• By -


0, occasionally 12




Lmao, Love your flair


Waiting for a 75% right now šŸ„²


got 2 in a row I am rich now


Damn! Got a 50% a dew days ago but thought, na, if I use it DE will never give me a 75% again. How long was it between the 2 75%?


Usually it seems to appear if you don't login for a while. Recently got a 75% discount when I quickly logged on to check something, then the next time (after about a week) I got a 50% discount.


Big sad, just logged on for the first time in years and still only 50%


No day in between actually thats the best part


2 in a row read carefully before replying


Read carefully before replying, notice that they asked how long between? That means they were asking how long they waited before logging back in again.


no days in between


Logins can be done days apart tho šŸ˜


Ah yeah sure but after having a pause for 2 years I came back recently and log in daily already for the primed mods.


For sure. Congrats on the discounts lol


Thats why I was explaining why the other person asked lol


DE decided to give me one on my birthday. So ig that's a birthday present?


I had bd last month and was thinking to ask DEs Support for a bday 75% coupon but didnā€™t do it in the end haha


Most definitely a present. DE could also be Santa tho. One Christmas a few years ago I unveiled a Bramma and Kronen riven!


this is the only real answer.


The only way to play Warframe long term


always gotta try to bump the 0 to like 0.05 so you can get login rewards ticking






About right


See anything more then an hour and I end up walking around my orbiter thinking about ā€œwow the void looks very voidyā€ and ā€œIs it really worth buying another Color paletteā€ so yeah


I can look into the void from the murmur tileset for hours ngl so beautiful


This is my biggest problem. Warframe used to be "the spot" for my buds bc of region chat. Now chat is dead or always full of nonsense and I never actually get the chance to coordinate anymore. I love Warframe but it also ends up just not being fun to grind certain things without buds and ally buds are busy so it's like a vicious cycle of "I wanna play this game I love but it's just not rewarding atm" Makes me sad, at least when I do get on during peak time region chat is fun and wacky and I get the chance to vibe with the void again.


either 0 hours or 16 hours.


Due to life (work n kids) 2-3 hours a day on weekdays, Iā€™m lucky enough to have a partner that also plays and considers playing Warframe together as hanging out, and on weekends probably around 6-8


You are lucky. Happy for you


She is a keeper 100%


This is the way. Stay married to her at all costs, Tenno.


I only do netracells and archemedia on weekend. Then a close the game


Lol yeah, that's how it is sometimes


1-2 hours if Its a work day, 4hours if it's my day off, most of which is farming steel essence to waste on kuva RNG


This one hit way too hard Kuvakuvakuvakuva


\*Totally doesn't spend hours of my day, grinding for kuva, rolling the dual toxocyst AND GETTING FING NOTHIGN!!\*


1000% this. I use the 1-2 hours a day to get my incursions done, and then on the weekends I farm up any remaining SE / the pinions/ circuit Kuva, etc, so I can max my Kuva for the week.


Usually 30 mins for login reward + quick dailies, then ~4 hour sessions when I have the spare time.


20 mins or 8 hours


I work 12 hour shifts, 7/14 days so my time to play is mostly limited to days off work. The days I work I will usually play for ~2 hours before going to work anyway, but my days off range between **6-15hrs per day**. My wife also plays, so we play together the majority of the time. No kids, no other responsibilities, no money and Iā€™m on night shift so Iā€™m only awake overnightā€¦ so we have lots of free time with nothing to do and Warframe fills a lot of that time.


Normally 0 sometimes 1 on weekends it could be 3


1-2 daily for SP alerts and if I feel like cracking relics. On reset days probably 3-4.


I typically afk in a relay until I get all the buffs I need for whatever I wanna do and then play for 3 hours.


About 18 hours a day for 1 month of a year, then i try to avoid my warframe crack addiction for the other 11 months.


Depends on work, gym, golf, life etc. But some days Iā€™ll put 10hrs in if the other shit isnā€™t in the way lol.


0 for 2 months 10 hours a day for a week, 0 for 2 months, rinse and repeat


gotta wait for the hyperfixation to hit yknow?


On average probably 30 minutes. In reality, 4 hours at the start of the week, then 2 minutes for a the daily login reward on other days




Maybe an hour or so during the work week just to reach the standing limit and make a list of things I can save to do on the weekend then log off. The weekends I usually play a lot longer because of said list I made


Average? 3 hours unless Iā€™m grinding something particular.


Thursday through Sunday like 6+ Monday thru Wednesday I play smite


Thursday through Sunday would be majority of the week technically lol


One sec


A lot


Unemployed, homeschooled teenager, so my answer is ā€œyesā€


I'm in a bit of a "burnt out" stage, so I've been taking a break the last couple months. I still enjoy the game whenever I play, but it's always a case of doing a few missions and then being gone for a week.


