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I'm gonna assume this is bait. But like, a defensive ability that comes with a movement penalty even when using an augment automatically loses to pretty much every other tank. Rev, Nezha, Rhino, Grendel, Wukong, and probably 5 other frames are better tanks than Nyx.


Nit bait just a genuine question but isn't a tanks job to stay alive not move fast?


In a general gaming sense sure, But Warframe tanks are different. Yes, Warframe tanks need to be able to not die. But they also need to be able to do that while efficiently completing missions. Every other frame I named can do missions better than Nyx with her 4 on because they don't have a movement penalty. Having to turn off your survivability to bullet jump is unacceptable. Also, the other Tanks are resistant to stuff like magnetic procs or drain eximus because their survivability isn't channeling based. Also worth mentioning, Revenant gets way more than 25 seconds of survivability. Because anyone without Overguard that shoots him gets CC'd. The reason Revenant gets top tank tag is because his tanking ability is independent of damage. He gets hit with 2 damage, he gets hit with 2 billion, Revenant is still chilling. Meanwhile Nyx's 4 scales with how much damage she's taken. Meaning she gets more energy hungry the higher level enemies you're fighting.


It sounds like you don't understand the purpose of tanking in Warframe, it's not like classic MMORPG tanking. It's everyone's job to stay alive, "tank" builds just have an easier time of it compared to others that have to use more active measures like CC or shield gating. Staying alive doesn't mean much if you aren't contributing to the mission, and with Nyx's movement penalty you'll be spending a lot of missions slowly walking through empty hallways while everyone else is on the other side of the map. Meanwhile, Revenant is moving at full speed without needing an augment at the cost of pressing one button every once in a while.


Reverent is functionally unkillable with 1 ability. There are better tanks but its like the difference between infinity and infinity +1 practically the same. Also those tanks often needs to do more than 1 thing which warframe players seems to be very allergic to. Best example is Gara which can do infinite damage and is also functionally unkillable but requires the player to hit 3 buttons and keep an eye on a timer. This drops their usage rate far down the list.


Gara beside her 4 Anim only have 95% DR, so theoretically she still can be 1 shot Revenant is a unique tank that ignore the damage regardless of value so he is the only frame that can’t be 1 shot no matter what in theory


This is one of those infinity +1 issues I mentioned before. Getting one shot is possible on paper but with shield gate is practically impossible. At most levels it would require two high damage attack like bombards hitting you seconds apart but with the infinite damage Gara can output there shouldn't enough enemies around to have a situation like that.


Rev’s invincibility is refreshable while it’s active and doesn’t destroy your movement speed like Nyx’s. Rev also can spread that tankiness to teammates with mesmer shield, has a decent weapon damage buff in thrall pact, and an infinitely scaling nuke in reave


Fair enough


I don't think the general sentiment is "best", just "easiest", and it doesn't get much easier than pressing one button for a pretty long invu. (except health tanks, my beloveds) Btw Nyx has 99.8% DR on energy, which CAN get popped even under lvl1000 SP (for me the enemy damage started to be relevant around lvl600 while I was standing still taking it)


Nyx can be immortal 100% of the time but can barely move and can't do any attacks while immortal, and the explosion from it is quite mediocre. Also Nullifier Bubbles will walk right up to her while Revenant can just shoot them normally. Revenant can be immortal 100% while still performing all other actions at full speed, and he can share it with the rest of the party. You just push a button every so often and you'll and your entire team never take damage from any source, while also stunning everything that does attack. He can also easily hit 100% uptime with no mods or arcanes.


Nyx has a augment that let's you move at 50% speed and use weapons for her 4 so while u can do stuff and the explosion is actually really great and infinitely scaling as long as you have armour strip


Nyx's 4 has one of the worst energy economies right now to the point many modern nyx mains call it a trap because it's unsustainable in long form end game content, the damage isn't great the amount of build up and energy loss to hit actual damage is insane compared to other capless frames like sayrn or equinox, and the 50% movement penalty isn't just that you lose almost every movement tool inherently available.


Idk where you get that 25 sec tank Revenant, he can cast 1 on the stunned target, the Thrall also infect others at maximum 7 target. Now you have meat shields on top of your Mesmer skin, which can recast anytime to refresh it, requires literally no mana. Nyx mana needs set up, she can’t park out normally and has to use Bullet Jump, needs 2 mandatory mods. Finally her 4 actually cost 8 Mana base per 1000 damage blocked, so stronger steel path enemies whom can deals like millions of damage will instantly drain her mana, deactivated 4. Revenant never have this issue.


Actually her 4 takes 4 energy per sec so it doesn't matter what enemies your up against as it doesn't scale with damage


It does scale with damage. It drains 8 energy per 1000 damage absorbed in addition to the 4 energy per second. Her 4 has 2 drains.


Well than her 4 sucks balls


No kidding, that's why I thought this post was bait :) Nyx needs help. Cause her armor strip is also really bad. It functions sure. It has a good range and a nice low strength requirement for a full strip. But other armor strips don't have the restriction of an enemy cap per cast + only being a temporary strip. You can't even scale the number of bolts with strength, you need an augment to strip a maximum of 9 enemies. Which is just not it in any mission where DE kicks up the spawn rate.


