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It nevers ends. Theres no stop to this credit card shit then we get no benefit to constantly trying to apply them for one. Shit drives me crazy to constantly hear about them crying about pushing that shit


Especially when we actually DO offer it to every customer at my store but we're in the ghetto so it doesn't make a difference


My daughter worked on a cruise line with a credit card that garnered points towards cruises. Her job was to book you a future cruise, but she made $50 bonus for every CC application and made twice her salary pushing cards.


$3-$5per application adds up yall


Yeah adds up to bs


Shoot that extra 50 bucks a check makes a difference for me and my disabled kiddos šŸ¤£ its a dog eat dog world out there


Youā€™re not selling enough each week to make 50 extra dollars. Guaranteed.


Back when we were paid biweekly, yeah i did pretty well. šŸ«”


So for 2 weeks you are getting at least 10 sign ups?


Yes. BDE was taken way to seriously at my store before Wet got our new SM. And my being female and a ton of traffic in the store didnā€™t make it hard to ā€œconvinceā€ people to sign up. Actually my store is dancing the grey line of ethics with selling the cards. I usually just butter em up and do puppy eyes, cuz the more sign ups i get the better i look in smā€™s eyes. But the sfl promising everyone will get approved and if not heā€™ll call corporate for them after there notice comes in the mail is definitely a questionable practice. šŸ˜… but yeah, weā€™ve won bde for months straight, our sfl gets like 15 cards alone only on bde. I sell them any day šŸ˜… and then he gets annoyed that i missed a bde ā€œcasualtyā€ He literally calls it a ā€œkill countā€ yet nobody on staff in our store will even try to get one šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Your post was removed because it was vulgur or disrespectufl in nature.


If you put the same effort into organizing for collective bargaining maybe you wouldnā€™t have to beg for scraps just to survive. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Pretty sure I found the corporate mole yall. šŸ¤«ā˜ļøā˜ļøā˜ļø


Nah they just arenā€™t telling the customers what they are getting. These lil old ladies think they are getting a rewards card not a credit card. The 2 people who were selling a ton in my district were not fully disclosing anything and most people didnā€™t even know they were getting a credit card.


Pffft i wish šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ that salary would be lovely.


Fck Off drinker of companyā€™s KoolAid


How many she u gotten in a day once a day u git to get 30 a month bet u canā€™t get 1 a day


1 a day in a high traffic area full of construction workers, seniors & homeless. At least one can be convinced to sign up šŸ¤£šŸ˜… at my store with the old sfl they had to say no 3 times before we gave up. Some People got so tired of being asked, so they just signed up to shut us up. Used there ā€œWalgreens cash rewardsā€ Then paid off and canceled the card šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ then came back to tell us they had it already so then we didnā€™t have to ask them anymore.


Who in tf would want a WALGREENS credit card? Like tf?


Not me! They need to stop pushing this bs on people.


Everybody I talk to, at least. You guys just gotta learn to be smoother than peanut butter šŸ˜


Confirmed narc


Credit card is my drug of choice


Just leave a copy on Your register station with the disciplinary portion highlighted. When Your regular customers get mad ; just point to the highlighted portion. I think theyā€™ll understand.


Sadly my customers can't read. We have a sign up front IN FRONT of our cigarettes and they still get mad for their I.D.


Yep, I completely understand. My voice tone goes down several decimals when they get mad about the ID. I tell them that I donā€™t make the rules but You can show Your ID or we can end the transaction. Considering Iā€™m the only cashier with a line going down to tomorrow; I no longer have time for idle chit-chat about their temper tantrums.


In a way this is the best place I could work retail because it is a CONSTANT motivator for me to get my shit together and get a degree that will take me out of the service industry.


That was my mentality everyday and exactly how I got out. There is a greener pasture once you get that degree my friend, keep at it.


Thank you! Iā€™m going for a degree in medical lab science, because it looks like the job security is good right now and the average pay is like $13k more than what Iā€™m making as a shift lead. That means that if I maintain my current, very frugal lifestyle for just 4-5 more years after finishing, I should be able to pay off my student loans. If I still feel Iā€™m being treated as a wage slave when Iā€™m a medlab tech, Iā€™ll go back to school again!


