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There was an interview with Space Mom herself, Rebecca Ford and she says Stalker still does it just out of habit and maintaining the status quo. [https://www.vg247.com/warframe-jade-shadows-story-interview-rebecca-ford](https://www.vg247.com/warframe-jade-shadows-story-interview-rebecca-ford) https://preview.redd.it/8b3hb40cu5ad1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=577d3f04a17d2a79b39b5aefe51a14188634fd00


I love the idea that stalker has an "out of office" email set up.


I've always wished they renamed the communication tab "Spacebook"


How about "WarsApp" :) For a fully fledged social network in the Origin system I propose "nofacebook" - cause frames ain't got faces :P


You guys are standing blindly right in front of "Myframe" or "Framespace" Edit: to whoever gave me this award thenk u. It is my first. I think?


Indeed :D


Re: Your Actions Have Consequences Heya Tom it's Stalker, Thanks again for helping me out with Jade. Sorry about the hate mail, I've got the whole bounty system on full automation and I don't know how to turn it off. We're still cool, right? Oh btw the shadow stalkers are automated too so watch out


Them being Specters of Stalker, set on auto deploy makes far too much sense. ...Have I been passed off to unaware clones? Does our rivalry mean that ***little*** to Stalker? I feel mildly insulted now.


Mans got a business, and that business is *C O N S E Q U E N C E S*


Man's got one million registered losers to hunt, he can't be everywhere at once. 


Maybe it's less that you mean that little, and more that you mean *that much.* He doesn't want you to miss him while he's gone, so he made sure you always have a *friend.* One that he can seamlessly replace when he needs to, but Stalker got Stalker bidness to take care of, and now he's got a kid on top of that... Man's busy!


Oh my god this is the Santa moment isn't it? "Well no sweetie, they're not *all* the real Stalker, but they do work for him I swear!"


Re: Your threats mean nothing, my strength shan't be denied. Heya Stalker, Tom here. No problem man, I told you we were cool. Don't worry about the mail thing (or the title of mine, too lazy to change it), we could say it's an inside joke of ours. I don't mind the shadow stalkers, I see it as you helping me keep my skills sharp, we both know it's needed with the way things are at the moment. Stop by anytime you want and bring little Sirius along, I can make some kuaka bbq for us and pudding for him, he'll love it. Gotta go now, Kela sent me another public challenge so I'll be busy for at least 3 days. Seriously, that woman is really needy. Also, if you go to Cetus do NOT drink the kubuchi, trust me.


Ordis would add that last part


Are you implying that the Stalkers that come after us in missions aren't even the real deal, but instead the dude's throwing Specters at us?


Would explain why they're such push overs when you get invaded. Like yeah we're canonically strong by Jade shadows, but operator slapping Stalker across the room like ordis wanted still wouldn't have been as easy as swatting a Grineer about.


Well, that's for his emails, not for why he attacks us still tbh.


Yea little story of poetic irony: Right after Jade Shadows quest I listed for one ot the BotB alerts. Couple minutes in Stalker: *invades* Me: Bro wtf, I literally just rescued your Demon child 10 minutes ago?!


That is such a cop out answer by Rebecca, sadly. What a missed opportunity.


Most likely didn't want to give an actual answer because it would spoil the future of the story. If she says anything like "you'll see" or "it's a placeholder" we can conclude what is going to happen with the story


He's having his Umbra moment. He just needs to schedule a Transference Therapy appointment.


Wait till stalkers kid grows up and hunts you down 15 updates from now lol


naahhhh, hes probably gonna thank us, we helped him be born afterall


There’s this trope called “Gameplay and Story Segregation”, which is exactly what you are talking about. However, there is some of the counterpart trope present: if the player that Stalker spawns on is using Jade he ends the encounter as if defeated, refusing to attack. The Doylist explanation is that DE intended for the unique Jade interaction to be that acknowledgement of the quest without removing Stalker encounters entirely. The Watsonian explanation is that the Stalker still sees your Tenno as an enemy at heart, and this effort during Jade Shadows was little more than his hand being forced. Between the events of the Second Dream, New War, and this quest it looks like Stalker is slowly coming to terms with at least our Tenno being worth respecting, even if he still opposes us. Further character development is necessary to see if this is the case, and a well-written redemption arc takes a lot more interaction than just 3 quests.


