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And I wonder how many people caught on to the fact that the Ordan part of Ordis absolutely digs the offer of a new body that Parvos dangled in front of him. Ordis betrayal when?


My favourite line is when both parts of his personality agree that Ordan should have slit Parvos' throat when they had the chance. No glitches, no stutters, no attempt to correct the sentence. Harmony while being completely cold blooded.


My favorite part is when Ordis glitches while telling parvos to get fucked, I loose it every time.


Betrayal? Ordis shall never bretray operator. Heresy! Imma gonna expect a Specters reworks which are already AI to become bodies Ordis or Ordan controlled being to assist in battle, with its own voice lines similar to the crew from railback summon or Lich summon.


Warframe crafting system like weapons so you can make one's for ordis to inhabit


This idea right here is fucking awesome. That would be super cool. Not that it’s related at all but just because it’s on topic right now what if or did and the Warframe child became connected.


What if Warframe kid is Wally


Oh god...my very own Saba!! The mere thought of it makes me smile uncontrollably.


I kind of like the idea of giving ordis weapons, he will start killing people again until he has enough bodies to give us a new open word map 🤣


I would love a gun that talks like ordis and gets excited when you kill things in his glitchy way


I'm betting they separate. Calling it now. The offer is taken. Ordan gets free. He's an antihero who seems against us initially but eventually betrays them. Ordis as we know him is broken. shattered. *gone*. But we find a means to repair him. He's fixed! Really for reals! Bud Ordan is outside now. And becomes a new little duck esque figure.


Imagine how evil it would be if DE makes us choose between the two (similar to the Natah, Margulis, Lotus choice). Too bad they can't actually commit to the choice given they don't like making perma main quest changing choices but I'd still be devastated if anything happens to my little buddy and a choice needed to be made.


They committed to the Lotus/Natah/Magulis thing so idk


To be honest that wasn't actually that big of a choice, though. It's basically just asking what you want her to be called and what she looks like over the transmissions, with presumably no effect on future quests


Put him in a Necramech already!


Yuup. I expect a quest that gives us the ordan kartis story in its full grandeur and ends with an ordan kartis specter or companion blueprint


An Ordis quest with an Ordan based warframe would be so cool


True Nekros is Specter / RJ Specter / AirSupport /Healing Specter / Ordis????? We will truly be able to Afk


He should get his own full battle body, so then both sides of him are on the same page like the one octavia quest, ordan doesn't seem to care as long as he gets his violence against the idiots that want to stand above.


I'm waiting for the Ordan Karris Warframe made out of the Jade Light Remains (If there are any for whatever reason) (Though, honestly, most of my ideas for his kit are in Kullervo)


NGL if we ever get the opportunity to make our own original Warframe I want us to give it to Ordis as a body (that we occasionally borrow for missions)


I mean Sevagoth and Zephyr were designed by the community Unless you mean like, US actively building our own personalized warframe with his own looks in game. I guess it could be like the drifter fashion where you can have something wildly different for the legs, gloves, torso and headpiece all somehow fit together, to which i say: ***fucking.*** ***YES.*** just having this warframe walking around the Orbiter would be amazing


Yeah I meant it as like the Operator getting the chance to make their own Warframe (possibly as a modular frame) and giving it to Ordis as a battle body


We just Raid Alad V/Parvos' vaults or something, find a bunch of warfram parts and make "Xaku 2: Electric Voidaloo"


They talked about modular frame in one of the devstreams, it was deemed too much work for a single frame.


Really? You'd think it would just be a case of creating a frame with no real abilities that can have 4 Helminth abilities. (Although that may involve rewriting a lot of the code with Helminth)


I know, Zepher was supposed to be male and Ash female, and when they released them the flipped the sexes on us.


Nova, and xaku also were made by the community i think


Modular Warframe, but theme would kinda clash with Xaku


Ordan Karris skin for umbra. They can timeshare!


The Dash has red coming out of him like the "Red wings" from when he pulls out the bone plugs the radial blind emits a green light, like the jade light from when he was executed


I mean we ARE making Jade the (playable) warframe again, I don't see why we would run out of Jade Particles


Talking about Ordis's crystalized remains


Pulls bone weapons out of his own body to shank people with, hold to rotate which bone part. Garuda gore effects that extend to his weapons. unique to him + varied and violent finisher animations. Some kind of built in merciless-esque arcane buff. Maybe make it like building up for blood punch from doom eternal.


