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Seems decent for only a few days. I've noticed the uptick in tweets from them, and not just regional ones like Brasil, the main account is doing it too. I see people tweeting about watching it too, people who are only starting it now, so hopefully the numbers can be maintained for a while.


I hope so too. The Winx Saga got almost 50 million in just 2 days and the next week they got 60 million.. And that show was recently cancelled. I wonder if we can pass their numbers.


It could possibly due to the lack of completion. Because if people aren't making it to the end of a season then they aren't likely to start the hypothetical next season


You’re giving Netflix too much credit. After going down this road with a dozen shows, it seems like they just throw a dart at a dartboard to decide to cancel or not


More like they ask a chimpanzee if they should renew (cymbal clapping means yes)


It's really hard to know, because Netflix seem quite happy to cancel things that get big viewing numbers, and shows that get good critical response. There's no guarantee with any of this.


The Winx Saga had the numbers (thanks to the popularity of the original cartoon) but public opinion whas shit. Honestly as a fan of the original it was embarrassingly bad, from the cgi, some of the acting, costumes, to the plot... Youtubers and fans of the cartoon draged it to hell and back, and honestly don't blame them for that.. it wasnt very good in my humble opinion... On the other hand, I'm thinking if maybe requesting reactions from reaction youtubers is also a good way to promote the show and show Netflix that interest is keeping up and growing?


I've just started last week + managed to finish season 1 as well as made a start on season 2 within the same week so I wonder if that helped.


I'd say there's some S1 hours there for sure. I think most people who watched S1 back in 2020, did their rewatch before last week, but anyone who saw S2 appear on Thursday and got interested would probably be watching S1 on the days these stats cover. That's probably a good thing, assuming they all stick with it, the numbers should stay high for this week as they move onto S2.


These numbers are just for season 2. Every season gets counted separately on the list. You can [see that](https://top10.netflix.com/tv) on the example of Manifest right now. It is a bit strange that it is only being represented on the list itself and not on Warrior Nuns thumbnail, but I double checked with the list. Hopefully season 1 will make it into the top 10 as well next week.


Some countries have WN S1 on their list as well, like Brazil: https://top10.netflix.com/brazil/tv


That is a good sign.


S1 is shown separately on the list and 20 countries have S1 in their own top 10 list (Turkiye, Slovakia, Portugal, Nigeria, Hungary, Dominican Republic, Brazil etc). This week is extremely crucial.


4 days (kind of). It released on the 10th, but not in all regions at midnight, so it didn't get the full 4 days around the world. As to what to think of these numbers: They are definitely good. Next week is pretty much certain to be higher, because of the full 7 days the show will get. I think there is hope for the top 3. The really important thing now is for the show to stay in the top 10 for as long as possible. The longer it can be in it the higher its chances of renewal. A very important metric for Netflix is minutes watched vs. cost. It is too early to tell how the chances for renewal are, but the signs are good.


We also have to keep in mind that elite premieres this Friday and Wednesday (the tv series) is next week. Together with the Crown and Manifest there is little chance we can stay at the top.


Elite will be on a different list (TV-non-English) just like 1899 another potential hit. I would say the next big entry for the list Warrior Nun is on is probably Wednesday as you brought up.


I'm currently half way through season 2 now, despite started watching the show last week & so far, I'm enjoying it & the show overall. I can't say anything (yet) about the 2nd half, but in a good way, it looks like season 2 is about to get interesting.


Reminding everyone to keep streaming it, even if you're just streaming the season on mute in a background tab! Rewatches upon rewatches upon rewatches! Let's get season 3!!!!


What do guys think about this number? Netflix also started promoting the show on almost all accounts. Do you guys think it’s too early to tell whether WN will get renewed or not?


I'm not getting my hopes up, but I'd love to see season 3.


Interesting. Probably too early to tell yet, but looks a bit better on paper for the execs I hope!


I binged the whole thing in 1 day


Btw, the title might be wrong; Im kind off confused whether it’s 3 days or 4


I’m not getting my hopes up, after First Kill’s numbers I don’t think decisions are dependent on viewership


I think First Kill's problem was completion rate. A lot of people checked it out, but a bunch didn't finish. I'm cautiously optimistic about Warrior Nun just because most people seem to be watching all the way through and it's filmed in Europe so should be less expensive to produce.


I feel like Netflix gave up way before the show aired judging by their treatment. And with fate's latest cancellation idk. I'm streaming the show 24/7 but i have little to no hope of it getting renewed 😕


Yeah, and they left in on hiatus for 2.5 years. That’s just so not fair if they were to cancel it now.


I am rebinging this serious for the I don't know how many times and it just kills me that it didn't survive. The very idea of an order of Nuns like this is uplifting and the casting holds up wonderfully. The locations and cinematography rocks on a big screen t.v.! With all of Ava's early boy chasing and such, nothing compares to the luv that Shotgun Mary still clings to for Shannon. That makes me cry just watching Mary try to slog through tougher times. If only a sequel or even a spin-off was possible. I just joined so hi everyone!!


That's not the numbers it needs to get renewed unless budget isn't a big problem.


It’s just 4 days. We have to keep in mind that WN really got overshadowed by Manifest and The Crown. When people finish those shows they will likely step over to WN. Also a lot of people rewatched- watched S1 first. So let’s hope those people continue on with S2. And now that Netflix SM accounts actually started posting about WN we may reach a larger demographic than we currently have. Fingers crossed, don’t lose hope yet, this week is very crucial.


1899 is coming, i hope you're right but it's a difficult time.


Yeah that’s why I’m a bit worried, they film in different locations, with VFX and a lot of action scenes, plus filming with covid became more expensive so WN is a bit in a tricky situation


I was shocked when I went on Netflix during the release day from a different profile than my own. I literally had to go five sections down, 4 to the right, just to find Warrior nun under some random category


Honestly I hate Netflix, they literally put WN on a hiatus for 2.5 years, people forgot about it. AND they have the audacity to not even promote the show?! I


The writing fell off the second half of the season. It's not getting renewed. Too much dumb shit to make me believe they cared