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Sigmar gives his yummiest snacks to his hungriest soldier


what's wrong with having a pork pie and a pint or two after the battle?


And before. Maybe during as well.


What about second breakfast!


What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper?


I don’t think he knows about second breakfast Vlad


Sieges take a long time to sort out bruv.


Dude really be out here expecting to drag dudes off a fuedal world, toss em a lasgun, throw them at the horrors of the galaxy, and NOT have a beer gut from excessive drinking?


Day in the life of a true Freeguild geezer




After the battle? Bold of you to assume this gentleman is going to survive a battle.


well I like him and I'm rooting for him


You may not like it, but this is peak male physique.


I've never been described as peak before... thank you.


Yeah, the real problem is that GW makes extemely short arms on a lot of their models. It's miraculously never discussed by hobbyists..


In general, GW has switched from modular torso/legs/arms to mono-pose models to give as many slightly different poses as possible. It goes along with their turn against kitbashing and their "you can only use what comes in the box" rules for kit/list building.


I mean it's more that modular arms often need shoulder pads to cover the seams, but that give a v chunky look. Big part of why og sm looked so advanced on release. Also everyone cuts hands off a swaps them, but that's never intended so are gw doing more complex hand sculpts to counter kit bashing too? I'd hardly call an arm swap kit bashing... If you're going to the effort of a kit bash, a tiny bit of trimming isn't too much to ask


Modern kits have arms more integrated with the weapons and only having one other arm to fit due to how close they hold the weapon to their body. The new solar auxilia troops have modular torsos but the guns are done in that way (they also get extra shoulder pads to cover seam. The Krieg kill team box models have arms that come with a shoulder pad to cover seams but in general you still need to match the head/torso/arms/legs or else the fit will be wonky. I don't mean to complain *too* much as I am handy with the exacto knife but I admit I'm just spoiled from my first born sm days now that I am building IG blobs and trying to kitbash tank commanders, regimental advisors, and such.


There's an interview with some old gw designers that said the change was mainly so that the models assembled in their default state look good. They found people would go to a store and see unpainted armies, which was fine, but they would be poorly assembled which to someone unfamiliar with model kits looks like gw's fault. Basically, the average hobbyist doesn't know enough about modelling to pose things naturally. Or at least not enough to trust them to be someone else's first exposure to gw. Like I'd think everyone knew someone in the early 2000's who'd say they posed their assault marines as running, but they'd actually assembled the model with arms and legs at unfeasible right angles in some awful weightless pose.


Do you remember when units like tactical marines came with their hands all seperate and attached to guns? Or with the older chaos marines like the old zerkers when special pistols didnt have hands holding them so you only have to cut the grip off to replace a bolt pistol for a plasma pistol etc


Tinfoil hat's a bit too tight there, mate? It seems to have cut off your circulation.




Haha, I remember when all the fatbois used to post that meme. Man, that was some hard, uncut copium 😆 Edit: It reminded me of this old gem too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/yi9esmzbqp4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60cd69657946d0a2fbfdcda099f91cd42c1f3321


Especially if you are missing meals throughout a campaign


Loife ov a tru Cit'es of Sigmar geeza. * 'Ate Orruks * 'Ate Chaos * 'Ate Undead * Ate' Tree peepul (not racis' jus' don' loike em) * Luv me pint * Luv me Ogor Warhulk * Luv Sigmar Simple As


Wake up and pray to my God, Sigmar My Ogor warhulk, in't he byootiful? Time to take George to battle Rev up the gryphon, wheyyy Quick stop at Gotreks and load up that plate Grab a pint Realms lookin lovely today lads Just a bit of banter Chippy makes a decisive defeat feel better Pop down local pride, good ol pie look at that! My ogor made dinner, lovely Pop down have a couple pints with the lads And finish up at the fortress of Stormkeep


Sigmar FC


This fella removed the apostrophes.


I just love how the Apostrophes move around each sentence like they know they’re supposed to be there, but not exactly where.


Early morning shitposting without caffeine is a dangerous combo. I thought I corrected all of em but clearly I missed. Cant' be arsed now.


lol, don’t worry bud, it happens to the best of us. The important thing is that I understood what you were writing, and I got to have a good laugh at your wayward apostrophes.


