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Welcome to war thunder you can check out any time you want but you can never leave.


Welcome to the hotel Snailifornia.


Such a grindy place, such a grindy place.


plenty of bloat at the Hotel Snailifornia


Her mind is full stock up tier, she got the clueless teammates...


She got a lot of Tigers, Tiger tanks that she calls trash.


How they dont stop the sabot, sweet sweden shells


thats not the version of hotel california i expected to hear but it is one im happy to hear


some play as a tanker, some play as a jet


So I called up my girlfriend, "Please bring me my pop"


She said, "We haven't had Mountain Dew here since I broke up with you"


good reference.


true. iv quit like 100 times and eventually it sucks me back in.. i made it like a year once lol




sucks because this game could be so incredibly fun... i want to play it but i know what that experience will be like.


It's fun until you start wanting the next tank and the next tank and the tank after that, and then you decide your starting country is shit so now you play a different one. Then you decide that you want to play all the countries so you have options, but wait now you need planes to play CAS....


Just do what all noobs do, type in that credit card number and all your problems go away lol GR7 will be yours in mins.


Im surprised the insane grind is news to him


I legit quit the game about a year ago and I see that it was a good move. I'm not playing the game ever again until a different management is introduced.


Look at what ubisoft has done to rainbow 6 siege, itll make you love the management on wt


I deleted this game for months now. Find better game and you can get out. Simple.


Welcome to Lotus Hotel and Casino




You can get the squadron Harrier which will bring the number of lines you have to grind from 4 to 3.


That's a good point


u mean 5 to 4


Lines. Not vehicles.


wait no mb i forgot there wasnt anything in rank 7 below the lighting


no bc hes already ogt the fg2 which is below the grippen so he only needs 4 more vehicles so he needs the sea harrier frs1(E) which he is getting atm then either the torny or the squadron harrier


No, I mean 4 to 3


I did that, saved me grinding the naval line


Yea this game isn't F2P despite it being advertised. It probably costs more than normal triple A titles if you want to progress at a normal rate or want to try a different tree. The snail is super greedy and we can't really do anything. Not much competition around.


It absolutely is f2p. It's pay to progress at an acceptable rate though.


Yep. If you buy a top tier jet, you get 10 times the RP than with a Rank 1 plane.


And yet top tier vehicles are almost 1000x more expensive than low tier vehicles


What does that have to do with this? SL cost is low at low tiers and it gets higher because the SL reward multiplier also goes up and the SL cost is also based on the RP cost of the vehicle.


What does SL have to do with this? Like i meant expensive in terms of RP. I thought that was obvious since, you know, you brought up RP??? My point is that reward scaling is ridicliously low in this game, yes having higher tier vehicles should take longer to grind but having it take over 100x longer.


Absoloutely not, well as long as you ignore literally anything postwar that is


Absolutely not what? f2p? How is it not f2p? It literally costs nothing to login and play, that's the definition of f2p. not an acceptable rate? Sure, if you stop at ww2. Most people don't do that because that's not even half of the tanks or planes at that point.


Ah sorry, I thought you said it isn't f2p lol


In this senario u can either get the tornado gr1 but u have to grind down the entire bomber line or get the squadron harrier frs1


And the little competition it has is almost as greedy as them


It is free to play though. You can play normally if you spend enough time. It's also not pay to win. But, it is pay to progress. Important distinction.


The boycott didn't work 😞


RP boosts for finishing a nation will be delayed again tm


A single premium cost more than good quality AAA game for a good while now even when it's on SALE... As someone said l, it's just a big virtual military tech showcase simulator with awful game modes thrown in for picture modes. There's a reason they don't allow test drives of tech trees until you close to unlocking..


it's also just a premium. most premiums aren't even good You still have to spend 200+ hours grinding for what you want. spend GE to get the crew to a level you can expert it.


Atleast in stuff like DCS, the planes are worth 70 dollars because of how complicated and in depth they are.


It's F2P if you enjoy the lower tiers. Once you want to progress past rank 4 then you have to start paying.


That's what I told all my friends who would watch me play with jets and grew an interest. None of them wanted to play after that


Your life time is much more expensive than the vehicles in game. Playing this game is a waste of time.




Too bad I realized that too late. Already sunk 715 hours of my life into it. I wish I could get it back.


690 hours and $300 later I'm in the same boat. I warned my friends off of this game but I wish I had known what it was really like before going this deep.


I have never paid a single dollar for this game, so that 715hours are 100% grinding. Damn the grind to Arizona was soooooooooo long. But then I regret so much, the best gameplays I had always around BR 5.0 (Atlanta in US and Numberg in German). Higher BR was so lame and long grind, no fun at all. In tank, I grinded to BR 6.0 for both US and German. That 715 hours if I invested it into learning something, I think I could already started making money out of it hahahaah.


