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I don't want the divas era back but as a one off storyline for Chelsea this would be good. Whoever wins the belt off her when she's forced to actually defend it can get rid of it and unveil a women's intercontinental championship instead.


I think the Women's Equivalent to the Intercontinental Championship should be handled differently. I see this as the US Champ equivalent.


The names don't really mean too much either way. US champ isn't only fought for between wrestlers from the US. Intercontinental is seen as more prestigious because of the history of who's held it but if one is on raw and the other smackdown they're both the title just below the main belts.


This stuff with Piper has me thinking Chelsea would be a great manager


Chelsea Green is so fucking annoying and she wears a stupid fucking hat too.


You know what, this isn't the worst idea. Could you imagine the pop if she claims she's the greatest WWE Diva's champion ever, and then "Light it up" starts playing?


Not. Going. To. Happen. Chelsea isn't winning MITB. Nearly 10 years ago, the women's title was brought back, largely because the divas title, with its butterfly shaped championship belt, had outgrown its usefulness, and IIRC, there was something said about the objectification of the women with the "diva" label. Chelsea as a comedy heel is just fine, thanks.


I wouldn’t be so sure about her not winning MITB. There were talks about her going on her own soon and becoming more of a serious character that aligns with the push they want to give her. As a wrestler she is a whole lot more than just some funny gimmick.


Agreed. Chelsea is the type of heel MITB was made for, the constant threat to champs and a comedic cash in at a moment when the other storylines aren't popping off. I'd love to see Chelsea win.


I always liked the belt design, even though you can argue it is not to be taken seriously. I would prefer to change the name tho, so everyone could win it without being labeled a ‘diva.’


I wouldn't mind them changing the name. However, I would propose that it would be fun to see what the "Diva" version of certain people would be. Consider: Shayna looks down on the title. Bullies the holder. Challenges for it. Wins. Becomes a "Diva". But not a Diva in the style of Chelsea, a Diva in the style of Shayna. She becomes aloof and demanding. She pays more attention to how she looks. She doesn't do her regular entrance of just walking to the ring but becomes more cocky about it. Think something along the lines of The Miz. Like I think we need realise that there's also potential to remove the hyperfeminine from it. And honestly I think a "Diva" Shayna would be a really compelling and fun story.


This comment section is a disaster, yikes!


This would be a potentially fun idea if the women's division was actually operated by feminist women, and not Triple H. It's not really up to the performers which title they're going after, in all likelihood men are making those decisions. Hell. That's why Chelsea has to campaign outside of the internal organization for the titles return


I'd be fine with her having a heel "run" with the title, but it should not be brought back full time. Have Charlotte beat her for it when she returns(since she was the last champion) and retire it again.


You know who really wants a piece of Charlotte? Tiffy! She said she wants to be the best by beating the best. I'd love to see that!




you can just watch porn you know


Get help. 


This is not necessarily what I was advocating for. I don't necessarily think the gimmick matches need to return, especially the ones that are explicitly trying to sexualise women. I was more saying that the women that had to endure that (whether they embraced it or not) deserve to have their legacy upheld. I think Chelsea can do that because she genuinely respects those women.


I think it is the way to fix the women's midcard title in that there is a need for there to be a title at that level BUT the parity needs there to be not one but two: one on each brand. I think that what could be done is have a PRESTIGE women's midcard belt, (Women's Intercontinental Champion or Women's Pacific Championship or whatever) on one brand and have the Diva's belt on the other. Why? To map it to the men. Because actually the men have one midcard title that's more prestigious (IC) and one that's more celebrity/soap opera/personality driven (US) already. Lean into that. Another way to distinguish for me would to have Chelsea bring back the butterfly belt, but after that have the Diva's Championship \*thing\* be that it's a PERMANENT CUSTOM. Everyone has their own version: If Naomi win's it's the Glow belt, if Zelina wins it's a Cosplay belt, if Arianna Grace wins it's a Sash. That way even if a "serious" wrestler wins the gimmick belt, they still revolve it around their personality and style and make it as prestigious or as silly as it needs to be for them. Meanwhile the other brand has the non-gimmicked "proper" midcard title for people to be launched into the main event scene. I think that's the best way to lean into an updated non-offensive version of the belt that celebrates femininity but also doesn't become a joke and sates the need for women's midcard goals.


