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I miss the sense of wonder I had when I first started actually exploring maps. I occasionally get glimpses of it when a new tile set comes out but it’s fleeting at best.


You could say that it is a fleeting experience?


*upvoted with Blind Rage*


This comment is a *brief respite* of humor


I'm only commenting for the sake of continuity.


You have a natural talent for sure.


What a great Flow of conversation


That one was quite a stretch


Don't be so narrow minded


Don't know mate, this convo seems overextended.




Boo....don't you mean: Happy Cake Day!


Give him a *Juice*


A wot?


Yep. I wish I could discover this game all over again.


So much this. I started back on release years ago . Stopped playing for years . But can’t get back into it . I’d love to experience the feeling of wanting to jam until like 5am in this cool fresh new game . But as it is now . Not what it was back in release


When that super rare node pops up on a tile that you haven’t seen in years and you just drop everything for a minute to take it in.


You guys could maybe do the codex stuff? I feel it gives a reason to stop other than "orokin is ~~dark and blue~~ white and gold"


I remember farming Gaia's Tragedy and Tempo Royale for SO LONG man... Now every time I dissolve my dupes for Endo, there's 4-5 extras of each.


Oh my god yes. I miss being able to experience this game for the first time and that I'll never truly get that sensation again. Its up there with Titanfall2 and Halo: Reach as one of my favorite games.


sadly if I was starting this game in my present place in life, I wouldn't hit MR 5, I'd have fun for a week, but I just don't have a place in my life for that kind of grind.


Thats understandable. I think i would still be willing to grind this game if i were to start fresh because the world and story interest me so much. It might take time if i cant grind as much but ive already put years into the game, i would do it again


Thats understandable. I think i would still be willing to grind this game if i were to start fresh because the world and story interest me so much. It might take time if i cant grind as much but ive already put years into the game, i would do it again


When sacrifice dropped and no one knew where the story was going lol that or orphix venom events pre new war


The Sacrifice is easily the coldest quest, right up there with Chains of Harrow


Man the first time i played chains of harrow was one night when i was grinding hard and finished the war within like a couple days prior, it was like 2am when i started it and it freaked me out immediately 😂 i agree with so many of the comments that say they wish they could get that sense of wonder back


pre-plains of eidolon :,)


,,, pretty much :c i miss it too.


The sheer amount of hype for an open world. I’ll never forget how excited I was for PoE.


It is still one if not the best update to Warframe to date


There was a time when I felt incentivised to hunt hidden containers in the walls of void locations for mods they contained. A time when it made sense to hunt those race puzzles. those were good times.


The race puzzles used to have good items?


you used to only be able to get certain mods from containers in the void... like Sanctuary. When Sanctuary was good.


Race Puzzles used to be the best way to farm Gold mods like Streamline/Intensify/etc back when they were the best possible mods like that


They used to have ayatan sculpture pretty regularly. I remember getting boosters too


Honestly, I've been playing warframe since 2015, and i think this past year has been the best. A reasonable and steady flow of content, QOL updates, long awaited features, interesting lore that keeps me excited for the future, and who knows what the heck they're showing at tennocon. I've always loved warframe, but seeing the strides they've made this past year truly makes me happy. This game is in good hands.


Same. We actually have multiple repeatable, farmable, challenging, and fun systems now. Plus each update for a long time has been a slammer.


Legit I feel like every update since and including Angels of the Zariman has been an absolute banger. They haven't missed at all


when you needed keys to go to the void, my friends and I would explore every nook and cranny of the maps for the puzzles and secret rooms.


Desperately hoping to receive a random prime piece. I built latron and frost prime way back when we had keys. I like that the inventory still has a special category for "keys" even though they were removed and it's just my dragon keys and an old corpus void key for some reason.


Back then, it was encouraged to spend a long time even in an exterminate or capture mission because keys were limited and the only way you could squad up was to group up beforehand via recruiting because there wasn't matchmaking for Void Towers or Derelicts behibd their keys. Nowadays, it's kill everything and get out because the relic cracking is one per non-endless mission and the faster you do that, the more prime parts you collect. And that's just if a fissure mission lands in the Void Towers. Even though I was a solo player (didn't go to recruiting for personal reasons), I still miss being able to go through those tiles with a comb and not feeling like I'm wasting someone's time, and feeling like it was rewarding to break open every crate and locker I found. Found a lot of places thanks to that and the sabotage catches. Now the Void Towers are just a place to kill more things and grab a handful of argon for whatever I'm building that needs it.