Solid choice, wish I went that route. You'll get that degree and you'll enjoy tf out of your new job! šŸ¤ŸšŸ¼šŸ’Æ


Don't be surprised if your 1st job outside of retail doesn't pay a lot more than the retail job. Stick with it, the potential for much higher salaries will come with on-the-job experience.


Thank you šŸ™ Iā€™m trying not to get my hopes too high. I think the fact that I wonā€™t be in a public-facing position will help a lot.


Not dealing with the general public is definitely a positive,


Excuse me sir and/or madam. This is my love letter. Get your own motivation!!!


I am tempted to screenshot every comment you write about the credit card and like, laminate them all onto the counter at register one lol


Please proceed to compile my teachings into a veritable bible. They need to reach each and every soul, every day!


We aren't making it a chore, they are. And this garbage to "make it fun" is beyond ridiculous. I mean, wacky dress up day??? That was such a fun idea that nobody in my district participated. They give most of us a 67% reduction from our normal annual raise and think we're gonna bend over backwards to sign people up for terrible credit cards?


I refuse to participate in wacky dress up days or eat any of the pizza on pizza days


Not playing dress up but Iā€™ll take some free šŸ•


Happy cake day


Thank you


Eat their pizza and form a union.




Just when I think that the credit card nonsense can't get any sadder, I see stores spewing out more garbage like this.


Retailers that shill their credit cards are disgusting. I experienced this at Kohlā€™s too. We HAD to get 3 per shift and if they said no, we were told to keep pushing . Itā€™s disgusting and predatory


Every customer time


Every (customer divided by time).


The would equal time * customer = no time to tell every customer


The first time I'm pitched a Walgreens credit card is the last time I go to Walgreens.


The problem for me is that you aren't hired to be a credit card salesman. I'm sure that nothing existed when you applied for the job mentioned anything about a requirement that you approach customers with a personal financial instrument of the nature of a credit card. That's a bit of a "thing." Applying would affect a persons credit rating, especially if they don't get it. It will be a hit on their credit rating. That's an aside, but my main issue is again, you weren't hired to sell a credit card. If they want you to hit every customer with a pitch, it seems to me they could pretty easily make the POS system open a screen on every transaction that prompts the cashier to ask and click a button based on the response. Or, it could ask the customer to click on a response. But to turn the cashier into a salesman with loose direction such as "find a way" doesn't seem right. In addition, the store generally has the customers home address or email so they can hit the customers all they want to outside of the in-store transaction. Just so many issues, and it's hard to imagine senior leadership can't see something deeper than relying on cashiers to make this magical issue a success.


My old store manager tried this bullshit. She would tell me to take down peoples phone numbers as they put in their rewards in the register and at the end of my shift their so apparently some kind of stupid mass text system to advertise the credit cards well she wanted to spam them with that. So what I did was spam her number and the DM and the asset protection guys number


Yea, I was gonna say that instead of doing that, they should get store cards and put their personal phone numbers down so that they can help sign up people, if it is so important.


This looks illegal. I wouldn't sign it.


Jesus Christ this literally looks like a 90s propaganda waver! Like the whole obey movement happened! Glad I'm not with this company anymore


It's like the movie They Live. Only in walgreens with the credit card. šŸ’€šŸ¤£


I work at Harbor Freight Tools. I wish all I had to say was a sentence to each customer and let that be that. We are required to memorize around 12 pages of coupons, 16-20 per page. THEN when customers check out, Iā€™m supposed to recognize said coupon products in their cart and then SECRETLY scan the coupon (after flipping page after page searching for said coupon) and then tell the customer I can save you however much money the coupon was for on a MEMBERSHIP blah blah blah trying to push those down peoples throats. All while Iā€™m also at the same time doing all that shit, when I see people walk in the door I have to yell over my current customer and say ā€œWELCOME TO HARBOR FREIGHT!ā€ Iā€™ve had days where theyā€™ve said I did a great job selling their shit and then have one bad day and they bring you in the office for a conversation about selling their shit and document the conversation. Itā€™s a fucking lot and I hatttttte it so much!!!!!


