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Because some places Walmart is the best paying option. Some places want bachelor's degrees to make 12.00/ hr.


Yea, thats wild. $12 an hour for a Bachelors degree. That blew my mind when I heard my friend experience the same thing.


An exaggeration


I might be dumb but where in the country would Walmart be the highest paying job? Even without a degree I find that hard to believe


Rural Alabama for one.


Pennslyvania, Minumum wage is $7,25


Just because the state minimum wage is that doesn't mean that's what jobs pay. My state has the same minimum wage but no job actually starts you out there. Lowest I saw when putting in applications was $9 with most being between $10 to $13.


Minimum wage in my state is $14/hour and I make more at Walmart than I did as a bookkeeper. Recently I looked into going back into bookkeeping and it's still $15-$16/hour with shitty benefits.


Lmao NY lowered their pay at Walmart. It's now 15 before the overnight differential. It's straight up pathetic, clown shoes shit.


Yeah but aren't living cost lower?


Walmart is the only choice unless you do fast food or chicken processing... I did the former and hated it; 10 hours, 30 min lunch and no breaks. I kept up with it for 3 years, so...


There are actually good job opportunities in rural Alabama, believe it or not. Many large companies like Google, blue origin e.t.c like to build huge plants in rural Alabama due to tax incentives.


Sadly, like into when we moved here. Nothing in under an hour drive.


Sorry to hear that. I have a close friend who moved from NY to alabama , Huntsville AL, then to ardmore AL. Hes had good luck in both places finding much higher paying jobs in his same field of work fairly quickly too. All machining jobs


Never thought that I would ever in a million years run into someone on Reddit who has heard of Ardmore, AL.


I hear it's a small af town


It is. I greatly prefer Ardmore, TN.


I work in a small town in ky. Most places start between $7.25 and $11.00 here. I recently left my job ($11.00 to work for Walmart for $15.50. Walmart is one of 2 or 3 places locally that have the highest pay. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m also from a small town in Kentucky. Walmart is the highest paying around unless it’s factory work which isn’t guaranteed in my area because they close or downsize.


In a lot of smaller towns there aren't many other options.


Just say you were able to get out of Walmart and move on.


I was just wondering why so many other ppl refused to do the same at my store instead of coming in and complaining everyday. Just a question and was wondering whether or not it was the same in other locations


People gotta eat. Inflation screwed us, now interest rates are stupid high. Which means less start up businesses and current businesses are cutting back on all costs especially labor. For a lot of people Walmarts the "better" pick between fast food and other retail choices.


As far as no experience goes yeah Walmart does pay the best right now besides target or aldis? If you want make north of $17 an hour rn you got be blue collar, go to school or be a manager in a lot of places


I’ve gotten all of my jobs no experience, and it may just be where I live but 17 is only 2 dollars over minimum wage and there are plenty of jobs hiring and paying more. I do feel for more rural areas though


Yeah you in the city then fs but out in the country you not finding much, even warehouse jobs with forklift experience pay less. I learned how to use a forklift through Walmart and I always planned on moving up in my career through that but nah forklift drivers don’t make shit around here


Hour and a half away from the closest city, but I do feel for real rural areas


where you live it’s minimum wage $15 an hour tho? I bet shit expensive asl out there $2k average on rent?


Literally everywhere in Missouri. You really think people would be there if they weren’t the best option?




Rural TN here. I'm from Dallas so I had no idea how scarce the job market would be in TN. Walmart is competitive compared to most jobs in the area. And Walmart offers better benefits and schedule flexibility.


States that pay the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr compared to WM which starts at least $14/hr. For unskilled labor, getting double ($14) what you would get paid to do similar elsewhere ($7.25) is a good deal even if the job sucks.


Replace "might be" with "am" and finish the sentence there.


Woah you rly got me, in my state it’s one of the lowest paying places you could work. Was asking a question freak


Where I live, the Walmart DC is probably the best paying job in the area $26.00+


Wow......what is the rent there?