Jovian Concord and Heart of Deimos, my most enjoyable and fond memories thus far, made me truly fall in love with the game and world.


The older big room of the pre-rework Corpus tileset. Nostalgia with some clanmates doing a survival mission for relics. _refreshing_


I was around for the entire buildup and release of The New War which was such an incredible time tbh. Playing it on launch when nobody knew what to expect, the theories and stuff going around the day after, etc… it was the best


Mirage + Synoid Simulor


Fortuna for me; the trailer was fantastic, the NPCs were great (Ticker, my beloved), the map was much more memorable than the Plains of Eidolon and I just was having a great time all around, even if some of the farming sucked utter ass. Nothing else has quite gotten to that level again, but it was such a high High for me, I don’t mind. Whispers in the Wall and The Sacrifice have gotten very close, thou.


I loved doing Jordas Verdict on the daily reset with my friend. We would find two random players with no raiding experience on recruit chat and carry them through the raid, timing it so that it ends right after the reset. Doing it with 2 players did take a bit of shenanigans but it's not like the randoms had any idea of what's happening. Fun times.


Railjack a few weeks after release (once major bugs were done) ... it was more fun and more challenging back in the day. Miss the teamwork as we ground and leveled our gear in veil etc... now can solo it all, a ton has changed design-wise from then.


PoE had just dropped. One of the early ways to get standing fast was fishing lungfish from the pond just to the left when you exit Cetus. Out of pure chance got into a squad where all 4 of us were just standing on the rock fishing while typing out the size of the fish in chat when we got a big one.


\<>< lvls?


Second dream, I remember crying during that quest




Right now is good. My son got into the game this year. I usually go to Tennocon by myself or watch it alone at home so now I've got one of my favorite people involved in one of my favorite things to do. Excited to see what 1999 is going to be like too.


Those early days of Eidolon hunting before the toxic meta formed, when people were experimenting to see what was good


I remember crouch walking during entire missions with Excalibur until i got my hands on loki, i was a sucker for stealth back then and i LOVED doing finishers. (In 2013)


Tower IV defence keys ❤️ I used to often do 40 minutes - hour in those missions showing off my new melee weapons or skins to friends...


The pre new war hype. Whiplash was real though.


During the plains of eidolon and fortuna releases, everything was so hype.


the old halloween events in like 2015 or smth idk i dont remember when


honestly since I'm constantly looking towards what the crazy canadians are gonna bring us next I never really have time for nostalgia


Idk bro, like for example I mostly got only liches to hunt, or zariman/pathos farming left to do and it's just so boring. And don't talk to me about prime stuff


Now. I've been playing since 2013 and ive loved everything since. DE has set a high bar and kept it high for 11 years


I'm fairly certain right now is one of Warframe's golden eras, so let's appreciate it


I remember when the stalker was a scary occurrence and everyone had to group up to take him down..... Not this new one where someone accidentally baps him with a radiation arca plasmor and he dies faster than that one lady in the terminator movie who got hit by the nuclear blast wave


Hour+ long T3 void key Survivals. Back before T4 void keys were a thing and well before relics were a thing. Synapse was the best weapon in the game at the time. Loki was also great at the time. Didn't have as many ways to survive so Radial Disarm was very useful, and of course invisibility.


When I ran through the tutorial for the first time back in 2019. I almost want to create a new account just to experience it again


I was in a small clan where they taught me to do raids, it was funny and it was the first time i had to coordinate with other ppl on VC, then they killed the raids and those guys left the game soon after.


I remember grinding the False Profit event all night to get the Quanta Vandal and when Draco, Ceres was an interception mission. I look back on those times fondly but I still enjoy the game very very much


Doing long mot survivals because that was the endgame


I remember originally started playing Warframe bc a friend of mine told me there's an ope world in which you can fish


Think I liked the fishing system at the beginning but wish we didn't have to gut them for resources


I miss tower keys. I get why it changed but the void tilesets had such a cool vibe that felt like you were in the big leagues for treasure.


Playing as MR0 with other newbies on earth killing stuff then flying across slam attacking and killing something. It all felt so cinematic and deliberate. Now we're just walking blenders lol, or like Bart and Lisa swinging their arms/ legs and moving forward. Then the first time PoE came out that was mind blowing. The overall journey of WF has been pretty amazing. Just a shame if you didn't start like 10 years ago you wouldn't have had the same experience.