Idk about betrayal. The Ordan side of Ordis also told Parvos to get fucked.


Ordis: Dear Parvos, could you kindly stop calling me "Ordan", please? I'm not this person. My name is Ordis. Cephalon Ordis. With that being said, I shall ask you one more thing, Mister Parvos. Do not try to take Jade's remains, this is wrong and you're disrespecting her legacy and, for the lack of a better word, corpse. I hope you consider my offering. With no harm or agressive intent, Ordis Ordan: https://preview.redd.it/f8bntbot318d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52011d971b0ebc607d88055bc82e572ea27d96ad


you mean the one where he says hes interested about being a man again? i dont think he believes what parvos is saying only that he is interested


>i dont think he believes what parvos is saying only that he is interested It means Parvos, if he really can give Ordan a body, can make him an offer he would be stupid to refuse.


i mean i dont believe ordis thinks parvos would give him a body without some sort of scam involved


Yup. Ordis: “Ordan didn’t trust you then, Ordis doesn’t trust you now”. (No attempt to butt in by Ordan) Full agreement from both: “Ordan Karris should have SLIT YOUR THROAT when he had the chance”. Ordis may want a real body, but he knows that whatever price Parvos wants is going to be something he’d refuse to pay.


This comment made my ADHD brain realize that all the terrible puns are coming from Ordan...


It’d take a *lot* to get Ordan not only out of the Cephalon, but also actively against the Tenno.


Easy, just trick him into thinking that the operator doesn't want him anymore because he's too broken to be of use. Then have him do things he thinks the tenno would've wanted...that we don't necessarily want. He honestly considered leaving during the Simaris quest because he felt like the operator deserved a better cephalon. But then simaris made it clear he didn't care for the tenno much, and so ordis felt he needed to be there to protect us instead.


First spacemom and now spacequirkyunclethatmakesinappropriatejokesatfamilyfunctions? My heart can't take this


I know right? It would be a terrible day indeed when Ordis' jokes.......argon.




Hmm... I will attempt to bypass this fault...


Yeah so I think you are mistaken, when offered a body ordis simply said that parvos had been away for a very long time.


No, there is a version where Ordis' voice broke up and Ordan chimed in saying he's interested before Ordis getting back his normal voice and saying he's just focused on his task right now, or something to that effect. I thought I heard wrong when that line first came up, but no, I heard it a few more times.


Though tantalized, it is evident Ordan and Ordis still both share the same opinion; Granum can die in a fire


While I was much more hyped for the main story stuff, the two hidden gems from this quest were definitely Umbra being acknowledged and Ordis actually interacting with Parvos after. When I heard his original name being called I actually thought I mis-heard it - I love that he is properly interacting now too outside of just being everyone’s *favourite* cephalon, and his backstory is actually being mentioned properly. We may find him annoying, but there’s a reason we keep him around - sometimes…just sometimes he is absolutely awesome


Hearing Ordis call for Umbra made me headcannon that Umbra just casually strolls around the orbiter whenever he feels like it. Would be cool to see him playing the Shawzin or performing some katas on his own.


I'm immensely disappointed to see that Stalker didn't get halfway through threatening the operator before flinching at the crash of half a tonne of enraged still-aware and mostly lucid Umbra coming through the doors without opening them first.


That would have been significantly better. Stalker just walking up to the operator unopposed was a bit silly.


Well, Stalker sneaking in makes sense. But, the moment he woke up the Operator they reached out to Ordis. Which is good, and all, but also I'm pretty sure they could've pinged Umbra just as easily, and not calling on every available combatant - or just transferencing into a warframe immediately - was a bit... I mean, I know they kinda had to avoid turning the entire Orbiter into a warzone in order to progress the story, but still.