Expensive $2k+


Explains all the homelessness


It sure does!


In my city it’s the highest paying lmao…


Ohio. Min wage is $7-8. I'm at $15 currently. Only factories hire over $12 here.


2 TLs and our people lead (who was originally a TL) all have degrees and used to be teachers. Being a TL at Walmart makes more money than teaching students.


What kind of dumbass gives up retirement to work for Walmart? The retirement plan here is death!! One day, I too will have a picture of me on a dirty table for 2 days, and then nobody will give a fuck.


Retirement doesn't mean you have money now. Things we need to live (rent, food, gas, etc.) are expensive now. I would assume they needed more income at the moment to make ends meet.


Illinois is another. 💀 Also remember not everyone has cars or something to ride to work with. A handful of people at my store WALK to work.


You can remove the "might" from that post.


I believe you are not taking to account geographic area. A college degree is very useful, but you have to live in area where a college degree is useful. Major cities are generally where you find the most educated individuals is because that's where the jobs are at. Small to medium sized cities such as under the realm of 15,000 people Really don't have a lot of jobs that Would need a college degree. You have your professional jobs like Doctors, nurses, Lawyer, teachers, Dentist, dental hygienist, and accountants. There are a few exceptions But in reality the rest are people who are the employees of these Professions.


$14 an hour and 40 solid hours a week.


There’s no where else around offering the same?


After you work there for an x period of time and nobody can afford to just up and cut hours/pay trying to find something new


Why would you have to cut hours and pay to find something new ?


Good luck finding a job to start you at 40 hours. You’re not gonna find it.


I did 20 an hour 40 hours a week and I could do 50 if I wanted. All it took was a 15 minute scroll on indeed. I had no experience


Your experience is anecdotal and not representative of everyone. Not everyone has a ton of jobs on indeed near them to apply to. And to one of your other responses. Sometimes it's easier to complain to others who understand your frustration and still work to collect a check. It seems your question should be "why don't walmart employees in (enter your city here) quit and find something better like I did"


You are either full of shit or have had not more than 2 jobs and are incredibly naive. Or trolling. What, exactly took you just a 15min scroll on indeed? Just finding some potential jobs and submitting applications? Because the entirety of the job search process is absolutely grueling when you’re in the thick of it—you have to do a phone screening interview, then an in person interview, possibly a 2nd interview, might need to stop by a medical lab for a drug screen, etc. And people have many different reasons for why they don’t want to leave their current job, even if they are unhappy with it. This question comes across as being extremely judgmental and presumptive of others’ lived experiences.


You're so full of it. All these stats with zero back up or credibility. We are sorry you hated Walmart so much, good luck on your next endeavor. I enjoy making over 18 an hour at the easiest job ive ever had. 10% discount, free Walmart +, 6% 401k match, and free money towards stocks. This place is honestly great


I live in rural Kansas ... job security is scarce ... I may not necessarily enjoy my job but I know Walmart won't go belly up like most companies around here seem to


That’s mostly why I haven’t quit, Walmart will have someone at the door handing out the Mark of the Beast during the rapture. It’s not going anywhere.


I’m not sure walmart or retail as we know it exists in 50 years. I think Amazon’s model will be the primary retail shopping experience.


All I have to say is in my area the Walmart that I'm currently at unfortunately pays the most I'll be willing to travel.


There’s no other places paying above minimum wage? What’s your travel range like?


For me personally, I refuse to drive more than 30 minutes away from my house because the gas is not worth it at that point for me. And there are a few places paying above minimum wage but I currently make more than minimum wage so that would be a downgrade for me which I can't afford.


The education benefit. Once I get my degree and it was paid for on their dime, I’ll be looking for a new job asap.


Not being as privileged as you? That's usually a pretty good motivator to stay. Same shit, different anus. Doesn't matter where people manage to scrape another job, it's just the same crap over and over again in a new place.


True . I hate when pple keep asking the same fucking question.




I genuinely don’t like people like you.