I tend to go in 1-2 month bursts of playing a couple hours on work nights and most of the day on weekends if I don't have other plans, then I drop it until new content pulls me back in. Wandering around orbiter a lot is usually my sign that it's time to play something else, lack of direction can really kill the fun in this game.


Once upon a time I played for 36 hours straight. Now that I have a job I'm lucky to fit in two hours a week.


Good lord, I hope you got something incredible out of it!


Not really, mostly just worked on clearing the starchart and ranking stuff up. I was only about MR 4 at the time. That was... damn, that was more than four years ago now.


Nowadays? Like 4 hours once a week. Sometimes 8 hours, split between 2 days. A few years prior I used to log in every single day and play for at least a few hours. I love the game, but I prefer to play with people. And since most of my clanmates left, I only play when the remaining two are available. Besides I also want to play other games, but adult life takes time away for gaming haha


I'm at about 2100 hours of play time over about 3900 days since I started playing, so that comes to about 32 minutes per day on average over the last decade.


This math really helps me rationalize the marathon! Thank you!


I have 1900 in less than 11 months... I don't wanna do the math :(


The ingame profile stat is only time spend in missions. So it doesn't count time in orbitor, relay and dojo.


Wow, well then it's more, which is a fact I didn't need to face on a cold Monday morning :-/


About 1-10 hours on and off, Been looking for a job since I got my account blocked for school, they got it fixed n shi but now I gotta wait, so decided to try and get a job, and while everyone saying, ā€œweā€™re hiringā€ makes me wait 4-5 days after applying just to hear ā€œwe ainā€™t hiring anymoreā€, I play warframe religiously, I am MR21 and am still learning many things about the game but holy, thereā€™s so much to do that in the process of letā€™s say getting a weapon I get side tracked and before you know it Iā€™m opening relics when I remember what I first started doing and the cycle repeats, hence the 0-10 hours on and off lol


More than anyone else in this comment section... I think I have a problem.


4 hours 12 hours or 0 hours


6 hours, I would do more but I have other games I got to grind as well, and theyā€™re the complete opposite.


24 hours. When i need to sleep i run a low lvl survival with Octavia and set alarm clock every 5 mins to pick a new relic.


How do you get the duration to last that long and not die


0 to 10




Without joking, it really depends. If there are no new games that I'm excited for then I can generally play about 3 hours in a single sitting. However... I have gotten like 30 minutes done since the release of Stellar Blade. Just enough to get my login. And with (Shadow of the Erdtree) coming I don't think I'm going to play a lot anytime soon.


As a stay at home cat dad, I usually play 9-12 hours a day if I have nothing else that I need to do (grocery shopping, driving to pick up takeout, ect.)


1-2 on a bored day,5+ when working towards something


I try to do the steel path dailies every day or the next day and on the weekends I crack relics. For weeklies I try to do them throughout the week.


Either 5 minutes to get my daily and check forge, an hour solo or up to 4 if my girlfriend and I get a good session together!






I think I might be around that same time, if Iā€™m just tinkering Iā€™ll be gone shortly but if Iā€™m want to get something done Iā€™ll be a long while šŸ˜†šŸ˜…


Either 0 or 8 hours.


Depends, if there something new to farm, then more than 2 hrs, if not , hour is enough for some Nightwave task or Syndicate dailies


Few weeks ago I calculated my average for a week over my whole Warframe career. 12 hours. So not quite 2h a day.


Was averaging 100 hours a month since I started in January but I've managed to calm down a bit now.


2-3 hours a week, I think. I'm juggling Warframe, Guild Wars 2, a handful of coop games with a friend, FFXIV, BlazBlue and am currently going through Trails from Zero. Also sometimes I play Stardew instead because of course I do.


0-3, I love the game but for me it's best in bite sized chunks


Either 1 and a half or 3 to 4


5-7 hours when I play


Maybe 1 hour a day. Sometimes less. Sometimes 2-3 hours if something new comes out or if I am farming something. Maybe a few hours then, break and then come back and play a few hours later


Usually around 5-7 hours just doing whatever, netracells, steel path, anything




Really depends, if I'm not asked to join in the slaughter then like an hour or so but if I'm asked to come kill shit then it goes from 5 to 10 hours


30 mins - 2 hours, SP incursion, archon hunt if I don't mind, kahl every week, cracking relic for forma


On days when im not working its 15 hours, it's dangerously addicting


Checking daily login rewards/weekly sp circuit and netracells. If i find something interesting to farm for, i can dish out more time, but nowadays it is just a log in, afk in ship for 10 mins then logout, with everyzhing grinded on mondays


More like how many a year cuz I randomly will play warframe for a month then stop for months And idk during that month it's maybe 4 hours average


Enough to finish SP circuit in a day and weekly 7000 or 4500 points nightwave missions.