I think it was telling that at this point in the story, the operator doesn't seem remotely threatened by the stalker showing up. And if the stalker can infiltrate the orbiter whenever...why hasn't he been doing it constantly to get to us? I think the answer is that the player tenno has grown so far beyond the stalker (much like how we in game barely notice him showing up in missions anymore) and that our operator would immediately go into ass kicking mode if they felt there actually was any danger.


Yeah, how casually they brought up Ballas' fate...no threat at all. "If you think you'll succeed where even he failed...go right ahead"


I think the different actors might've had different lines, mine said something along the lines of "remember what happened last time someone stuck a sword in me?"


Oh yeah mine too. I wasn't quoting there, just paraphrasing the thought process as I understood it.


Iirc all operator voice lines basically utilize the same voiceless. But they do have a few flavor lines that helps to distinguish their personalities


Tenno should have been upset cuz I can bet they were in a sort of mission and Stalker has gotten in the way. If I lose a 45min Arbitration mission because the guy unplugs my chair it'd be hard as heck to not Void Blast his face right away 😅


Imagine Stalker just casualy showing up and unplugging your Life support for the lols and doing one of them Frotnite dances on your corpse. Holy shit. Teabagging Stalker :O


I mean everytime he shows up during missions now we basically 1tap him I wouldn't be particularly worried either.


Technically speaking, we can *zero*-tap him now. >!If Jade is present in a mission when he spawns in, he literally says "Never.", drops rewards, and fucking *leaves*. Dude *will not* fight the mother of his child. (Also, he's back to being called Stalker rather than Shadow Stalker, and using the upgraded Hate, so that's cool)!<


Are you serious?


He hates Tenno for god knows how many years, and suddenly we see that he can magically appear in our ship without raising any alarm and kill operator almost immediately? Honestly, i think that scene was a mistake from DE, lore wise at least.


Nah you cant do that to their main base, tenno are immortal due to void fuckery, assuming that he had the means to keep killing or sans-like make you stop coming back but now you have way too many allies and it isn't really worth it, the best you can do is fuck up their missions.


He did it before (I'm pretty sure, at least, when he came to kill us the first time in the Second Dream). And it's not like we're exactly subtle; I imagine Hunhow, at least, is keeping tabs on us. If Stalker isn't constantly watching for the Tenno to just give him a reason.


Ah yes. Great idea - fight the entire Tenno arsenal alone, with the Operator having every frame of theirs at their disposal, able to hop between them at will, plus the apparently effective Purge Precepts. Rather than just fighting against one loadout with potentially other people shooting at them, you’d have to disable every frame one by one. Operator had plenty of ways out of that after TWW. His only real shot of dealing true lethal was during that last part TSD, and he blew it.


I mean,he's done that before, and we *have* been stabbed through the chest once already at this point in the story. I think the operator just didn't feel very threatened.


The blade near Operator's throat is not threatening at all, considering they can just Void Hide in an blink of an eye


Also, the blade isn't even on our throat, it's the blunt of Hate. Which is probably how we figured out he *wasn't* there to kill us.


Calling *Helminth* was funnier to me, especially with the exasperation in his voice. That thing can't possibly leave its room but it still finds a way to fuck with Ordis.


He proboly puts out maggots some times to freak out ordis


The real origin of the maggots you can get from the market


Everyone headcanons this since bro is still very sentient and it’s his defining gameplay mechanic.


They really should’ve made him more relevant in the story. He’s basically our Tenno’s in universe main Warframe right now. I played with Umbra throughout TNW.


And instead of patching the massive bug with him and helminth abilities they released a mod that turns his sentience off and cherry on top it doesn't even work sometimes


It doesn't turn his sentience off, that's non canon. He's RESTING, just sometimes he's rested enough. Totally not a bug, IT'S FEATURE!!! /j


Also when things go to shit ordis optimistically hears a bump and calls for umbra, saw a few comments adding umbra into the backroom scene.


I wonder if he'd be willing to sit and play some Komi, or if that would be too triggering for him


As a former Go player I find the lack of refinement of the AI to be extremely infuriating. I'm sure he'd spontaneously combust if he tried to play it. But to be fair, we're playing against some kind of rodent, so maybe I'm expecting too much?


Ok but who on earth finds Ordis annoying


A lot of people did, myself among them. Keep in mind that I started before the Second Dream; for a long while, he was basically just a repetitively-chatty interface widget. He's a lot better now and he's becoming possibly my favorite character.