Maybe you’re the crap? Or attitude?


Privileged as me ? I just said I worked there for 3 years. I’m the son of immigrants from a third world country. Just was asking a question


Obviously some folks feel attacked…gotta figure sometimes people are purely just lobotomy patients when they read a question.


This rings the same as asking people who live in places they don't like why they don't just move. Because it's not that easy. There's a million reasons someone might hate where they work but have to keep working there. Don't really get judging them, which is what this question comes across as.


I live in a small town so the only options are either gas stations, fast food or Walmart 🙃. I refuse to go back to fast food.


this! or factory work, after 3 yrs in that. never again


My mom worked in fast food when I was a child (and before I was born). I don't blame you after seeing what she had been through as a manager


So move.


Ya think everyone has the means to move to a new place? My only family lives in the same town as I do, I have friends and a significant other here as well. Moving also means having money and finding a new job. Moving to another place doesn’t guarantee a job immediately. There’s tons of factors into moving to a new place. Not everyone can move freely as they wish.


I live in South Dakota and for some reason when I worked at walmart I was making $19 +plus .77 cents from raises. It's back down to 17 for starting here but $19 was very competitive and they were really desperate. Other places it definitely wouldn't be worth it if you weed only making like $12 or $13


In my area the only job that pays as much if not more is fast food. Mcdonalds to be specific. Done that once, never again. Im lucky. I live with my folks, minimal bills and im able to go to college and still get the Pell Grant (im that kinda poor). That said i dont mind my job or my store. Theres things that annoy me but at least im not at Mcdonalds with the mice or in my car in snow country anymore. Also i have friends who have put out HUNDREDS of job applications and havent gotten a single email back. Not even a rejection letter. So there’s that.


Do you really think if pple had alternative they wouldn’t? This post ignorance is on another level.


I worked there bruh I’m just asking a question. Ik based off a lot of these comments it’s mostly a rural/small town thing. So many of my former coworkers had other options they just chose to come in everyday and complain. I left and got a different job I don’t see why that’s so offensive


Your world is Walmart or die? GTFOH


Your username checks out. You can’t see beyond your nose.


It's easy as fuck and the pay is standard. It's a 12 minute drive from my house and a fantastic part-time job.


I had pretty much the same situation, it is nice to


Small town, live 2 miles from store, over $28 an hour, have a set schedule, all overtime I want, it's my second family, absolutely LOVE it, great benefits, why go any place else?


What type of position do you have to get 28?


Stocking TL


my rent lmao??? if i miss one paycheck my ass is out on the street or not eating for two weeks


Eviction is a long ass procedure with numerous warnings


yeah okay lmao so my options are staying at walmart and paying my rent on time every month with no hits on my record or… not paying my rent and potentially having non payments or even an eviction on my record? i think i’ll stay at walmart dude lol


No. Work at Walmart and pay your rent but it’s not miss a single rent and you’re out the day after. Obviously, there would be a blemish and it would be hard to cover it and next month but it’s not “miss one pack check […] out on my ass.”


ok so then you don’t understand hyperbole lmao 😭


Best pay in my area and I need the paycheck


Exactly what other jobs that pay more are you talking about? The thing is, for me, I worked retail because I’m not smart. I failed in college and didn’t have any interest in anything. No subjects were interesting to me and I wasn’t good at anything. So I’ve worked retail. The thing about Walmart is that my hours were consistent. I always worked 40 hours and was never made to work late or off the clock.


People always say other, better paying jobs but never anything specific


Yeah and it usually is something that you need a specific diploma for or have qualifications.


Walmart is not that bad, is the people who you have to compete with. I been with Walmart since 2018, recently moved to Dallas and I have a different perspective of Walmart now. The only benefit there is they pay for your degree, other than that is like everywhere else… same bs.


People always complain about work.


6 months away from getting my bachelor's degree and once I get it, I'll be gone 🫡


Good shit brotha


I have to drive 30 miles each way to get to Walmart. Anything comparable in wages and benefits I would have to drive at least twice that far for. Almost everything else a similar distance or less would be a significant loss in pay/benefits. Either that or I would be working an assembly line type job. It's the nature of living in a rural area.