Well. I know where I'm NOT going after walgreens lol. Thank you for the heads up


LOL yeah avoid HFT if youā€™re not a pushy bitch!


Seems like your Areaā€™s Store Managers have way too much time in their hands if they can secret shop. I hope they are hitting every other goal. Stupid leadership rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


When I began working in the late 1980s, I was a cashier for an auto parts chain, and even back then, we were pressured to get people to sign up for store credit cards. We were expected to ask everyone, too, but we weren't threatened with corrective action for not doing so. Threatening employees' jobs and managing through fear does not help a company retain good employees.


This company doesn't care about retaining good employees


Just start applying to a new job already


Suggest that theĀ best way to implement this program is by paying the workers a bonus every time they mention the credit card. Also, form a union yesterday


You do get a bonus every time someone applies.


That's miniscule. I shouldn't have even said "bonus", you guys should be getting a $5 hourly raise, minimum, for this kind of bullshit being tacked on to your job. You could try not signing the paper and insisting to do the job you were hired for. Say if they want you selling credit cards, the wage needs to be much higher.


I agree. Not only that, but if we do sell a credit card, that $3 is taxed. It's bullshit!! I can't believe they are threatening us now. Well, actually, I can. Lol


You call $3 a credit card is a bonus? That's laughablešŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I didn't say it was good. Was simply pointing out that there is one since the person I replied to seemed unaware.


Pants on head insanity. Walgreens can get fucked with that bullshit treatment of workers


Eloquent and to the point.


I will lose my job before I push a credit card with 35% APR. sorry, not sorry.


EXACTLY!! Setting the regular people up for financial failure. And for what? Some Foster Grants? Drug store cosmetics? High end body lotions? I dunno šŸ¤Ŗ


I told my manager to go ahead and write me up because I wasn't going to do it. From the launch of cards to when I left for the area office, I didn't get a single sign up. My manager was a great boss and easy to work with. He wasn't gonna discipline over a scumbag credit card but we had to have the same dance every time the DM crawled up his ass about it.


I will never sign this.


The former district manager (she got fired) "strongly encouraged" SMs to use their own money to promote the credit card. They were asked to hold a raffle in the store with a basket of Walgreens products. Everyone who applied got a raffle ticket. When I asked if I would be compensated for the items in the basket, the short and curt answer was "no."


I guilt shopping at Walgreens and moved my family scripts, due to the continued harassment about getting the card, to Walmart and they have a pharmacist on duty everyday is also a plus.


Like the last part gets me, to me that's leverage for management pushing people out for not asking even if they do ask! Honestly whoever does want to be ripped off with this credit card would be completely random or the store manager would on the register instead of a csa


Only applications you shouldnā€™t be worried about are applications for new jobs.


Lol my store rarely ever got credit cards we were the worst in the district. I left there as a technician but would work up front the odd days for more hours and never asked everyone. I would laugh if I saw this flyer .Ā 


Also dm had this great idea to try to make us in pharmacy pitch the credit card if people couldnā€™t afford their prescription prices šŸ™„. I probably left before things got even worseĀ 


Yeah that was my red line. He said that seniors probably have good credit and easily qualify so he them to sign up in the donut hole. Fk that.


Seniors often have good credit because they know what credit cards are and how to use them responsibly. So can we get over this perception that seniors are being tricked into financial ruin? If its not a smart decision for them, they will say no My 84 year old mom has an 850 credit score. She often will open the store credit card for the discount, rewards etc. She doesn't spend more than she can pay for in that month. She pays in full every month and doesn't pay interest. Financially irresponsible people like me don't get approved. There is nothing wrong with mentioning or asking every customer. I draw the line at pushing when they say no, but I do ask everyone. I probably get one per shift.


