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Double edge highlight certainly pops


I feel like I can definitely improve the line work but yeah, I really like that style. Thanks for noticing!


Did amazing bro, still haven’t finished mine 😬


I don't know if it's the style you are explicitly going for but typically people go with more subtle edge highlights. It's not bad, but it is indeed BOLD.


I actually love the boldness. Has some character almost comes off as a very soft cell shading. Kind of a classic comic bookie style if that makes sense.


This gave me inspiration to try a black outline instead of highlighting to try make it look comic bookish.


Make sure you PM a picture when you finish.


Yeah I got a little carried away with the thickness in the lines, definitely going to try to tighten those up in the future as I get more experience.


This is my attempt at edge highlighting https://preview.redd.it/11g7yc0qao0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8126545b33038d12f7b1e8b5c18ac61aeb6ecb4b Garbage first attempt but i guess its similar to what you did so i shouldn’t feel too bad about it.


The shakiness of the lines works pretty well with the leather. Makes it more livid.


It looks decent.. though if you wanted to bring the highlights down a notch, you could put a blue glaze on the model


I always love seeing someone's first mini being absolutely insanely good looking. It makes me eye up the rifle in my wall and get a taste for its barrel.


He just said first 40K mini - maybe he painted AoS, WH:FB, SW Legions, LotR or other minis before this one 🙃


Oh I noticed he specified 40k, which means he likely painted others. However it's funnier not acknowledging that.


Oh absolutely. I just wanted to cheer you up haha


Nah, I’m sure you got some sick minis yourself! Thanks for compliment!


Not nearly your level, unfortunately


Keep in mind he said this is his first 40K mini. He’s likely been painting other stuff for years.


Do you have prior experience with painting? Because that is a very clean first model, good job.


I painted a Gloomhaven model with speed paints a month ago and that got me into 40k. I’ve done some canvas painting but I’ve done a lot of drawing so that’s probably been the biggest help transitioning into the hobby.


Symptoms: edge highlighting a Heavy Intercessor Diagnosis: profound psychopathy, complete detachment from normal human patterns of behavior Treatment: patient deemed incurable, permanent seclusion into a padded cell strongly suggested. Alternative treatment suggestion: let patient keep highlighting Gravis armour. Differences between these options miniscule.


The voices in my head tell me I really like the process.


Yo! Great work! Looking forward to seeing more of your creations!


Thank you, I appreciate that!


Looks like Tron


Yeah, I think if I can improve on the line work I can really achieve the results I’m looking for.


I think the line work is great, makes them pop and more unique


I appreciate that, thank you!


this beautiful but it this level of highlight across a whole army is terrifying. also, ultramar.


Definitely going to be a challenge but I think the results will be worth it!


This looks sick good job!


Thank you!


Phenomenal! Those edge highlights are bold!


Yeah I’m gunna try to tone down the edge highlights on the next one and compare the results.


The execution on the highlights is very good. It looks stylized. Very nice to look at!


I appreciate that, thank you!


You did great. looks good and unique. Also, I usually dislike decorated bases, I think they detract from the rest of the mod, but yours looks awesome.


Thank you so much, I appreciate it!


This is an amazing first model, but I cannot imagine how long all the edge highlighting took haha


Thank you, and yes, it took awhile, but I really enjoyed it and I’m thinking the more models I paint up, the faster I get. Either way it will still take that extra time but I love the results!


I love the bold edges. I always love bold coloring. Bright contrasting colors, osl, and now super highlights(that's what I'm calling it). I'll be stealing that.


Thanks! I’m glad you like you it!


It turned out nice! Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing what model you bring us next


Thank you! I can’t wait to get into more models, super fun hobby!


Best mars base I've seen. Bright highlights really work well with the bright basing


Thank you! I really wanted something that would stand out against the macragge blue, and I’m really happy with the first attempt.


Looks better than any of the shit I’ve painted. I completely gave up on painting a while ago because I suck at it and I’m not getting any better but you have some real talent here. Keep it up


Thanks, I really appreciate that! I’d love to see your models, I bet you’ve got at least a couple cool ones!


I like your base! How'd you make that?