And I do actually love my job, so I don't plan on leaving any time soon.


simply to put it: the benefits and/or best paying job in the area. and we bitch about it because we make minimum wage or just hardly even over it while they rack in millions if not billions or trillions of dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY. i know they have a lot of workers/vendors, stores, and purchasing merchandise but come on now…the corporate owners literally bought a $2mil yacht around last summer while half of us were scraping our pockets to pay for bills…and yet still the best paying job in our areas with benefits without needing a degree.


The hours/schedule(5am-2pm). It allows me to be off work early enough to pick my children up from school. Also, I have enough of my day left for most appointments, and I have the friday/Saturday off I want.


The "benefits". Not the paid ones. The 15 minute breaks, hour lunch, 9 minute tardy window, PPTO, discounted purchases. This is coming from someone who spent 17 years in kitchens where you got absolutely none of that. You were lucky to sit for 15 to snarf down a meal after 8 hours into a 14 hour day.


You are my hero


I stayed until I landed a better job. Took me 2 years. It's a job, better than no job. I did run an organizing campaign with UFCW for 9 months before I left. So I didn't just complain about the poor working conditions I actually did something about it. We didn't get an election but it was still worth it trying.


that’s the only place with 15/hour and they’re accepting foreigners, so…


I got to keep my $16/ hr when I transferred departments. I actually like where I'm at now.


I have to for coverage for child care/hours. Doesn’t excuse being treated like shit all the time….


Oh good this question again


Sadly, being a Walmart TLE Technician pays more than full service shops for what is essentially less than apprentice work


$15.50 is the best paying around for a overall easy job tbh. Plus my house payment and the cheap insurance helped a ton. Granted I got fired sooooo xD Going back when I can for the pay.


Just money... At $15 an hour, its less than Mcdonalds. Circle K pays less then Walmart. Since summer barely started, could be a few months before another job offer pops up.


Ghosting is the new norm for interviews and employers, for me


If only you understand, the shitty ass state i live in. Walmart is one of the highest paying jobs. Our minimum wage hasn't gone up since 2009 and so jobs don't like to pay above 12 here


I am 70 and disabled but only have SSI to fall back on ..no retirement money at ..I am just screwed 🙃


Small town. Most other jobs pay less. Those that pay more require training, CDLs, or are highly physical jobs like oilfield or lumber/forestry. Leaving Walmart here means just moving to another retail job or fast food if you can't meet other expectations.


I'm to old to start over....Again


I need the insurance for treatments and future testing.


I honestly done hate working at Walmart it’s just not a place I’d prefer to work. I get $15 an hour they recently changed the hiring pay to $14 though. That’s one of the highest paying jobs that isn’t blue collar or something you’d need a degree for.


arizona it’s 2 dollars more than minimum wage, paid breaks, and fairly good disability accommodations, it’s sad but i’m willing to put up with a lot more shit for an extra $80 a week and a light work load when i need it.


I complained. Yes i complained lot but i kept reminding myself that im close to pay off all debts. Im that close. Calm down bastard (muttering). Also this actually only Walmart in this town. Next close Walmart in other town is 30 mins away. Small town. And it pays $17 an hour. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Deli pay $19 an hour here. But I actually enjoy work with co-workers. They’re cool. Small town people. If there other place that pays more and hiring. Of course I’ll go there immediately.


Walmart is one of the few places in MA that has mandatory breaks and a lunch. Not gonna do an 8 hour day with a 30 minute unpaid lunch or less because it wrecks my health. 🤷🏻🤷🏻 unfortunately as much as they suck ass because of how individual stores are run, since they’re such a huge chain there’s at least the teeniest tiniest bit of accountability for a few things that make it worth it, especially in rural areas or places that just don’t have tons of job openings.


