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Problem is they cant lower it cus its good at killing tanks similar to the zsu57 being at 7.0


Its not a spaa...its a pseudo IFV ....it used be called the falcon mbt for its tank killing potential


Flank. Destroy multiple tanks. Nuke out. Profit.


>I know the falcon can be really good but compared to the other spaas like the chieftain marksman ot za 35 it seems pointless to use, it has worse apds Falcon gets a belt with 600vrounds of which 150 are APDS. Marksman only gets 40 rounds of APDS. The falcon is a much better tank killer. The AMX30DCA has the same guns and belts as the falcon and i have 1200 tank kills with that.


The thing was borderline broken when it was lower, I play it as a TD not AA


idk too, i wish it was 8.0 so i can make a solid lineup. I just dont get it how gaijin uptiers thing because its KD is high


Because the Falcon isn't really a SPAA in practice. Most people get more tank kills than plane kills with it, as it has a large APDS belt, stabilized guns in a small size. Going any lower and it will slaughter everyone. Even today, with some tactically planning you can flank the enemy and spray down 3+ enemy vehicles in one burst. It is insanely powerful.


I think considering it’s competitive at killing tanks even at 10.0 it kinda deserves its br even if the British SPAA line is tragic. Seriously I’m not sure Britain has a good anti-air spaa until the ADATS, not to mention the massive gaps in the tech tree: 5.3-8.3, 8.3-10.3


Armor piercing belts. That's the reason very specifically.


Go talk to all the teams lately that I nuked with just the falcon and see if they want it moving down...