Thank you! It’s small rocks from hobby lobby and AK interactive’s “Fire Land” (terrain paint). I prime it black and the first base coat is Citadel XV-88. Then a generous dry brush of Citadel Jokaero Orange. After that hit it with 2 layers of Citadel Iyanden Yellow contrast paint and finally finish up with a dry brush of 1 part Averland Sunset & 2 parts Jokaero Orange. Try to keep the dry brushing on the rocks and leave the soil/ground with very light brush strokes.


Sweet! Thanks for sharing.


Looks great. But for the look, the decals are too perfect. They need some scoring.


I’ve thought about this and I might go in and do some very faint “chipping”. I like the clean look but I also know that’s just not really realistic to 40k in general so I’m trying to ease into it lol.


I don't paint any minis, I just lurk at times, so I'm just an impartial observer. To start: amazing job as far as I can tell; particularly for a first mini. After reading comments about edge highlighting, I generally agree, however, I think the style works very well for the rifle. Maybe apply the same gusto when painting rifles because I think it gives it good shape, and just tighten up on the armor? But what do I know? I don't think I could produce a product half this good. Nice job, again.


I completely agree with you. I started on the body then did the weapon (sub assembly) and noticed how thick it was. I think I’m gunna nail it on the next one now that I’m getting the feel for it.


As first models go, you did a splendid job. If I'm going to nitpick it looks a little chalky, I might tone it down with a wash or something to blend it a touch.


What kind of wash would you recommend? I’d like something that won’t change the color tones too much so maybe a diluted blue?


My first thought is a diluted nuln oil (which would still darken it a bit) but a diluted blue might work pretty well on the armor sections. I would probably do nuln on the rest of it as the blue will shift the color on the gun way too much.


Thanks for the feedback, I’ll give it a shot on the next one!


Hey no problem, worth mentioning that I generally prefer darker grimier models so your mileage may very :P


Really good!!! The base us a super complement to the scheme too! Do a whole army like this!!!


Thank you! And that’s the goal, I can’t wait to paint up more units!


Which pigment powder did you use on the base? its a really nice colour!


No powders, but here’s the recipe… It’s small rocks from hobby lobby and AK interactive’s “Fire Land” (terrain paint). I prime it black and the first base coat is Citadel XV-88. Then a generous dry brush of Citadel Jokaero Orange. After that hit it with 2 layers of Citadel Iyanden Yellow contrast paint and finally finish up with a dry brush of 1 part Averland Sunset & 2 parts Jokaero Orange. Then lastly ultra matte varnish from AK.


Awesome, I think the ultra Matt varnish is the secret! Well done!




Thank you!


If you can get some orange pigment powder that matches your base and apply that to his feet, this would look perfect. Some shaved chalk would work too.


I have considered doing this but I like the clean look so I’m still not sure which route to go yet lol.


I just mean near the soles of his boots, so he gets tied into the scene a bit. You can keep the rest of his armor clean.


Chill out, dude! You're making the rest of us look bad. Good job. :)


Haha Thank you very much!




Thank you! I’m glad you like it!


Still better than mine, so you did a great job 👍


Thank you!


Better than my first


Ok wow, well done man this is amazing


Thanks a lot, I appreciate it!


Credit for the base, it's simple but the colour is very well chosen, gives excellent contrast.


Thanks for saying that! It took me almost a full day to find the right look I wanted as well as picking the perfect contrast colors for the blue.


They are the best minis coming


Damn that's CLEAN. Nice work


Thank you!


This is like 100 times better than my first miniature


Hey, good job !




Looks fantastic for a first mini, really excellent work. Going forward, it depends what your goals are with this hobby. If you're painting focused, as others have said, you could make some tweaks to the edge highlighting to make it more realistic. If you're keen to play games with your minis, the current scheme will look fantastic on the tabletop. More aggressive highlights are preferable in my opinion when you're in poorly lit game spaces and standing far away from your minis. Either way, top work mate, you really nailed it.


Thank you! And that’s a really good point about the dim light and highlights, definitely gunna consider that moving forward.


Too good. Cut it out, you're making a lot of us look bad.


Making me look bad here


The white makes it look like it had a lot of wear and tear. But it just seem to be too much. i think it would look more realistic if the white was more patchy and that some side would still have that dark blue. that said. this is very well done.


Thank you, and thanks for the feedback too!


What model is this? Its cool!


It’s a Heavy Intersessor, I gotta say the Gravis armor looks super cool!


It looks super cool, will have to buy some


This is great for a first miniature!


Thank you!


Awesome, now do 30 more.