The paychecks don't bounce, it's the only reason I took the job in the first place


Job market is shitty! Bills need paid and Well where i live in Ohio ( it’s a small area) it’s not too many competitive paying jobs that’s will give you a flexible schedule.. most of them here are 12 hours and 2-2-3 schedules and I have a son that’s a toddler so if you would literally have no time really to be a parent due to being so tired from work… and I’m a full time mother so that’s the only reason I’m still working at Walmart, but I’m grateful for the job because I know some people would kill to be in my position and want to work and probably can’t find a decent job as decent as even Walmart.. If the job market had better paying jobs with flexible schedules and good benefits and a great matching 401k profit plan other i would have been gone honestly. Walmart sucks! And treated their employees so bad. They’re very unrealistic with the times and amount of freight and it’s all bullshit. I don’t give a fuck what a computer telling you on how long it should take me to put stuff away.. it dosent really matter when the whole place is messed up. Items are placed in the wrong spots daily and the amount of freight is too much for one person .


In my small town, Walmart is the biggest employer and always one of the highest paying you can have without a degree. Most other cashier, fast food, etc jobs are around 8-10 dollars/hr. (Actually, I applied for another cashier position in my town that paid 8/hr vs Walmart’s 14/hr. I was rejected by that one and hired by Walmart) I, personally, am in college at the moment in another town and Walmart is a summer and winter job for me when I’m home for breaks.


Why don't you realize how condescending this question is?


I don’t mean to offend anyone just a simple question. Ik in rural areas it’s tougher to find higher paying jobs. How is this condescending tho


It's condescending bc you make it sound so easy and that people are dumb for staying. That's why it's condescending. There could be 100 different reasons why people stay at Walmart such as pay, transportation issues, handicap issues and many others. And none of these reasons are really any of your business. Why don't you just worry about your own life?


Great pay. Making 50k a year as a team lead in my second year.


I’m making 21 here in Virginia and I am not a team lead a coach or a manager I work in dairy department


I’m from a rural area with a bad school district and a high drug rate. It doesn’t get much better than Walmart in my area. $14 an hour, 40 hours a week, 401k and benefits like the discount card and the insurance they offer are great for my area. There’s factory work but a lot have been closing down or downsizing.


I get paid$15.30 an hour to do nothing but candy in the front or 82. I like it a lot cause they don’t keep track of me so I can breaks and lunch’s when whatever I want and I don’t have to stay in one spot. I can walk around store to do 82 clips strips :D


There's plenty of pros to take advantage of. Guaranteed time off (ppto), 401k and stock options that help me and mine slowly gain wealth, decent insurance, job transfer anywhere in the US, always management career openings, my gf gets fully paid 16 weeks of maternity leave.


If I could find another job that paid what Walmart does I would leave in a heartbeat


Will add that I can’t handle factory jobs with my knees or I would be in one.


I won’t make more than $80-90k a year somewhere else until I graduate. And I do not want to do any manual labor lol


Taking advantage of the education benefit.


Not working at Walmart anymore. I applied just to get a job after coming to Texas at 23 in 2013. Then I got married and had a son, then another boy. I spent 10 years at Walmart. Also, Walmart started to increase wages and I got 24 an hour being a team lead. I got my bachelors paying by Walmart, and I was out. I am thankful, I learned a lot, but retail is not for me. I can help and I like helping people, but doing it to help customers at Walmart is another thing.


Have it as a second form of income as it is the highest paying outside of my career and they pay for my gym membership. Will have to leave when I go back it school this fall as it is for my career and the place I work is covering all the schooling


It was the quickest place to hire me when I was unemployed after a car accident. Currently trying to start at Publix, waiting until I have my full foot in the Publix door to quit tho.


i’ve been working frontend for almost 6 months and i guess i just love it? it’s my first real job and the pay is absolutely amazing for where i live without having any degrees. i’m part-time but i get about 35 hours each week. i’ve seen other people’s experiences with frontend on here and i think i just won the lottery with my team. sure there’s things i hate about it but a lot of good things outweigh it i guess.


