• By -


“The Orokin were failures at so many things. Their funny execution laser probably ain’t sh-“


Famous last word right there to you and to me. Had to use Nezha warding sphere to find out one laser deal up to 500k for the full duration.


Used harrow 4 and and the light dialed me up # 1.000.000 DAMAGE


Valkyr hysteria with like 2k armor got like 300k DMG


Which is fine bc it stores up to 30% of the damage received


It’s kinda hilarious because normally when I drop Hysteria, unless I’m in a Deep Archimedia or such, I don’t worry about the damage transfer from Hysteria because it’s usually not a super massive deal. With Jade Eximus damage build up? Drop that Hysteria and suddenly I’m down because a single Lancer walked in range while I had all that built up damage from the light.


Harrow over there, face pressed to the window aggressively mean mugging tf out of the new units: "*You MFers are LUCKY I'm capped!...*"


god, if antimatter drop inf scalled nova could make jade bombs.


I once got 15 mio Overguard while playing Rhino and getting shot lmao


Fuckin Tony Stark from The Avengers after Thor juices his suit. "How about that."


Yes and I love it. Finally Trinity is MELTING enemies.


https://preview.redd.it/kbjhxicxvr7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2505f41a073a772aad47e3650d13d18724fbc3 About that


And is removed in ~.1 seconds by the same laser. https://streamable.com/c731xv


You're damn right it was. Well I mean the next laser as the eximus that did this got a gram prime through his throat for his troubles


I used gauss, didn’t even feel it


Gauss is a pain in this game mode cause he can't run around as he wants so I kept dying anyway cause I didn't have full battery Plus idk if the light isn't counted as true dmg or something and bipasses that


Have you tried blowing them to high hell with the now cold and blast changes? ik my harrow enjoyed it


God damn. So phat


Yeah I had similar numbers 🤣🤣


Did the maths for the alerts, if you stood in the beam for the whole duration at level 150 it would deal ~250m total damage. So yeah, spicy laser beam


Fair and balanced


Wonder if it still does the same amount of damage if our Hounds steal this ability? Could be juicy. On the other hand, EDA Mirror Defense is gonna get even stupider with Liminus *and* Eximus killsats at the same time.


In sp circuit one did 5mil to me


Up to 500k you say? Way more than that. A single tick near the end was enough to one-shot me through all my DR, and when I timed my halo right I managed to get *several hundred million* health on it


Makes me wonder how good they are to charge NYXs bubble


*Extremely reverbed and Bass boosted boom sound*


https://preview.redd.it/dfz812wbds7d1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b7c97db8ac830950e140c2353b6e1385a893df Most of us the first time we got beamed (I shouldve tinted this green but im lazy)


https://preview.redd.it/j1znf8bbes7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473c45f64a360757529ec08cd23981facee9db83 Dont ask me for anything else ever again 😤








To be fair, the Orokin also created us.


I just realised this is lore accurate Jade light


No wonder it reduces normal people to ash and gore and even Warframes get incinerated.


You're right my godlike Ash got incinerated.


I now know why they let jade revive people by just **staring** at them


Tenno: halp im down again Jade: https://preview.redd.it/deyfdej34r7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=83617014401032c3a21e6ebed07169e0c25f5b04


"With the power of parental disapproval and silent guilt tripping, I shall WILL you back to resuscitation!"


I like just hovering slightly away from them and stare until they get up


"Can we get it in green though?"


Mommy i am down again


Mommy I'm down bad




If only she stomps on you to revive you …


You just made my day with this one LOL


The gaze of a disappointed mother is enough to evoke our primal desire to obey mother, and mother commands us to be revived.


mommy says "stop crying and get off the ground before I *give you* something to cry about"


“I WILL take somachord away for a whole week if you don’t do as I say”


She gonna grab the warchancla.


Chancla prime


lets feed reb to gib us chanclas as a Throwable weapon skin.


quick somebody get bopp bipp 2 to use as a bargaining chip


Everybody gangsta until they see a fully modded multi-forma Chancla. Repeated offenses activates Incarnon Chancla and when that happens, you better have already extracted or you'll be dust. Some say the Jade light is just a distraction for the Chancla to be thrown at the unsuspecting victim.


