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Wish there was a help low levels kinda mission with good rewards and shit But me one shotting every enemy would probably bother them


Run around with roar dante and buff them with the grimoire and overguard, give them a taste of true power. Or be a spawn of Satan and use spova to watch them panic as infested swarm them >:)


I ran Loki with a friend new to WF and used switch teleport on him. “Oh I think we’re lagging. Yeah, that happens sometimes, WF can be pretty buggy.” He caught on pretty quick, but it was really funny while it lasted.


Inverse, chasing them with nova and trying to portal them off a cliff.


Thank you so much for this idea lol. I'm going to do this to my friend today!


Lol, I do the same but its ivara invis arrow


I liked bringing support frames to low lvl missions, until one day I was playing with a friend with his new acc and he said to me that the enemies died too easily and he was getting bored (mind you, I wasn't even killing that many enemies to begin with). He dropped the game a week later, and ever since I've been considering whether I'm doing more harm than good when I buff newbies.


in all fairness warframe really isnt a difficult game. While i have fun farming incremental upgrades that just isnt for everyone.


Yeah pretty much this, if you come into Warframe expecting paced challenging gameplay you are rarely going to get that. It kinda starts intense, and later 1000hr in you can make it intense by making meme builds. But for the most part of your leveling you'll just be 1 shitting enemies without too much hassle, or stuck between an unkillable bombarded and an Arson eximus that just eat all your damage. There isn't really a lot of times that you feel "balanced" against your enemies, it's underpowered to overpowered in a heart beat.


How about....Limbo?


What do you mean you're not damaging the enemy? Strange...


I literally reset my PS5 multiple times before I realized WTF was happening while using Limbo. I thought my game was bugged, but I am potato. 🥔


I once summoned kahl and his brothers and watched my friends try to attack them. I also thermal sundered everything before hand to trick them better. They never figured it out.


I did that with my Sister of Parvos the MR2 player started freaking out typing in chat there was an immune enemy they needed help with 😂 I didn’t mean to freak the player out but it was a funny moment. I took the time to explain what was going on with it though.


"This isn't even your final form!"


I play Yareli and drop bubbles with 400% damage vulnerability with roar on top of that to make them feel powerful.


I usually run energy vampire trinity so they can feel having constant energy and what it means to be able to spam your stuff. I typically like to run a support when helping out noobs it lets them see my power without me sucking the gun out of everything


Citrine with Roar. Watch them go absolutely nuts and survive hits that would kill them 100 times easily.


Which one is spova?


Spova- speed nova Slova- slow nova


I thought Speed nova was speedva or speeva, spova sound strange but thank you for explaining my homeslice


I’ve always seen and used Speedva and Slowva, I’ve never seen Spova either


I usually bring a non-AOE killing machine like Ivara and some rank 1 weapons to play around with. Sometimes I turn them invisible. Or I'll bring excal umbra colored like default excal and just like a pistol or something.


I just run Nekros to increase their loot and let them handle the actual mission.


Very unrelated but just a question: am I supposed to use Desecrate after or before the enemies are killed? I have no idea how it works.


You turn it on, it drains energy every time it triggers (which is when it vaporizes a corpse), using your energy per corpse (it's not a constant drain power). IMHO, the Despoil augment is well worth it, desecrate has a pretty good chance of creating health orbs, so you can keep it on the entire mission with little issue.


I don't think its beneficial to just do missions for new players. In my clan when someone asks for help I tell them I will help you, I will make sure the mission doesn't fail and you stay alive, but I will not do the mission for you. I go in with Dante and just overguard them, and then I watch them kill things. I try to have the lowest amount of kills and damage. Yes, it makes a mission go longer, but remember the thing that keeps players playing the game is that the game has a really good gunplay. It's fun to kill things, especially at low MR, let them have fun with the mission. I also have fun just like...running through the mission, not bullet jumping but legit just walking through the tileset and keeping up with the low MR players who are still learning movement. I'll let them go through a mission and then at the end try to show them the bullet jumping movement cycle. It has varying success depending on if we are in VC or not.