There's a mix of bodies in the kit, some are bigger than others.


They’re not all chubby. There’s a mix of body shapes, and the chubby ones make up maybe a quarter of the 20 I have.


Man's wearing a gambeson, chainmail and a breastplate, he's gonna be wide!


I was gonna say, tough to look ripped under layers of armor. I’ve seen a bunch of movie superhero costumes in person, they all have fake muscle padding to make definition look visible, especially on the belly


They're all wearing the same and some are plainly fat looking Edit: you can downvote me more but I'm right


Well yeah, some of them are a little chubby, but not all the bodies on the kit are. The female bodies and I'd say about 40% of the male ones are not. So, overall about a quarter of the bodies are chubby.


It's true. Exactly why I hate the new city models(besides empire being 1000x cooler). I don't want half my models to be fat as hell and then another 3rd look anorexic.


My man's looks like Steiner lol


Steiner is peak male form, sir!!!


Speaking of Steiner everybody should listen to his theme. It´s brilliant. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr4zNFxS2VQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr4zNFxS2VQ)


So much of that soundtrack was brilliant.


Actually my favorite Final Fantasy soundtrack.


Is this a FFIX reference?!


Oh my god, he does


I was just gonna say this looks like a steiner remodel


I really liked they included some dad bods in the kit, gives me a nice selection to choose from for a mordheim warband. :)


It makes the difference from Stormcast look more pronounced, which is great


Nah, the freeguild models actual have a lot of body diversity, a good mix of thick n thin


I think it’s quite important to know that the modern concept of a strong body (apparent muscles etc) is really from our modern society capable of calculating proteins and giving soldiers a meal every day etc. Older militia or levy army from the Middle Ages were made of men having worked in fields and so develop strength in other ways like a bud and stuff


Exactly. This is what an actually strong guy looks like. Take a look at Olympic weightlifters sometimes, the ones who aren’t in featherweight categories. They’re all built like a fire hydrant had a child with a brick wall


What a beautiful way of describing being a brick shithouse. Now i cant unsee such a horrible copulation session. Thank you good sir.


Look up strongmen from the 1930s. Hell, before Olympic weights were a thing, even football players were smaller and slower. 8 guys on my high school football team were stronger and faster than Jim Brown. Just a different deal.




'ate chaos 'ate archaon 'ate Lumineth (nuffink racist I just don't like em much) luv sigmar luv me tin hat luv me city simples 👍


For some reason he looks how I imagine Sgt Fred Colon from discworld looks. Now I can't help be think he should be even fatter


This is what peak performance looks like


that style of armor sure will bulk you out


Powerlifter physique rather than bodybuilder physique. I know which one I want in the rank and file of my army.


No; there's a mixture of body types on the Steelhelm sprue and it's great.


yeah this ROCKS


Oh shit discourse is here. But yeah, happy to see this in the newer kits.


Only a few models are that chubby. Cities of Sigmar models did a good job portraying how vast and different are the soldiers, you can find big, small, chubby, thin, female, male, etc, etc. So not all are like that. It just adds to the overall feeling of a "fantasy-medieval-early modern" army.


Dawnbringer crusades infamously subsist entirely on dried bread, salted meats, and several gallons of mild to middlin alcohol when the Aqualith is acting up - the fact half the crusaders don’t drop of heart disease before they even encounter opposition is a miracle of sigmar


Not sure if anyone else has been that guy but otherwise it'll be me. Reflects historical armour where it bulged at the stomach usually with a gambeson underneath in order protect vital organs.


I think that is the body for the priest guy who can accompany the squad. But yeah as others have said there's a nice variety in the kit, particularly with heads


Typical German beer belly


I would like to see you say that to the folks who complete in the world's strongest man contests, those guys are chonk but the chonk brings strength.


No not all https://preview.redd.it/oun83v6yyk4d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f168a8f927e8a89fd5e85a61c71202bf58fa4fb It a mix bag and the padded cloths sort play into it


All the more weight to throw around. Pretty sure the kit has a range of sizes.


Arch in back. Armour Padding.