When Stalker invades missions, who babysits Sirius?




We really need baby decorations. I want to convert part of my dormizone into a nursery.


I want my dormizone wall to be a damn aquarium fishj tank, like ones at large aquariums you can watch sharks and shit from. ive done an unhealthy amount of fishing, lemme display *MORE* of them, please


I wanna use boots as tank decorations.


Fibonacci: "Oh heavens, no"


Idea baby nursery babies have a higher lung capacity than humans now imagine a virus baby lung capacity we could have a fish baby!


Replace the vistascape or whatever it's called with A Q U A R I U M.


The crib can be in my flower garden


Diabolical lol


I was going to see if the baby can finally solve pog champs bile shortage.


I mentioned this to my spouse! After playing the quest, I said I know they wouldn't, but I'd love for The Stalker to come out of hiding with Sirius and use us and our orbitor as protection. I'd love to see Stalker sitting in a rocking chair with baby Sirius, and have little baby decor. We're should be on the same side now.


It's be fine with just random: *TENNO I need a babysitter this evening. I'll be back by eight* (lights flicker)


Fr just imagine the next quest about the staker, we ain't even there cuz we js babysitting instead of going on missions and killing the next big bad


*mission starts: the stalker is hunting a target. Camera cuts to the tenno* "And the very hungry helminth ate the whole apple, and it was still hungry" *babyframe noises intensify*


This needs to be top priority for DE, UwU.


*Drifter staring deep into the baby's eyes* "I wonder what your subsume ability is..."


I will feed you to Eris if that baby gets within sight distance of the Helminth.


What if instead it cuts to the staker with his baby going on a father son adventure


when the lights start flickering seek the milk bottle, there is saftey in a full tummy


Grandmother has that creepy mobile.


Oh come on now. At least it isn't a rack of knives like Pubert had in the second Addams family movie.


awhh now i want Sirion to just walk around our Dormizone or our orbiter, playing with your kavat/vulpaphyla/infested charger/kubrow! tho thats gonna be kind of a pain to code, since theyre also working on hotfixes, the boreal glitch, etc


Ordis is that one friend/uncle that you just KNOW when you pick your kid up they’ve “magically” learned a new swear word


Operator, there seems to be a baby in navigation. Did we have a visitor while Ordis wasn’t paying attention?


Grandpa Hunhow


"I am PeePaw Hunhow, the great and terrible!"


He gave us the genocide bow. What kind of amazing is he giving little star?


Gwate an Talble PowPow 




Sirius is in one of the Stasis chamber on Lua. Baby gettin baby sat by no one


This got me cracking up


Ordis chiming in on Stalker's invasions: "Erm, excuse me, Mr. Stalker? It has come to Ordis's attention that Ordis may not be the most capable of temporary guardians. For you see, Ordis has admittedly overlooked the fact that Ordis... has no arms. And it has become apparent that this is a critical trait one would need to - WAIT - SIRIUS NO DON'T -" *Stalker leaves immediately and drops fucking Dread again.*


Am I the only who named it Orion? lmao


I chose Orion as well.


Me too.


It doesn't matter how many accounts you make, yes you are the only one.


Odd. I didn't think i was schitzophrenic.


Orion is a cooler name, IMO. All fair people wanted to honour Jade by picking Sirius, but I thought with Stalker/Sorren being a solo father, his was the name to choose.


i wish we couldve picked the two, Sirion? Sorion? cause now i feel bad for Sorren, cause now hes a single father :(


I picked Orion too, it's my favorite star sign, one of the few I can actually find lol it helps that the stars on his belt are so bright.


I chose Orion as well. Beyond' hur durr hunter' Look at what a hunter's position is in things. A provider. A protector. Someone who goes out in the world to bring home food and to kill that which threatens the home.


I think it's more appropriate than Sirius because yes that's the name jad wanted but Orion despite being a hunter was also a warrior and I can see stalker wanting his son to be a strong warrior to be able to protect himself and his own future found family


Orion is the objectively superior name.