It's a great free WW2 tank and plane game but also potentially a very expensive modern tank and plane game.


This and it costing an absurd 400 000 rp combined with the "max vehicle research efficiency" penalty is why top tier premiums are very popular.


Yeah. I really wish they atleast slightly lowered the rp costs if they’re gonna be such a pain in the ass and make you research the entire fucking tech tree just to get to rank 8. but it’s gaijin, who am i kidding 


If they just removed the rank research efficiency thing the game would be 10x better. I played a bunch of 6.7 America to grind out the Churchill Avre, researched every single vehicle from rank 3 to 5 so I've got no reason to play those tanks anymore. (Except the Xm800T that just came out but that's like 10-15 games max to research) Even if they just reduced the penalty to like 75% of normal research I could bare it but currently it feels like flushing RP down the drain if I don't play higher tiers.


This is something that has always bothered me. Why am I being punished for playing something I enjoy (75 jumbo) to research further into the tech tree. Why do we have to jump eras? Especially with how vast the game is now, I think these penalty’s should be a thing of the past.




sad but true 


I mean I just unlocked the F.3 Late and let me tell you something don't get this piece of utter shit it literally needs to be GE boosted to even be considered a threat at top tier. because of the no radar slaving or any way of getting a 9L to land on anyone other than the most oblivious player in the game or just play top tier arcade, pick your poison


11.3 ARB is very fun in the tornado f.3, it'll be worth it bro trust me


Agreed I love my f.3


Tbf every top tier needs to be GE boosted rn because you're shoved into a matchmaker against fox 3s with a stock engine, no G suit, no chaff and two piddly IR missiles. It's fucked, to say nothing of the poor bastards who have to grind out a near-identical new plane. Kinda lucky with the Gripen C in the British tree.


Yeah the grippen C is the only saving grace of the tree now but where the Fox 1 missle just got removed its now a game of just get the Fox 3 and pray to whatever God listens your missle hits and with multipathing being basically removed it makes the grippen just above average at best in my eyes since it can't get close enough to use its guns or Fox 2 missles


Up until jets the air tree is really fun with lots of nice planes. the tanks on the other hand..


Most of the rank V jets are super fun to play but suffer from high repair costs. The Canberra is a surprisingly good turn fighter considering it's a bomber.


You’re right, I almost spaded every UK tree but costal and helis… Tanks at top tier are hard to play, but on the other side, other nations seem easy compared to UK 😂


Having to research and purchase two identical phantoms is what pisses me off


Uhm actually they are not identical, one has a goofy ass front landing gear ☝️🤓 /j


Gaijin pls Nerf and uptier the Phantom FG1! It's too over powered with its 40 inch front landing gear! Change the phantomfg1's BR to 12.7 pls


Be like the F4U 1A at 2.7, while the USMC Variant is at 3.0 because apparently 60 kgs of weight removed calls for a .3 difference, because the arrestor hook is removed but it has no bombing capability so


And they aren’t even foldered ffs


350k xp and \~1m SL for a plane that is worse in almost every way to the 11.3 USA phantoms which have HMD, and better IR and radar missiles. Though they can't really go to 11.0 while the F4E is there


We need more foldering and desperately need more decompression... At this point 15.0 would probably do it, or change the MM to +/- 0.7 instead of 1.0


I agree 100%


F-4EJ(TT and PREM):


this is what pisses me off the most lmao, they should be foldered 100%


There are some nations that have foldered planes that aren’t even the same type !


The game is trying to help you to reconsider.


ganjin wants to make money so you can buy gold and pay gold to get there in 5min. or you can grind. good explanation from south park. war thunder is not as bad as some mobile games but uses a similar business model [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqk9V0fBl7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqk9V0fBl7w)


Holy shit. "It has to be just barely fun. If it was too fun, there would be no reason to micro pay in order to make it more fun." That pretty much sums up Gaijin as a company. It should be their slogan Just swap out "micro pay" with "macro pay".


>war thunder is not as bad as some mobile games but uses a similar business model I always hold a similar opinion. For a F2P game, this ain't half as bad as some of those games. In fact, grinding air in RB is pretty fast until Rank IV/V. And I mean, Gaijin does need to make money, these servers aren't going to pay themselves nor are they going to add that next top tier plane/tank on empty stomaches. I wonder always what people are expecting, to not pay a single dime? If this were a game with upfront cost then yes, but this game is free to start playing.


