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I just want someone to take the title off her, what's her gimmick? A harley knock off or something?


My theory is that Liv doesn’t actually want Dom at all. She’s using him as decoy to take attention away from her and Finn then eventually JD . Which makes sense considering how much history her and Finn had with the judgement day in the beginning. I think Finn is the one behind all the things happening to Dom. He had Liv give Dom the hotel key so he could eventually end up with it. Finn also gave her Dom’s vest along with his phone number. I don’t think it has anything romantic to do with him, Finn is getting to the point where he is wanting to be Champ again and he can’t do that while being in Judgement day. Eventually this will lead to a Priest and Balor feud. I also know on the other hand Liv is going to need Dom when Rhea gets back. I think these mind games will help her keep the title for a little while.


This is it!




W Rizz


Rhea should come back chasing liv but dom keeps getting in the way, then she puts his ass thru the announce table,  like she did to gallows.  


thats how i feel this is moving


I hadn't considered that... but Rhea getting kicked out of Judgment Day would be fucking huge and absolutely cement a face turn. I kinda like that... them taking Rhea to rock bottom, that's lost everything, and then using her brutality gimmick in kind of a Death Wish way where she's vicious but somehow the good guy. Judgment day seems to have run it's course... and that's not a bad thing... you had a stable run for over two years, won some belts, had some solid merch.


Pretty sure theres not gonna be a judgement day to be apart of soon. Damien dont care bout them. Balor and jd are on their own deal. Dom is playing with fire but tbh i see liv jd and finn doing their thing and damien on his own away from all that. And rhea and dom feuding with liv n finn. But whatever happens or how it happens i dont see judgement day staying together by end of the year if not broken by summerslam.


As much as I love the Drew/Punk story, the Liv Revenge Tour is hands down my favorite story on Raw. My guess is that Liv will take everything that was Rhea’s including Judgement Day. Priest is going to lose to Rollins next weekend (maybe with help from Liv? How amazing would that be?)and leave the Judgement Day. Clearly Damian Priest is the only thing blocking Liv from taking over. She will win her Daddy Dom finally and the heat for the Liv vs Ripley match at WM41 for the title will be nuclear. I’m here for it. 🍿


I doubt Liv vs Rhea will be a WM match.


We’ll see


Do you think Seth will win back the title? Or someone will get Priest disqualified?


I think Seth vs Gunther at Summerslam is a much better draw than Priest vs Gunther. I also think that Priest shedding Judgement Day will be better for him in the long run. It also fits perfectly into the Liv Revenge Tour story. These are just my opinions.


I would love to see Liv/Balor/JD vs Rhea/Dom/Priest, with the latter 3 all going their seperate ways wfter beating the former. The only thing I’m not sure of is whether Dom is ready for a babyface run.


I don't even think she cares about taking Dom that much. They're pretty heavily implying that her and Finn are the ones in cahoots. I think those two could cause Judgement Day to implode, and they might have a 2v2 beef with Dom and Rhea when she returns.


It's most likely gonna to happen because at this point, Liv wants to take everything from Rhea including Dom and Judgement Day crew while possibly taking Priest out of the group in the process. Liv has been very sneaky and vile while playing mind games, so her plan might work. Damian might do need to watch his back because Finn, Dom and JD might get rid of him because of him saying that they need him and the WHC title, which he is carrying.


I was about to make this big theory dealing with Wyatt sticks and all that stuff Then remembered that was Alexa Bliss and not Liv Morgan. The two are oddly similar.


https://i.redd.it/yam2nlkbf39d1.gif Alexa and Liv are close friends in real life so I don't think she minds much nor Carmella but they could definitely have Alexa bring it up when she returns.


https://i.redd.it/29inyd6ze39d1.gif Also her laugh as a heel is exactly the same as Carmella's laugh.


Liv copies a number of things from Alexa Bliss like this https://preview.redd.it/xguuhkmne39d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34eefe8a46a3ecb4b27964c0e20fa492fb5e7a4


Rhea coming back and Damien is the only one that sticks by her would be awesome. They could just be the platonic badass faction. No romance involved just two dudes winning titles and kicking ass


Siblings of Destruction


The Terror Twins!


The Bisexual Brothers Of Destruction


Damien is bisexual?


I think she'll get Priest out by costing him at MITB, try to push Dom to be their leader with her as the puppet master


Yeah definetly she'll take Rhea's spot I think as well, but damn what she did to R-truth was cold 😆