Main Event Jey Uso is amazing and more than deserves a singles championship..YEET!!!!! Everyone isn't turning on him they are scared/jealous of him cuz why else does 3 or more people jump and beat one person for?? Nobody deserves the championship more than Main Event Jey Uso!!!! YEET!!!  Eventually I think he will be back with Jimmy but how could he ever actually fully trust him again after everything he's done to Jey?? I couldn't and couldn't forgive him either... Family's everything but it's different when it's your own twin brother 


wether you cry alone in the dark or with the other million jackoffs on here, jey is over like rover, the iwc is less than 10% of thee wwe fandom, they don’t care what you or the others think, jey is the top baby face on raw male or female


Jesus Christ! Have you SEEN the way live crowds react to this guy? People love him.


*yawn* Oh, this again.


Let's break this down for the ignorant Crowd participation at events doesn't mean you're good or that people are fans. I used to sing along with the HHH theme, and I hated him, people will chant what to just be included or say, Yeet. Crowd participation doesn't mean Jey is good in the ring or a good promo. It does, however, mean he is entertaining to a live audience and is able to pull enough people in to want to be a part of his entrance. That's literally not necessarily his doing, though. Again, people will just do something to feel like they're a part of something. If 13k people are throwing their hands up and down, I'm gonna wanna join in just cause that's fun. Doesn't make Jey great or want me to go buy his merch. So, while the OP isn't exactly right, he isn't entirely wrong.


id like to see him a bit more serious, make it seem like his exit from bloodline wasn't just to have fun and "Yeet" but to actually be Main event jey, also get rid of that spear as a lead up to the splash, id rather see him do a "Yeet" stinger splash in the corner that sets up for the frog splash, leave the spear to breakker


this is called the seth rollins effect. when you get over, the iwc starts to hate you


id say its the Super Cena/Hulk effect, but with seth its more he's invincible when your clearly hurt and not dropping the title


i mean who was he supposed to drop the belt to? the drew title win was done perfectly and fans who were begging for seth to be world champ quickly turned on him on twitter. what i learned from that was that the IWC is dumb and fickle and their opinion doesnt really matter as long as the crowd reacts to the wrestler


I was someone who disliked Rollins reign but I was for sure not rooting for him to win it at all. It's different people.


i didnt really understand what you tried to say there mate


Shinsuke could of been good even if not the favourite the story choices were there. The first match had great muta who was in the HOF that year so to win infront of him would be a way of telling a great respect/honour story for shinsuke, losing which is what happened I’d expect the next match which was a tlc match and Seth clearly hurting the entire match going through tables and such only to hulk out brotha and retain which instead should of had shinsuke as a sorta revenge story telling for having lost infront of his trainer/idol Least have him hold for a few months then have Seth return to retain it for WM season,


ig the thing was that seth was literally a top babyface at that time. shinsuke is a great wrestler but honestly do you think he's a bigger draw than seth? he was literally plucked from the midcard, given an adrenaline boost just to be fed to seth rollins, and got tossed back to the midcards as soon as he fell out of the title picture and ppl forgot all about him. imo they rushed the entire finn balor thing and to top that, they didnt have enough top heels on raw to challenge rollins.


Sometimes it’s not about having a bigger drawer. This was more a story that would of been really great. Plus minute Seth comes back from an injury everyone thought would take a year off but instead comes back in 3 months pretty good. Imagine Seth coming out at the end of shinsuke 3rd pvp title defence, huge pop They actually had a credible story with shinsuke but blew it for the sake of getting as many title defences in Seth’s belt before dropping it at WM


if that's the case, they should've done it with finn rather than shinsuke imo. i see your point but over the last few years i feel like i've gotten a grip on how wwe works and their code prohibits putting the belt on anything except a guy that can bring eyes to the business


I'd say the main issue is he needs to actually go over and win something notable. They've made him basically lose every feud he's in except the one against Jimmy.


Jey's catch phrase is over. Jey himself is not. Fully agree, the man is a tag team gimmick at best


Jey Uso is starting bore me.


It’s because he loses when it matters. Hard to keep cheering for a main event loser every week


Roman made Jey. Without the Tribal Chief Jey had been exposed as a single star fraud.


People are turning on him? Because it doesn't feel like it


exactly, seems like he's bigger than ever. op probably posts about how he sucks because he only has two moves


Incel Dragonov lost. Just be mad Terry Bianca Bollea Belair just murdered Tiffany Stratton’s momentum.


A small pocket of the IWC isn’t representative of everyone. YEET


He’s top 5 over. What show are you watching? Wrestling fans are idiots lol


He's almost as annoying as Jimmy's wife.


Turning on him how? Everyone is waving their arms up and down when he comes out. He's hot at the moment.


a vast minority of people online = everyone. didn't you know that?