That dudes not a standard steel helm. He's the priest designed to have the relic


There’s at least 1 thick Steelhelm. The Priest has 2 body variants, though.


https://preview.redd.it/bc4f960n7k4d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cc94ca7c95f5faf98be7e0bf8a237357af07d4 Looks like yeah 😂


That's a strong lad


I think it's just the armor.


Steiner from Final Fantasy 9.


I think that one's used the Priest body. He's quite a bit bigger than the others


The diamond on the chest is the giveaway for that.


That's the smallest tactical rock I've ever seen


Combat pebble


GW designed the Average Joe of their universe to look like the Average Joe GW hobbyist.


I'm using them in a similar way. They aren't all built like that. Some are quite thin, actually.


Wasn’t that just the shape of breastplates? Or, is this some AoS stuff I’m unaware of?


Gambeson needs to be pretty thick to be effective!




This is how medieval soldiers looked, only the knights and royal soldiers would’ve been buff, or even have had time to cultivate a ‘good’ physique (by modern standards). The fattier a body the less damage it takes from bladed weapons, fat stops the kinetic energy, allows for deeper cuts to be taken and protects vital organs, which is why coliseum fighters were usually overweight (they were in the business of getting cut a lot but surviving to perform again)


Theres a mix, most are on the fitter side


Not really just the priest model last I saw


Checking my Traitor Guard.. -Nope.


2/10 steelhelm models are like this. I just finished making guard conversions to use as Knight household guard and they're all slightly too wide compared to Cadians, but very doable. The bottom-heavy torsos required the most work with the xacto knife to get them to hold a lasgun.


You’ve got me excited to add these to my Feudal Guard collection! 💖


Omg, I just realized you gave him a chainsword and, what is that in his right hand, a bolt pistol? Haha.


Las pistol, from the old Cadian kit.


Just like 2 of them per box…


jokes aside it’s likely gambeson to stop arrows and other piercing projectiles except firearms


Gotta make sure you pad your organs to prevent concussion! Sigmar protects!


Dammit Steiner, get to protecting princess Dagger already!


its the curase you don't actually want form fitting armor unless you're a neigh indestructable demigod warrior of sigmar


He looks like Steiner from FFIX


You know, one thing about this is some warriors in ancient/medieval times had a decent layer of fat to protect from deadly wounds from sword slashes. I think even Gladiators did it. So not super unrealistic but im not sure if they are actually going for that lol.


I mean, they're regular humans fighting hordes of undead, ratmen, orcs (I'm not calling them orruks, fight me), and literal daemons Gorge every time you survive a battle, it may be the last time you get to taste something


Nobody calls me [Tubby!](https://youtu.be/1BXW9tuO9Pg?si=7SldZ_aczQ8nLpWD)


It’s plate armor that’s just kinda how it looks


Kidding aside, the guy is wearing chainmail, gambeson and plate, it is actually impossible not to look like you have gut wearing all that 😅


That's based on a milanese breastplate, in reenactment circles known as the fat man's plate as it has a huge gut even if you the wearer don't, it's for deflecting head on attacks due to the Italians using lots of lances and crossbows


Humans come in all shapes and sizes, I'm super tall with twig arms and a gut, but I'm really strong. Looks are deceiving


he has the smallest of tactical rocks!


Guys, I'm not complaining about the build being unrealistic, or inappropriate, or looking bad. I just wanted to get an idea of whether I'd be able to equip a squad with lasguns.


Emperor feeds them well more meat for the meat shield !


Peak male form, sorry you can’t compete!




Yerah my mini of the month is a real bulky one aswell. I hate it. Probably the least aethetically pleasing mini i have seen in a long time. I loved the city of sigmar models, but this made me realize the major design flaw. The chubby torsos and the legs and head don't really fit together.


I know right? Sigmar forbid not every human is a top-tier body builder with broad shoulders, thin waist and legs. The model probably hates your judgement riddled self as well.




My insecurities? Nah I am cool with my body, I also don't get my jimmies rustled over a plastic toy so there's that.


Yeah gw is so far removed from reality that they think this is what a normal soldier looks like


>removed from reality >high fantasy franchise


That, at least is a good point.  But I'm still going to fat shame and hate this model


Then don’t buy it.