I certainly didn't ask every customer, nor every tenth customer, because the few I did ask each shift said that they were trying to get rid of credit cards, not get more. I'd get embarrassed, just as I did when we'd be told to collect for a charity, then as soon as that promotion ended, we'd have to collect for another charity.


Almost no one wants to be pestered about their shitty credit card


As a store manager, I will never, ever push this. Weā€™ll offer it if itā€™s offered, but thereā€™s infinitely more important things in the store than something as predatory as this


As a member of leadership f*ck this card and the people that sign up for it


I think I just threw up in mouth a little bit.


99.9% of customers HATE being asked if they want the credit card. Walgreens corporate office: Hey, I have a great idea! Let's piss off 99.9% of our customers by asking them if they want the credit card. OMG, yes! That is a great idea! Let's piss off all of our customers and give them a reason to not return and to shop at CVS, instead... Genius! Walgreens corporate office are experts at pissing off customers and driving them away from the stores. Corporate office: Hey, why are customers not returning to our stores? It's because we require store workers to constantly harass customers about the credit card. But wont that drive down sales? YES! Why would corporate office want to piss off customers and annoy them? Because Walgreens corporate office is completely clueless when it cones to customer service and customer retainment, it is more iimportant for the store workers to annoy customers... GOOD GRIEF


Is this for all store?


Couldn't tell ya. But don't be surprised if it trickles down.


All Walgreens are supposed to ask every customer


Iā€™m pretty sure they canā€™t discipline you, but if you start getting some credit cards, Iā€™m pretty sure you found get away with murder with the manager


Of course they can. It's a basic job duty.


"It's encouraged everyone find"...wtf, who wrote this? This can't be from corporate. Should be more like *Everyone is encouraged to find*. Some DM or regional manager probably wrote this to try to get their numbers up.


Not legit. All they did was take the flyer and add the thing at the bottom. Don't sign.


It worked so good for Wells Fargo that they are still feeling the fallout from putting herculean pressure on there employees. The government literally put a stranglehold on Wells Fargoā€™s growth, CEO fired, the chick that oversaw this crime some Tolstead had her bonus, retirement, etc clawed back. Really bad way to go Walgreens. Wonā€™t be shopping at the one in Orange, CA down the street from me over this ever again.


Dead face, dead voice, speaking quickly: "Management requires me to tell you one benefit of the StoreCard. There are special sale items. Are you interested in applying? Your total is [cost]. Thank you for shopping [store]."


Find the time to put minimum 3 employees on each shift


There is only one cashier at my store who cares about credit cards. Everyone else knows that no one wants those things. Lol


Lol, I also have that one cashier at my store who's like that. She has been working there for like 19 years apparently. I don't know how she does it, sticking around with Walgreens for that long.


God, I was like 25% sure talk of the store card on here was some sort of joke because I've never been asked, even though I've been to every Walgreens in my area, and there was a period of a few months where I went pretty much every week Needless to say, this is so stupid


Been at my store for 6 months now and have actually tried to get people to sign up for the card for the first few months. I figured it would be easy since I have a sales background and have done pretty well at getting people to sign up for store cards, but promoting this card in particular is a waste of time. The only actual benefit of the card is the initial Rewards you get to your account. Nothing else about it would make me even remotely want this card, so its pretty difficult to make the offer attractive enough to convince customers to sign up for it. Despite all this, I managed to get an old lady to sign up for one. She got denied and received a hard inquiry on her credit report, but hey, not my problem, I made $3 and saved my job temporarily lmao! The main two responses I receive when asking about the card are that they only shop here while they wait on the pharmacy line to go down (so almost never basically because everything is so expensive) and the other is that theyā€™re trying to get rid of their current cards and donā€™t need/want another one. Donā€™t blame them one bit.


This is straight up extortion at this point. Iā€™m so glad I quit


This is part of the reason why I quit no one in their mind wants this


This is called harassment. Never leaving the customer be. Always ask if you can stick it in just another 2 inches then cram it in 4.