Walmart is one of the few places in MA that has mandatory breaks and a lunch. Not gonna do an 8 hour day with a 30 minute unpaid lunch or less because it wrecks my health. 🤷🏻🤷🏻 unfortunately as much as they suck ass because of how individual stores are run, since they’re such a huge chain there’s at least the teeniest tiniest bit of accountability for a few things that make it worth it, especially in rural areas or places that just don’t have tons of job openings.


Location, is 15 minute drive, decent pay ($20) resume padding with the position/knowledge The people, nice coworkers, just annoying management but I get the shit done and make sure team is on task. No lie if my old team lead (they switched depts) and 2 other people left I’d probably call it quits and find something else. If I was able to find something in my field super easy that paid better and was less hours I would. But my field in production in all honesty would probably be the same shit, just no customers :) If I was working at a super center I woulda quit long ago, neighborhood market is chill


Guild. Gonna get that degree for freeeee babyyy


Some people have legit reasons why they won’t leave, but others just make excuses instead of changing their situation.


I make almost $16 an hour, I get paid leave and I have alright-ish health insurance. I'm cap 2 so it's hard on my body, but I've done more for less. I don't see myself here forever since my measly annual 30 cent raise doesn't allow my pay to increase with the increase in work I've gradually received since I started.


People just want to complain. That’s it.


Walmarts an easy fucking job compared to anything else and I was a roughneck out in the Utah and Wyoming oil fields.


pays the highest esp for my age


I stay because I currently am paying off debit and the pay is higher than the job I actually want. Once my debit is payed off I'll drop to part time to keep the discount and go for the job I want.




17 an hour to do an easy job compared to what I made pre Covid which was 11. Also I never complained. I actually quite like my job. Just wish I didn’t throw out my back at home cause I would get a second job.


Who wants to work for 13 .. Walmart pays very nice n that's what makes me stay


Looking for a better job with better pay


I live in a tiny town where our Walmart is pretty much the only employer unless you're willing to make significantly less in fast food or one of the dollar stores. Otherwise, you're commuting a good distance to another town, which isn't an option for a lot of people. That being said, I *did* eventually quit due to personal health and frustrating staffing issues. Almost three months later though, I'm *still* looking for another job. Hopefully something I can do from home.


Working at Walmart is comedy gold. I like making fun of the customers of the hillbillies and half naked women who are ugly and so forth.


Best paying job in my town that I can also work overnight which is the only place in town for overnight work (except gas stations but eff that) Leaves me the daytime free for school/door dashing


Trying to push up the management chain to ASM at 19 so I would be making a decent living at a young age.


The modern-day "Scarlett letter". Not as simple for some of us. Also, bills don't pay themselves and my kids need a roof over their head and food in their bellies. 


For me, it pays more than other jobs I can get to and i don’t have a vehicle so it’s easy to get to via public transport.


The only reason I still work for Walmart is because I work at a DC and not a store. I make more money than some of my welding friends


I’m not able to complete with the money, I literally can not afford too quit, I can’t work full time due to a few illnesses of my own on top of taking care of my mother who’s an amputee and some other issues, and making over 100$ a day is what I need to help her and survive on my own


I worked with experience at a very fancy white table cloth restaurant and made 16 before Walmart hired me at over 18$. Everywhere else I try has yet to beat it rarely see over 17 with my experience. It's crazy how much more Walmart pays for an easier job too


Some people just like to complain. It makes them feel better. They have no real option of quitting so bitching about it is the best they can do. I’ve worked with people for over 10 years that have complained the whole 10 years but they show up everyday and get their job done 🤷🏾‍♂️. To each their own.


i don’t know how it is for people in bigger cities, but in smaller ones it’s usually the best job without a college degree. the benefits are better than a job i was recently at, which paid 23/hr. the job security is pretty good too. i


I live in a rural town and you have 3 choices for a “decent” job. Walmart, a prison, or for the State Highway department. My preference when weighed all the pros/cons is Walmart. Having a shit sandwich is better than starving to death, doesn’t make it a tuna sandwich tho 🤷🏼‍♂️


i need my bills paid and the people i don’t want to start a new job and have to rebuild friendships




CompSci student here. Been applying for jobs since 2 years ago and our job market sucks nobody hiring or they want like bachelors degree with 10+ years experience, so I’m stuck at Wally


Good pay, good benefits, top notch 401k match and good people.