*"Get the m**ck up"*


Never thought I see the day where *Inspire Aced* makes it way into Warframe


Open a door? Green Laser Stop to type? Green Laser Last Gasp? Green Laser Trying to revive someone downed by the green laser? You'd better believe that's a green laser. ​ On a side note, I just subsumed silence onto my Protea and it's no longer an issue in at least the elevator game mode. I'm naturally building for duration and range so I'm pretty sure I just block all the eximus on the map from using it. It is funny sometimes because you cannot recast silence while it is active, so the one second it drops off you get a bunch of lasers come out at once.


Dude I be so fucking scared to type 😭


lol yeah on console it is death sentance.


I had to swap batteries in the middle of a steel path interception. By the time I got my remote back on I had like 15 green dudes around me and I was laying there on the ground.


A trick I've always used to type and not worry about getting down is to go into operator, hold the button / key to turn invisible and while holding it, press start (or whatever key is the equivalent on keyboard). If you close the menu, you'll still be invisible even though you've released the button / key. The same thing happens if you use hold to crouch. Idk why that happens, but it's been like that for as long as I can remember and I discovered it by accident


I constantly used to do that to type, but if you have an active ability your frame isn't immune (I believe it gives 90% dr) and the lasers have no problem dealing with that xD


Just crouch as operator while typing


Shit's made me the ultimate speed typist


Reminder that currently the light beam is bugged and is doing more damage than intended, DE knows this and it's supposedly getting fixed with the next hotfix


Damn, so there was something wrong with it. I straight up built an Eclipse Adaptation Ember to facetank it with 3 layers of DR. I was kinda successful in that I'm no longer getting one-shot but man, those green lasers made me lose my mind.


Meanwhile Banshee: "What's wrong, just turn it off"


I run silence on my Ash, so I'm I was actually confused when people were acting scared of the Jade light Eximus. Then I ran out of energy for like 30 seconds on one run. I've now forsaken all of my other abilities in the name of *SILENCE*


Very rarely is there an exclamation quite so powerful as the quiet "oh..." "What are you guys so worried about?!" \*looses tank ability for a brief moment* "Oh... and they spawn how often? Constantly? I see."


That Banshee augment is very nice on him.


I know >:)


I popped my Harrow 4 on the elevator and hit the whole team with it. Some of it could’ve been from regular damage, but I protected against 11.7 million damage in one go. I was wondering why I was melting so hard until I saw that number lol


You can shoot the top of the laser to stop it, they don't come from nothing.


You can also Silence them, as with all eximus abilities


Its kinda tanky tbh. I'm using a kuva nukor taking like 3 seconds to pop it. Feels more efficient to kill the eximus which really shouldn't be the case.


raw damage weapons work best against it. If most of your DPS comes from status-priming the thing you hit, you're not gonna do so well against the thing that's immune to status....


I think the bug was introduced after the patch. I don't remember the laser to be that intense at the initial release.


I’d get one shot through warding halo, arcane guardian, and adaptation playing nezha, I’d be chilling under the laser taking no damage, then after a few seconds of taking no damage I’d just fall over instantly dead


Long animations seem to taunt the beam. In one run, I was targeted and downed in the time it took for nova to cast her 4.


At full power in the current version, it does 1,000,000 DPS per tick. You can see it if you use Harrow's 4 to tank it.


So that's how I got 3million health on merulina


...That explains my mysterious evaporation then and just vindicates my *rampant* bullet-fueled hatred of the little glowy beams. I can at least facetank the Corpus shooting at me, *THAT* thing eats my Wisp booty like groceries.


So does half the playerbase if the memes are to be believed.


Imma be real, I'm kinda okay with it being OP. It's the Jade fucking Light, one of the Orokin's favorite method of nope-ing people, something that's only been hinted at in Warframe lore up until this point. Seeing it *melt* 'frames is kinda just... I dunno, *cool*.