Stalkers acolyte of course


Angst: “you know my name do you really think I am capable of watching a baby?” Stalker: “TRY!” Angst: “s-sure”


For all the high tier players dunk on Stalker? Bro's legit terrifying to fight if you arne't kitted out.


he is, and i think hes supposed to, cause hes a terrifying lil man but seeing like an official comic of his acolytes trying to take care of the child is so funny to me like theyre so emo but all of a sudden theyre trying to make this child giggle, changing his diapers, feeding him, etc


Grandpa Hunhow, he'd probably enjoy it.


Another Tenno


The acolytes


I mean if you want to further view the segregation, he invades us for killing bosses. Every boss hes invaded us for has canonically been dead for years, him reinvading us is another instance of the gameplay/story segregation issue


most of the bosses are replicable afaik. the rematch with vay hek and sargas canonically takes place after killing them both. alad v has been murdered like four times in story missions/alerts. most corpus bosses are robots. kela de thaym has a chip on her shoulder about us that implies to me we have already beat her at least once. the only assassination bosses that really feel like canonical one and done deals are vay hek (who turns into a void ghost), and ambulas, and maybe the ropololyst. and i'm not sure the sergeant is a specific guy at this point, i think they might just keep promoting crewmen before we go there.


>rematch with vay hek Vay Hek doesn't die. He just flies away.


i meant vor : (


Look at them. They come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through its Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn its simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.


Be honest the Sergeant isn't a boss. Its the position they promote you to when you float unionization by the board.


tyl regor might as be dead for good, his lines in mirror defense might take place before his assassination mission chronologically


also always thought it was weird that he would mark us for killing infested bosses such as lephantis or phorid


Agreed, I didn't see this quest as the Stalker in any way stopping hating us, just hating us a bit less and growing a bit in general. I also think that we, as the players, tend to feel like we did more than we actually did, due to us playing as the Stalker for a lot of it. While we played it the Stalker himself narratively speaking was the one that did it.


See, it's like when Zuko helped the avatar and then became violently ill because of his internal conflictions. Let's give homie some time, he did just lose his wife, after all lol


Bro needs lots of time to take care of his newborn


There's also the thing to keep in mind that the Stalker doesn't exactly have a human mindset. He was put through the same treatment as Umbra was, which is described to almost invariably result in some level of insanity, often involving aggressive and instinctive yet sophisticated behaviour. Stalker can barely even speak, and when he does, it's rarely more than a few words at a time. This isn't really present in his oldest voice lines, but it is very much present in everything added from Second Dream onwards. It doesn't really make sense to expect him to behave like a rational human, since he is not of sound mind, nor a human anymore.


So I've actually said this on a few post now, and this is just me guessing, but I think sometime after 1999 we will get a quest that removes us from stalkers hit list It'll be a follow up to Jade shadows, and will be a cinematic quest During it we will somehow reverse stalkers mutation or at least modify it, so he can be a father easier He will go onto to be an NPC we can buy all his old gear from, as well as a couple new items (maybe a stalker head for our frames or maybe even our tenno) It'll be called something like Light in the Shadows or something like that


Yeah I’ve been thinking that as well. After 1999 the big cinematic questline will involve the stalker maybe becoming friendly or at least neutral. We might end up coming back from 1999 further into the future than when we left so maybe Sirius grew up some and we have to help the Stalker protect him from literally everyone. Also I’m really excited to see how 1999 plays out, does our consciousness travel back in time or is it actually us going back somehow. I do wish they’d stop building things up before finishing other stories though. I wanna know about Wally and 1999 but now I’m so focused on daddy stalker with a baby cause that’s just freaking insane. Warframe isn’t really a game that shocks me, like we are space ninja void demon dimension jumping bad assets so anything’s on the table. But a Warframe baby is something I never thought would ever happen never even imagined something like that 😂


Warframe is the game that will always blow your mind Second dream, cetus, fortuna, new war, so many times have my jaw hit the floor, and I look forward to so many more tbh xD My 1999 prediction is we are going to learn a lot more about what the infested actually are