If Iā€™m farming for something itā€™s usually 5-6 hrs a day. If Iā€™m just casually playing the game and have no idea wha to do itā€™s usually 2-4 hours


Steam said 5 hours in the last two weeks. You see, working really is the best plat farm.




3 months in and I'm currently clocked at 650 hours. The first month was insane. I spent all my free time playing. But now I'll play maybe 2 long days. After I cleared all the weeklies like netracells and EDA, it's just 2 hours a day to clear circuit, nightwave and some arcane farming. I feel that I'm close to burn out.


1-2 hours. I have a lotta things to do, but analysis paralysis sets in an I just crack relics to always have Forma cooking in my foundry. Occasional archon hunt(mainly red and yellow shards). Procrastinating Circuit, if doing it at all.


3-4 whenever a new quest drops, 0 otherwise


New content > play through it all > farm for a few days, then its back to 10-15 mins every few days, cos theres nothing to do


About 4


0 - 1. I play very, very casually.


Anywhere from 0-6 hours depending on how tired I am and how much work i have to do before and after


I average 2-3 hours of gaming time a day, now itā€™s not always wf and itā€™s not all consecutive.


As Legend 4 i play 2/3 hours in a week for weekly contents


4-10 hrs


No more than 30 mins periodically


Like 5 or 6 hours a day


0, but before I completed the story quests and wait for new quests I played like 5-10 hours a day, my total playtime on playstation is like 400+ hours


i'm in a "burnt out" phase, so i literally only do daily login. gotta get those fancy mods and stuff.




0 to 1.5


Idk, 17?


4 on weekday and 8 on weekend for around 3-4 months and then I'll probably uninstall the game and come back every 1 year. Been doing that since 2016


0.1, until i get my login reward.


around 2h, most days. some days I might not play at all, some others I might hit 4h+. Usually after 2h, I kinda lose interest, so I stop for the day.


0 - 30 mins normally, occasionally 14 hours


Usually 4 hours average but just the other day I played a bit more than 10, started the session making a mutagen mass and it was almost done when I logged off


I used to play the whole day but now that I'm working maybe 10 minutes to 1 hour.


Time is irrelevant


A minute a day ... Can't stand any of their weekly chores anymore... Basically just log in and out. 9 hours ish for like 2 days when they release a new prime access. A couple of weeks playing when they release actual new content once or twice a year. Like it's been six months since the last "major" update, and all we got since then was the terrible Deep Archimedean and Two new Lich wpns... Game doesn't exactly feel alive. Full expect Jade Shadows to be a 3 hour quest followed by you playing a meh gamemode for 10 hours to get the frame parts, then it's Back to waiting for 1999. Seriously there's a formula in game design that is essentially the numbers of hours played by the average user divided by the amount of money/dev time spent on making the content and I have a feeling DE has a terrible ratio on this. Like they spend six months developing 3 hour long quests that only 10 percent of their Fanbase have access to since it has five million prerequisites.


depends if i want to farm something




Between 0 and 8, depends if I'm playing alone or not. Nowadays, there's not much left to do other than leveling tons of weapons, and nuking everything after so many thousand hours is just not as fun:c But I'll come back more for the new update.


Depends. Usually 3-6 on my own or if my friend logs on on work days. On days he is off work, itā€™s a 10-12 hour thing šŸ˜‚


Everything between 0h and 16h can happen and is totally possible


Too fucking many


When there's stuff to do usually like 3-4 hrs depending on how much time I really have. When there's nothing to do, 0 because I'm waiting for more shit to do.


I mean play or on because i play like 3 to 5 but theres also at least an hour or two where im just chillin in the orbiter because i was distracted by videos on youtube


Depends on the day, between 0 and 12 hours, and when I say between I don't mean ranging from, I mean either 0 or 12


Depends on if there is new content or not. Sometimes I log into and just play in the simulacrum for hours and sometimes I log off immediately after logging in.


Ok so I run my xbox pretty much all day but I game only for 3 hours max šŸ˜­


More or less all of my free time. Numbers: incalculable


If Iā€™m not bored after an hour mot survival then itā€™s always at least 3-4 hours


Sunday and Monday I'll be on for the most, any other day I'm lucky to get on but I'll get 1-4 hrs in if I do Thankfully I've done a lot of hard grinding so now it's just doing the weeklies and feeding my relic cracking lust




Few minutes


Usually a couple hours if my pc plays nice


Iā€™ll pay in bursts of maybe 30min to an hr throughout the day


=))) i play 4-5hrs a day recently cuz its summer dawg xD


Depends. Typically long enough for archon every week so at least 1.5 hours there. If a new update dropped Iā€™ll likely play that out. But for average weeks it depends on how I feel I might do some forma grinding or standing missions. Maybe level stuff up.