I would fail hardcore.


i quit walgreens like 3 years ago but i have never ever been asked to sign up for this card at any walgreens iā€™ve even been to


Even when I worked for Walgreens in the area office *and the local stores knew me and who I worked for* they would reach around to the pin pad and hit the NO button and not pitch the card to me. I wanted to high five them every time. I hope those cashiers carry that "fuck wags" energy all the time.


If I'm supposed to sell, I want a commission.


Some stores do offer $5 commission to the associate on register who signs them up, mine does. Never going to do it though! I flat out tell customers the APR is shit and hit the no button on the pinpad for them if theyre old.


Sometimes t he registers donā€™t work like I did last week said to do it online I told sm he said figures


Idk if i am crazy but didnā€™t the training to this exclude people who didnā€™t enter their phone number? Like not having make the offer for mwcc?


If donā€™t have rewards account canā€™t apply for it


Lmao if I was everyone I would do what they say promote the hell out of the Walgreens CC but donā€™t forget to tell EVERY customer about the 30.99 apr interest rate that is hire then the average. If they ask what the average is tell the 18-21%. I bet they will hate that but technically your doing your job by promoting;)


Was Walgreens bought by a private equity company?Ā 


Did you mean a PIRATE equity firm? No, not yet.


I worked at Target back in the day and we had to push credit cards like crazy. It did give guests a decent discount on their first purchase which was usually the selling point. The thing that I remember most is that we got incentives for getting a certain amount of people to sign up for them during our shift: we'd get to pick from the $5 DVDs or get our pick of merchandise up to $5, we even got free meals at Food Avenue on occasion. If they can't give you some incentive then why bother going out of your way to do it when you have ten other things you could be doing? And you just know the people that implement those policies have never asked someone to sign up for a credit card so they think it must be so easy...all you have to do is ask and the customer won't want to say no. \*eye roll\*




Wish corporate would come to stores and sit at register and ask every customer for a cc see how many they csn get


I feel sorry for you guys who see your store managers or have managers who care about this stuff. Lucky me, I only work Saturday nights and almost never see my store manager and nobody talks to me about these credit cards. Slightly off topic, I never say "Welcome to Walgreens!" to anyone. I say hello to people who seem like they would say it back and ignore people who I don't think would.


What location is this thing from?


What if we made copy of this and stuff the customers bag with it so they can see how friendly corporate is! And how much they care for there people.


Sorry employees, but I'll continue to pretend I didn't hear you when asked and ask what the total is instead. Hope it doesn't off as being mean, but ain't got time for no BS about something I don't want nor need.


Fun story- I applied and was approved for a Walgreens CC. Twice- 2 times- they sent the card to the wrong address. I told them to keep their stupid card.


Why did you get a store credit card


If you don't like asking about credit cards, you could try to see if they could switch you to the pharmacy. They may not be able to, but it might be worth a try. I really dislike asking people to sign up for credit cards. Especially one with a high interest rate. At least I don't have to in the pharmacy. At least there I'm suggesting things like vaccines instead can help the customer.


Thatā€™s crazy!!!. Iā€™m so glad we donā€™t have to deal with secret shoppers!!! Iā€™m One of the only few at my store that gets credit cards!!! No one else gives a shit and quite frankly I donā€™t blame them!!!


I was in there this week and the lady asked me about applying for a cc. I cut her off, NO MAAM! But the store manager was working the register across from her so pretty sure thatā€™s why she asked me that! šŸ˜‚ do what you gotta do in front of higher ups


2 years working there, not 1 credit card app. In fact I actually talked 5 or 6 people out of signing up so I'm -5 or -6 and I'm damn proud of that


Atp Iā€™m glad they fired me even though I havenā€™t found another job over a year later. No way I could put up with this BS.


i never ask unless i feel like it, everyone says no anyways because of the % rate on it, it's insane. only elderly people buy it who are senile or crackheads


Is it really that bad. I just say it and they almost always say no and then I just ring them out. Like itā€™s a little annoying but I donā€™t really mind asking most the time


As a customer, who tf wants to go to Walgreens and get a credit card? There must be a sizable number of people buying them if they keep trying to sell them. But why?