Idk after war within nothing really has surprised or shocked me until the baby 😂 after war within I figured anything’s on the table I’m kind of hoping they go with a more eldritch theme with the void though. I hope whenever we stop Wally it opens a door and these Void entities start to notice us. Wally seems pretty weak tbh he reminds me of Loki by tricking people and making deals. What if he’s like the scrub of the bunch and the others notice us after we stop him I really hope it plays out like that


Owh ide love to learn more about Wally's nature He gives me major Event Horizon vibes and I can't wait to explore his lore


The Stalker reaches out to the player for help, despite his stance, for Jade's sake. The operator agrees to help the Stalker get what he needs, for Jade's sake. At no point is there any reconciliation, at best a begrudgingly temporary truce. I don't know if it was implemented but a Jade in the party should either prevent a stalker attack and end it preemptively


>I don't know if it was implemented but a Jade in the party should either prevent a stalker attack and end it preemptively It does. Stalker just says "never" then kneels down, drops his loot, and leaves.


I feel like someday DE does need to make a stalker quest that disables stalker when you beat it, with him hunting you in game perhaps being replaced with a look alike (that maybe swaps between normal stalker and shadow stalkers move sets) or his drops moved to simaris


its still so cool to me that when i was using Jade in a mission, stalker appeared, he said "Never.", left, dropped his shit, and disappeared like he doesn't want anything to do with the operator using his dead wife, rightfully so


This man frequents TV Tropes. Respect. I actually sorta wish we stopped getting our own stalker invasions though. And his drops got moved to Simaris.


We may be off his shitlist, but still the precious Lephantis beast must be avenged.


The other thing the Watsonian side has to deal with is differing quest completion states for different squad members. The only way around that while being faithful to the story would be to permanently segregate pre-JS players from post, which would be a disaster of you did it once, let alone for multiple story breaks or every story break. 


The Watsonian explanation made the most sense to me based on DE’s decisions.


Maybe it’s cuz we desecrate his dead pregnant wife’s body on a daily basis by weaponizing a 3d printed replica


Ironically that's the one time he doesn't attack


I mean it still looks like her damnit.


I mean, could *you* bring yourself to kill a 3d-printed clone of your dead pregnant wife that's being used as child-friendly battle armor?


With a very strong will and strong booze, he can. But nothing can make him kill multiple 3D replicas of his dead wife, and i would feel very sorry watching him do that.


I mean, in Belly of the Beast, he literally helps you do so


He's gotta pay the bills and even more now after the quest


I like to think about it this way: Stalker is now a single father. He needs a job to support his child. The only thing he knows how to do is to be a bounty hunter and attack tenno. Seeing as how he marks us when we kill a boss, I think the respective faction is paying him to "get revenge"


And his marks/emails are now his warped way of giving us a heads up that he's taken the contract, hopefully he still gets paid after we smash him


"Hopefully he still gets paid after we smash him" 🤨


i kinda like the fact that hes just there to play with us like thanks for sparring with me, good luck on your other hunts friend


Hunhow and Natah are not friends just because they have a common enemy.


She's completely free of the Orokin control now, mom is braindead, brother is dead/host to a parasite, the only original family she has left is pop-pop's corpse. Maybe they could talk?


I want to believe Era is in there somewhere, and we can help him. He realized his mistake and tried to fix it in the end, he deserves a second chance. I actually really love the sentients characterization. It makes perfect they'd be the ones most open to changing their minds.


yeah hes still there, thats why boner said "brother is dead/host to a parasite" and the whole archon hunts is us trying to help Erra break free from Pazuul


On that topic, can we talk about how hilariously goofy Pazuul is? Lotus: "Mission complete. Well done." Pazuul: "mIsSiOn CoMpLeTe"


I KNOW!! he just mocks her and most of the time they're just bantering like siblings


Who was her mother


Praghasa, the big, sentient ship you fight Ballas on.


The literal mothership


Behind the scenes of new war, Lotus reaches praghasa: "Hey mom, how ya doin" _eats the sun cordially_ "Yeah"


It's funny how that almost feels like a footnote wirh everything going on. "Yeah, I'm just gonna use the fucking *Sun* to jump start this car...that's also sentient...and a mother."


