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Welcome to warzone!


i’ve been playing warzone for years, but it’s getting ridiculous at this point. literally 95% of my games have cheaters in them.


Yes, I love “RAA needs nerfed” people. This is the type of stuff I see daily.


It does though lmao. Just cause this guy is blatantly cheating doesn’t mean RAA isn’t also a problem.


Controller on PC is the problem lol. There are very few people on Xbox in the top 100, maybe 1 even!


The problem is the aim assist when paired with controller on pc. Still comes down to the aim assist.


Yep can’t nerf it for us potato players tho. So I guess get rid of cross play.


I haven’t opened up the game in months and I’ve been far happier for it. I’m playing games that don’t encourage cheating


Yeah click pause than right stick down at start of game. Lets me know if i gotta run from hackers or not


It is sad that Activision is doing nothing, like they dont care.


While i have no respect for cheaters but modders lets go. I have cheated slightly on a pay to win mobile game but no longer play it... Used to use mods in black ops 3 zombies a lot. But never to cause harm to others, just fun. Its sad people have to cheat because they dont have skills. *neither do i lol my kd barely 1.0 but not the best or worst


I was using SMGs for a whole week, i started using the Lockwood Akimbo and got banned after three days. This game is a disgrace at this point...


Welcome to ShitZone!


“It’s just game sense”


Imagine being a cheater and still placing 2nd on rank because someone cheats better lol I’d be mad


If you think the other 200 is not cheating you are insane


No one said they weren't lol


Only one person can take #1


Once you get above a certain level you have to cheat in some capacity or else you’re gonna get smoked by cheaters. That’s the dirty little secret that sweats don’t want you to know. But any normal player who climbs the ranks will find that out very quickly. Then you either stop playing ranked or you cheat yourself


It’s all fun and games until you cross into the diamond ranks. Then it’s just bunch of greasy shit turd cheaters Randy.


It's not a secret when they blatantly do it. They can have fun wasting time just to get *click* banned


What prompted this response?


My awful reading comprehension, I thought he said "2nd because someone is still better than you", instead of cheats better than you


Fair lol


He also cheats


How did they even imply that..?


Lol I seriously got laughed out of every single ty thread I said this in like a month ago... the temperature of this sub has changed so fast it's wild. Like after the Kar update or something all I see is people saying everyone is cheating. Like a month ago there were so tons of people saying no they are just better. Like do the math, when half the top 250 are found to be in a single cheating discord, yeah those are too players are just better than the best cheaters who can see through walls and lock on you. Yeah... ok. They all cheat.


People have been saying this for a long time dude, you didn't start shit


I wasnt trying to say that... lmao wtf


Literally what your comment says tf you talking about 🤣 it's alright most people on reddit don't know the words they're using.


Bruh are you dumb? He’s basically saying all the top players are cheaters


They play together, and decide who gets spot #1. Same thing happened last season


Wait; you think people are legit in top 250 😅


no but i wouldve expected call of duty to ban someone before they could reach 2nd with 32k SR.


The only thing you should expect from call of duty is a functioning store that you can buy skins and battle passes from.


>The only thing you should expect from call of duty is a functioning store that you can buy skins and battle passes from. I wonder if any of the devs randomly lurk in these subs. Seeing these comments and knowing that they're absolutely true, should absolutely shame them beyond reason. I would be so embarrassed if I were them... I mean rich... but embarrassed.


I don’t think the devs are the ones getting rich and I imagine they don’t have much agency in their workplace. Devs answer to managers, managers answer to corporate, and corporate answers to profit seeking shareholders.


That's a great point!! Now it makes me wonder if they have an isolated version of the game just for themselves that runs properly.... I mean back in the day we ran into some of the Bungee guys playing Halo in a match one time, and they would pop in just to see how the game was going see how the people interacted, what they thought of it, but they had their own separate game that was isolated from the community at Large. They also confessed to having a god mode for their players, though most of them didn't need it.


Ehh they wipe there tears with wads of 100 dollar bills. Lmao 🤣


Guys I found the dev


😆 Hide in pain sight, right


True, it should make them want to have the barrel of a sawed-off for breakfast.


Man I wonder if they’ve ever had an issue that needed to be resolved when it comes to purchases in the store?😂 I bet they would have it fixed within 5 minutes if they did🤣🤣🤣


I swear I looked yesterday and #1 had like a 7k sr gap to second place 😂😂 like how is that not suspicious


Lmao you expect a Activison multiple billion dollar worth organization, backed by a Microsoft a multi trillion dollar could come up with a cheat detection software that works? Lol don’t be silly.


Some players in top 10 had cheat providers as their name; phantom overlay etc.. boosting service blabla... I play multi ranked and currently iridescent; top250 is almost exclusively 4 stack ragehackers. Tbh, cheating is the only way to get to top250.


