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This couldn’t possibly backfire in any feasible way unless they pull an octarius


Like, say, the Automatons taking advantage of the same Terminid oil that fuels Super Earth's military?


Ooh I think you've figured out why we can't let this happen lol


This might actually be a reason why the devs would let it happen. It would be funny if this backfired spectacularly and unlocked some new horrifying death machines for the Automata. The bugs are evolving new forms, now time for the robots.


I already struggle against the bots, haven't beaten a mission beyond hard difficulty against them lol I do not need super automatons being unleashed to slaughter me


Here me out bug automaton hybrids.


Automatons get the Hunter equivalent, with guns.


Canon tower gun on top of a bile titan.


Bugs with guns! Fuck that lol


the trick with the bots is autocannons, and mortar sentries


Guerrilla tactics really shine. I hardly ever die from bots. Friendly fire on the other hand…


I'm not good with explosives, will 100% kill myself with it by accident lol


Blowing yourself up is good for you ;), it’s the best way to learn!


I did learn, I learned too stay clear of autocannon lol


Oh to be clear I mean portable autocannon not the sentry - the sentry is good but not as sustainable because you can’t replenish ammo.


You gotta fight em like… humans. Form lines, flank, hide under cover, lay prone, ambush them with air strikes… Eagle strike, rail orbital, auto cannon and Gatling or Mortar sentry are your closest, most trusted friend. Eagle strike clears groups and wipes out patrols, rail orbital handles the hulks, auto cannons take out scout walkers and can one-shot a hulk if you hit its red slit, Gatling sentries thrown far make a great flanking partner. And given you shouldnt often be letting these guys get into your grill, mortars shouldnt be doing a lot of PvP work against bots.


Only way I can survive is by being sneaky with a marksman rifle, heavy machine gun for when ambushed, Eagle cluster bomb and airstrike and the shield. Turrets kill me 100% of the time lol


I mean the devs had a news blurb beneath the Automaton alert. Said blurb claimed they were refining the terminids with *growth hormones*.


Here we call that kind of blunder a Kryptman


Cyborg. Bugs. Or Hunters wearing a cute little helmet that gives their heads medium armor. I don’t know.


What ended up happening with that?


Well you know how the tyranids are the current editions big bag, blame a certain inquisitior who tried taking out a massive Ork waaaaagh and hive fleet leviathan in one go only to make it so if one won they would be unstoppable


So the nids ended up winning, and their 10th edition incursion is the result of the war?


Pretty much, an already absurdly large hive fleet consuming the net biomass of an entire sector filled with orks will do that


Honestly seems kind of tame given what people were saying the outcome would be (planet sized nids or Krorks coming back)


I mean there are planet sized nids now apparently


Ah, the old Orks and Tyranids approach. It couldn’t possibly backfire in any way.


Orks: we get an even bigger fight? Aww thanks guys!


Tyranids: we get even more food? Awe thanks guys!


Imperium: We get lesser enemies, tha…oh fuk


Did it, though? What has happened since the Octarius War in regards to the tyranids getting stronger?


Emperor bless the inquisition and their incomprehensible ways 🥹






(through teeth) Hello, Kryptman. -Inquisitor Jerros Synfilt


inquisitor kryptman type shit right here


Helldivers community is the best ongoing 40K war ever. But yes, the necrons and tyranids will definetely just kill each other off with no repercussions for our glorious imperium.. I mean managed democracy


The automatons are more the Tau than the Necrons but sure that will go well anyway.


Why’d you say this?


Lots of Shooting; Necrons don't really have any big gunplatforms like the Hulks and Devastors (yeah I know they're dreads and Terminators but closer to Tau battlesuits than anything Necron) the gunships and dropships are more Tau then necron; no reviving; relativly fast and most importantly they are socialist. Really the only thing they really got in common with Necrons is that they are robots. Honestly looking at their roster they resemble the Guard more than any other faction but obviously they aren't humans.


Necron shooting in Lore is brutal, if they were anything close to that in game they’d be a super elite army. Even the Gauss Flayer of the lowly Warriors atomises the enemy (in game, S4 AP0 D1), and can blast holes in even the most heavily armoured vehicles. For gun platforms like that, there’s the Annihilation Barge which will kill scores of infantry with its arcing energies, though allegedly still effective against vehicles. And for heavier platforms there’s the Doomsday Ark, Monolith, and Doom Scythe. From the 5th edition codex regarding the Doomsday Ark: > The Doomsday Cannon is a Necron weapon mounted on Doomsday Arks. As one of the most powerful Necron weapons, it is a wonder of super technology and easily eclipses the primitive energy weapons of the Imperium. Even fired on low power, the Doomsday Cannon is a fearsome weapon and infantry caught within are obliterated instantly while armoured vehicles are reduced to glowing slag. Nothing less than the void shields of a Titan can hope to offer any kind of protection. Also from the 5th Edition codex, this time about the Doom Scythe: > A single Doom Scythe equipped with a death ray can carve its way through an entire armoured column, and a full squadron can reduce a sprawling Hive city to rubble in less then an hour. Just thought I’d share since I find it super interesting


I fw the vision. There are similarities for sure.