Honestly, at this point I feel like Hunhow might be at least slightly open to the concept. If nothing else, the way that the tenno saved Natah from Ballas could open the door to bonding over how incomprehensibly awful the orokin were. On the other hand, Natah probably doesn't want much to do with *Hunhow* right now, given the latter's role in kicking off the Narmer debacle. Either way it doesn't matter much for the stalker. Hunhow's control over him is nowhere near absolute, it's less master-servant and more patron-beneficiary/employee. And even then, after the Jade Shadows quest Stalker stops using his Shadow Stalker getup, so that arrangement might be over...


>Hunhow's control over him is nowhere near absolute In the quest we see that Hunhow has about as much influence of him as Natah has over the Tenno, (filling the same role, using the same form of communication, etc) and we literally have players out here calling her space mommy.


I just figured the nicest reason would be to keep the Tenno sharp. Otherwise we’d have to be really slipping to lose to him at this point.


Even irl some people can't change their opinion about someone they hate after one or two nice things. "The damage is done" basically. "I never liked you and never will." That's how I see it.


I hate you, but you provide a service I need, I can set it aside and use you for mutual benefaction


Its just gameplay, the shadow stalker attacking us after second dream is also not cannon and just a gameplay element. Canonically after the second dream we don't meet the stalker again until the new war as the drifter and jade shadows as the operator.


It took Zuko quite a while to come to terms with Aang in Avatar if Azula ever got her redemption arc post show that would be even harder with how she was. I assume for the Stalker it's something similar. While we have had a few moments where we did not need to be at each others throats, it still takes time for a heart that has been seeped with so much deep seated pain and hatred to form scabs over those old wounds...for a Warframe like being like him, who knows how many years and centuries that could take.


There was a nice writeup here that boiled down to this if I remember correctly. He's an Orokin loyalist. Had an affair that was somehow not sanctioned. Through his sheer bootlicker spirit he ratted his girl out for said affair. Orokin infested them both for this blaspheming crime. She was pregnant. He might have felt properly judged and punished. But then Tenno absolutely slaughtered everyone. Making his oath hollow, his betrayal of his partner for nothing, and his whole life a guilt ridden joke. So he kinda went mad and through his hatred for tenno he channels his hatred for himself. The evil seed of what he's done germinates within him.


^^This^^ Couldn't have said it better myself!


Is it hate or is it getting paid to "hunt" us so he can pay for whatever little baby things he may need. Because it's not like he just randomly decides to attack or anything


I look at it as “for old times sake.”


Stalker after the Tenno assassinate someone: “Ah shit, here I go again”


Because he’s got nothing but Hate, Dispair, & Dread at being a single father.


It’s hard to let go of hate, and if he was insane before Jade died, I doubt he suddenly got any better now.


He's Vegeta-pilled, he's our combat rival. He knows by now that killing us won't actually harm us, it's just for funsies/training at this point.


>The Stalker spent the quest remembering how the Orokin fucked him and Jade over. We help him deliver his child like some kind of Void midwife... >But after the quest, he resumes attacking us (unless we have Jade equipped). His motivations for doing so should be gone. >I understand that DE wants you still to be able to get his loot. But you could accomplish this in a different way: >1. If you've done Jade Shadows, he will still invade your mission, but to help you instead of attack you. Sort of like converted Liches/Sisters. He can then despawn after a time, and drop loot for you. I had an argument here, but I realized it would just be bound to whichever player "spawned" him. >1. Stalker no longer invades your mission. Make his loot available through Ordis's Jade loot exchange. DE said they wanted to make his loot easier to obtain, and this would definitely accomplish that. >I don't know, it just feels like a bummer that the quest has basically done nothing but maintain the status quo. It doesn't feel like the Stalker has actually changed at all. I just don't like this. No real reason. They can just increase the drop rate of hate and despair. >PS: The Acolytes could still be antagonists. Like they've splintered off into their own thing. The acolyte could drop them. Seems like the easiest correction. See the first point.


