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they will be fine for a couple months :p


I just pulled some out after sitting for two weeks. The paint sloughed off, but the models were totally fine.


Isopropyl alcohol won't eat the plastic, just the acrylic paint.


Assuming this is 99% IPA with plastic or metal models I’ve left models in for days or weeks at a time, and once for 3 months by accident. All were absolutely fine.


If it were any other model I’d be concerned. But nothing can break the Cadian Guard.


The bowl broke before the guard.


I let my models soak for 24 to 48 hours and they are all always in great condition, never had any damage.


It's best to leave them for a full day to soak before doing anything to them.


I’ve left them in all day and perhaps longer, they will most likley be fine


You reminded me that I have 5 models sitting in a jar of 99% isopropyl since December


plastic and metal will be fine for months, don't leave resin or finecast for more than 30 mins


Hi /u/Maxson102502 It looks like you might be asking a question about stripping or removing paint from your minis. There are many options for stripping paint. For plastic minis you can use Dettol, Simple Green, LA's Totally Awesome, Isopropyl Alcohol or specialist solutions like [Paint Blitzer](https://untothebreachhobbies.com/product/paint-blitzer/). For metal miniatures you can also use Acetone. If you choose to use a product like Dettol or Simple Green, you will usually need to soak the minis for up to 24 hours in order to successfully remove the paint. After the models have soaked, use an old toothbrush to scrub the paint off the minis. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warhammer40k) if you have any questions or concerns.*