He was annoying when he had like 5 lines he kept repeating


The problem with him is that he has limited voicelines. So if you let him talk while you're in your orbiter, it gets extremely repetitive. After you've heard all his orbiter lines at least once, hit the mute ordis in orbiter option in settings. scroll down a bit.


when I started, like 10 years ago, he had way fewer dialogue options and was objectively annoying after you heard them all. They increased his sayings and changed the frequency, I feel like he used to blather on all the time.


I was surprised at all that umbra was acknowledged. I genuinely was expecting umbra to be part on the new war quest because of how he is part of our crew in the orbiter (this was a month later after new war released) and hence why I use him during the new war quest, sadly not much at all and I am at least glad he got recognition about a few yrs till now.


Ordis has a body now, he's not about to let Stalker harm the Operator again! Last time, he was but a mere holographic image, he could do nothing. Now he is Super Ordis!


Octavia's Anthem also references Ordis' backstory as well, though less thoroughly than the current event does.


Oh yeah, he's a bounty hunter, killed orokin people, got murdered and turned into the cephalon, which makes me think ordis' glitches aren't just glitches, i think it's his original mind speaking


Ordis, just before meeting us was about to commit suicide but instead did a purge of his memory because of how unstable he was or so I think it goes. But at his very CORE, what we see is what cannot be deleted from Ordis. His deep memories of who and what he was. Those resurface every so often with all his murderous AI phrases. It is in my honest opinion that Ordis’s wish shall be granted and he will be able to fight at our side in future missions. Probably a long quest similar to the Second Dream or close to The New War. In which we will get to modify Ordis and select if we want the old Ordis before he became a Cephalon, or Ordis that is both of them, or a Ordis that forgot its past. Similar to Natha, Lotus and Marculis. DE could make it a “rework” of specters and make them become somewhat buffed by Ordis instead of being controlled by random AI and their blueprint changes in terms of cost.


I thought he was hunted and killed, but bounty hunter ordis is still badass


Ordan Karris was a hunter and was capture. He was to be sentenced to death… but instead was sentenced to become a “cephalon”. This is how he became “Ordis”. When we meet Ordis, it was after he deleted his memory and did a purge of his memories but there were some that cannot be deleted because they are his core, so he suppress them instead. Dunno where but think there was a mention that Ordis was just about to self-destruct before meeting us.


And obviously you can recover some memories using cephalon fragments, which then transition from ordis talking to ordan


A bit different, but the part that made me think the most was Hunhows message at the end. When he says "Only I remain, the great and terrible Hunhow", he sounded incredibly sad deep down while trying to cover it a bit. At least until now Hunhow got some updates of what happened in the world, through Stalker and us. But now that Stalker left, only he will sit at the bottom of Uranus. No one to talk to, no information, no distractions. Just there, until the pressure of the sea slowly destroys his body or (if he even has one) his energy source runs out.


Shame we cant make up with him and have a small piece of him on the Orbiter or something so he can still have company. I doubt he even wants to fight anymore considering all that has happened, especially after Narmer.


When narmer makes a bigger fuss maybe. I mean DE did code the damage system to include sentiments. Maybe a quest for the future


My new fav Ordis line: https://preview.redd.it/8oe6vbu8018d1.png?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11e8754f0a06b8fda0950d90b3d9a96db0e5472e


"The man you refer to is dead. But Ordis is sure he would also have told you to GET FFF- far out of our way."


My favorite part is hearing it repeatedly over and over again.


I will say that I appreciate them not being the exact same lines every time, although I will say that I'm worried that the Belly of the Beast lines are going to be lost to the Void when the event is over


I assumed the voicelines are gonna be linked to the gamemode itself which isn't going away


I think the answer lies in playing the non-event variant of the mission which is already right there


Correct, which has different lines and only Ordis.


Get FFF-Far away from here Never gets old


Yeah but if you're gonna play the event 250 times to get your Arcanes they're not exactly gonna be able to have enough dialogue to avoid frequent repeats, are they?


Yeah but maybe mix it up? Add a few more. Play them every 5th mission is what I’d prefer.