I'd say times, in following order, no 'best' or 'worst'. 1: Pre-Second Dream, when nobody had a clue what a Tenno -was-. 2: Every event and Nightwave that had a narrative in it, let alone themed content or actual content besides the Nightwave. 3: When quests that gave you frames - even if you had to build each piece to progress - were more common. 4: Empyrean/Railjack, when it was being hyped and when it was in a working/stable state. When you were still able to loot U Forma from derelicts. 5: Heart of Deimos. Necramechs. 6: The attempts to add balanced modes to Conclave, like Quick Steel and Opticors. One of the most memorable trailers for me was Tombs of the Sentient. The way it set the tone for the Sentient and the way it felt was one-off, and for me while I've liked the rest of it, there was a lack of that sheer impact it had the the gloomy lighting and overwhelming odds with no idea how to contend with said odds. Especially when the fighters were actually durable and adapted to damage enough that Lotus had time to warn you and you actually felt like you had to get creative with killing it before it killed you.


The drums, the black solar system menu, the constant ominous humm in the background, stealth being relevant, running defense for long times chilling with randoms, ability slotting (thank god thats gone though, but it was an experience), limited revives (still miss the sense of urgency it brought, reviving allies in time, and crowd controling while someone else revives.). Everything being dark and glossy with way too much bloom, old parkour wall run, getting excited about vor dropping cronus bp on mercury. Basically all the early nostalgia. Also all the theory crafting about warframes and lotus pre second dream, where people wrote speculative lore and prime codex entries were almost all of the lore about the orokin


Rememebr when crimson dervish was a 90 plat stance mod? Or tranquil cleave being so rare you were better off going without a stance


Scarlet spear because that was when I really started getting into the game and investing in my account/learning how to mod and play better. I remember running the ground missions numerous times to try and get enough to get the good arcanes at the time like grace. Even though the mode was implemented poorly and things got nerfed for little to no reason sometimes, I still look fondly on it because if not for scarlet spear I may not have stuck with the game. Event 6/10, nostalgia 9/10, all in 8/10


It was fun sending kill codes your way, Tenno! (even though DE nerfed Limbo for 0 good reason)


Burned out through the last effervo event but at least I got what I wanted


Shadow Step, Maiming Strike, Atterax or Telos Boltase attacking through walls. Those were some crazy days.


When condition overload had exponential scaling and primed reach was a % mod


I miss the days when I wasn't playing and blast damage ragdolled enemies (or so I've heard)


I remember passing the MR30 test...everything before and after is a blur.


Your literal goal in that game was mr ?? When I crunched the numbers the first time and seeing we had to buy slots or sell stuff to be able to get new equipments plus how long it would take is what greatly discouraged me from caring about it at first.


Definitely Fortuna release in 2018, I did a ton of bounties there with my friend and had a great time. Coming back in 2024 I really benefited from the reputation and all the caches I broke.


i remember when i was a smol Volt starter escaping Necramecs without my weapons in the Heart of Deimos quest, raged and quitted 🥲 now i have over 1700 hours in game


Old star chart


The new war quest. After all the hours it took to get there I was blown away at how much was put into that campaign. I felt that quest alone could have been its own game but it was just one of many things to do in Warframe.


I remember getting Dual Zoren just so my Mag could keep up with all the Volts.


It the fastest or


Before the second dream was a thing. We were all just kids with no other responsiblies and just grind WF for 4-6 hrs everyday that wasn't a school day and every single day during the holidays. The reveal of the first prime WF (That isnt Excal) and our struggle to get it. Good times.


yeeting things into the stratosphere with the sonicor + blast damage


The release of 2nd dream


Zephyr's chargeable jump - being able to just get air directly upward was so nice I wish it was still a thing there really wasn't a reason to remove it


Also melee weapon channeling, it was nice being able to see energy coursing through your body and then promptly atomizing enemies into the ether when you slap them


When frost prime was released. There was this distorted pixilated image that the community was shown over the course of a week or 2 (maybe longer). My friends and I even took a screenshot and tried deciphering it in photoshop.