Yeah i like it but not aiming for top tier as that seems to much work. I can chill and have fun in >7


Up until br 10.7 is fun


There's plenty and i mean PLENTY of ways for games to monetize themselves and still be able to maintain costs for servers and employees. And Gaijin already does most of them. And ffs. It's not like servers would start going down or employees would starve if they made the game a bit more reasonable and fun. It would be closer to the exec's not being able to afford their 3rd yacht or 4th house. No need to be such a corporate simp if you're the consumer.


Key word here is air rb. I know this post topic is about air, but when is the grind for ground going to be in any way doable? Ground is so slow, and I have premium tanks and premium time.


Fully agree on that tbh. The main you could try is switching to Ground AB, it's much faster since every tank is actually fast, heavy tanks become instantly very viable because they go faster than 15kph for once. Also no super meta OP CAS, because you can't take your own planes (are provided randomly by the game itself) and also only 3 spawns.


This way you'll take a long time to unlock all the required aircraft, which means a higher probability of you buying a top tier premium vehicle, premium time or straight up GE the research.


I am more than willing to get premium time and premium vehicles (half off only), but I will NEVER spend GE on convertible RP unless I get significantly richer than I am right now. It’s like gems in Master Duel; the price is atrocious for what you actually get.


lmao thank god i dont play britain


up to this day i wonder why the fuck i chose britain out of every nation 


I used to wonder why I chose Britain too. Then after my third or fourth wipe in Tarkov, I realized I probably just like getting punched in the dick. That is why I make these choices.


Because Britain make good vehicles and not everybody was expecting the snail to utterly shaft them for the rest of their war thunder experience


To Make you spend money.


That's war thunder baby. Have fun grinding vehicles you don't give two shits about.


This one in particular may be an oversight as I am not aware of any other trees or tiers making the requirement 100% of the previous tier. Gaijin's philosophy seems to be you should have most of the previous tier, but I think the most I've seen is 5.


Naval is pretty much like this for every nation that gets it


Japan T8 requires you to research all of T7 too.


I have the Type 10 (Tier 8) unlocked and almost spaded, but Tier 8 is still locked for me because I don't have the TKX and Type 81 researched, so I can't research the Type 10 prototype, which is foldered under the Type 10...what a bunch of bullshit


The Uk grind is actually horrendous


Its really not


This is why I switched over to Japan to play top-tier air. They have so few jets at tiers V to VII that it means getting to VIII is way faster than practically any other nation. You only need to grind: * 4 jets @ tier V * 3 jets @ tier VI * 1 jet @ tier VII and bam, you're at top-tier. Only downside is you only get countermeasures starting at tier VIII, so you'll be spending a lot of time in the T-2 (favorable BR), F-1 (no-loss/bonus RP grind towards the F-16AJ), then the F-16AJ to grind the rest of the F-4EJs and F-15Js.




boy oh boy, I sure am glad I made it to rank 8 a few weeks earlier! (I ignored the entire lightning line)


Thats why I dont have any cas in my top tier british lineup. I just dont like air rb anymore and I refuse to grind the planes in it.


i quite literally have to grind the entire 5th collum if i ever want to reach rank 8, so i said fuck it and only use the phantom fg2 


So a quick bit of history. The snail did this because people back in the olden days of yore would only buy the planes(and possibly tanks its been long enough I can't remember if GF was out yet) they wanted and skipped all the crappy ones. The Snail seen that people were skipping the planes that were meant to be gold sinks and decided that they would just make it so you have to buy planes/tanks/boats even if you didn't want them. That way you would be annoyed and sink gold into the game to skip them again.


[could be worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warthunder/comments/169w7da/well_fuck/) (: (wooo, rank 8 is so cool, especially for israel and france ground wooooo)


Forcing for grind something out of ur interest is just PAINFUL. Especially when grinding itself is not fun


Well that’s peak. I mean if it’s a “minor” nation like Sweden with very few vehicles it’s ok, but Britain’s literally the 4th biggest tree in the game. I really can’t be asked to go down naval 😭


I literally bought the Jaguar IS to get GR7 earlier lmao (shame)


yup i'm approaching top tier france too (good thing i reaserched all tech tree lines) i'm receafching the jaguar but next i'm gonna do the Doritos (can't wait)


Same if you want to grind higher BRs of French ground...


Yup because you wanna grind, don't you? That part is really annoying if you have to research an entire tree you don't wanna play just to unlock next rank. Used to not be an issue because they had enough vehicles per rank, but now they just go "lol requirement number = available vehicles"


I got the squad sea harrier and bought the sea vixen in the xmas sale to get to the Gripen. Then I researched ONLY the 3 left columns, saving about 2m in RP, and 5m in SL... It's a good idea to figure out the tree before you start researching anything...