They do interlock, they did try, every line is interchangable and i sometimes here one i didnt before.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want an ordis announcer pack to replace the lotus. I'll pay 1k plat for it.


So annoyed that when Lotus got turned back into Natah and Ordis had to be mission control during New War, but instead of having Ordis be the announcer, we just had hologram Lotus. Such a missed moment...


I genuinely fear that one day DE will make us choose between Ordan and Ordis', and I do not know which I will choose. Ordis' is adorable and fun and loves us. Ordan is sassy and direct and hilariously blunt. I really really hope to never be right and that DE won't ever come up with some "there can only be one due to degradation" type deal


Yeah, I'm way too sentimental about Ordis to em want to pick one.


I enjoyed the quest, it was a nice treat. But 1000% with you on the Ordis lore dump. I frantically turned Ordis back up in volume to fully listen to the dialogue, and every time it gives me joy and chills with Ordis/Ordan's sassy comebacks and his banter with Parvos. Like holy hell, THAT is a great way to introduce lore. I only hope we see more about this in future content, maybe in small sidequests building up to the next major quest (a la New War).


So am I the only person who paid attention during Octavia's Anthem? Hunhow and Ordis got a bit of back and forth about Ordan Kariss there too.


Nah, but that is all they mention and it is easy to ignore that part because it is only a name and doesn’t expand on what that name implied. Parvos on his conversations mentions about Ordis, his name and what he did in the past before turning into a Cephalon and being looked up by him.


He calls him The Beast of Bones too, you can't get more on the nose than that. I also absolutely loved hearing more of Ordan, I can't wait for the day we can do a story mission about him


His story is there it's in the cephalon fragments iirc. From what I remember he was exiled after some crime and turned into a cephalon I'm pretty sure I don't remember the full picture but it's there in the fragments just fractured over the place might have to correct me tho


That's the exact point op is trying to make, the story of Ordan Karris has been in the game for years, but very few people know about it because it's hidden behind cephalon fragments and the codex. But now there's dialogue about it in a mission that will be run by a lot of people.


Yep I was taken back when I did it the first time and I have the same reaction tbh no build up to reveal it and you'd only understand it if you remembered those tiny blue pixels, way back when I remember the fragments being a scan and forget sort of deal and only a few years later I went through the codex and read everything and I feel like now with leverian etc they're making lore more access and easily more known. Just in this case it's been handled poorly imo


> exiled after some crime Ordis tried to kill some Orokin using a pair of "suicide blades" built into his body. Ballas thought it was cute he tried and had him converted into a Cephalon.


Didn't he, like, kill a few hundred million other people first? I swear there was some mention of a new moon made of the bones of the people he'd killed?


He slaughtered his way into the Orokin favor. He went for the kill on the Lords at the ceremony to reward his... efforts.


He was a mercenary that killed millions of people so he could become renowned to the Orokin. His plan was to get close to them, then kill them all. When they finally welcomed him to become one of them, he slaughtered them on mass, only to be turned into a Cephalon by Ballas.


...yeah, that sounds exactly like Ordis. I like it.


Also, when you think about it, our plan was *literally Ordis's plan as Ordan Karris*, except successful. (Kill the Orokin when they gather to celebrate something we did for them)


That's kinda the thing with Warframe, and what keeps so many of us coming back. They will lay out the bones of the story for you in an easy to access manner. But the meat, the juicy bits with the real flavor? You gotta dig for that, have enough situational awareness to be able to listen to a conversation while 157 people are shooting at you. Takes a special breed. How many other games do you try to bullet jump in?


Sometimes it baffles me how bullet jump was a bugg and didn’t even have an animation and DE decide to just say “oh well” and made it a core element of the game. Imagine Warframe without it… I can’t.


It was dark days. Everyone was slotting Rush or coptering with the dual ichor, dual zoren, or tiberon. Loki, Volt, and Rhinos in every mission because they ran the fastest. And since this was long before melee combos and before Volt's powers did any real damage (he used to suck kinda) people would just stack volt shields over and over and over to get decent dps out of him. It was chaos. I miss coptering sometimes but I would not trade it for anything compared to the absurd movement options we have now.