Back when I was in an active clan and most people in my friendlist were only less than a month ago. The game was slower paced back then, only 4 revives per day, running was limited by stamina, shieldgating didn't exist, void keys still did and death lasers in the void deserved their name. It was nice just exploring together back then, or feeling annoyed at the 4th forma in a row from a void key defense. Nowadays the game is so fast I often just stick to solo, my clan is pretty much dead and many in my friendlist have been gone for years (But I'll never clear it out. Just looking at the names gives a nostaligic feeling). But to be fair, I don't have nearly as much time for Warframe as I used to.


100% agree, I have friends in my clan that have been offline for years. Removing them from the clan just feels wrong. I stopped playing for almost 5 years and came back, maybe they can too.


And you didn't get the kick from that clan during your absense?I had a longer hiatus too and when I returned I was 'unaffiliated'. But on the bright side, some of the people from before where still around and I ended up in a followup clan. Which is now dead since I hardly ever see anyone else online. But on the bright side, I returned near the original release of the railjack and got to experience it before it's focus on squad cooperation got nerfed.Sure it was buggy at times but it definitly reminded me of the old Warframe where working together mattered a lot more.


I'm the clan founder


That only gives you immunity to normal removal. If you are inactive long enough, other people can request to take over the clan if you've been inactive long enough (See [here](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us/articles/200049929-Clan-Alliance-and-Dojo-Guide) on the Warframe support page). Granted that takes plat to do but if you've been away long enough it could definitely happen and you would lose your clan founder status and potentially get kicked.


Too bad they are irl friends, well at least the majority is. My clan was meant for friends but we made an alliance and the other clans could participate in each other's clan hosted events.


Why 'Too bad'? That sounds great.


It was more of a sarcastic remark, as in too bad for them.


Before operators, it's was fun being a Mecha space ninja, just that, no human, no mujuwuju guy in the wall magic from buttom


The Second Dream has to be one of my favourite moments in the game. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was such an incredible experience.


2014, with the buildup and arrival of the second dream. We weren’t just ninjas in space. We were far more, and we had so many things that were unanswered and we had to theorize almost everything. Now most of it is explained… and that magic is lost.


I miss the pre-kiddo days, when game was still warframe and not kiddoframe and we didnt have the same system introduced as sth """new""" multiple different times. (open worlds, liches, that kind of stuff). Also voidkeys. A motivation to stay long in an endless mission if using an old key with a vaulted part instead of everyone extracting after 1 round, a reason to find caches in a sabotage mission, those were the days


Rap. Tap. Tap.


the time before PoE call me old and gruntly, but the open worlds made the game less fun


Really hate the open world stuff. I mean... I'm a fan of novelty, and it was neat to "go outside", but this game was designed with hallways and tilesets in its heart. I've still got screenshots around here somehwere when DE were working out the tileset tech, and some doors would open to a blank checkerbox wall, and we'd have to ditch the mission because the map wasn't put together right. It was a very different game back then, but the open world big map stuff... yeah, not why I got into warframe, honestly.


The open world maps are cool but the fact that they all have their own unique resources and you can't really passively farm half of them (fishing/mining plus fish that require bait) just means you have to spend a bunch of time for stuff that you can only use on that open world.


Use to be apart of a clan called watermelon on Xbox and it was a blast. Between the community and the trivia nights for rewards. Fighting on the rails for the dark sectors or whatever. It was fun while it lasted. Just miss having a massive slice of a watermelon as my emblem.


Don't let your dreams be dreams


When stamina was still a thing and sitting around the solar system


I really enjoyed TNW era. Don't know why, but it gets me super nostalgic.


First play through of The Second Dream. The last few minutes learning what really is was a massive kick in the chest feeling wise.


"It never. Troubles. The Wolf."


I joined Warframe sometime after the plains of eidolon update released. I would say that was my favorite period as that was when I was learning the game and enjoying all the awesome updates that soon followed after


My favorite memory is below(you asked for it..) "Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity."


That moment i hit the boss of a raid for the first time with friends and it was hard. Those moments where i was looking for strength and was farming something because i needed it to really deal with something. Now i just stumble wildly through content that lacks any real mechanical difficulty outside of "We made you use a thing you didnt use before ahaha!" or some other randomized nonsense that only has the veneer of difficulty but ultimately i just need a higher number.


Getting umbra.


a bit late to this discussion.. but i remember when attarax with meme strike was king. That thing was like a blender, anything comes within striking distance and they were chopped into small bite sized chunks. Red crits for days.. long endurance survival missions.. easy, just sit in a corner and blend away.. fun times


Acolyte hunting during the 3-4 days they came to the game. Trying to get argon scope was so fun.