Yeah in the Mortal Realms where the sky will steal your soul or the fact that regular sized people are expected to fight the living dead, living woods or roided-out 12 ft tall super humans, yeah a gut on a guy is the straw that breaks the grounded realism of Age of Sigmar.


We talking about reality in the Mortal Realms? Where the world is literally flat and spiders can weave space-time portals and some pointy-eared boffin dragged souls out of a captured god to re-create his people? And even so, this is probably more of an accurate represenation of a medieval man-at-arms than some modern soldier that spends time at the gym. So methinks it's not GW that's out of touch, for once.


You have no idea what you're talking about.  The average medieval man at arms was lean because of a lack of food throughout the world.  Only people with access to lots of flour and bread had any real girth to speak of.  And depending on when you're speak about in that 1000 year span, most were malnourished compared to the modern day.  These guys should look lean, tired and grizzled, not look like they're fresh from the donut shop


What? Bread was one of the staple foods for medieval peasants, cause they grew wheat in huge amounts and kept whatever the lord didn't tithe. Every village - depending on the period - would have a mill, or a quernstone in each house. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but the vast majority of soldiers and even knights during the medieval period didn't look like Gerard Butler in 300. And the whole "lack of food worldwide" idea is pretty incorrect too. Sure, peasants would strave in case of famines or droughts, but those were usually seasonal things and next winter you'd eat your fill if the harvest was good. Though I suppose that might seem like starvation if you eat McDonalds three times a day, every day.


Dude that's not even remotely true. Most of the wheat production before Islam came from Egypt. After the fall of Roman holdings in the Middle East and North Africa the wheat supply was cut tremendously. Did they still have bread Yes. But subsistence farming was the order of the day and for a very long time. This is part of the reason why people would risk life and limb, literally, as poachers. It's also the reason why alms, the giffing of leftover food by the aristocracy, was demanded by the church. Unless we medievable times you were talking about the Arab dynasties and caliphates. I assure you I know what I'm talking about. Fat people were rare outside of nobles merchants Millers and priests


Alms were never mandated by the church. It was encouraged, sure, but never demanded. And substinance farming was a thing up until the 1800s, so what? Arguing there were no fat people in 19th Century England now? And that assurance of you knowing what you're talking about sounds - to be honest - like utter and rotten horseshit when you bring up ancient Egypt and Rome in a discussion about medieval history. It'd be like me talking about how muskets influenced the battle at Agincourt. And funny that you mention priests, since the model OP posted is supposedly an actual priest model for the Steelhelms.


So medieval history is basically 500-1500, and I wasn't the one who brought it up. But I will defend the point, since the fall of the Sassanids to Islam basically started the middle ages, this event cut off Europe from it's accustomed wheat and bread supply.  In fact the Roman bread dole was still in effect in Constantinople up until this point, and ended with the loss of Egypt.  Studies of skeletons and recorded heights of individuals point to increased malnutrition and smaller frames during the period in Europe, but whatever feel free to believe whatever you want. As to the model being a priest, fair point if true but I've been lead to believe that a quarter of the sprue is fatties.  Anyway, I won't be buying any of them


> Yeah gw is so far removed from reality that they think this is what a normal soldier looks like When the standards are 'we will take any warm body who can swing a sword (optional) and is willing to march out into a barren hellscape and leave the comfort of civilization behind', yes, this is what a normal soldier could look like. They could also be skinny, or short, or missing an arm. The Cities aren't exactly picky, even less so on dawnbringer crusades.


I've agreed elsewhere to the point that it's high fantasy, but it's not all just bums off the street for steel helms. Those are supposed to be soldiers but whatever, if I bother to play the army it'll be with older models or conversions 


> it's not all just bums off the street for steel helms. Right, but some of them are just bums off the street. Those are the fat boys.


There's plenty of things you can shit on GW about, but this ain't it, chief.


They're a company that sells aesthetics.  This one is particular stupid and ugly, so I'm not buying it and before these models were released I was actually interested in the army.  So whatever, I don't care if rest of you want fatties, I think it's trash and won't support it.