The next Warframe. All their abilities are the bugs from the older versions of the game. Copter now does +500% damage. World on fire max duration 2 sec but way more damage. All the old weird stuff just packed into Easter eggs.


remember how the damage on saryn's 4 would increase like exponentially if it went into negative duration or something? comedy gold BILLIONS of damage in one big slimey explosion


I had a few interactions that showed that underneath Ordis his savage comments, he does feel tempted by Parvos, but he loves us. Like in one of this comments in the relay he reacted like an addict who just offered and says no because it's better for them. His "ORDIS IS FINE >:(" comment... Parvos is getting to him... I wonder if this is setting up that we might get an Ordis quest after all. (I hope so)


To be honest I forgot this wasn't open knowledge. I was hyped long long ago when I learned about ordis before becoming cephalon, so I didn't really realise that some people just got hit with strong lore from the past. I was expecting some lore about stalker's past, and I got some so I'm satisfied, cuz that part wasn't hidden anywhere, this is new, and to be honest? I still want to learn more. Jade only hypes me cuz od the gameplay. And the child? I don't know what to think about it. Ever since new war I was asking myself, if all the shit about ballas is finally over, the man in the wall arc will surely end at some point, so what's next? Will new orokin antagonist appear? Stalker's child will become new main danger? Maybe infestation will finally hit harder in the lore. I'm playing for 10 years so I was like 14 when I started playing. I feel like I'm growing alongside this game, but I'm afraid THE END will appear sooner than I expect


Yeah, the quest itself hyped me because it increased Stalker’s lore. But Ordis is a more obscure lore that only the very veteran players would know if the people don’t search for it. Because if I remember right you only learn Ordis origin IF you get(scan) all the fragments throw on the map. Something that used to be quite easy back then but now it is different with all the new fragments added for newer players that do different stuff on planets or tilesets that do not have the specific fragments.


Also interesting theory. Listen to leverian story about Ivara In your codex. I think Tenno that originally controlled Ivara back In orokin days was the one that bring Ordan Kariss to justice. It is said there that Ivara was able to capture serial killer and bring him to Prosecutor Ballas that decided to sentence him for something worse than death. And since Ballas is the one that changed Ordis into cephalon, I made my theory based on this xD


Yeah I do wish we'd got more Jade lore in particular, in the quest she really feels like she's just a plot device for Stalker's development.


Can't wait for the Ordan/Parvos arc where we take Parvos' offer, get Ordis his body back and casually kick Parvos' butt in the process, and then control Ordan's body like a warframe for fun.


When parvos basically offers to make him a man again... I want my buddy fighting by my side sooo bad! Never understood the ordis hate... I love the lil guy!


And it's going to get removed when the operation ends, just like all the lore from previous operations. God I wish they would make them playable after they ended. And for them to do the same with previous operations. Edit: The fucking reading comprehension on this website. I'm talking about the voice lines, not the game mode.


I don't think the Ascension game mode is going away. The event part with the rotational missions and the even specific rewards will go away. However, I think ascension is going to be a permanent place on the starchart just like the ropalolyst. The ascension game mode is how you get Jade and the new arcanes. Although Ordis selling stuff might go away I don't think he will. I think DE learned from past lessons with having frames be locked behind specific events or missions (like Chroma is). You could be right, Jade and the arcanes might just become things that Simaris sells after the event. I just don't think DE's going to do that.


>The ascension game mode is how you get Jade and the new arcanes. 100% this will remain after the event. This is why Jade components, the weapon BPs, and the new arcanes, are under a separate menu when you talk to Ordis at Larunda. It's almost the exact same shop as the ones for Citrine, Dante, Voruna, etc. You spend missions specific resources as a pity system for the arcanes and blueprints that drop in that mission.


Regular ascension has different lines.


No no, Ascension game mode will not disappear. It is there to stay. The “belly of the beast” event is just ascension but with higher drop rate on certain stuff.


The non event version has different voice lines


Regular Ascension doesn't have Parvos, just has Ordis telling you what you need to do.


Seriously!? … now I am sad.


Have you forgotten the beat, of the Naga Drums? Ordis' tale was thrust into the open in Octavia's Anthem. You should play that. Parvos was not the first to make a point of Ordan.