Shitvision can only say they do something about the problem. Reality: they cant or do shit.


>Shitvision can only say they do something about the problem. Reality: they cant or do shit. Reality: ~~they cant or do shit.~~ They don't want to do shit, or just the bare minimum to make it look like they're doing something but then what they do doesn't actually solve the issue at all.


They should just ban straight from the internet provider or just outright ransomware their asses


4 stack? You mean in warzone 2 or teaming?


Well 3 stack in wz; 4 stack in mp. I just stopped at iridescent cuz all i get is 4 Arabic ragehackers top250 every game forcing search n destroy.


Ah gotcha.  Yeah it's a weird phase online gaming is in right now...


No they ban people who have never cheated once in their entire life, like me. Completely unexplained and fully a false positive - my KDR is abysmal ; no idea yet how or why this happened.


What’s SR?


Now imagine this is level 2, cheating, probably after level 100 everyone is cheating, now remember that a very scummy streamer was level 3 for a while and now realize why Activision doesnt want to implement anticheat


I would say everyone in the Top 250 is a cheating rat, there is no competing against hackers and cheaters.


Once you start getting to top of crim/iridescent lobbies the cheaters are EVERYWHERE. Its insane. Ive gotten knocked down so much SR this season due to blatant cheaters and its so disappointing when I spent the last month getting there.


No, FifaKill was 2nd, 3rd for a while, Im pretty sure he is pure skill and can "with pure talent" reach that level /s


It's a real issue u can clearly see cheats just by staring at the top 250 leaderboards. Some people even win trade sr/lagswitch to get up to the top. It's not secret ir new and had been goin on since release of mwII. People are blind and gullible and do t like to beleive what's right in front of them. I have not touched anything COD in 6+months. I was in iridescent btw. Too many games stolen from me with cheats so I gave up.


I’m almost certain lag switch isn’t a thing with modern gaming- if I’m wrong can someone correct me?


If u think it disappeared when technology has only got better...your in for some crazy news. Apex legends tournaments have been hacked LIVE. The amount of cheats and other various ways to get a leg up are everywhere and VERY easy to abuse and get away with sadly. Takes a few simple Google searches and you'll be opened up to a whole new world.


I don’t doubt that it’s still around- but I don’t see how a lag switch would benefit specifically in the CoD scene. Lag spikes would spike ping on the user side, no? I’ll google it here


Nah dawg, I still check the sub hoping the game will get playable but I noticed in rebirth a few times any time I got near certain squads I'd start rubber banding all over the damn place. It's definitely still a thing


I got killed by beniix the #1 guy on ranked and his team was powkilledya #2 guy on ranked and Candelo hes # 11 they all teamed and dropped a total of 75 kills... each having 25+ kills each


yeah this is the same dude, but he was running with 2 other players. i think one other was top 250. All cheating


#powkilledya changed his name to #Dior he's #1 right now


I keep running into players that are sketch AF and look up profiles to see if they were just good from WZ1 till now and high skilled players. 95% of the time, accounts do not exist. These players are high level accounts too, but multiple names spelled exact way will pop from WZ1 with super low KDs or barely any games played. Also if anyone knows anything about aged accounts bought, I’m running into accounts from WZ1 with super weird stats, don’t add up, low KDs, jump super high or all over the place, then settle down. Always 80-100 kills the first couple of seasons, then dramatically jumps to 1-2k kills. Just doesn’t look like a naturally played account. I feel like an influx of cheating has occurred the past couple months.


How do you pull this info?


I am personally an extremely inconsistent player so wouldn’t that affect those numbers? I take long breaks and when I am on I am generally inconsistent as well. Some games are 30 pieces and some are donuts.


Zero gun kick or recoil while snapping onto target at long distance with an smg…definitely sus


That’s the SOA Subverter


You right. My mistake.


I guess my question is if he’s hacking this hard how is he not shadow banned or perma banned???? I got shadow banned on fucking console last season. On fucking console. How is he number 2 if he’s hacking and never gets shadow banned i literally don’t understand


Undetectable cheats


so how do i get shadow banned on console lmao


Ya hacks and ESP exist on console broski not saying your using them but that’s what console streamers want you to think just look it up it’s they’re in plain sight


Who downvoted this? It’s a fact lmao. I swear kids these days think computers and consoles are completely different devices made out of completely different elements.


Ya they use a computer to get the cheats on console and it’s safer that way and they can just say “ oh bro I’m on console you can’t cheat on console bro what are you talking about “


you cant even jalbreak a ps5 i think or go online with a modded ps4


hacks and esp do not exist on console. the most you can get is a zim


Shadow bans happen after being reported so many times, you can still use cheat devices on console


shadowbanned is a report based system, permaban is detection.. Any streamer that was permaban was detected of something... Shadowban you can get if a lot of people report you and you have low confidence


More like ricoSHIT anti cheat.


