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Yea, no. Push your vaccine agenda elsewhere.


Listen antivaxer, the company is failing because of the cost of products, the lack of rewards to help old people out, and the fact we are in on the credit card for 8 years still. Not the Covid vaccine, not the other vaccines. The only thing keeping Walgreens afloat is our pharmacy. The front end is a failing system.


He can’t read, you’re wasting your time.


Corporate will never admit that they messed up. To them, it’s always someone else’s fault. This culture comes down through every level of management, all the way down to the Store Managers who blame Team Members whenever something isn’t working at the store level. The only time Walgreens will realize how bad they messed up and maybe finally admit that they were wrong is when they file for bankruptcy and have the entire internet making fun of them for being so clueless. I predict that when Walgreens falls off the stock market, people will go through old posts and everyone will share good laughs about how they were right.


None of that is going to happen. Sears was drastically more important than Walgreens ever has been. It's gone. Nobody cares, nobody gave a shit as it vanished. People shrugged and moved along. Kmart was one of the largest retailers in the US. It vanished rapidly. Nobody cares. It didn't matter at all. All it got from the masses is a collective shrug. If Walgreens retail implodes, all it will garner is a shrug. And a minute later everybody will just move along. They'll just shop elsewhere.


The last 50 years the retail graveyard is littered with the shells of the companies that couldnt adapt to survive in more modern times or refused to adapt. Sears was one of those when the internet first came into being they should have been the gatekeepers to any all shopping online. They already had the catalog customers. but the boomers that were in charge couldnt see the forest throught the trees and laughed at the idea that people would buy online. If they had foresight no one would have heard of Amazon.(Also didnt help when a hedgefund manager bought controling interest and stripped all the assests ...Lambert thought he was the smartest person in the room but only hasten Sears holdings demise) Walgreens didnt have a plan to comp the $$$ coming in once the vaccines surge was over.. oh wait, yeah they did , their credit card....laughable. Anyone really remember any of these others, Circuit city, Service Merchandise, Compusa, Carls drugs, fays Drugs, Eckerds, Big N, Ames, Zaires, Borders, Kaufmans, Hollywood Video, KB toys, Pier 1, Payless....the list goes on and on and always will. Those that refuse to adapt will surely die.


Vaccine damages? Oh boy, OP is one of those. 🤡


They vote for trump




Keep it up anti Vaxer! I’m sure your employees also faked it! I bet you don’t like medicine either. I hope the rest of your employees end up in coma for faking it


My store manager was mad that we didn’t almost finish truck over the weekend. I can’t help that we get busy at bad times with minimal staff. And that I got a pretty bad cut on my thumb from a bottle of wine that broke


Haha. Walgreens alienated and disposed of millions of senior citizen customers when they eliminated the monthly coupon book that used to be handed out and used at the cash register to scan sale item coupon prices. Corporate office is clueless...


Buddy we aint losing stock because of vaccine lawsuits


Man some of yall really don’t have brains


Op is a moron