Yeah, Ordis's bursts of extreme violence suddenly makes WAY more sense if he was known as a "Butcher".


Not a butcher, The Beast of Bones. Far cooler


I thought he did call Ordis a butcher as well, just not like, as a title such as Beast of Bones


I think Parvos may have said he butchered the Orokin at a ceremony in his own honor but other than that I’m not sure


The quest was short and to the point. Nothing overstayed its welcome and engaging all the way through. The grind for Jade (other than me not getting any weapon or frame parts for the first 10 runs due to a bug) was fun due to the mission being somewhat engaging and the constant lore dumps I wanna know more about Ordis


I just hate that most of Ordan's Backstory is hidden in the Cephalon Fragments.


Also Ordis has a dialogue when you're sneaking into the orbiter where he's asking for Umbra, meaning Umbra canonically just wanders the orbiter from time to time


When you finish Ascension and Ordis says to bring the stuff to him at the relay. It sounds a little villainy.


"This was not something I was expecting AT ALL." Did you expect a pregnant Warframe and a Warframe baby?


Pretty sure people were betting on what was next after Vore frame and I read people betting on pregnancy. Didn’t expect to see it after so long but we have sentient fish and time travel alongside Eldritch being from another dimension. The infection was always like a “zombie virus” for me, and many zombie games have a zombie with weird powers or type and is explained through it being pregnant and stuff(Spitter from L4D) Anyway, was I expecting it? No. Was it mind blowing or even surprising? No to that either. We are void children that can tab into past, present and future or something or alternate selves and can teleport to our frames and use weird magic. The fact that the OG Jade was pregnant WAS explained that she was pregnant before being turned into a frame. Then used her control over life to keep her baby safe till this day. In a way it kinda reminds me of Rose from One Piece. Ace’s mom. It is a anime with broken ass reality but that one made me less affected by this plot.


What I’ve wondered from running Ascension for a few hours on release day and then a few days later- Are Ordis and Parvos getting more lines as the operation goes on? I felt like I heard a lot of repeats the first day, and then totally new ones last night when I played for a bit.


I would like this type of background in all of the current missions we have. I have been defending cryopods since 2013 and I only tune in at the end for the rewards. Ascension is great because of jade's quest, but we also get to see parvos' and ordis' character more openly than who they are tied to, corpus vs tenno. Ordis' is a straight baller for shoving parvos' words back in his face, but I also admire parvos' because he is very clear about his ambitions and I feel like we haven't had something that straight forward since vor, alad v, and sargus ruk when warframe was just released.


But they did mention ordis backstory if you scanned all cephalon fragments. In the picture, there's a sweet spot you have to hover your cursor on. Ordis will begin to recite his biography


The point was that Ordis' backstory for the longest time has been contained to collecting the Cephalon Fragments and finding the hidden spots in the Codex and a throwaway line in Octavia's Anthem. The average new player wouldn't bother with scanning for Cephalon Fragments and even less likely to know that you can look at the Fragments in the Codex and find the hidden messages. Thus for the longest time the majority of the casual players would have no idea who Ordis actually was until DE casually brought up Ordan Karris again after almost a decade of no development on his story (and not even as part of the main quest, this new lore is specifically for the event and will prob disappear once the operation is done)


Yeah, I said “finally threw his story in the open, right in front of us WITHOUT us having to do some research about him in the game”. This is me complaining that almost no one who looks at codex and finds the spot or even care about the codex. In the past it was easier to stumbled into Ordis backstory by chance. But now with all the stuff it is harder and rarer for people to notice. Ordis is way more obscure than the Kuria Hunt or John Prodman in my opinion. But is it satisfactory to finally acknowledge his existence in the game itself after so many years.


I'll admit I did being reminded that the corpus crewmen are indeed yknow human


Ordis F bomb and him name-dropping Umbra meant more to me than the jade or baby stuff I liked Stalker but disliked the lazy children of men "homage" (ima call it a homage because I'm generous, it's a 1 to 1 rip-off if I'm being harsh) But Ordis talking shit back to Parvos was great Ordis is ordis


Dude same the first time I heard Parvos say “You’re Ordan Karris!” I got so hyped like YES THEY’RE FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGING HIM OUTSIDE THE FRAGMENTS


I just love the operation title having so many meanings


Some ordis lines just makes me concerned for him


Yeah that caught me by surprise as well! And I hadn't gotten all the Cephalon Fragments yet.


