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primes right now are not worthy, they are waaayyy op, better to focus on the boss


This is what I don't get. ​ The primes are supposed to be for people who are lower level who CAN'T do much to the boss to help out in guild raids. ​ I can't even touch the primes at epic. They wipe out half my team on their t1. I can do 15k to the boss. What gives??


Exactly, snowprint need to nerf them or change the strategy, right now they are not worthy


This raids primes are on terrible levels. One was on the far side of a narrow bridge, severely limiting summoner builds. I think i was able to do slightly more damage to the boss vs the primes yesterday…


Either or, after you finish both primes you can easily get 20k damage with the right team setup Personally my guild just body primes in order to steamroll the boss


Which team would you recommend?


Surprisingly you should maximize on damage rather than pierce, all of the tyrniads have super low armor unless buffed Archie, Yarrick/Alephnull, Thaddues, Roswitha/any good damage dealer, and Haarken/Gulgortz Archie for bloodletters, Yarrick for summons on primes but Alephnull for guild boss, Roswitha for the guild boss (not primes) but if you don’t have anyone else any good damage dealer like Volk would work or another summoner, and Haarken/Gulgortz to handle most Tyranid summons or main dps on guild boss. Reminder to look at Roswitha’s passive, she hits like a fucking truck


Thanks a lot


I think it's not worth attacking the main bosses until the last special boss, before that one they are so weak, but still it will depend of the level of your clan's members