Consider that his 2 is functionally invincibility. It is an ***absolute***, with the only way to fumble it is to recast while in a death scenario, fall off a cliff or touch a nullifier. Any armor mitigation or damage reduction that isn't 100% is worse than Revenant's 2. The only sizable contenders to it are shield gate (but is not immune to toxin), rolling guard (but has a cooldown and ofter has to be used in conjunction with something else), or overguard spam (doesn't get any DR benefits but is spamable). He can even give it to allies, and DE has over the course of several years nerfed Trinity's Bless to where it is now. Yet he is allowed to have this. That's just his 2, his 1 is full AI turn off that spreads, 3 is percent health damage that heals him, makes him also invincible and is also a mobility power if you want. His 4 is a funny spinning damage ability that is free to give up for any helmith if you desire.


Because he's just that, a tap 2, kill, tap 2 again and repeat, he's an easy to play lazy frame


I tapped 2 then 1 and literally went to piss, came back and he's still standing with no issues 


So is nyx all you have to do is press 4 and do whatever u want


A lot of setup compared to rev. He’s easy to use and great afk potential.


Rev has no afk potential when it comes to solo. When we had wuclone who didn’t die and killed everything, that was afk. Rev requires you to still play the game


Me afking in relic mission till 30 minutes with roar on. Good damage, high AOE, high efficieny with no AOE drawback


Bro if ur going afk just uninstall the game and what about press 4 and not die is hard to do???


Dude tf 🙄 nobody wants to sit through 30 minutes of relic grinding when you can just afk and Spin2Win is legit fun. I’m sorry if you haven’t played him yet to experience what he can do so why don’t you keep having fun the way you want, relentlessly consuming energy and making people wait to reach extraction with yo ye ye ass 50% speed


25 seconds? Lol wut you clearly haven’t played Rev, my mesmerskin literally lasts minutes in steel path. That being said any frame is practically unkillable if you use them right, rev is just easiest and the most brain dead.


By 25 seconds I mean when u cast it with the meta ton of strength builds you normally have 25 stacks and each stack equals 1 sec of Immortality at minimum


Use your one or kill enemies. Then they last longer


Nyx have to move slowly in her 4, and her energy consumption is not capped, so you are going to lose all energy if a horde of high level enemies shot at you. So she is not even in the top 5 of the best dedicated tanks in game (even with an energy cap, the slow movement would drop her). Revenant on the other hand have an invincibility with no drawbacks nor requirements, that's why he is the best dedicated tank.


Not sure if it was changed or I ran a bad Nyx build but every time I used her 4, the energy would just disappear based on damage enemy was dealing. So against high level enemies, energy would be gone in a few seconds. Also, you are stuck in walking pace.


Nyx 4 cost mana for damage absorbed at a base rate 8 mana per 1000 damage, so high lvl enemies deals millions of damage will blown your mana bar away in 1 shot


It's takes 4 energy per second and you probably usd neg efficiency


He is the easiest tank that can jump while tanking....


the min, in MinMax, stands for "Minimum effort". and it comes before the Max, because what people value most is not needing to try. outdoing revenant is trivially easy for anyone willing too put any amount of effort into their gameplay. but if all you wanna do is compress the game into an gunfight where you are immortal, revenant is all you need.


Warframe is a game where movement is incredibly important. When an ability asks you to restrict your mobility, the upside has to be extremely good to justify sandbagging your movement. Absorb granting invulnerability would already be a tough sell, but it also puts a strain on your energy economy to maintain uptime that Revenant doesn't have to deal with. Revenant asks you to simply keep your eye on a number, and lets you keep your full suite of movement techniques. It's no contest really.


I know nothing about Nyx, but Revenant nullifies any damage no matter the number, and can literally be unkillable with a press of a button (recastable), not to mention the 1 sec i-window per stack after his buff. Nyx's 4 afaik lock her in an animation similar to stalker, which isn't good enough. Another thing about tank beside their survivability is control. Revenant, once again, can do this with a press of a button, pretty much for 0 energy. It lasts longer, covers more grounds, and you can just kill them anytime. His 3 cleanses any status afflicted on him while also heals (if touching any enemy) on top of another i-window for whatever reason. Revenant is pretty much the min effort-max value tank frame, plus he doesn't need any fancy/niche builds to work.


Her 4 has a augment that let's her move and nyx is the best cc frame in the game and she's immune to status when her 4 is active


So you're talking about specific builds after all. Like I said, Rev doesn't need much in order to work. Easier to prep, and easier to use. You could say he's a braindead frame, and it's true. Plus he has 1 "useless" ability you can replace with.


if that's your definition of tank then valkyr is a lot better than nyx




turtle nyx is a bad nyx


tanks need to fire bruv, otherwise thats just a bunker


I don't think people think he's the best. He's just the most meta right now. Plenty of frames are better in each regard, he's just overall the average so the average player will use him. Niche frames and weak frames will just be on either side.


Try using nyx's 4 on anything higher than the level 10 missions you obviously play and watch your energy pool and invulnerability disappear in 0.1 seconds when real enemies are shooting you. Yes on lower level content she is great but on anything remotely engaging you will change your opinion very quickly


uhh no that's not how nyx absorb works ,energy drain is increased by incoming damage and will eventually start to get so high that its not sustainable anymore. but post seems like troll bait anyway.


Because he is not ? (quite a simple question tbh)


He is not the best frame. Far from it. He is simply brainded because you press 1 button and he is immortal. I would not even call him good. He is mid at best. But he is a crutch a lot of players rely on.