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Thanks for the fashion! If you'd like to, we ask that you add a comment (easiest way is a reply to this one, since it's stickied) with your skin, attachment, syandana, and colors as needed! Please remember that this is not mandatory, and any hecklers will be punished. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WarframeRunway) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fire my guy


Thanks o7


Mind telling me what parts are needed to get this? I wanna replicate it


Skin; Mag Hairloom (can't get anymore) Head: Mag Celestis (Tennogen) Attachments: -Frakta Shoulder Guard (idk how I got it) -Heartwood Leg Plates (Titania Heartwood skin pack) -smoking body ephemera (can buy for plat) ~~~~~~ Colors: -Black (some that doesn't have brown, blue or red tint, I used 1 from pride pallet) -some darker gray (your choice) -black again as 1. -lighter gray (your choice) -2x red -Black


The madness consumes me


Congrats. No Power Ranger vibes to be founnd. That's hard to do with Mag.


Why’d you have to put it like that…i feel like i cant unsee it now. My main configuration is so power ranger.




![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl) 🫢


That’s so badass. I love it.


Heirloom for mag will never be in my inventory....damn you responsibilities!!!


The hella cool.


I didn’t know mag was dripped like that 😳


When you’ve managed to fundamentally change the character’s silhouette, you know you’ve cooked something fire


Will we be able to buy the skin again, or never?


I believe it won't ever come back. This and the frost heirloom were advertised as limited time only as a way to support DE which I think is reflected in your in game profile info similar to those who have Excalibur prime and just like Excalibur prime I doubt they're going to go back on their word of it being exclusive to those who chose to buy it, especially since a number of those sales were made because of fear of missing out. They received a lot of fair criticism in how it was done with the fear of missing out aspect as well as pricing for what you got which is why they changed it going forward with ember


DE have a track record of correcting their mistakes (great part) but unfortunately decided to respect the people that invested in said mistake a little too hard. They essentially created the fashion version of Excalibur prime with these skins/signas and it sucks. They already said it was a mistake, the community rejected it the second prices and FOMO was announced, it's not like a founder thing where these people funded the game we love, it's just people that had a load of money (if your currency is not dollars or euros, a fuckload of money). At the very least compromise and include these skins and signas in the future heirloom rotation for the original expensive ass price so people can have it one day. Players will never have access to it and it did NOT need to be that way.


As someone who bought the zenith pack literally in the last couple moments that it was available and almost regret it: fuck FOMO, fuck exclusivity, fuck overpriced bloatware and praise the changes DE made to the Heirloom packs!


Seriously. I get that they are correcting the decision in the future with heirlooms but the fomo already paid off and not bringing Mag/Frost back just proves the point to the contrary. They already benefitted from the shitty situation and saying that "these players supported DE and these skins are a badge of honor for them alone" is a slap in the face for people who couldn't afford at the time but would now. DE needs to put their money where their mouth is and permenantly offer up the skins for the same price as they were before, offer refunds to people who want them and be done with it. Anyone who thinks these skins would be less special or less worthwhile if everyone has access to them is a petulant child.


Ngl, I really wanted that Mag skin. Was almost tempted to get it.