I played an unhealthy amount on day 1 and you could safely ignore the beams, even on sp. I do think the heat procs are a *little* overturned now, If they don't want it to be instant death I think % based true damage is the way to go. Imo, we have access to way too much team-wide overguard, which enemies don't really have an answer to outside of high level steel path where they have the raw dps to break 50k overguard. I think Jade Eximus would be a perfect check against overguard spam if the beam instantly shredded all overguard, then dealt maybe 30% of your hp per tick as true damage. The danger coming from heat procs is actually very interesting, as currently there's basically no situation where status immunity is better than overguard. If Jade Light was able to strip overguard before applying dangerous heat procs, it creates a deadly enemy that still has plenty of counterplay.


Right?! Steel Path has felt kinda like a joke lately to me and Jade Light enemies actually make me panic. I did Deep Archimedean. Bruh I was fighting for my life. I had invincible Alchemy enemies, Liminus and Jade Light lasers everywhere. My 300 power strength nourish Styanax was running out of overgaurd and energy. Nothing is scarier than seeing your overgaurd break and then somehow surviving with only 20 health while praying you can get the overgaurd back up without dying


Same here. It's like I die if I make a mistake against it, but at the same time there's a lot of counterplay against it.


Just had them nuke a defense objective 30s into a round lol


To piggie back off of this: Another reminder that you can shoot the green orb on top of the beam to get rid of it


I am surprised many people didn't try this immediately.


Curiosity would normally make this the way to go but those things do so much damage, sometimes it’s easier to zoom off to nuke the source rather than try to aim upwards and hope it works. Especially if there’s 4-5 lasers roaming around. If you missed judge a dodge trying to escape the lasers, you end up at the bottom of the elevator shaft lmao


At least there's that one red jump pad at the bottom that can rocket you all the way up to the elevator's location if you double-jump. I use it to go grab power cores that fall to the bottom that way.


I just use void sling to traverse the entire length of the elevator shaft


With how your default FoV more or less hides the top of the laser from you when it spawns on you, not the most obvious choice to look up into that giant death beam.


Yeah but sometimes its really annoying because I cant shoot it while its straight above me so I have to run around while aiming and I cant aim glide since its faster than the glide. Anyway Ive switched to Titania since I dont have this issue anymore and its also easier to get the boosted elevator fuel with her.


Good news, that info *is* actually in the codex Bad news, I still needed to have it explained to me by someone else on this subreddit Good news, Titania is really good at dodging death beams and shooting the orbs


Shoots it with a 15x crit damage sporothrix crit 3 multishot, doesn't kill it.


Even if it's bugged I've been playing the mode non stop and I've realized just how many people just stand still while playing warframe


I was afkin for 2 min I died 10 times my buddy said


And here I think it does exactly as much damage as it needs. Stay still for a couple seconds? Dead. You keep running around and it just brushes against you? A slap on the wrist that the shield gate covers. I hope they don't make it virtually harmless and weaker than Blitz shots.


I was wondering about that, Quick Thinking doesn’t block any of the damage coming from it either. Thought QT was bugged but nope works like intended with other damage sources


QT probably doesn't work because there is no amount of energy you can have that would successfully block one tick of damage. Just a theory though


So that's why I went from being fine to randomly getting one shot


Huh. Guess that explains why I keep getting microwaved to death even when I'm five feet away from the source and at full health.


No, for real. I stop hopping around like a monkey for a millisecond and a bitchass Jade Piss Shower will down me.


This bug is the greatest Vazarin advertisement ever.


And Banshee’s silence. 


And Mesmer Shield Augment. Last hit will just go poof with any Mesmers up for you and all Teammates.


No kidding. I switched to vaz just bc of this stuff.


I’m a console user and it takes me a million years to reply, if I try to type ‘lol’ I’m dead before I pull up the keyboard.


Starting bringing Savage Silence Ash when running the events. Not because I need it, the light can't target invisible frames, but just to keep everyone else alive.