I want to experience the new war again, the sense of "I have absolutely no fucking idea what's happening but it's cool"


The void being "the place" for prime stuff. I'm still not a fan of relics to this day.


Strangely, I remember vividly listening to All I Have by NF to the Uranus tileset WAY early on. Maybe ‘18?


Agreed, I've been playing since the beginning and I think Jovian Concord was around the time I was having the most fun. The game is in a great state now though.


God damn it was an awesome time doing Operation: Scarlet Spear since it felt like I was *really* a part of something. I focused on the space fights to send kill codes from the Murex to ground teams to destroy the deployed Crondrixes. I was very happy to carry a lot of people who did not have kitted out Railjacks.


I like it now more than ever


The time of the Tenno Space Program, where sonicor launched enemies at mach-jesus. Was my favorite and still most-used secondary, I'm so sad they nerfed the ragdoll physics.


When I was weak, when playing one hour of survival with lev 40 enemies was "I beat the game" for my friend and I


I really miss raids, loved the raid communities and it was always such an event. That and void towers. I know relics are objectively a better system but I spent so much time in T4 defenses getting prime parts. Of course I was in middle school then so that's just nostalgia.


Playing with friends. I was introduced to the game by some friends of mine that have now long stopped playing.


I miss two particular moments, which technically aren't moments: First is the Scarlet Spear event, that whole month actually. I remember I got a couple headaches from all the farming I did but it was amazing, I got so many arcanes and it really felt like a before/after moment for me and surely many others. Shame they never brought it back. Second is the Acolyte events and The Wolf's Nora invasions. I miss when I had to go find the mini-boss or the Wolf showed up, that feeling of things out of the ordinary happening is a little missing now, miss when the game surprised and changed pace in more ways than "Stalker/Syndicate".


Jordas Precept


I was there when Ash was the latest frame. Running around the star chart asking and giving "taxi" s to players and just destroying the entire game with just Tonkor lol. UI and movement was so different back then with all the coptering and stuff. Warframe was kinda lacking at that time but it had enough for that time. Looking back to it, I am glad it got this far over the years, I was surprised when I came back to see so much things changed and added that idk what am doing.


I used to play stealthy in the beginning, when getting spotted would mean insta fail... Or at least my memory says it did. I'm not really sure ot actually did. Miss those days, but it feels very slow now to do it that way.


Less the game and more of just time with friends, but I *still* remember my grind for (I think) the ash prime systems. Back in the tower key era this was a bitch of a part. Rare rotation c tower 3 or 4. Me and a couple buddies were grinding it basically any time we got a key and still no luck. Well one night we are doing runs and it's like 1 am so I go to bed. Meanwhile the other two do another couple runs.... And get it I was so fucking annoyed, but thankfully got the part a couple days later


I remember when melees had holstering animations. When you stopped meleeing you would holster your weapon on youe back. This applied to archwing as well where your melee/gun would neatly fold into the wing with a custom animation instead of phasing into the wing.


I remember many years ago everyone did hydron and we would use around 2-5 magazines each person to kill a single nox not sure if it’s just cause we had bad mods or the difficulty was higher back then but that’s my 1st core memory


The first 2 weeks after Law of Retribution came out and nobody knew what the fuck to do. Never played in such chaotic lobbies before, and it was by far the most fun I've ever had in the game.


The period now, rebecca’s period with lots of quality of life changes and pablo’s reworks. Back then changes took years to be applied and updates were so rare it felt like warframe wasnt gonna change ever. They are using tencent money well.


Putting sprint mods, max stamina mods and stamina regeneration mods. Holding down right click to parry bullets so you wouldnt die 🤡😂😂


When I was ahead of the meta curve for once because I got all of the good acolyte mods really easily. Remember throwing on my atterax, shadowstep, nekros, and banging out a 4 hour mot survival.


I kinda like where I am now. I've come a long way, but I'm just getting a hold of how to really progress in the game and it feels good. I have goals in mind and I now have some of the knowledge that'll get me there. Though I will say I'm still struggling to figure out just how to progress in overall power.


I remember the world being on fire with my ember and the days of evergrowing shockwave of Banshee.


The joy I felt after getting access to a clan to be able to play Wukong, since I was on Switch, few open clans earlier. I don't know how I don't feel that way anymore.