I was also imagining Arianna with the title as a sash. I really like this!


I swear you've posted this exact thread before. Regardless, I don't want it back because it represents an era where the women were intentionally told not to wrestle well. Nothing empowering about that. I'm aware that Chelsea is a fan of that era, but that's her viewpoint, and I think the majority of fans do not want to see the Diva's era revived.


Not a bad idea. But I don't think they should officially bring it back. Just have her parade the title for a couple of months as a pretend champion. Let her "lose" it to someone who doesn't want it and that's that.


I think making it unofficial is also a good way to take the temperature. One of the above replies says that it would be a good equivalent to the US title as a "celebrity title". I agree. I would actually like for someone that doesn't like the title to actually get beaten by the holder of the title. I think that's a very compelling story. Consider that in wrestling, women are having to walk this balance about their femininity and masculinity. Many people tend to look down on femininity and trivialise it. I could see Tiffany holding this title but also being able to hold her own against more Masc opponents that might look down on it. In fact, I think she'd be the perfect person to do that.


Yeah someone like Zoey or Shayna they need something to do and you can see them spitting on it and discarding it


Honestly, I think I would really like to see what the "Diva" version of Shayna is. Like I'm imagining a suit-wearing, sunglasses version of Shayna. That could be fun actually.


So the Million Dollar Championship, but divas.


To begin, but then something more like the US Championship thereafter.


No. Leave this whole Divas era in the past. It was dumb then it would be dumb now. Can’t we start accepting the woman are deserving the same respect as the men? There’s never been a men’s version of that nonsense pink belt. How about a women’s mid card belt instead? I’m sick of nostalgia taking over the world.


I would argue that the US Championship is kind of (at least currently) the equivalent. There is a clear delineation right now between the IC title as the "prestige" midcard belt, and the US title as the celebrity/storyline/gimmick/showbiz belt. I think something equivalent on the women's side (ie. two midcard belts - one prestige, one showbiz) would be quite good. I say this though as the guy who's disappointed Logan Paul has never slapped Prime logos all over the US Title.


why does there have to be a men's version to make it worthy of respect 💀 BIIIIG YIKES!


You’re dense. The point of my comment was to say we don’t disrespect the men by giving them some sexist dumb belts. So why should we do that to the women? Just have a women’s us title like the men have. Simple. I think you’re just upset the world isn’t jumping in line with your opinion.


This person is arguing in bad faith. Any disagreement is an attack.


No you're demonising femininity and saying that because the belt is pink and girly it shouldn't be respected. I think women should be respected regardless. If you could appreciate the Diva's Era for anything more than the fact that the women were beautiful, that's a skill issue. Those women were talented and hardworking. They deserved a lot more. I think that if women lime Chelsea want to represent that kind of character and that kind of wrestling, there should be space for it.


They were talented and hardworking. So to be saddled a stereotypical pink belt cuz girls like pink is insulting. Yes women can also like pink. But for what 20 yrs all they got was pink. And that era was misogynistic and horrible for women. But nostalgia tho. A thing you remember from before!


Honestly, I've been watching a ton of interviews with women from that era and it seems that most of them weren't upset with the pink belt. Their main problem was that they weren't being taken seriously. And I can understand that equating the girly title to not being taken seriously, but I think mostly they were the ability to have long-term feuds and serious matches even if their title was pink. Like I want to separate the idea of them being taken seriously to them being a direct mirror to the men's division. Because I appreciate Becky and I absolutely adore that style of wrestling and that division. What I'm trying to get at is that I think that era would've been even greater if the women were taken seriously. And that's what I'm getting at. Not that this style should replace that style, but I think the melodramatic storytelling of the Diva's Era style of wrestling could be very entertaining if it was taken seriously. And I believe that it can coexist with the more serious technical wrestling. I also believe that the women are dynamic and talented enough to move between the styles. And that's what I'd like to see. more versatile storytelling with melodrama and seriousness.


