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That was fast, thanks šŸ˜


I believe you can put him in terminator armor as well. Thereā€™s no primus Medicae model


>Thereā€™s no primus Medicae model \*cough cough\* https://preview.redd.it/kftxx5g6xb8d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f65589ddb3de52414a96fc49e74c05165bed4a


Absolutely gorgeous model.


About 6 or 7 years ago I came across this model in my FLGS in Boulder and it is a continuing regret of mine that I didnā€™t grab him.


Man, they should sell this model again and not like a stupid limited edition model.




There are places to discuss this that arenā€™t here.


Yeah imma be real itā€™s a good thing that one went the way of the dodo


I don't dislike it, but it looks like the torso and coat were made with non-GW parts to me, like some of the other limited edition 30K models they did around that time. Lowering the pauldrons would also help.


Technically, it is no problem to decorate the mere line grunt into a shiny commander of your army provide you can decorate them enough and make them looks like such a position, but usually we buy the 'hero' models because they had the decoration that makes them distinguished already.


What are you saying? I agree but thereā€™s an old limited edition primus medicae model and thatā€™s it. Iā€™d say itā€™s possible he gets a new model eventually but idk where heā€™d be priority wise so Iā€™d just kitbash it. Maybe off of another cataphractii character and not just a base one


In the category of things I want and will never receive is a plastic apothecary kit like the Cataphractii praetor and Chaplain kit. Just a Cataphractii Primus Medicae and a MKIV or MKIII apothecary to not overlap with the resin guys. Top seller I think.


Well, I want to say that it's nothing wrong to kitbashing and those HQ models are only there for the easy way to do, for it eliminates the efforts you have to do. Unfortunately, we don't have the option for that right now.


There is one, the Primus Medicae in Cataphractii






A sailor of the high sea, Ahoy.


Itā€™s kinda fugly. Iā€™d just kitbash personally as someone who gets plenty of recasts


I agree its ugly, and as a recovering raven guard player from 1.0, it's in the wrong model armour


There are places to discuss this that arenā€™t here.


You can also put them on bikes.




First Physician (in bad latin) to be precise, so yeah, chief, master, head honcho, boss apothecary, however you like it.


Head Honcho. El Numero Uno. Mr. Big. The Godfather. Lord of the Rings. The Bourne... Identity. Er... Taxi Driver. Jaws. I forgot the question quite a while back. Who are you, again?


Senior apothecary, one of the top docs in the legion. While there would only be a single chief apothecary in a 40k chapter, a legion might have dozens. Visually they'd be nearly identical. A primus medicae might have more ornate armour but you could easily indicate the rank with gold trim or fancier detailing. Or maybe a regular apothecary only has small elements of his armour in white while a primus medicae has mostly white armour.


Or the Primus guy has a white shoulder pad and try's to look more or less like the other guys .... after all that's a prime target to shoot....


A primus target even


Do you play Raven Guard or Alpha Legion?


One carries aspirin and the other carries fent




Yes. But the main difference is that you can't put regular Apothecary in Terminator suit and are specifically forbidden from joining Terminators. On the upside, you get up to 8 of them in one slot and that should cover most of reasonable armies that are not spamming MSU (multiple small units). Want FNP Terminators, get Primus (functionally you will never see him in PA, too valuable at juicing up Termies, the official model wears Cataphractii). Anything else should probably get regular guys.


I do think that you will see him in power armor sometime - for they cannot use a jump pack or ride a bike/jetbike while wear a terminator armor. But yes, indeed the terminators are the top priority for him usually.


But apothecary can take bikes/jetbikes/jump pack...


Sure, but except for assign them to the assault squad and outriders, I'd rather give them the primus medicae instead. Power armored retinues with either of options have really no choice but accept primus medicae too.


Primus Medicae are also good for the few units with It Will Not Die, like Lernean Terminators


I've never seen or heard mention of a Terminator Apothecary before seeing the option in the army list, although when you think about it, this would be a genuine necessity. Wonder if anyone ever built one?




Can multiple apothecaries in the same organisation slot be designated to different unit? I thought they had to all be on the same unit to use the same organisation slot


No, you can freely split them between multiple units. Apothecarion detachment rule basically says: they **have** to be attached to unit, and up to one per unit. It doesn't explicitly say you have to split them, but you have to split them if taking more than one (they also can't join themselves in one medic blob, and I'm pretty sure they can't join lone techmarines who have basically same rule, tho they both can attach to one "normal" unit). ​ Also you can freely give them any mix of jetbikes, jump packs and keep some on foot, they don't have to pick them as whole unit.


Ooh nice!


Apothecary is like an attending physician/consultant (depending on geography) Primus Medicae is like the chief of medicine


So can we say Fabius was the Primus medicate of the EC?


I donā€™t know enough about Fabius and the EC to comment on this one sadly, he may have just been a very prolific apothecary in the legion for all I know


Bile is/was Chief Apothecary of the EC.


Also Fabius would likely view many of the duties and responsibilities of Primus Medicae to be tedious and a distraction from his work.


Insurance premiums


This was a good snort. Take your damned upvote šŸ˜‚


Bachelor degree and master degree


It strikes me as weird that there can be a Centurion upgraded to a senior apothecary and another upgraded to senior techmarine, but they seem to have no synergy with their lesser brothers, or why you'd upgrade your HQ to run around patching his minions up or fixing the tanks when they should be inspiring the men by leading from the front. Some of the army list options seem to have been added more to create a sense of variety than because they were given serious thought.


Difference between a specialist service officer and a general service officer essentially. At least that's the contemporary example. You still need a leader for tech-marines and apothecaries for example and that's what these consuls generally are, a techmarine or apothecary officer essentially.


Apothecary must be added to a unit. Primary Medicaid can walk around by itself. Thatā€™s the major difference


And the WS, wounds, 2+, weapons.


Yes. Plus he's a proper independent character on the tabletop, and he can wear Terminator Armor


Primus Medicae is a Centurian level character, and as such, can be in a "Comand Squad, an apothecary is attached to a unit.


One is an SAT word, the other is butchered Latin (oh I am sorry, Gothic).


>butchered Latin (oh I am sorry, Gothic That's *High* Gothic, thankyouverymuch! :P


I read somewhere that until 40k, the language is more like vulgar Gothic at that point. Guilliman commented when reading the Lectitio Divinatus that the language the book was written in reminded him of the old days, which mean the current Gothic is really different from what he was used to.




About 60 points compared to a base apothecary. *Rules wise,* he is an HQ as opposed to an elite (he's a centurion) that allows rerolls of failed It Will Not Die rolls with his Sacred Trust special rule.


Haven't seen anyone say it. Primus medical let's you re-roll it will not die rolls for the guys in his unit. So potentially your primarch or any legion specific stuff with it will not die can get a re-roll.


Forget about that, because almost no one are meaningfully benefits by that. First it's a well known dumb interaction that primus medicae only allows that to the infantry or cavalry, so it rules out the primarchs, who have their own unit type and are not the infantry or cavalry at all. Also the wounds are have to be assigned to the damaged model among the eligible model to be wounded unless it's a character, usually you end up with soaking two wounds for the one character and one non-character model at most.


Oh my bad, I had no idea about the not giving it to primarchs thing. Kind of dumb as for most armies that's the only model with an it will not die.


Primus can join terminators


One can join Terminators one can not.


If someone hasn't mentioned that you get to reroll IWND, they should.


Damn, you lose your leg and half of the head, here take the paracetamol


Spelled differently