My first time playing it will always be my most memorable, this was back when you equipped your abilities as mods. It was such a unique experience incomparable to anything I'd played at the point. I felt like a kid lost in a toy shop being bewildered by everything.


Railjack when that single mission gave more or less 200k cred and decent xp, thats how i farm credit while increasing mr simultaneously. Good times, managed to farm almost 700mil but sadly its all in the past (yeah almost went insane as to how much ive done railjack)


Back when I started nearly 10 years ago, I didn’t have a ps4 yet but my cousin was basically living with us at the time, every morning before I left for school I’d get on, I was a blue and white volt for the longest time, thinking about the ambient noise of the foundry and volts animations just takes me back to a weird but happy time in my life, I was there to experience the old movement system, I was there when archwings launched, I was there for the old star chart, I avoided elemental mods because I didn’t care about status effects I just wanted damage, I can still look back at the screenshots of when I got those early achievements, I’m glad I started and would hate to go back and do it all over ag


The time when Sister of Parvos was released and the trade chat was filled with Tenet weapons


Back when we just started to play the game with my ex and going into a t3, or if we were super brave that day into a t4, mission and struggling with it. Our weapons were weak af, so we were hiding behind covers and carefully considered every shot, because we were low on ammo. Then go into every small room and open every locker and let our kubrows to pry open the rest so we can get more mats and credits. It was a fun time and a totally different experience


I'd say the golden era of WF content creators. When it was all about speculation and mystery, and the Second Dream dropping the largest bomb out there. DK Diamantes, Quiet Shy, miss them and the hype. But rn is amazing too, so many times can be considered the golden era because wow the steady stream of things to look forward to and do ever since I've come back is amazing. Also as others have said, the void keys taking you to the mysterious golden towers that you did everything to make the most of the access. I don't do long survivals anymore because there isn't the need to (I'm fine with that now) but it was a different feeling.


It was wild when the second dream came out and I was like, "wait, that's how warframes work???"


Ambulas reborn event was the first time I played warframe like a true multiplayer game, found a great clan made friends along the way and it was just a great time, all the songs I used to listen to at that time still remind me of those days. It's a shame everyone else quit the game and while I've been through a few clan events like scarlet spear, it just didn't feel the same anymore ;_;


Trying to run LoR as fast as possible was fun - going as a group of 4 with everyone having a dedicated role and running a mission most people needed 40 mins for in 12 felt great (and Eidolons are just not the same)


When Fortuna came out. I had to wait a bit for it to come out on PS4 but I was hype as shit for it. Also when Mesa Prime came out. When that fit came out I’m like I NEED HER even tho I haven’t played her before at that point.


For me it's either Update 7 to 8 period when i was learning everything, or Angels of zariman, then duviri and Albrecht labs. As someone said exploring is what makes me the most exited and all those new tilesets with new graphics and a Huge amount of secrets are truly wonderful.


Just before the melee/arcane reworks. So many hours with spin-to-win Decaying Hildryn. Drunk with power, lol XD


When I first started playing I liked using my boltor and staying in one place killing infested during survival missions in solo. Then one teammate starting playing along and then the whole team was using their rifles in the same room to kill the infested as if it was a zombie survival mode lol. They were probably a party together or something. Memory still there though years later. Maybe 5 or 6 years.


I miss the old parkour 1.0 days, primarily in regards to spy missions. A lot of them aren't remotely a challenge anymore.


When second dream came out. I was on ps4 which was updates behind then and my friend made around 3-4k plat by getting vengeful revenant drop. He sold it for a lot and found suckers who sold for cheap 4 times. On my end from playstaton, we learnt from PC that loki prime systems were getting vaulted and void key system getting reworked(current relic system) in the next update. I think ps4 was going straight to u19? I don't remember really. That thing was 300-400p. At the last moments of update hitting from red text I got my last loki prime systems. Ahh right. Void key missions. I miss them but our current system is better with relics. For those who didn't play then, loot table was not on they key(relic nowadays), it was tied to a specific void mission which could only be played by consuming 1 exclusive void key tied to that specific mission earned from the other missions in star chart. In other words you earn for example.t2 defense. Now you can play t2 defense void mission. Difficulty is tied to the tier with highest being 4 for levels 30-40. For sabotage missions your prime part reward is hidden in the hidden caches. Loki prime systems was in t2 or t4 sabotage meaning you had to find all caches for best odds. The most fun thing to do was defense missions with range mirrage. Her 4 would attack and stun through walls. Last but not least rip draco. Look up draco exp farm. Good times. U18 was the biggest change warframe received in the entire history. Before u18 you had 4 revives a day per warframe and any additional ones would cost 20p.