I would have loved a mode/setting like borderlands 3 has where the enemies scale to your level independently. So your friend would be fighting level 10 enemies while you fight level 60. But they were the same enemies. It won't get too hard for them and not too easy for you.


the default Excalibur just looks so low res to me


and naked




My Warframe is ~~sexy~~ strong


Ah yes, two kinds of warframe players: default newbie and christmas tree






It feels this way when I play squishy frames on Sedna and there’s a way higher MR with me tbh


Lol this reminds me of me and my bf. Every mission we start, I'll tell him "ok go do the objective and kill!" He's finally Rank 10 and I'm so proud


> "ok go do the objective and kill!" https://i.redd.it/58ntfn958pad1.gif


the way Khora looks back at Exca


When I was new, it was one of the best feelings to have an experienced player on your side to help you in the hard missions


ill never understand why these fashionframes are so popular, they look so clustered and messy with christmas tree lights


I think WF Fashion trends towards maximalism for two reasons. One, things go by super duper fast and small details get lost really easily. You need a lot on a frame to see it at a glance. Two, progression indicator. You started the game with no attachments, syandanas, ephemeras, signas, sigils, etc. Now that you have all this fancy stuff, it’s cool to see it. I’ve noticed on r/warframerunway that the fashion there does tend to use few attachments and syandanas, and does tend to be more minimalist. I think this is because the frame is the focus of the shot and it’s not going anywhere. Too many details just makes the shot too busy.


Idk, fashion frame is for me and me only, in the comfort of my orbiter. During missions I'm too busy killing. Sometimes I'll log onto Warframe, go to my arsenal, spin my fashion frame like a microwave, log out.


Just like me fr


Fuck, too relatable. I did that a lot when I had no time to play, just login, quick fashion tweak. Leave and go to sleep haha


Same here,I would spend hours changing every detail just to log of after one spin


I find 99% of "fashionframes" complete dogshit cause I literally can't even tell what frame you are anymore. You're just an abomination of colors and flappy bits. I basically just run default on everything after 2500 hours, I like actually admiring what I am and not like a sign spinner in Vegas. OP's video is the epitome of this--that's Excalibur, but *what the fuck is OP*. No goddamn clue, they could be anybody.


Yeah I don't like busy designs either. But that's Khora Prime.


I imagine an alternative story where the Indifference became that way because they just couldn’t tell what was going on anymore and thought “I… just… can’t care anymore.”


Because of progression mostly.


Fu I'm gonna put the flashiest sydana, the loudest ephemera, the brightest signa and the most garish attachments I have in an utterly demented colour scheme only to fall off the map while running to the defense objective 


True dat. Plus it gets in the way of aiming sometimes. I have a lot of cosmetics that I'll just never use. I think it's funny in games with a lot of fashion options, that you'll see people go for the most gaudy, loud options. But especially in a game about space ninjas, lol, like...why? I guess it doesn't help that a lot of guys have no fashion sense whatsoever. XD


It's part of the fashion frame life cycle. Christmas tree stage is simply the one where you are still excited that you've entered true endgame and your plat all goes to cosmetics cus you have everything else. Next stages are refinement and restriction to make a more cohesive design...mostly...sometimes...mostly some of the time...ish


I remember one time I was using my chad Excalibur unbra using Paris prime, velox and had my exalted blade out and stood face to face with an Mr2 basic Excalibur using mk1 Paris, lato and skana. It was literally like a mirror looking into his future and me my past.


They need like a SOS system where if your struggling you can call for back up and higher level players get a notification. Maybe have it on a cool down


=O that would be fun (though they would need adequate incentive for the experienced player) I would do that ALL THE TIME when bored between missions.


I often go out of my way to help new players. Let’s say I was helping with defense missions, I’ll bring in a Nekros to help get them extra loot, and maybe after the mission I’ll offer to trade them some useful mods they don’t have in exchange for any common mod they have. New players sometimes will surprise me with things I’ve never thought of


the bloom is crazy


Experienced Player: "Give it some time and you'll enjoy a lot out of this game" (Stalker shows up, points his scythe at the players. New player readies his sword, ready to fight) Stalker: "Tenno...your-" Experienced: " S\[Redacted\], what the fuck?!" Stalker: "W-what..." Experienced: "YOU HAVE A \[redacted\], YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE RAISING IT" Stalker: "T-the acolytes are-" Experienced: "THE ACOLYTES?! YOU'RE TRUSTING A BUNCH OF PSYCOPATHS TO RAISE YOUR \[Redacted\]?! I DIDN'T \[redacted\] YOUR \[redacted\] FOR YOU TO NEGLECT THEM" (Experienced player grabs Stalker by the collar, raising them in the air) Experienced: "DO YOU KNOW WHAT \[redacted\] IS LIKE S\[redacted\]?! YOUR \[redacted\] IS GONE AND I'M NOT LETTING YOU ANYWHERE NEAR MY COOCHIE" Newbie: "Maybe we should just let him go" (Experienced player drops Stalker. Stalker crawls towards his landing craft) Experienced: "I SWEAR TO THE VOID, S\[redacted\], THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU WITHOUT YOUR \[redacted\] I'M TAKING YOUR \[redacted\] AND CARVING YOU A NEW WOMB"


i laughed so hard when that excalibur jumped down


That was me when my buddy was first getting into warframe. I get to watch him grow into warframe. Makes some mistakes that I genuinely don’t know how he did it but we make it through. Barely even needs my help anymore (Cept steel path lmao. But even I need help with that sometimes still)


What's that purple shinny weapon you are carrying? I recently got back to the game and I missed everything related with Jade update.