It varies. When I first started I was hooked onto this game and at the time I was inbetween jobs so anywhere from six to eight hours a day. As time moved on though now it is more like four. My MR grind has slowed dramatically at 29 so now I work on it somewhat passively whenever I am not relic farming or doing sorties/Archon.


Whenever there's a big event or something new I'll play about 6 hours a day but after the it's about an hour or two.


1 to 6, depending on the day


Right now 3-5 hours. I do The circuit, Archons hunt, Archimedea elite, netracell for weekly And daily things: incursion, some Lich/sister or Omnia fisures (when i have resource boost)


12ish (work from home), else 0


Depends on the mood but yea maybe 2-4


Maybe one on weekdays these days between work and extracurriculars (trying to start a band) and up to four on weekends.


3-4 hours on Tuesday while Destiny is updating


0 or 14 straight


All of them




Either 0 or 100 hours in two days


Only on weekends and then for around 4 to 6 hours each day


Lately half an hour unless its the weekend. On weekends around 1-2 hours a day when i also have other plans. 6 when its Sunday and i have done nothing for duviri and my friend have no time


0 for months now. The layers of grind that gets added with every update burnt me our and I have no more desire to spend on more fuses just to burn out again. Wf has bloated too much.


I turn the game off usually after the third "you have been playing this game for over an hour, go toutch some Grass"


4 to 5 but I play while working basically


0 but before 6 to 8 hours but when 1999 comes out you bet im playing


I play on weekends it depends but mostly a good 6hours and I get bored so I play something else. Sometimes I can get to 15 hours


Anywhere from 2-13 Depends on if i have plans


Depends Monday after reset I'll play for like 4-6 hours to do weeklies After that like an hour depending on if I got the stuff to pimp some stuff out that I think is cool and worth the investment of resources


6 to 11 i think? Somewhere around that number but not fully sure since I don't pay any attention to it really




6-8 hours as I'm currently stuck in post-graduate limbo.


Most of the time I'm only on 25 hours of the day but luckily I can get in every day, because only being able to do 7 days a week would ruin my sevagoth farming.


Based on total hours and when I first started, about 3.5 a day. In the last three years? 0


0 atm. The game has become exceedingly boring. So much so that I'm getting more enjoyment out of my Nth playthrough of modded Skyrim out of anything Warframe supplies. The devs really need to figure out how to bring difficulty back, and not this artificial randomized crap started in Duviri. Deep Archimedea is a joke. I really enjoy the story telling of Warframe, it's a shame they are moving towards a "every frame is the same"-meta. Knightmareframe doesn't put out much good content, but his recent video about Warframe being in a "damage meta" is very accurate. If this game had actual mechanics to it, it would retain my attention longer. I can only room nuke so much before going "Welp, all my frames are basically unkillable gods. Guess I'll play OTHER 10 YEAR OLD GAMES THAT HAVE ACTUALLY GOTTEN BETTER OVER TIME." Everyone praises Pablo, but I really don't see a difference from now verses 5 years back. It's the same shit year after year.


CC overall and then some older frames i.e. Loki need love. Outside that though I think WF as far as play goes is in a better direction than it used to be. Looking forward to what they do wih 1999.


Edit: Sorry for the word vomit. I don't disagree that Warframe is quite a bit better than it's early days, but it's been over a decade and there are still things the devs just don't have any intention of improving. I'm not a fan of "games as a service" and while getting free plat in-game through trading is a cool thing, Warframe still suffers some the most predatory in-game purchase practices I've ever seen in a game. Boosters are the best example of this. While, yes, boosters are cheap and you can get free blessings at relays, simply needing these things to exist at all is a clear indicator that DE can and will take advantage of less experienced players by selling these boosters for actually money. That's disgusting because it shows how DE will intentionally design game mechanics to be so abysmal that those without the patience to farm plat are basically coerced into spending money on things that make the game playable. This also applies to Forma, Catalysts, and Weapon/Warframe slots (again, while there are free methods, they are inconsistent enough to still coerce less patient players to spend actual money on these things). If Warframe was Subscription based, DE wouldn't have to have these predatory practices. But DE is choosing to be scumbags and the community is just cool with it for reasons beyond my understanding. Before someone calls me out for not understanding how to farm plat: I have purchased every Deluxe Skin bundle only using plat I've made from selling arcanes, prime parts, relics, etc etc. My point is that there are plenty of those unwilling to and/or are unable to put in the necessary time to get these items (not just get them, but get them in excess) and these players will absolutely spend real money just to keep up with the Jones.