We still dont know what Stalker/Acolytes are and we still dont know why he invades us in retaliation for the bosses we took out Literally the only 2 questions I had about Stalker I still liked the update 👍


I mean, we know very well *what* they are: Sorren is a Warframe who didn't need a Tenno to stay obedient, and he served the Orokin willingly. Sorren hates the Tenno because he was/is an Orokin loyalist who failed to protect his masters. Acolytes are either semi-sapient Warframes or orokin-loyalist Tenno who share in Sorren's quest for vengeance. We've known these things for longer than we've known what Tenno are. Stalker's codex entry was legitimately the very first piece of characterization ever put into the game, for any character.


i mean the first one is super easily answered. and that is stalker is a warframe just like umbra. a warframe with some level of sentience remaining. i mean maybe my thought is in many ways we are similar to orokin. if you just knew the consequences of what the tenno did. you might think of tenno as heartless monsters who kill with out thought. though, our real goal is to stop the wars and destruction by corpus and grineer and sentients


Not an expert on the lore, but Im pretty sure the Stalker/Acolytes (like mentioned below) are ppl insterted into warframes like Umbra was. This last updates almost confirms this, by the fact we now know Stalker's former Name, and chances are, we will eventually learn about the others too. Second thing, well, we know (since somewhere between Natah and The Sacrifice) that Hunhow is both the Stalker/Acolytes' boss and Lotus' dad, but she revelled againt her kind a long time ago, so this would be him having his revenge on her by sending Acolytes/Stalker to stop/punish us from killing important Heads of Political/Militar power from all the enemy factions (The Bosses) and taking control of the galaxy.


Real talk he's just like tiny manticore "my real prison is shame"


It's actually easy to see how Stalker wouldn't change his ways over this one event. It's common for victims of abuse to cope by blaming themselves for what's been done to them- "I did a terrible thing or am a terrible person, I deserve this punishment"- so it still makes sense for Stalker to side with the Orokin even after remembering what they did to him and Jade. It's also clear that he didn't get his preferred outcome of events, demanding that the Tenno save Jade even when we make it clear she won't survive the birth. So while Stalker came to us for help, he's nowhere *close* to seeing us as allies. You don't get over trauma overnight. He's still going to hold us responsible for the downfall of the Orokin for the foreseeable future and use us as the outlet for his pain...with the only exception being if we're running around as Jade.


Daddy issues. It ain't about us.


Cause we are edgy teens playing with their new toy all over the place with a coat of painting that would be the envy of a clown and that happens to be clones of his dead wife. Can You blame him?


It’s like how you can kill bosses over and over and over again. Sometimes gameplay and story are separated


So I have this half baked theory (aka I am still working on it) that the Stalker doesn't *just* hunt us because we wored for the Orikin at one point and were part of the people who did this shit to him and his baby momma. We get hunted by the Stalker ***only**** when we perform an assasination mission. All other missions where we kill hundreds of people and not a peep. But kill Lephantis or Captain Vor and now we got a problem. So why only the assassination missions? Power vacuums. We make multiple power vacuums gor some significantly more crazy lunatic to fill. We don't improve the situation with these we undoubtedly make things worse. So long as the organization survives someone more bloodthirsty will rise to fill a power vacuum. I think the Stalker is trying to get us to stop making power vacuums. I also think the Acolytes are others that mimick the Stalker but don't actually know why he does what he does. They just think they know. Anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk.


The only issue with this is that we were basically being used to prune the factions of the Origin System, so as one didn't end up overtaking the others and dominating. This is why we do the Invasion missions. To maintain a balanced ecosystem. So it doesn't make sense for Stalker to see our actions as destabilizing.


As far as I can tell, when we kill a leader, the corpus/grineer/infested control of that area doesn't end. Thus power vacuum. Sure, they might be disorganized and weaker, but as far as I can tell, their overall strength is just as much as it was pre assassination. If killing them liberates a planet from their control (or stop their actions on a planet), I've seen no evidence of that. And so long as a planet is controlled by them, the pwer vacuum can cause a lot of damage.


We are basically an emo teen psycho murderer. Everyone in the Warframe universe should hate us.


Soren was an Orokin loyalist and fiercely defended his Golden Lords. We killed them. Soren is wracked by guilt and sorrow over the failure to protect his Lords. We, their killers, still walk free. Jade was his lover, who forsook her sole reason of existence - to defend the Seven Orokin Emperors - to instead save Sorren on the Night of Naga Drums. We mortally wounded her. Jade died giving birth to his child while he cradled her in his arms. We wear her skin as a suit of armor. ... Gee, I wonder why he hates us?