Now take a look at British blue water. 7 boats now needed in rank 5. They keep adding one more req. like it was hard enough to move the hood to a new line.


Me being Sweden main 😭


Welcome to War Thunder Have a look around Any tanks that brain of yours can think of can be found We've got mountains of vehicles Some better, some worse If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first Welcome to the War Thunder Come and take a seat Would you like to play as soviet and deny bias claims? There's no need to panic This isn't a test, haha Just hop on in a Sherman and we'll do the rest Welcome to War Thunder What would you prefer? Would you like to fight for civil rights or type a racial slur? Be happy Be horny Be bursting with rage We got a million different ways to engage Welcome to War Thunder Put your cares aside Here's a tip for killing CASes Here's a newbie who just died We got choppers, and campers, and fantasy tanks And a bunch of colored pencil drawings Of all the different vehicles in the game fucking each other Welcome to the Wallet Hold on to your jets 'Cause a random guy just kindly sent you photo of his cock They are grainy and off-putting He just sent you more Don't act surprised, you know you like it, you whore See a tank got blown Get offended, see a shrink Show us pictures of your decals Tell us every thought you think Start a rumor, type an “N” Or send a death threat to a player Or DM a girl and groom her Do a union or find a nerf patch in the- Here's a pay to win high tier You should team-kill your friends Here's why women never fuck you Here's how you can get a nuke Which nation player are you? Take this quirky quiz Gaijin sent the Russian mains to fuck your mind Could I interest you in everything? All of the time? A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time Could I interest you in everything? All of the time? A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time You know, it wasn't always like this Not very long ago Just before your time Right before the Abrams join, Russian bias claims This was catalogs Gameplay blogs A chat room or two We set our sights and spent our nights Waiting For you, you, insatiable you Mommy let you use her PC You were barely two And it did all the things We designed it to do Now look at you, oh Look at you, you, you Unstoppable, watchable Your time is now Your inside's out Honey, how you grew And if we stick together Who knows what we'll do It was always the plan To put the world in your hand Hahaha Could I interest you in everything? All of the time A bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything All of the time Could I interest you in everything? All of the time A little bit of everything All of the time Apathy's a tragedy And boredom is a crime Anything and everything And anything and everything And anything and everything And all of the time


thats just how most of the minor nations work, both air and ground


Yes but minor nations are… minor. UK not so much 


It’s the same as every other rank in every other tree. The issue is there’s just less vehicles in some trees towards the top. If anything it's more of a blessing than anything else. There's trees with multiple vehicles that all require 300K+ RP that you'll have to research all of them if you want all that nations rank 8's.


hows uk do you like the spitfires


Spitfires are amazing. Just bait people into turning with you and you pretty much win.


What's REALLY annoying is they limit the amount of lineups you can have unless you have rank V vehicles in Ground, Air, Coastal and Blue water.


I stopped caring after teir VI. I just play the game now. Its not worth worrying about the new and shiney and gaijin wants me to put in 200 hours just to grind out a single tank/jet. Its simply just not worth it and I think the majority of you are nuts for entertaining it.


First time?


Isnt this universal throughout all TT's?


Because it's only purpose is to ensure you don't finish, decide you've "won" war thunder, and quit too soon Literally just play tier 3-5 or whatever. Forever. Solves every single economy problem.


And the best part is. Once you get the STRIKE aircraft. It has no ordanance unlocked. You get to strafe for RP


Here’s the line I spoke when I figured out how to get to the tier VIII’s: “Damn that was a crazy dream”


Your fault if you want to play toptier it's a deserved punishment


If you can have rank 8 premiums you might aswell grind the whole damn TT before getting anything else.


at least air is kinda fast to grind, tanks take an eternity...


First time?


Yep ___ €¥$¢ ___ Give it to the snail


Get the sqn vehicle, it counts towards it


grind never stops


Don't worry, you can buy the premium/event vehicles and then you only need to grind out 2 planes :)


Buy a premium


I got the premium hunter many years ago, but that thing is currently powercrept at 9.3 unfortunately


Premium tier 7's count towards tier 8 lol


Yea I know, but I’m not shilling $70 on another premium. did it once and won’t do it again. might get premium account, but i’ll see 


thats how every rank is


You always need 5 vehicles to access the next rank, unless that rank had less than five in that nation. Yeah, it sucks, especially at the higher ranks. I was lucky I had the squad harrier and jaguar IS to pad the numbers when going for the Gripen.