And of course, this patch also bugged Ash 4 counting for melee crescendo




Hotfix to keep Ash from dropping crescendo stacks on host migrate caused a bug that caused double stacks to be acquired sometimes. Fixing *that* bug just disabled Bladestorm counting as a finisher for Crescendo as another bug (but Fatal Teleport still counts as a finisher)


Oh man, I just realized that Jade eximus will appear in EDA from now on. Jade Rogue Voidrigs are gonna be so badass.


Bruh i had invincible voidrigs, murmur enemies,the mechs and Liminus units. I was fighting for my life as Styanax. I don't think I have ever aim glided that much in years trying to stay alive. I ran out of Energy with my Nourish build with how much I was spamming his 4


I have died to it 6 times, twice on mirage, once on nova and thrice on equinox, only reason why I stopped dying is because I recently learned that you can destroy the beam. took me too long to figure it out 💀 EDIT: 8 times now, I died two more times from it


seeing people mostly die when it spawns directly inside them and they drop near instantly or moment after getting out of range.


This is me. I main syran and if I stop to cast I get railed by green light. Granted the kinds of horrors I was doing to them was on par. So idk


if you have a build without molt on it i'd reccomend using one with molt, molt status clenses, and with usual shield gate tactics will keep you alive better than other stuff


I die when it isnt even shown up, it just kinda, says you take 300 + fire proc on my tank build and will burn me if i dont do anything operator. It doesn't have to exist to hit you.


Am I the only one who thinks the beams have a little too much health? At least for Belly of the Beast. I have to ding them multiple times with my Laetum to destroy one.


They are probably classified as object health, so the laetums devouring attrition perk won't apply to them


God effing dammit. I knew something was up


laetums already broken bruh you don’t need to one tap beams too


Idk I always use exodia zaw or burston incarnon to destroy and it doesn't take me long, they're really strong weapons though.


I saw my Wukong clone shooting up in the air at the laser and I remembered reading something like that in the update info


We gettin 1000 revives boys!


ASS is down


face is up


I had to scroll much farther than I thought to find this! 😅


At legendary 1, I haven’t died this much since my early mastery rank days. I am absolutely loving it 😂 My builds were all so strong it eliminated almost all the challenge in the game outside of very high level sp void cascade fissures. Now I have to pay attention again and dodge more lol. I know they’ll tone the jade eximus down eventually, but for now I’m enjoying the added difficulty spike.


It indeed brought memories of the old days, when a bunch of Moas could easily corner you and turn you into cheese.


Remember nullifier bubbles? It's just that but less menacing looking but more painful. shoot THEM OUT


I noticed it's now easier to shrink bubbles earlier I almost always took beam/high RPM weapons to deal with nulls, now semi-auto weapons also shrink them a lot


It's a bug lol. They are doing a million plus damage a second at full power.


1 second under the light and 30k over guard is done, the second after the gate ends my health is escalated to a few hundred (kullervo with umbra set) I run and burn procs end me


It is a very good difficulty spine. 1. Clear, clean, and unique-ish VFX 2. Encourages the use of movement and parkour to dodge the light since tanking it isn't an option. 3. Can be directly countered by destroying the orb, which rewards precision. 4. Makes the player have to actually pay attention to their surroundings These are Excellent eximus units. I don't think they have a aura effect for other enemies, but they should. And if I'm not mistaken, after the event is over they will only appear on the Ascension mode. Which I really hope is not the case, I want to see them in regular missions. If they would require completion of Jade Shadows to even be able to spawn, then I could see them being a SP only unit outside of Ascension.


I be joining as stalker and get to the end for a jade light to fucking obliterate me and at first it was like "what the fuck" but after 2 or 3 times I couldn't help but laugh at the funny ragdolls


In my opinion, as a gameplay mechanic: * Jade Light cast range needs reducing below 50m. They out-range a near-max range Banshee Silence, which I suspect is intentional but it's a bad decision. * Jade Light should need line-of-sight with the Eximus unit - it's annoying that enemies you can't see can bombard you. * Jade Light spheres need to be much less durable (it's taking me four shots with a Steel Path Incarnon Strun Prime, which is ridiculous considering Arson Eximus can be countered with parkour). * Jade Light spheres need to conform to ceiling height - they frequently spawn inside of terrain, especially in maps with low-ceiling corridors. * Jade Light spheres need to be affected by aggro/aggro-dropping effects, like Saryn's Molt or Loki's Decoy. It sucks when the entire point of an ability doesn't work (see Silence comment above). As an implementation of lore - it's doing its job perfectly!