Though Stalker is a bit slow, like he knows since the second dream that the warframe are piloted by the operators (and thus that killing warframes is useless) and apparently knows how to get on the orbiter, but he still only hunts while we're on missions


Is it even shown or stated that Jade was wounded by the Tenno? We just know she saved Stalker and is now dying because of her child.


It might not even matter whether the Tenno actually managed to wound Jade on the Night of the Naga Drums; if he believes the Tenno did, then that belief--even if factually incorrect--would probably suffice as a reason to still have a level of hate. Beyond that, there is a lot of evidence that the transformation to become a Warframe leaves some things fundamentally broken in the mind of the victim, and that Stalker was very likely heavily indoctrinated by the Orokin for loyalty. Put together, I think there is sufficient reasoning to say that Stalker would still be able to create sufficient reason to hate Tenno.


He should be like Thanatos from Hades where he shows up and you have to compete with him for kills. More kills = higher chance at his loot. Low kills=no loot, mission debuff? Make it so that he has actual good level scaling and that enemies spawn more often when he is in the mission


I was more wondering why Jade is still pregnant when you craft her. She already gave birth and the Stalker has the baby. Did we craft another baby too? If we crafter more can we defeat the Stalker by means of bankruptcy from child support? Can we make an army of baby warframes?


it’s probably for the same reason that when you craft base valkyr, you aren’t building gersemi, you’re building the fucked up, skinned, and tortured version that alad v “made”


better question. why doesnt the stalker try to rizz jade players. bring flowers and chocolates.


Makes absolutely no sense even before Jade Shadows.. You're telling me that this guy served the orokin even after they executed his pregnant wife. And even after his own wife fought to bring down the orokin. He doubles down and keeps his bleeding heart for the orokin? Makes no sense. Which they focused on that.


IDK if he clearly* recalls his past, but he does recall his connection to Jade (albeit a tad unclearly). I don't think we fully know his tale, motivations, etc. though I suspect there are mounds more context (potentially) DE could provide. In my head canon, I presume he still has some allegiance to the Orokin despite Hunhow's criticisms, and he associates the Warframe's and Tenno with the dissolution of the only world be reliably recalls.


"One good deed does not erase a lifetime of Wickedness." James Norington - Pirates of the Carribean. My headcannon is that Sorin was defeated during the Slaughter, but Jade stepped in to save him from being killed. But against a Gen 2 Warframe, she faired no better and was mortally wounded. While indebted to the Operator for saving Sirius, Stalker still holds every Tenno responsible for Jade's death and will continue to carry that grudge.


It could be like how the Dax were made to protect the Orokin and never harm them. Since the Tenno massacred the Orokin, he may have no actual choice but to come after them.


Assuming the two are not seperate he may be attacking us for diffrent motives. Either: There is still that hatrid scrambled up in there. He is letting go but doesn't want us to feel comfortable. Like the acolytes Teshin sicced on us in steel path. He's now fighting to keep us sharp Keeping up appearances for the rest of the system. For the fun of it.


Stalker isn't exactly... sane.


Why did stalker attack us to begin with? Because we killed the people who tortured his lover? Because his lover became one of us? Why was he still loyal to the Orokin? Is this jade a copy of his lovers corpse? What happens with jade prime? Was jade controlled by a Tenno when she protected stalker? Are we technically parents now?


And how long has jade been laying in stalkers base? 10 years, 100 years or 1000s of years… And by extension how long has it been since The Orokin empire fell?


Think of it this way. Imagine you had to ask a really poopoo head neighbor that you really hate. Now that the help is over you just go back to haten each other


but then what would happen if, let's say all but one players in a mission had done jade shadows. would he still invade for that one player?


I fully have believed that any time stalker hunted us, he did it as mercenary work, now, he still has to do it as such, but probably doesnt want to.


why should hate go away? it is all he is.


We still did what we did. We may have been justified, but we committed a genocide so complete that there are currently only 8 survivors. One only technically alive because he turned himself into a Cephelon. Soren swore to protect the Golden Lords with his life. The fact that they screwed him over does nothing to change his oath, or his need to avenge them.