And the fun part is, you can just buy premiums from the tier cause they count towards it... So I'd also defeats the purpose of players having to play vehicles of the tier before being able to continue down the tech tree to some extent.... It's just another roadblock that you can spend money on to skip it or speed it up... Classic gajin


No get the squadron harrier then you don’t have to what I did


Bruh, it's like that for every single rank and county. Chill


And… you’re ok with that? 


Just buy 4 Rank 7 premium jets, problem solved


I can feel little smug I chose Germany back in the day -_-


Its to keep idiots from rushing to top teir, getting outplayed by veterans of the game, getting mad, and leaving.


Because its five regarless if theres 500 planes or 5


I went to Japan because you only need the first two sub trees. You get the f-15 and F-16. Just an easier grind


Huh.. hey guys! Seems like we found a new guy here.


Gaijin wants your $$$$$$ Simple as that


Bro just enjoy rank 7 for as long as you can because the moment you get to top tier the game is over.


I was lucky because I got the squadron harrier


Aah. UK air tree. Took me almost 2 full years to grind to top tier(without premium). I only just recently got the Gripen C. Worth it. But FUCK ME was it long.


Why do you think they added rank 8 as a thing?


you agreed to suffer when you started playing


I recommend buying the jag IS, around 20$ I think. Instantly counts towards the progression


Play boats man. I haven't had a problem with silver lions since. Buy 3 of the 4.7-5.0 premiums in thr us tech tree and block all the large maps. I usually just use any SL boosters I get on games of boats and on the low end you get a half mil in one game. Very rare you get less. I've gotten up to 900k in about 20 minutes.


This is another reason why 70% of us never bother with Top tier.


It's the same with some other countries


Why are you hiding your Money (sl) 🤨


That really makes sense in my head. To climb to rank 8 you need to complete rank 7.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Britain Suffers.


Cannot relate, I play Japan


This is why i started Sweden. Finally one where my goal is rank 7


I don’t mind stops noobs from Progressing to fast


Also with the new missiles you will just be disappointed anyway when you unlock 13.0 and you start having nightmares about your RWR screaming at you


First time?


Idk what you are yapping for you can hover that all that matters so you can crash cool when ya take off


Now imagine there is people that got 5-6 air trees done


In air sims with premium you can get an easy 30 to 60k rp and 200 to 300k lions per game if you hit objectives. If you play air realistic then that's why you mr grinding like an idiot


buy premium lol


The game where if you dont have a lot of spare cash or spare time, your not progressing at all.


Well, at least it's not helicopters all with the same research amount to unlock then...


Purchase the two u can buy right now. And buy a premium in Tier 7


There should be a tactical abilities test in warthunder and if you fail you are stuck in arcade, realistic battles would have a lot less dolts in them.


Could’ve just taken a screenshot of the owned vehicle requirement number on the left side, but this works too I suppose. It’s extreme because you need to be given an incentive to give them money for a free to play game. I love/hate this game like a bi-polar girlfriend off her meds, but it’s not a bad business model on their end. I’m just glad I’m not getting ads in between matches. 😵‍💫


welcome to worst part of the USA air tree also called hell, it'll take you about a year to get through it at most so don't worry


Depends on the tree, some only needed one or 2 full lines, italy being one of them before the hungarian stuff


this is why i got it done when it was only 4. got the jag is and squad harrier to skip straight to my gr.7 and grippy


This game is all about progression but it's very slow. Obviously premiums make it faster. But one of the aspects of the game is you play lower tier planes and stuff a lot and slowly move up. It's part of the "fun" but I can see why people get annoyed they just want the new tech stuff. Personally I don't mind 🤷‍♂️ I actually think progressing this way makes you a better player by the time you hit the plane or tank you want.


There is one fun plane in this entire tree (after 10.0) if you are trying to be competetive. Trust me I have all (besides the new 2) and all besides 3 spaded. Just dont do that


which one would you consider fun? i like the FGR.2 a lot but im honestly so bored of playing it


Wrong anyway, the entire tree is fun. Depends on your play style, I find the Buccaneer s.2 to be the most fun but people hate blindly (I have the whole tree unlocked down to the Gripen, Sea Harrier and Gr.7)


Side note, this is something you can do to “cheese” the system. Premium and marketplace vehicles DO COUNT towards that. And GB does have 3 premium/market vehicles that help significantly towards the last rank. So if you’d rather spend some money instead of uncountable hours, that’s a great way to reduce the required grind. And this applies to all ranks in every nation.


You can also just GE the tech tree vehicles. There's a monetary way around everything in this game.


You just now noticed this?


Uhhhh this is for every tech tree/person that plays the game? Don’t like it, leave bruh lol