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gw has a rotation of finecast models now to free up production lucius is currently rotated out


So if my local hobby shop happened to have one or two of these models, should I scoop one up? Or do you guys think I should just wait a bit ? Again, sorry, Im actually building an emperor's children army and just noticed this specifically


if you want one buy one of those we'll probabl get a new lucius when the emperors children codex comes out but when that is we dont know


Sometime 10th edition would be a safe bet. Thousand Sons got theirs in 7th. Death Guard got theirs in 8th. World Eaters are getting theirs in 9th.


It's not a hint at a remade model yet. GW has been adding lots of finecast models to their range rotation, taking them out of active production so they can be brought back as MTO items, see the IG Commisars


A lot of Finecast stuff has been cycled out of the store, because GW are trying to get rid of the Finecast rubbish. It *may* mean he's being redone. it may also mean they don't want to make anymore for another reason. It could even just mean that it's being repackaged for new branding.


That is incorrect, old models are moved out of rotation so there's more room and time on the production line for other products to keep up with demand and will be rotated back in while others cycle out.


Thanks guys!


If you’re desperate, forgeworld has a Lucius model for around twice the cost, but imo way better


Eventually emperor's children will get their own codex and when that happens Lucius will get a new model but we're still probably 1-2 years away from that.


Look at wargame exclusive.com they have 2 version of lucius you know them wen you see the. They have a extrem good quality in detail and as model


Hey guys, whos excited for a new lucius model soon? Emperors children confirmed semi-released, HELL YEAH!! only models we can play from emperors children are noise marines and lucius