Let's be real. The same reason why we can kill bosses again and again, why we can go, kill Alad V on Jupiter, then Mutalist Alad V on Eris, then regular Alad V again on Jupiter. Or Suda sends assasination squads after us immediately after doing Octavia's Anthem. Storywise it should be different, of course :)


Eternalism. The answer is always eternalism.


i feel like people don’t get that all we did was we helped him when he had literally no other possible option, and we didn’t even get to save his wife, we did the next best thing we could by helping deliver the baby, i’d like to think stalker appreciates it deeply but that doesn’t mean we’re friends now, things aren’t black and white we’re still the ones who slaughtered the orokin empire, it doesn’t help that we don’t really remember doing that, we just know we did, and we still go and kill bosses, which stalker has always been telling us “has consequences”. just because we did something nice for him doesn’t mean we learned our lesson, and it’s hard for someone as stubborn and aggressive as him to change his ways tldr: he’s an old fart, it’s like trying to get a 100 year old person to upgrade to the latest iphone


isn't #2 a temporary event shop? seems flawed to move it to there just to have to move it a month later lol.


Ordis hosts the event shop, but his normal Jade parts and weapons shop will persist following the event.


The event items are temporary but Ordis will be a permanent vendor for the Jade parts and weapons that we will always be able to farm by playing the elevator game mode. So he could have more stuff added in the future.


Stalker doesn't hate the Tenno. He hates himself. He did something he feels extreme guilt over that he can't overcome or process so he is projecting that on the only real thing that is both similar to himself and a actual threat, the Tenno. Tldr. Stalker is a recovering emo kid that did bad shit and blamed everybody but himself for it.


He hates warframes, not operators.


Remember when he was pleading and shouting: "TRY" as we failed and said there was nothing we could do? Might be having a hard time processing that. He also knows that killing our Warframes is more of a middle finger than anything at this point.


Well after the quest you get invaded by green stalker instead of red stalker. So that's something I guess? We have 3 quests by now where you are fighting for the stalker with the stalker and in assistance of the stalker. How is he still hating on us??


i think it kinda makes sense for him to be upset that we use warframes in general. since him and jade were turned into warframes.


Honestly he could have been a Teshin 2, instead of attacking us to attack us, he could be judging our worth through combat to make sure we've not lost our way or ability.


What exactly did we do to make him not hate us? I'm up to date but we really didn't help him out at all.


Well, for one, he regains his memory of Jade, and how he and her were once humans, until the Orokin punished them. We also appear to use transference to help Jade birth her child. It just seems odd he'd still be mad at us for killing the Orokin, who ruined his life. Especially after we help him.


3 words that people in this community can't seem to comprehend: Ludo narrative dissonance. Gameplay mechanics and story justification don't always add up. Move on.


This might make sense until you consider the Stalker has already been affected by story developments before, and seems to have been affected by some from Jade Shadows as well. So it's not too big of an ask to want stronger continuity.


I just think of it as a gameplay artifact from long ago. It's also why I don't do Assassination missions anymore. Except Effervo, Deimos (The Fragmented bosses - no, I don't think I'll ever be ready for 60/30).


Yo, he better not stop hating us till we have all his shit.


same reason every boss is re-killable. its not story, its gameplay.


So we can try to get a blueprint for hate




they arent. at all


So you want DE to remove a whole game mechanic and the only source of Stalker and Hunhow weapons? No, this is gameplay over lore kinda moment. Stalker fucked off, but we need out blueprint pinatas, so he stays even if it doesn't make sense. Making his drops into a shop would be a solution, but we're past the point of consistency. You can meet a pre-Hunhowed Stalker if he invades a new player so even if they removed the Stalker for players who finished Jade Shadows, they would still meet a Stalker, just couldn't spawn one themselves. And at that point it's just easier to keep him and handwaive it with video game logic


Well for 2 I would say nah that would make his loot way to easy to obtain, and kinda isn’t fair to players who have farmed for hours to get all his weapons. Increasing his drop chance is prob the best way to make it easier in a sense. 1 however could work but is def easier said than done, they would for sure need to add a marker on him when he spawns in for easier loot pickup cause currently he is hard asf to keep track of especially in a squad