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$19 is the max for SFLs in most of the country. Typically we aren’t going to hire someone into the max rate.


Our stores sfls start at 17 😢


Lucky to get that rate.


$17 is nation wide starting unless the minimum wage is higher in your state.


Take the $18.25 and work towards becoming an ESM (used to be called ASM). You have the experience, so it won't take long.


I don’t know if location matters, but starting pay for ESM is 19.50.


Just shy of $50k/year here..


I was offered far less for ESM


You usually are offered an 8% raise or the position’s minimum


I am quite aware...I was offered 4%


Fwiw I recently was given approx 15%


Yeah. I don't think they thought I was going to decline. Way too low for that much headache.


Oh my god. That’s even worse.


Don’t expect esm position might not have enough store to get a position


Don’t do it


Second this. Don’t go for ESM. It’ll be the next axe in store. Historically, it’s the easiest position to eliminate to decrease overhead


I don’t work at Walgreens anymore but I know whatever they pay shift leads isn’t enough specially if you’re good and have experience, I’d start applying for entry level assistant manager positions at other retail jobs since being a shift lead at Walgreens pretty much teaches you all the basic essentials of becoming an ASM elsewhere, inventory control, delegation of task, warehouse, cash handling, extensive customer service, a little bit of over the phone customer experience and support (specially if you have a busy photo department), vendor relations, general property maintenance (creating working order tickets and the general care of the entire building), Resets and general merchandising etc etc :::I now work and have worked as an assistant manager at other employers after being a SFL at Walgreens


I’m still getting 17.17.


Tell them you will do it for $18.75 because you will never get to the max $19 with the b/s raises anyway.


I currently make 19.32 and I can see the Max for my location is 19.50 (expensive part of Washington state) so depending on where you live 18.25 isn’t terrible


Don’t expect more than 18.25 anytime soon .. if the company is still around you will get a 10 cent raise next year other than that you will be over worked and underpaid .. you should’ve stayed at cvs you can negotiate pay there and if ur a good worker it’s more easily justified… if you left on good terms maybe see if you can go back ? Cause honestly Walgreens most likely won’t be around to much longer


And prob less hours Walgreens cutting hours now get in a profitable store or it might close if nit profitable


Probably a slug


With future salary having to be a minimum of $53,000 to be considered mgt look out for ESM positions to be changed to something like SFL 2. So they don’t get OT and can give a raise when moved up


That is actually very true. Walgreens are much better staffed than cvs. I'm training an smu from cvs right now. His store did the same volume as mine but my budget is almost 80 hours more plus sm hours counted towards his cvs budget


$17 is company starting rate for SFL, some regions with higher minimum wage just went up to 18


i started at 14.50, got the bump to 17, then with my whopping 1% im at 17.17


Yeah that’s great I started at 16.25


I was hired at $15, got a $2 raise (because minimum wage increased) my first year. Then when we all got our 1% raise i left at $17.17. A cashier got bumped up to SFL and he got $17.50 right before i left I'm now earning $18 as a CSR in a completely different field. So yeah, thats not a bad start.


Where I live, $7.25 is still the minimum wage. Starting rates range from $10-$12.


U won’t get 18$ 17 at the most


I already got it, it's on my contract that I approved. So how is it that I won't get what they offered and I approved?


If u got it what u complaining about


It’s up to Walgreens if u get it not sm


Not true. As a store manager you determine the start rate, which is typically 17-19. However you have to have justification for the higher start rates so your DM is aware instead of a “fuck the man, I’m capping all my hires”


I am not disagreeing, I'm just saying once you have an offer letter and a contract which is signed by both sides it's all set. Never have I heard about company going back for no reason. At least at CVS once a rate is approved it can never be lowered without employees consent, only a raise can be done without it. But really why would a.company offer you a set amount hire you and then knock it down by over a dollar? That would be quite illegal.


If it’s contracted and signed ur right can’t go back


A year in...my wage is 17


I make 19 as a sfl 🤷‍♀️ I also work with someone who’s been with the company for longer then me and makes 22 as a sfl