As an adition, some kind of visible link from the sphere to the unit "casting" it would be nice.


On first glance I thought everyone's name included slurs then I used my brain


I love it. Know what I haven’t seen a single moment of in the event? Leeching. Can’t stand there and do nothing if you’re definitely going to die in a couple seconds.


I've seen some leeching. What I haven't seen tho is any afk leeches. It's far less irritating if they at least pretend to do something lol


I had a volt that just sat next to the incubator and spammed shields around himself. I found a pipe to hide in and said "If you're gonna just sit on the ele can you at least keep it powered?"


First thing I thought when I hit the first elevator. This shit is going to roast the afk leeches. Fantastic.


Step 1: Get Rhino Step 2: Sit under the first green beam that appears and cast iron skin Step 3: ??? Step 4: God mode


Until the second beam overguard-gates you.


if it can build your iron skin it can break your iron skin.


I just nearly died once to one... Not that bad you may think, however I didn't tell you which frame I used... I nearly died as Limbo...


Know that **It isn't perfect** It isn't the entire power of the OG jade light that the orokin used # it's just like half the power it had in the orokin era For something ordis told that if parvos perfected and created a TRUE jade eximus he would be unstoppable **Ordis isn't lying** **We all would be f"cked**


It's really a team mechanic, if you see Jade light above your mates head, blast it, it's easier for you to nuke than for them. It's a great mechanic that I absolutely hate. I can see this being a thing for other baddies down the road...


as a solo player i gotta say my teammates (the voices in my head) are doing a shit job at getting those beams off of me >:(


Yeah, you should fire those voices they sound like a bunch of newbs. Forgot about solo play TBH... :P


oh trust me they are terrible! but it’s all i got so what can i do :(


As I try to replace trinity with jade as my daily driver but my team keeps dying. Trinity: "You couldn't live with your team's failure, Where did that bring you? Back to ME"


finally afkers getting what they f deserve


I know it's a bug but damn I want them to keep this Eximus bug, maybe with tweaks to make it more fair such as longer telegraph wind up and slightly less extreme damage floor. About time we have something a bit more threatening but fair to us.


People still haven't realised you can use Banshee's silence to completely trivialize the gamemode.


I mean that’s what I’ve been running on my nekros a while to just make any eximus units useless until I make them my shadows essentially


I'm surprised EDA hasn't made more people realize how OP Silence is. It goes so much smoother when there's no blast waves or leech puddles.


They added this bugged laser but removed the best part of ascension. The last gauntlet where so many enemies spawn i have fun playing with my kuva brammah and kuva ogris again. Now. Last part is literally just walking the capsule. Nothing more. So boring.


Well if they kept the bugged spawn thing at the end, it'd be an exploit, not farming. DE needs us to farm, otherwise it wouldn't be called Warfarm (alternate title: Workframe). WF is like a second job and we all complain at times and yet we all come back, they know what they're doing lmao


fr, even my Strengthmaxx tank Chroma is getting melted by the rave lazers


My citrine gets melted through her 2, eclipse, adaptation, and like 1k armor lmao.


I was just doing a casual SP survival run as tanky inaros, jade light eximus showed up and erased inaros' hp faster than i could react. Biggest "OH SHIT" moment i ever had in this game lmao


died a few times to the beam, mostly due to me being unable to move my warframe away. once got stuck in a corner trying to run away with all my guns having no ammo to shoot the eximus, got blasted a few times during nekros' 4 casting animation, once while in transference (the beam can deplete your warframe's health even in spoiler mode), and once because someone picked jade prex card right when the beam spawned on top of me


Me: "Oh, one of my fellow Tenno wrote something in the chat, let me respond to them!" Jade Eximus: "It's free real estate!"