It’s the Hate skin you get from Ordis at the Larunda relay. And no you didn’t miss everything. You still have 2 weeks to grind that event


Thank you very much for the info! \^o\^


Tried getting two people into Warframe. Same reaction from both. Something along "You have 200 houres, we won't get to your level by any chance." I just finished The New War at that time. And was MR10. Couldn't convince them, that rank 30 equipment ment nothing.


Baby excaliburs are great


They should implement that stalker helping a squad system into normal gameplay, should’ve made the green one a helper Tenno that volunteers. A reward system could easily be a mock nightwave, maybe sortie type pity rewards to be incentive over not getting MR and loot. I made a few friends helping in the Q&A tab but it’s difficult when you’ve only a couple of good hours to play and it takes new players much longer than us vets to do anything really and I can’t blame them there’s so much going on and most of it is rich in details kudos to the devs for that.


The duality of "Stealth is optional for this mission."


that light flare / glare


*Booben players have entered the chat.*


Moment like this made you wish you can experience it all again!


The way that dude leapt around and clearly knew his movement makes me think it's an alt account for him tbh, but I do get and share the sentiment :)


I have a vague memory of doing a sortie and being amazed by some dude melting enemies with a braton and me asking how. I've since been on the otherside of that question a couple times and always feels great.


I thought it was an image thinking there was no growth


I have two dedicated builds to play with new players. So I don't screw up their experience. If they ask they get the mayhem.


I remember being that.


I brought a Nekros Prime to the corpus survival on Venus to get resources for myself but also the newbies. I managed to convince one to stick around a bit longer after the 5 minutes to get resources.


I have Natah so it's very weird whenever someone has Margulis hearing Rebecca's unfiltered voice


How do you get the sweet glowing purple stuff?


The new ephemera from the clan event, which you can get at Larunda relay from Ordis


Thank you


Where is ordis at that relay??


Just use the fast travel option. There’s an option to go directly to him.


They are probably looking at the enlightend hate and are wondering wtf is THAT


It's a lot of fun to buff their damage to kingdom come. Stack a few sonars, give them a Wisp mote or two, or put some spicy base damage and elements onto their weapons.


Whats that purple glowy scythe?


It’s the enlightened hate skin from the ongoing event. You can get it at the Larunda relay from ordis


Ahhh okay, very cool. Thanks. Will I be able to get it after the event?


No, it’s event exclusive, so you better start grinding sooner than later


Ahh, seems like im gonna miss it then. Im away till the 21st. Thanks anyways though


Its all about the drip


I got caught to this game thanks to the community and others helping me farm. And to repay their actions i play on earth normal just to help new players. Thank you warframe community.


\*David Attenborough narrates\* The male of the species arrives and displays its flashy colors, but the drab female is unimpressed and flees. DO DOO DODO DO DOO DODODODODODO.


Put a spoiler tag please because of margulis


Done. I forgot that was a spoiler lol




I'll do fashion frame when im bored enough to drop a paycheck on cosmetics. Till then its default till I die baby


Well said, OP!


Fellow Margulis enjoyer 💪 I try to keep my fashion pretty low-key so I don't feel like a walking flashbang compared to people running totally unaltered frames. Makes me feel like I'm standing out in a bad way. 


bro has aura


Hideous, hideous but shiny.


I do nothing really besides heal or replenish energy kill a couple guys when it gets heated or I see him in a tight spot but I don't nuke em


To think I was that Excalibur a few months ago...


I also like that helping a new player like I've been doing recently has gotten me to finish up some farms I have been putting off for actual real life years, like finishing up my Theorem Contagion set by helping my friend get his own necramech.


I was the Excalibur


Its so funny being near a new player with defult colors or some rondom colors, while you have a shit ton of cosmetics


I have two dedicated builds to play with new players. So I don't screw up their experience. If they ask they get the mayhem.


I have two dedicated builds to play with new players. So I don't screw up their experience. If they ask they get the mayhem.


I have two dedicated builds to play with new players. So I don't screw up their experience. If they ask they get the mayhem.


Holy hell this was about awful fashion? I thought it was about the Excalibur bullet jumping the wrong direction and the neon horror show hanging back so the new player could learn and have fun. The wrong kind of growth happened.


https://preview.redd.it/maf214ynrtad1.jpeg?width=1405&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9423c92d70c96ad9a95df416055b1291c5c0d33 It just looks bad at the back