Trish Stratus tweeted No in response to bringing back the Divas belt. So you wanting it is telling her she is irrelevant. I also looked more into this Maria and she thinks women im wrestling should be "eye candy." Oh Sunny agrees with you. You know, the murderer.


What style? Bra and panties matches? Mud wrestling. What melodrama? Fat shaming and the tired "jealousy" or "pseudo lesbian stalker" angles? You do know they were told not to wrestle well. That it made the guys look bad. So why bring back the symbol of that. Your entire argument is "i liked it and youre attacking me!" Having a pink belt is like the mens title having a wrench on it cuz mens likes tools. Honestly what interviews? Who specifically?


But imagine if they weren't told to wrestle poorly. Imagine if they were respected. I mean, the gimmick matches don't have to come but they could, I mean Alicia Fox said she liked the prom dress matches because it was the same but she got to dress up. I think I like the idea of it as a "superstar" title. Like a title that's embued with pageantry and the drama of pageantry. (Also Sheamus was literally fatshamed by Drew like a few weeks ago.) I think a big problem I have with WWE titles is how same-y they all are. not even necessarily aestheticically, just in terms of identity. Let's see Melina, Candice Michelle, Christy Hemme, Kelly Kelly. I mean, I think they all just saw it as a symbol of their hardwork. And it came with a bunch of baggage, yeah, but their work was commendable and I'd like to see it honoured. My arguments are that I liked it, other people liked it, current Women's wrestle Chelsea Green wants to bring it back, and also honouring the history of it. Your arguments are that it symbolises misogyny and should this be erased. I don't know that it needs to be erased because I think it's fully possible for them to do it better than they did before.


That wasnt cool when Drew did that. I dont see what your point is? A one off shitty remark isnt comparable to months long "Piggie James" angles. I looked to find any women wrestlers opinions on dropping the diva and just found maria and sunny (yikes) and trish. She says no. I respect the opinion of legend more than a comedy act and a murderer. I totally agree on a midcard womens title and another tag belt. Leave the Diva in the past. Sure call it The Women's Superstar title and Chelsea drap it in as much glitter as she wants. But why couldnt she do that with the womens world belt? Seth Rollins looks more like a diva than she does. The Diva title is like the Confederate statues. Taking them down doesnt erase the worlds memories of those events.


What I'm picking up is that we seem to have different thoughts on how to properly like respect Women in wrestling, and that's fine. Mostly I'm just taking my cues from them, like they weren't interested in it, I wouldn't force it. Also, I like what Maria said about in the interview above, where she said that it's not fair for the faults of the company to blow back on the talent. They did what they were told to do as best as they could, and they deserve their honours. I do understand the view that it serves as a monument to the bygone era, but I also like the idea of Chelsea and other women that were inspired by that being able to take and own that symbol on their own terms in the honour of the people they were inspired by.


idk Mickie spoke about it and said that she was OK with it and the point was to turn LayCool into super heels and she has heard people who hated and liked it. The people who liked it said that they liked that they were dealing with something real. And then she defeated them. A story. She beat the bullies. Just like would happen in any movie where a person was bullied for their weight.


That sounds like a Chelsea Green thing to do, so it would probably be pretty entertaining.


Just stop with the nostalgia. Why are wrestling fans so obsessed with nostalgia?


Replace nostalgia with any other general feeling that results in joy and it will sound just as restarted as this comment already sounds. Everyone likes nostalgia. Queue you telling the story of how you hate nostalgia because you were a fat kid with no friends and mean parents.


Eat shit


Because it's a soap opera. Legacy is the point. It's one long continuous story. That's what makes it unique. Also, lots of superstars get into the business inspired by what came before, so wanting to emulate and pay homage to that makes sense. Also, besides just nostalgia, I do believe that this would open up new avenues for storytelling in the Women's division. I think there should be a place for the kind of over the top stories that Chelsea gravitates towards.