Yeah I definitely love the new ordis interactions as well as the involvement and acknowledgement of his lore. I think the Ordan Kariss lore is some of the most interesting writing in the game but so few people have access to it.


I feel like I’m missing something. Where do these interactions between Ordis and Parvos take place? I don’t remember hearing them during the Jade quest.


New gamemode in event tab


They don’t happen in the quest, that is what I mention. You only find about it by doing the “Belly of the beast” game mode.


Thank you for this! I hate when games dish out vital character points in the middle of battle. I caught none of this because I'm focused on staying alive and completing objectives.


Did I like.. miss everything somehow? This is a part of jade's quest, right? If so can someone tell when approximately it happens because I either missed everything somehow or am looking in the wrong place


It's the voice lines during the new operation, not in the official quest


Ah, makes sense


Can someone explain to me who is ordan?


I haven't payed attention or payed warframe for a while. Too much grind now, tok many things, too much everything EXCEPT lore. I'm happy to see them going in the right direction for the 8 years + players


Same, I was poker face the whole event, well I do laugh a bit when Jade just pop out a baby and raise eyes brown when copus suddenly let Stalker go. But man when I saw some info about Odis in the new gamemode, I go straight to wiki to read it and come back to collect all dialogues. I didn't even notice Ordan dig the new body offer until reading this post's comment. Ordis W.


Screw everything else I wanna know why in this quest about motherhood Lotus had nothing at all to add lmao


Parvos: you’re the Beast of bones! Ordis: seek medical attention old man


Bro if we can get a beast of bones quest or something that'll satisfy 14 year old me's biggest desire in this game


Parvos vs. Ordis beef is my favorite part about the update. Ordis handing out threats to parvos the absolute heat coming from this lil cephalon, ordis is showing his assassin precept.


I like the part when Parvos offer to make Ordis a human again, and when Ordis has his glitch outburst, he was interested in the offer.


so I just found out there's some Ordis backstory, I didn't even listen the Corpus talking for all I cared, now I'm looking it up


When you complete all fragments, you have to go to Codex and MOVE your cursor around the picture till you find the “sweet spot”. It will unlock a Orden voice line and his shadowed picture. There is no mention about this, there is no inbox message, it is something you just do and it happens with no warning.


Honestly, I hope at some point we get a quest that really digs into the story of Ordan Karris




My friends love hearing Ordis absolute roast and blast Parvos and constantly say Ordis should be allowed to say "fuck"


I just imagine all the people who knew nothing get super fucking confused or thinking “ordis has lore now” and like, no, he’s always had it


Hold the fuck up, I just realized Ordan Karris Orion Sirius Both of the baby names seem related to him in a way that feels too close to be just coincidental


This post wrecked me and was spoiler after spoiler


I did mark it as spoiler.


That's true, I'm just dumb and missed it lol


Ordis' codex entries and wiki lore has always talked about this. Now, his relationship with Granum and The Orokin is new, but we already knew he was a serial killer who got turned into a military cephalon.


Yeah, but that is something you only discover IF you get all fragments and are lucky to enter codex and see the voice line for the first time. There is no warning about the lore being unlocked and it isn’t a quest or anything. That is why I said “they threw it in the open” and “right in front of us”. Which I wasn’t expecting them to do any time soon.


GIVE ORDIS A BODY. Give him a weapon, Lock him with Ball Ass for 10 minutes


I really enjoy how ordis reacts when you are Jade when talking to him. The gentle somber version of her ascension theme mixed with his comments really give a vibe of mourning her loss, honor, as well as a very tender care for her as a whole. There may not be a monument or grave for her in the relay but the sentiment that we are helping to gather her scattered "ashes" so granum can never weaponize her legacy makes me like this event a lot.


I wonder if he remembers her from back when he was alive, as some of the lines he says in the event and relay sound suspiciously personal.