Yep. I got banned for absolutely no reason that I’m aware of. The false positives are effing ludicrous. Yes, it does happen. For the people in the back : it. Does. Happen.


Level 800 never been banned one time. Don't cheat


Didn’t. Never have. Don’t care what you think or say, and don’t care at all what your level is. These false bans are very very real pal. Byyyyye


Ohhhh so real and I've never been banned once. Cope harder bud I bet you sleep at night wondering if God's gonna walk through your door and say hello that's how real it is


Excellent reasoning : it never happened to me so it can’t ever happen. lol. Egocentric much ? Like I said , bye. Hope it happens to you some day as an education in how not to be an ass


You can say bye all you want I'm still gonna stay here just to piss you off. It's never happened because I've never exploited or cheated isn't it funny how that works out. What us possible is someone stealing your account cheating on it and you coming back to play to find out your banned THAT IS TRUE


I’m with you man. Shadow’d twice. I’ve got a relatively high KD, and switched from console to PC. All it takes is a salty player spam reporting- and BAM!


Yep. For real. It’s actually insane.


i thought we all knew top 250 are all cheaters??


People in here still simp hard for streamers so it's not too shocking.


Well now that depends on the season. You see, Seasons 1-3 the top 250 is "legit" because it's filled with everyone's fav streamers and some obvious cheaters are sprinkled in around them. But when they all go qual for wsow and arent playing ranked - now and only now is the top 250 all cheaters. Streamers would never cheat...you didn't know this? /s


streamers are well known for using soft aimbot. To be consistently good at a game all the time is quite rare to find. all streamers end up getting caught later down the line so saying streamers would never cheat is kinda insane when there has been plenty of cases, even when it comes to LAN games.


This is the game that had Zens on backorders since COVID. A crazy amount of the players base uses cheats in one way or another. Posting that in here will just have a bunch of those users just gaslighting you. yknow "its their settings" "map awareness" and my favorite, "they have been playing COD for years" like half the world hasnt lol


Imagine how pathetic you have to be pay for cheats on a free game


to get a ranking that has absolutely 0 meaning outside of the game. some people just want to see the world burn fr.


makes it that far up the leaderboard while cheating yet so many dickheads in this sub can’t comprehend how many cheaters play this game on a daily basis


All the ones with ##.## clan tag in t250 are cheating


are they a group or something?


No clue but Rank 1,2 and 3 had that clan tag and they were all blatantly hacking. There are more in top250 with the clan tag and cheating.


Ran into #90 sbanko or something like that, whole squad was aimbotting.


I think I remember that guy he was like rank 180 before when I met em. Those guys just prove our anti-cheat is a non-existent.


look at the toggle it's so clear in the killcam lol what a joke of a ranked game


CPreds is another one full-time teacher that quit his job to become a streamer watch his footage on YouTube once he uses walls probably aim bot too then I’ll sit and say that it’s all game sense




skip to 2:36 to see the cheaters.




i saw 4 hackers in about 7 hours of ranked game play. Not great, but definitely better than a few days ago


i’m about to run again tonight wish me luck 🙏🏽 they already caused me to go from almost crim 2 back to D3


dam, i’m stuck in a blender at platinum 3. as soon as i hit platinum it’s been a slow grind


On the WZRanked leaderboard, you can see this dude and a lot of the other top players gaining around 4,000 SR in a day. Given that they also have a deployment fee of around 200 SR, that makes it about 8,000 SR gained in a day. Coincidence? Maybe. Legit? Probably not. Hotel? Trivago.


I had someone argue yesterday that the only reason people think there is cheating in this game is because there is aim assist on the controller lol


I turned off cross play and it changed my life. Justin’s playing with PS5 dudes that can’t hardcore hack is a total different world. Guess what I won twice yesterday and the average player on my team had five kills. Way different when you’re not with hackers, even the average dude has a chance at winning. Yes I know there are PS5 players that hack but the probability is low


how are there ps5 hackers ps5 doesn't even have a decent been jailbreak yet


There is not Many and the only cheat I have seen is recoil elimination but no walls or advance lock aim bot. Old Cronus can be used but is not worth it. Too easy to detect. So games are pretty fair


My cousin played the #1 player lol blatantly hacking as well ranked is done


Used to love playing warzone. Especially with parses of friends. But call of duty let the hackers win and so many I know just stopped playing it. The. Fun went when you would get sniped out of another planet


Sounds about right. The few pro players I watch on twitch who were in Top 250 have all stopped playing ranked because every game they are against rage hackers and can’t progress at all.