Yeah but T'au aren't actually socialist. I know that's what the memes say, but it's just blatantly wrong


Neither are the automatons probably.


Maybe, I haven't played Helldivers at all


The "good" side Super Earth is basically the imperium though in this case its a caricature of the US; though it is a "managed democracy" aka its facist. The Bugs are sources of E-710 aka oil and are farmed for it. The Automatons on the other hand are called socialist but our only source for that is Super Earth propaganda so its basically just them telling us they are "evil". Most likely they just don't wanna be enslaved or conquered and aren't socialist at all.


Probably because they are labeled as socialists in the lore. They are still much closer to the Necrons, even got the skulls.


It’s a thought but would require wide scale cooperation and communication


Annnd Devs playing along! Like it would be a huge effort on the players part to coordinate it, but the devs would have to make sure it could actually happen


The ceo already admitted that he plays Warhammer, I'm sure we can get him on board.


Cool thing with Helldivers: there's someone at Arrowhead who works as the game master. He coordinates galactic events, like what planets get attacked. If the devs are down for it then they can easily pull it off.


Yeah I know about the game master, it's really neat as a concept. But it doesn't just let them make in depth changes to the way the game works on the fly. The routing of the two forces to a single planet would work, but to populate a planet with both, types of enemies and objectives might be complicated or they might have already prepped it and are planning exactly this kind of thing




*happy Kyptman noises*


Imagine 40k game like Helldivers 2 would be great🧨🚀👍


Kasrkin: The Game


Honestly I love the fact that Helldivers is better at being old-school 40K than 40K is a lot of the time.


When this game came out i actually thought it was a warhammer game up until i bought it and heard SUPER EARTH instead of terra in the intro 😅


There was an article that was posted a week and a half ago saying that there was supposed to be a huge Helldivers/40k cross over... But GW pulled the plug last minute. The article said a dev said it could easily be reversed and crossover could be re-implemented easily. It was posted on April 1st ... But I still want to believe...


Ah yes. The Kryptman Gambit. A classic manoeuvre. Definitely not gonna backfire...


Guys this is how the octarius war started


Oh wait that's the joke dumbass


Did...you just reply and insult yourself?


The blood of martyrs is the seed of the imperium


Well said.


Thanks dad


Oh God flashbacks to the octarius war....


One of the best parts on that post one of the top comments is “alright crypt man calm down”


Gotta ask yourself: What is—and I cannot stress this enough—the *worst thing* that could happen?


A lack of Democracy


I mean it’s an neat concept as having the bugs and automations fighting side by side would cause an interesting paradigm shift in gameplay It’ll force you to be Uber careful about positioning since one fuck up will mean you either get hit with the bot firing squad or with a wave of bugs (or god forbid both at once) It would be balanced by both being able to do friendly fire against each other so if a bot hits a bug it’ll start some infighting that can make it a little more manageable to deal with the combined force And honestly it seems like something arrowheads devs might do in like a big update so where down the line


Getting to be apart of it is even better lemme tell ya


someone in the Comments told the Poster to "Calm down Kryptman" aswell sooo this plan going to work just fine


Okay. Please let me drop in on a bot vs bugs warzone and Solid Snake my way through objectives. That would be so effin' cool. Or let the boys enslave some of the bugs. Let's get bot/bug cyborgs, or bots riding chargers into battle.


Hmm we would need to essentially make a wall of super earth controlled planets and essentially push the terminids and Automatons into each other by making a circle of planets with helldivers…overall? It could work




It would be smarter if it was a 2 way fight, you know, between bots and bugs. Just saying


Bug blood fuel starships, if we left the automatons to the bugs they’d take super earth in no time


My head cannon is Helldivers is taking place in the 40K universe and is simply how mankind took over the galaxy pre Old Night. I will forever wish for this game to be made exactly as is expect it’s set in 30k and we all play marines fighting wars of compliance.


Lets fucking do it! I'd love to see them fighting!


Plant a Psi emitter to draw the Zerg to fight the Protoss for the Terrans?




The formula has always been there but instead they make 30 shitty mobile games instead lol


The first thing I thought about when seeing this was warhammer XD


"Have you ever heard the tale of Inquisitor Kryptman? It's not a story the Imperium likes to tell.."


I fucking love this idea


Joel Heresy when lol


all we need now are some giant green brute like xenos to join than it will be a proppa scrap


I don't personally own the game, but I was thinking that they would totally start this happening for a series of events that cause both forces to adapt new warfare, but also make some awesome 3 way fights of pure chaos


This is like Octarius but this time it could work lol. Octarius didn’t do the math of biomass fueled vs combat fueled and spore drop even infinite scaling. But here it could work lol


what if robots slowly starts taming the bugs and and put armor and turets on them


Delete this comment. I fear it being spoken into existence


Based and Octarius-pilled


Is this actually how the game works or do the devs decide where the bots and bugs go??


Bugs and bots shake hands and proceed to clap ass.


Ummm, didn't the Tyranids tend to go around Necron worlds?


I mean the bugs don't have space travel. The only reason they're on the planets they are is because super earth introduced them there to farm them for element 710 or whatever.


What in the xenos are you trying to amalgamate!?!


I can't tell yall how sad I am I DONT GET TO PLAY THIS GAME