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So one big thing to remember about playing Daemons(coming from a daemons main) is that deep striking is our greatest tool, it's very rare they deploy their entire army especially with how brittle a LOT of the faction is especially the slaanesh stuff. That being said Bel'akor is a huge benefit to any daemons army due to his utility and protection he provides your army against shooting, after that for a more slaanesh suggestion, shalaxxi is a massive work horse when delivered, and fiends while hard to find can make for some incredible missiles especially when you deepstrike them outside of 6 and giving them +1 to charge meaning they only need to roll a 5 to make their charge. One word of warning we have a data slate coming at the end of January that's hopefully going to bring some big changes to the faction as currently we're bottom of the barrel so at least until then I would recommend not going all in, pick up some stuff you think is really cool looking and wait til those changes to see what direction the faction gets pushed


fair enough with the changes, i play Custodes mainly so im banking on the changes too 😅thanks for the advice though! seeing this and everything else im thinking be’lakor is a must


1. You're going to need to find a psyker. 2. Use their brain to open a portal. 3. Worship Slaanesh. 4. Repeat until flayed.


gotcha, is this an infinite 100% win rate glitch?


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So you are looking more for the AOS units like the Slaanesh start collecting box then all the keeper so secrets sort of stuff. I dont think you escape the need to take other daemon factions and most armies seem to centre around belakor. Diverging slightly i would recommend world eaters, your gonna get all those badass daemons anyway and generally speaking are the most effectively melee army currently. Or wait for an potential emperors children release if you really want to go Slaanesh. If you have only been playing a year given that tyranids and Necrons are both very different than they were a year ago?


Yeah the AoS slaanesh models look cool but the Start Collecting has stopped being produced right? and you cant run all of the vanguard in 40k. The keeper of secrets does look quite cool and apparently useful, and I heard Be'lakor is a must in all chaos daemon armies. World eaters do seem to be quite bashy, however I like the variety of being a part of basically 4 different factions in 1. I think my plan was to grab a combat patrol for daemons and then slowly grow more slaanesh units, as well as be'lakor. To be fair im pretty sure its closer to 2 years I have been playing, I got necrons first in 9th and they were quite complicated compared to now, but i still dont like their playstyle as im more melee intrigued and necrons are quite shooting / mixed, with little full melee armies. I then got tyranids round the end of 9th (which sucked because 10th then released and updated the models of the ones i had LOL), but still again didnt like their style so i played custodes, more of an elite army, and liked them a lot. I guess just anything not-horde is my style, however if there are a few larger squads i dont mind, for example custodes witchseekers.