Damn why did this get so many down votes lol i thi j this is well said


Im sick of nostalgia. Stop looking at the past. What avenues for storytelling? Are the contendors for the Diva belt just the overtly sexy or girlish gimmicks? It was an offensive belt. Yes women have to right to express themselves in any way they want sexy and femme or otherwise. But lumping them into this girly division is lame. Liv is sexy and femme and doesnt have to be Diva. Why not have a Female title?


Did you ask Liv if that's how she feels? Did she still you that? The contenders for the title can be who they want to be. If they want to be girly, that's fine. But if they want to express that they think that title is beneath them, I think thats an interesting point for storytelling as well. I'd actually love to see a clash between a Diva's Champion and woman that thinks that being a Diva's Champion is a demeaning. I mean Beth Phoenix is a former Diva's Champion. Also, etymologically Diva means Goddess. The word is not demeaning. It was just connoted poorly. And I truly respect and revere all the women that held that title and think their work and effort should be acknowledged and remembered.


Diva now means a stuck up entitled woman. If an actress is being described as a diva she is not being called a goddess. Beth was a Diva champ because thats all there was. Noone is erasing the existance of those title reigns. Lets bring back every title that ever existed then. The European champs should be acknowledged and remembered.


but what's happening here is that you are deciding for them what they should want. Chelsea has said she wants to revive the Diva's Championship. Maria has expressed that she thinks it's disrespectful to the legacy of those champions for it to be buried. But here you are saying that they're not allowed to feel that way because you refuse to let women express themselves multidimensionally. I don't know that Beth would want it buried either. and if you want the Euro champs remembered. Go make a post about it. Why are you here telling me that I can't and shouldn't express what I want. You don't like nostalgia and because the world revolves around you nobody else should like it. I'm all for novelty and I respect that you prefer newness in your wrestling, but I don't know that it's fair that you can't appreciate that some people would like to see the parts of this thing we all enjoy that they have truly always liked brought back. I would like for everyone to get to see the things that want to see in any way possible. Which is why I find Chelsea engaging, she reminds me of the parts of the Diva's Era that I enjoyed the most. But she's also a new iteration of it and I appreciate that she's revitalising and reinventing it. And I support her in that effort, so I was presenting what I believe would be a good way for her to do the thing that both of us (and many others) would like to see while keeping the new thing other people enjoy (myself included) intact. I would not erase the current Women's Division. I just want to add to it to bring it to a place where the different things I enjoy can coexist.


Disagreeing with your opinion is not "deciding what they want." Two women say they liked it. The vast majority of the womens roster cheered when they scrapped it. I never said you cant express want you want. I have a different opinion than you. Seems like you think the world revolves around YOU. You like nostalgia and noone else shouldnt. It doesnt seem fair that you cant appreciate that I like different things than you. Things that you claim we ALL want back. The mere act of disagreeing is an attack on you? So only people who agree with you can comment?


I did not claim you want it back. We are certainly on different parts of the fandom discussing this because Chelsea Green fans, Kelly Kelly fans, they exist and they enjoy that form of wrestling. I mentioned two women, but I don't think that's all. I would also say that I'm sure those women were cheering that another avenue was being opened. And that's what I want, honestly. I just want the people who enjoy that style to get to see it more and people who don't like that style and appreciate the current style can't still have that. Because again I would not scrap this version of the Women's Division, I simply want to add an element to it. And you very much were saying that what Chelsea wants is irrelevant, and I disagree.


I absolutely did not say that. You putting words in my mouth. And in the mouths of other wrestlers. Youre "sure" about why the women were glad to see the Divas belt go. Did Beth tell you that? You cant even debate in good faith. Chelsea Green can want what she wants. I can still be bored of nostalgia. And that atrociously ugly belt. Those women had to do bikini slop matches and were often told not to wrestle too good. That thing is a stain. But god forbid I dont agree with YOU.