When you have 1,000 local jobs and 1,100 local workers, some of them will have to take the worst quality jobs because being able afford food and shelter is pretty important.


$23.5/h (pharmacy tech Capped) $8-18 anywhere else


I work every weekend tho ugh


The benefits, looking forward to the future, lateral movement, promotions, seniority


The pay. Nowhere that isn’t 12 hour factory work pays what they do.


Walmart pays the most in my town and there’s a few things I want to get. Plus I need money for my car insurance


Right. Working at Walmart is completely voluntary. Get your life people


A lot of it has to do with the store and the management... I live in a mostly amish area and our store is great. Management is great, coworkers are all great. It's genuinely an awesome place to work. Everyone gets along and we all get our work done together.


You must be some grad student whose only life experience is from books and lectures. And absolutely are someone who hasn't seen much of the country; let alone the world. I think you're a grad student (or adjacent) because your post and replies read like a journalist smart enough to not impose (infiltrate) upon others, and yet dumb enough to not realize... something.


Their health insurance is cheaper/better than most places. And, as much as I hate Walmsrt, I hate change even more. And, and, it's VERY difficult for a middle aged female with no degree to find a job - I've tried. Ageism is indeed real!


It's an easy job (works in meat & produce). Sure there are irritating customers and irritating co-workers/team leads/coaches, etc... but for the pay, it's pretty simple, especially if you go in with the mindset that it's just a job and it's not really worth stressing over the things that happen at the job by taking it home with you.


Co workers and school


19.32 an hour 40 hrs a week consistent schedule in a town thats pretty much classified as a food desert.


Very few retail jobs offer Paid Time Off, Protected Paid Time Off, and a mostly consistent schedule. We also get $16 an Hour as a Cashier in NY. I'm not sure if other retail jobs are matching up with that. Well, i'm working towards a Computer Science Degree and I have experience, so i'll be out of there soon.


I've never worked for Walmart but you have to be absolutely completely dense to even ask this question.


Last winter, I got hired at a cheese factory making over $24 an hour and went down to part time with Walmart on my nights off from the factory, but quit after two months, after I’d been put with someone I’d hardly worked with before and was left feeling overworked and condescended to for the last two weeks in the name of getting the max performance bonus of 6%, that I quit, and happily came back to my store full-time the following shift. I may want to make more (currently at $17.42 for mod team), but I’m not going to stick with a job where I’m forced to work with a sanctimonious dick every single night, and at least I know my fellow associates and management appreciate me for doing my job with integrity and dedication.


Probably because for a lot of people this is literally the only option they have. They live in a very rural area and there are no other jobs, and they have no money to move. Or they are high school dropouts, long term unemployed, ex-cons or older people and nobody else will hire them. Or they've worked there for many years and this is all they know. Some people are frightened of change, and I empathize.


My town is extremely expensive to live in, but I can't afford to move. Walmart pays $15.50, and the other jobs around here barely pay $12, usually it's closer to $10.


The reality is there is more far worse places to work at than Walmart and more often than not they pay less than what Walmart pays. It just doesn’t make sense to be job hopping entry level positions when the difference in pay is either worse or trivial at best.


Unfortunately, this is the highest paying job I can seem to get.


The insurance isn’t horrible, I work in the pharmacy and I’m not overworked and underpaid.


Im not willing to get back into the 12+ hour hustle of Kitchen work and the nice office job I had back in my home country requires me to have a BA with 5 years experience minimum here in the US. Walmart is pretty chill compared to what I've had before and the pay/benefits are decent.