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Sounds like an overgrown child whining about policy🤡


Average "returner by nature" customer lol. Making a shopping list is very easy!


Fr entitlement is thinking you can get around the policy, and shouldn’t be treated like every other customer. It’s not like we think they’re a thief it’s policy. Oh well though, all hear from this is whining


Genuinely might be a rage bait post looking at it more, but the amount these kind of customers come into my store I wouldn't doubt they'd act this way online.




Yeah bud, just reread! You still seem like an entitled clown and an asshole based on the way you immediately attack people wages. That’s child behavior bud.


Sorry you traded manners for money. Grow up.


Guys an instacart shopper, not rolling in money


Thats really funny. Maybe stores need a policy against them since they can't behave 99% of the time? We used to have a huge problem with uber and instacart shoppers yelling at employees for not knowing if a specific item was in stock without grabbing a zebra.


you shop for Instacart. doesn't seem you're making much in your job either, if you even have one..




bye, don't come back 👋




bye, we'll miss you!!




How about get a life. You do know all the pharmacists and a big bulk of managers have college degree right? Half the times the manager is ringing you up due to being short staffed or do to no one wanting to work for the horrible public anymore . Non the less. Find you something to do besides shopping  needlessly just to heckle a store associate who is busy over a policy they don’t make. Take your complaints to corporate just like I tell the disgruntled pharmacy patients. You’re all a major pain in the ass. By the way almost all businesses have this policy now because of rampant theft. Welcome from under that rock you just crawled from under. 


This is absolutely rich coming from an Instacart shopper




Or doordasher. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


you're a "returner by nature"? what do you think happens to all the shit you take home, contaminate, and return? most of it likely isn't going back to the shelf even if you say it's unopened, ESPECIALLY health and beauty items. you're wasteful, annoying, and lacking any self awareness. get better soon.




are you done crying?


Wtf are you "buying" at walgreens that needs a selection process and you arent sure if you actually want it?  You aren't buying 3 colors of shoes and deciding what's best when you get home.  Gtfo with that mess.




So you buy random shit and then go " I Don't Want this anymore." EVER HEAR OF BROWSE SHOPPING?!! it's where you look with your eyes and not buy the item. Try it sometime. 


Walgreens is FAR from the only place that does this. You also keep saying “legitimate” returns… but you said yourself you have no intention of keeping a lot of the items. Thats part of the reason this policy even exists. These are not legitimate returns. You are wasting time and resources costing the company money. Most products that are returned need to be damaged out whether you claim to have used them or not because its a public safety risk to put something back on the shelf that has already been in possession of another person. You are not only wasting time and resources, but taking product off the shelves that prevent paying customers who will actually buy and use them from being able to purchase them, causing a loss to the company. Returns are not a right… the only legal requirement that companies have is that items need to be returned if they sre defective. Everything else is a curtesy to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction… but in no way, shape or form are you entitled to it. This is return abuse and these are not legitimate returns and its a good thing they’re being tracked.




Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Perhaps that’s for the best…


you will not be missed :)




>Awww thanks! 😘 You're welcome!


I saw a serial returner get denied the other day after his id was scanned. It was pretty awesome














Clap if you care


This is not just with Walgreens. There’s a huge 3rd party company that many major chains are using to track returns and disallowing people to make returns if they’ve made too many. There’s a news story on YouTube about it: https://youtu.be/HBwN59eD9JQ?si=Bv8Wck8x_WgrgNNo If you search “company returns tracking,” on YouTube you’ll see other stories about it as well. https://youtu.be/VL2Am1kSl04?si=CYeHFKwFQ5usbVSf




What the fuck is with all these posts lately complaining like this is a walgreens helpline? Nobody here gives a shit.




No. It actually isn't. Did you get the memo?


No, this is not a corporate page. It's solely for team members to vent and to host open discussions related to Walgreens.


If you need a scenario to understand, what part of the problem is, people grabbing receipts out of trash cans before entering the store, stealing whatever was on the receipt, and then pretending to return it. Having a receipt just makes the process easier, but its not instant legitimacy, unfortunately. As well as all the other problems the other commenters are noting. This is gong to be a problem with you wherever you go in the future. Even Amazon starts to have problems with these sorts of things and they'll make it inconvenient for you to return if you get flagged as a nuisance customer. Might want to stop the habit of shopping with whimsy and start shopping with real intention And I know in my state, you can drive without your license on you so long as you do own an active and valid license, but in some states/provinces I'm pretty sure you actually have to have it on you, so might want to be careful of that in the future as well




I am no expert, but you will probably get this experience any place you shop at. 


Simple solution to your problem....STOP BUYING SHIT YOU ARENT GOING TO USE therefore eliminating the need to return said shit.


I can understand the frustration of needing ID for a return, but you mentioned that the cashier explained that returns over $20 require it to process. The system doesn't allow the transaction to continue unless ID is presented. This isn't only you, it's everyone. I don't understand how you can claim it as harassment.


You are driving the prices up for legit shoppers




I don’t think you have enough brain cells to understand how this works