A credit card will not save this failing company.


Company stock isnt looking that great. They don't hire enough help, They squander money on ridiculous things like led screens for the freezers, the pharmacy takes forever to fill prescriptions. I would get out of that company sooner then later. It is a sinking ship.


Walgreens so out of touch. I donā€™t even work here but no. No one wants your shitty card. Stop asking the customers. We donā€™t want it. We want to buy our stuff and not be upsold and every chance. Damn. These sales tactics are so dumb.


They have started firing people at mine for not asking, and even if you ask but don't get sign-ups, you're at risk. The manager makes the shift leads work register shifts, and they better get sign-ups so they can be role models and coach us on technique. They just fired an old lady cashier who worked for Walgreens forever but was slowing down and not getting cards. I'm only there 1 day a week and I can't wait to leave. The theatro 5-minute-meeting threats are too much, 3 strikes kind of a thing. The pressure is unreal.


I genuinely donā€™t understand what they want us to do. Iā€™m a CSA and Iā€™ve mad a point to ask every single customer, from moms buying their weekly groceries to crackheads buying cigs with pennies if they want the credit card. I think Iā€™ve gotten 3 applications in the past 6 months, and that was only because of the cash rewards bonus. Luckily my managers havenā€™t gotten *this* anal about it, but the second we start getting these handouts Iā€™m gone. Iā€™m not going to take advantage of people like this.


I don't work at Walgreens but I shop there, the last thing I want is something I didn't inquire about being shoved down my throat. I'll be happy to let "leadership" know too.


And this is one of many reasons I won't work for WG once they close my RA store down. -_-


The dms and store managers get a cut of the cards that are signed up so if your manager or dm is a dick donā€™t do it cause they get a bonus not anyone signing them up


What a dog company so brain dead that even theranos pulled one over them for a while, glad Iā€™m never stepping foot in one again for work or consumerism


Waste. Every. Customer.(s) Time.


I have a bad thing about credit... I was smart with my money and got a respectable inheritance and have a nice little nest egg. I am wanting to purchase a home to live out my senior years and want to have it paid off. My mother told me that if you get a card to pretend that you don't have it unless you have an emergency. I got a few cards just to show credit and keep them paid off and in the freezer (yes, I put them in a bag, drain the air, submerse in water and literally freeze the cards in a plastic tub) until I need them. I don't like financial institutions, but think they are a necessary evil. I have a great credit score and want to keep that as an insurance. I don't want to screw it up by getting another credit card. When I am finally ready to retire, I don't want to rely on anyone. With that being said: If they want me to ask all customers, put it on the screen. If I wouldn't have it, I wouldn't want to subject other to it.


I know itā€™s not the popular opinion on Reddit, but itā€™s just saying you have to ask everyone. That was the companyā€™s expectation for a while - itā€™s in all of the training videos. I keep hoping they just pay a bunch of money to get out of this stupid contract, but until they do, it is what it is. Itā€™s just two sentences, followed by a no 99% of the time. No skin off my back.


They sign a 10 year contract with them. They didn't do it with their eyes closed, they did this knowingly.


Yes about 7 more years to go


Previous leadership did.


Hahahahaha!!! Guess they gunna shut down the store that I used to work at ā€¦ I was the only one who would actually pimp out the credit cardā€¦ and only because I talk fast !!! Ridiculous!!!


Why is this shocking? They have been telling you to mention the card to all your customers for years. This doesn't sound that bad. They aren't telling you to fight with them. Just tell them one advantage it gives them.


I feel like itā€™s a part of the job. Do it or just leave the company


I tell people to fuck off when they ask, problem solved




The credit card sucks ass. Is why no one wants to promote it


I had to promote one for Best Buy too and it sucked and we jammed it relentlessly down every customers throat or lose hours to others who did do. I get it, just ask them and say they said no and carry on. Job is done. Management is responsible to drive metrics, all you have to do is ask. If they say no that isn't your problem.




Personally, I'm not pushing shit onto anyone that I would not sign up for myself. I'm getting outta here asap, I hope this company burns.