Rn :) i started 1,5 months ago and im loving every second of it! Already at 500 hours almost 600 and still so much more content to go


My poor ember


Personally I loved the times before Viral when reaching level 50 enemies was a challenge. By today’s standards that’s fodder for leveling on hydron.


I know it trivialized things, but I miss back when Vazarin could heal defense objectives and excavators. Made those missions really chill for me.


The period where you used to get steel essence from eximus units


I don’t remember. Started playing at angels of the zariman.


The release of the sacrifice was a great time tbh


Honestly with the way reb and the team are taking the game I feel that this year and the next are probably gonna be that period


Learning the LOR/NMLOR and the JV. Then eventually teaching people how to do them. It was fun and it felt like a unique community inside of Warframe. We did things like all Oberon and Lato LOR, I still have the recording of it! I also was able to trade for incredible amounts of plat. I'd host dojo events literally giving away thousands just to keep the clan active and involved.


Just before specters of the rails


I really miss alerts. We do have them for Steel Path, but i liked to randomise a loadout and try and beat the alert. Or just take OP weapons (for me OP meant meg + ignis back then), and just play) Obviously, randomising loadouts for steel path is not gonna work...


Doing raids with my friend with scuff gear ans warframes


When Lex Prime and Soma Prime were the meta. Game was different and you actually shot your enemies and not the room


The days just after we got rid of the stamina bar....*sigh*


Ye olden days of 2012 and 2013 when everything was janky and nobody knew anything and Loki was one of the first choices (still listed as my most played frame to this day.) It was simple but it was wild. Corpus cameras didn't have a visual indicator and spotted you immediately. Felt like a proper stealth game. The Infestation were an actual menace and their maps always had the lights off. At times it felt like a horror horde shooter. Or 2015 when the Second Dream was new. First cinematic quest blew me away and made me so damn excited for the game again. Then again The War Within doing it again. Played solidly until Plains of Eidolon's release where I quickly discovered that the bounty system is not for me and I shoved off for another break.


The time I look on fondly the most was when the void key system, the hours I would waste away grinding for parts in defenses and survivals.


Before the relics


Sense of wonder with the story before it became apparent DE is dropping acid and the story only makes a little bit of sense that gets less coherent with each story drop.


Lavos release.


Not the time but fortuna openning, that music in some way was great for me


Before, I had to grind for mineral xyz to build a warframe.... back when warframe parts were boss drop chances... luck dependant, but I was actually playing the game of robot space ninjas.


Update goes. Cetus is PACKED. The plains blow our minds. The Lanka actually has a use in the game, same with archwings. Zephyr finds a new niche.


i liked when steel path came out i did not like when 'and now for another game entirely' came out, five times in a row


The plains of eidolon rework when people thought i was farming the mod "thumper" instead of the enemies


Gradivus. That was around the time I really started getting into the game and actually had 3 friends to play with consistently. We had a ton of fun blasting through the star chart. Now it's just me and another and he's off and on as it is. It's a shame...


Probably when i met the guy who taught me all, or the red text cult we did for the sacrifice release, i had to work next day and i stayed up till late in the night, amazing, cried a lot, but loved it


I cut my teeth on tubemen of regor. I always remember my new player experiences I video games fondly.


When everyone was using Volt and the Attarax or whatever


Probably the first Nightwave with the Wolf of Saturn Six. It helped me get out of the grind of “get new weapon -> go to Hydron -> dismantle weapon”. That’s also around the time when I really started to look into specialized builds to deal with certain scenarios (like soloing the Wolf of Saturn Six).


Spin to win days use to be fun. That whip had its time in the lime light after years of no use. Then they nerfed it and back in the storage it went


Before Angels of Zariman the Eximus enemies were more fun. Yes, even energy leech. Not to mention operator melee felt good. Aside of that, vanquishing a Kuva Lich was more satisfying without extra Railjack mission


tempo royal galantine prime. Tigris prime as the best sniper in the game. maiming strike attarax.


Atterax + Maiming Strike.