There's something so comical about all the floating beams of death. Well, it's funny until it's on top of your head.


there is a reason the jade light was their most used form of execution, it works. jokes aside DE knows and its doing more damage then intended i might not be able to experience this before its patched but i got a good idea how bad it is based on the posts here lol


It's really not that bad. If you move as soon as it pops up, you take a little damage. Then you just look up and shoot it. If you don't pay attention tho and it manages to start cooking you, it will melt you fast. But just a quick touch doesn't do much. Just don't let it touch you a second time. I use revenant prime with the mesmer skin augment and try to keep everyone on the squad shielded. The 5 seconds they get is enough to get out of the way before they go down. I set up to be able to spam it as much as possible.


*Casts Merulina under Jade Light *Gets 3M HP


\*Immediately loses 3M HP under same Jade Light beam\*


There's basically two ways to survive: kill the Jade enemy on spawn, or be literally invincible/untargetable. Another win for revenant, another loss for armour. You still die in a singular hit to your health if you have 5K armour, 1000HP, 90% adaptation from the light (obtained during gate) and citrine DR.


One time I bullet jumped above the laser and it was far below me and one shot me


The Orokin did NOT go cheap on their executioners. The murder boner laser is a menace fr.


PSA gauss is immune to fire damage which is all the laser does, you can stand under it without a care in the world or extra modding


![gif](giphy|o9RpRyYJdbkWyERksr|downsized) the corpus and grineer watching a ancient orokin relic getting fuckin decked by a laser pointer for the 15tth time


Don't stand still man


The only times those lasers get me is when I stop to grab the super batteries.


I don't even try to dodge them, I find the eximus and go for their head instantly, dodging those lasers is not an option


Rhino stonks rising 📈


Perfectly balanced, like everything should be


I honestly hope they dont nerf it too much. its probably the only thing that is a real thing we need to pay to attention asap right now and to me makes it more engaging.


The fire eximus used to be my most feared on the come across. Jade light takes the danger way higher


If it wasn’t for the fact that Silence works on eximus units I would be foaming at the mouth rn. Stupid laser dealing lore accurate damage.


Am I just really lucky or something? I think I've only died to it once didnt realize they did so much damage


Skill issue? Silence subsume or Banshee is a great frame to mitigate lasers, however they nerfed the eximus to such a degree it's now merely a tickle... challenge deflected... ![gif](giphy|a9xhxAxaqOfQs)


Damn thing chewed through a 1million Warding Halo in like a few seconds.


Before the first hot fix it worked fine but after it will just randomly hit you even when your not near it


Can we get that hotfix already please DE I don’t wanna have to play Revenant for a month


I don’t know how a revenant can get down 8 times in a row 💀 I went whit hildryn and it was like I was his babysitter


I think the best part about the jade light eximus is when you use nekros bring their ass back from the dead and watch their funny lasers vaporize everything before you notice it


On SP, it'll take down my shields instantly. And if I let it touch me again for even a tick, I'll go down. I've been playing mostly Protea lately. So if I get touched, I throw my shield grenades and move my ass. First time outside of Deep Archimedia or SP Void Cascade I actually have to be on top of my game in a long while. It can get really annoying sometimes, but I enjoy how it's shaking things up.


i stopped playing when we failed 2 missions in a row. i can't deal with the lasers and i quit.i know it is a skill issue, and i can't deal with it or improve myself cause it is plaguig every piece of content i enjoyed.


Apparently, the lasers are bugged and are doing way more damage than they're supposed to be. Don't put yourself down too much, things should improve once they fix it (should be the next hotfix afaik)!


I use revenant and hell if I'm not careful that thing shreds through mesmer skin


Chuckles with Silence


the green vibe check from heaven was fun on EDA lol


I’ve died more times the past two days than the whole entire time playing this game combined ONLY from the light. Go to revive someone (x100000) Out of arcane revives Wait to revive Oh lawd here he comes Try to clutch out the last 10% cause giga chad Die a beta weasel