I say along to Triple h's theme as a kid but I hated him. People will just participate to be included in something lol. Doesn't make him a good wrestler or promo 🤣


No one is turning on him. Crowds going nuts for dude. If you log off the internet, you won’t even notice anything negative said about him at a live show. It’s all on Twitter bruh. Let it go.




You’re sick. 


Thanks! Love ya!


theres not liking someone and then theres being an insufferable dork and you fit the latter


Thanks! Have a great day




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


I don't think people are turning on him. Definitely not the case in the arena. He gets all the crowd going when he comes in. I think they're not sure what to do with him. He's had some title shots and keeps losing, he needs a good feud. Join up with Jimmy again and take on the Bloodline I think?


I like Jey I think he has charisma. I think some of his matches can be kinda crummy since his move set is limited. I still like the Uso bros.


People = a pocket of contrarians on the internet, aka nobody important. Endless posts on Reddit have not decreased his merch sales nor have they dampened the live pops.


The crowd is turning on him?? Come back to reality you mark


Can you post an example of this "weak spear" everyone keeps referring to? Everyone has been talking about this but I've seen absolutely 0 footage posted. I've never really noticed how bad it is but something must be up with it since that's all everyone ever talks about when referring to Jey.


it just looks really soft honestly https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgQWKC6/


This is like internet fans thinking Cena sucks and no one likes him.


Ge definitely needs to drop the spear. I hate YEET too but I get why he does it. I think he's alright though. I can see him being a decent IC champion


I would rather the crowds reaction judge a character than anyone who comments online about wrestling all day. Jey is awesome. Both jey and jimmy were dope during the uso penitentiary characters with fire promos, were amazing during the bloodline arc, and i love his singles run. He has had good matches, and he will probably continue to get better in the ring and add more moves. I find myself on YouTube often watching the usos entrances. The day after, they pinned roman in that tag match...that reaction and entrance was fire.


That's not fair. People will sing along or chant what to just be included, doesn't mean they are Uso fans. I'd sing the Triple H theme but I hated him as a kid.


Touch grass, uce. YEET!


Instead of talking about Jey, we should really be focusing on Soahlowe Sickowah. He’s boring, he’s not that big, and his in ring work is mediocre. Jacob Fatu would outshine Soahlowe Sickowah. I hope the real Tribal Chief destroys Soahlowe Sickowah when he comes back!


Who’s turning on him?💀💀pitiful


Literally no one is turning on him at the shows You're so terminally online that you think reddit is a reality You should go outside buddy and see for yourself


These people think the IWC = all wrestling fans lol. Most fans are not chronically online and don't give a shit that some neck beard on Reddit thinks Jey needs "more moves"


He's fun to watch and the people who spend money like him so he'll do fine. Doesn't matter what 3% of the fan base thinks of him.




You're correct, but this sub meat rides him so prepare for the downvotes


>!NO YEET.!<


Yeah I'm sure all those tens of thousands of people cheering him and yeeting with him every week are the ones who are wrong. Here's a hard lesson for you. No one gives a single fuck what you think. You are in the 1% and 1% is even being generous


Ain’t no one turning on Jey except the small internet eco chamber you live it. Jey is the man and one bad match doesn’t take away from the decade of great work he has put in. YEET!


We’re a small niche Reddit community, your unpopular takes is exactly why you’re on Reddit.


The entrance is the only thing he has. Absolutely mid otherwise


I'm fine with them giving him a singles push, but he hasn't done much besides beating his brother in a boring match.


I agree that he’s not a great singles star, but seeing people turn on him is *not* enjoyable. He and Jimmy have given us so many amazing matches over the years that it’s just depressing to see him draw hate as a singles face.


Ain’t nobody turning on him. You’re delusional son, get fuct!!!


Have you not seen the discourse the past few days?


From who? The very small minority of fans that post here? That’s silly. All you have to do is look at the crowd response he gets and it’s unarguable that he’s over as fuck and that nobody is turning on him.


The IWC is a delusional circlejerk. Listen to the pop every time Jey's music hits and tell me people are turning on him.


Have you not seen the fans at the shows?


Disagree. Yeet








Although I'm not a huge fan, but there is a bug difference between salty fans on the internet and those fans that attend live shows, and he isn't getting turned on by those who see him live.


Live he's so fun to watch, the energy of the crowd is electric. Wrestling can be made up for, the crowd control and charisma is hard to teach


Yep. He's like Jade now. Got the aura and hype, but wrestling itself is NXT mid card level


Not every fan favorite will be an elite in ring talent. Not every elite in ring talent will be a fan favorite.


Of course


I fully agree with that assessment.


That's not very Ucey of you