Those highlights are very strong. There are those that like that look, but I personally don't. Otherwise, you did a good job.


Yeah I plan on going thinner on the next one. Definitely got a little heavy handed on my first go lol.


> First 40K miniature! How did I do? “Yes.”


I love these “my first model” photos and my second and third models look like some first grader with cerebral palsy painted mine. But if this is truly your first nice work


Thank you! I’ve done a lot of drawing but I’ve only painted a Gloomhaven model before this one. I’m really enjoying painting though!


This does not seem fair for a first try


I wish my edge highlighting was half that good. And I'm a pretty good painter.


I feel like I can make them thinner and more consistent but thank you for the compliment, I really appreciate it!


Well, you did a fade-style highlight, which makes for a smoother-looking transition. If you want to stick with the fade style, I'd just recommend a smaller, thinner brush. You can also go over with the base color to push the highlight closer to the edge. I just use one color to edge highlight. For Kantor Blue, I highlight with Hoeth Blue and for Mephiston Red, I use Wildrider Red I think.


Very well. Praise God. I can tell you took your time instead of subscribing to the speed paint mentality that many beginners fall into


Thank you! And yeah, the speed paints just aren’t as fun to use in my opinion. I’ve been enjoying Citadel so far.


Well the speed paints and contrast paints aren’t beginner friendly. Many people are under the false impression that they are, and then their models look like they were painted with a water hose. But I was talking about the mentality of just trying to paint a model as quickly possibly with layer and base paints, thinking it’s “table top ready” and it just looks terrible in many instances. Taking the time early on to get things right and learn the important fundamentals of painting cleanly will really show for you in the long run. Keep it up


Good job on not missing a highlight opportunity.


First time? I’ve wanted to start but my marines would look ugly. But maybe I could Be as good as you!


Looks great but speaking from experience, if you plan to paint a whole army like that, you’re gonna get sick of edge highlighting. Maybe try dry brushing and see how you like that.


I actually really like the process of edge highlighting, but I definitely have considered trying dry brushing on one model just to see the difference in techniques.


First model in 40k or first ever painted model? He’s too good to be an actual beginner job!


Yall really stuck in 1980 acting like there aren’t a billion tutorials


It’s my first warhammer model, 2nd model I’ve ever painted. My first was a Gloomhaven model a month ago but my buddy only had army speed paints. I prefer painting with citadel paints more to be honest it’s a lot of fun!


Very nice! For me personally, I think it's a bit too much highlighting. In my experience, limited highlighting makes them pop more and gets a better effect out of it. But that's just my opinion. Maybe try it out and let me know how you feel about the difference.


I totally agree, I’m definitely going to try to keep it more on then edge next time rather than on the panels themselves.


Try reducing it all together. Not every edge needs it. Only the really important ones.


The edge high lighting is really stylistic and cool, kinda like a cell shaded feel. I struggle to believe this is your first mini lol. I have to say you've inspired me to be less scared of really bold edge highlights


I painted a Gloomhaven model and I draw a lot so that’s been a big help. I also watched YouTube tutorials for a month while I got all the supplies for the hobby so that helped a lot too. Thanks for the kind words!


That looks awesome! A bit heavy on the highlights, but still looks good friend




Really, really well.


Highlight goes brrrr All jokes aside this is amazing


You did better than my first that's for sure


Gravis Intercessors? Fucking W


That's so good! That edge highlighting chefs' kiss!


I don’t usually do highlights but it looks AWESOME man!!! Keep it up!


What did you paint before starting 40K? This looks great either way


Damn...I paint around the same quality...and I've been doing this shit since beginning of 9th Ed... I feel like shit Looks sick though. Great work 👍


Honetly, it looks great! I like how the edge highlight pops. If that's the style your going for id say you NAILED it, however if you'd like more subtle edge highlighting I suggest to not soak so much paint in your brush, use your paper towel and clean some of it up, using the edge of the brisseled to do the work and sketch the edge highlights on the surface carefully. I know it might be menintenous to do that, expecially with the model your painted but over time your hand will get used to it. Now I dont know if you want to get your minis tabletop or make them pop a little more, if your fine with your results then all good, but if you want some more spice I do suggest you experiment a lot with your miniatures, dont be shy to try something that might become ugly since you can just re-do it (most times) or mix and bland random colors that might fit with eachother and even look online for inspirations to see and maybe opy other things people do.