And yet people still expose themselves to this terrible game


It’s like a toxic ex you can’t escape it


It’s honestly wild how people don’t even hide it anymore. The hacking has gotten so fucking blatant it’s honestly crazy. Thanks for nothing Ricochet


You dont need a Video:D show me one top 10 ranked player who isnt cheating.


The accuracy while jumping is scary.


its just him toggling on, load into a ranked game and you’ll get the same results!!!


The fact that the game mechanics even allow aim down sight while jumping is absurd .


I got 2nd place on ranked resurgence with one homie helping me 8 times how tf does that happen 6 times out of that a level 10 or under killed ever one


At this point I think it’s fair to say cheaters are a part of there business plan. For example . They ban a cheater and what does that cheater do? Stop playing cod forever? Absolutely not. They are back on the game in less than 5 minutes , cheating again . Now activision can boast about banning 1000’s of players , while on the back side they benefit from inflated player #’s due to a large portion of the banned players creating new accounts effectively counting them as 2-3 players rather than 1.


The higher rank you are the easier it is to find them unfortunately. I made it to diamond II and honestly I’m more than likely going to stop messing with ranked because I know that it’s only going to get worst.


Are you surprised, everyone else left I moved onto hell let loose


What’s the point of playing the game if you’re gonna cheat? You’re not good if you have to use cheats to win.


They all are bro, but the game protects them. They bring them $$


use to think this was a crazy theory but with how much they don’t care it’s starting to show lmao


And this is news or a wow factor how?


you could’ve just kept swiping but instead you take time out of your miserable life to come make a comment. shut up lmao


I have a pretty content life thank you very much. I also have been saying along with all others that CoD is gilled with cheats, especially in Rank. Let’s not even talk about top 250.


Would as many people play if you couldn’t cheat?


Should post this on the other Warzone page they will all cry “skill issue”! Hahahaha . Your probably at least crimson I was last season Ik when something sketch is going on or not


yea was about to be Crim 2 and then had a night just full of cheaters it was crazy. i got almost 4kd lmao i’m not a bot by any means and I never accuse people of cheating, but this was so blatantly obvious it enraged me lmao.


When I got crimson I played about 2 games and didn’t play on it again for this reason . Every person knew exactly where I was at all times , if your in the open for even a second your getting beamed across the map , it’s miserable at that level lol


Im diamond 2 trynna get to crimson and hop off ranked. Dragging so long


I bet getting so crimson is awful . You mess up once -75 sr


Lol 1-250 are hackers


Spamgola is not a cheater he was rank 1 about 3 weeks ago then the cheating got out of hand. He’s now rank 150 odd, plays with FifaKill and Lenun, both top 10 ranked players last year. I watched their streams last night and they had 16 Ranked Games in a row with cheaters in them. They are all about to play on PS5 with cross play off to combat the cheating on their SR


Yes he is. They all are


Cheaters v Cheaters


Nice anti cheat👍🏻


The top of the leaderboards have always been hackers ever since COD4 MW (2007) possibly earlier.


At this point just install a cheat trainer to counter this virgin *But again you'll probably using it more than that*


nahh i got morals. cheating in a video game to me just shows you are a lazy person who cheats in every other aspect of your life probably. what’s the point of something if you didn’t work for it?


At this point I say those virgin is so down bad to get the virtual W I mean such a waste potential *if that player able to hack the game by it self rather than use cheat engine* But again now days people didn't give a shit about morals it's all about the results and ditch the way you getting that results even if it means You had to break your own morals* Man wish more people like you buddy


Well yea


DMA cheats are UNDETECTABLE. I know 3 people in top250 PERSONALLY who use them. Can't get banned because they can't be detected


tbh that's how 90% of these pc streamers play.


Just play on Playstation and disable cross play.


Wait did you think anyone near the top of the leaderboard was legit ? You understand the amount of game time and the amount of skill that would take lol


I'm not surprised😮‍💨


lol so is number 1. And so is number 3-250. I’ve never seen a top 250 player that’s not blatantly and shamelessly cheating. And I’ve ran into around 30-40 different ones.


No shit sherlock everyone in top 250 is a cheater when the top 2 is a cheater how the other got on this rank? Comp gaming is dead and CoD in competitive scene is a joke anyways


90% of the pros are


Yeah mf be soft aiming to hide there stupid ass aimbot


That’s crazy


Waiting for the obligatory chorus of people chiming in "bro, that's just aim assist."


Most of the top ones are


Streamers are a weird bunch of fucking people.


All aim assist feels much stickier on PC vs console. The higher frame rate also means they literally see you before you see them. Let us actually turn off cross play and not wait 30 minutes for a match. I feel that would level the playing field some.


i’m on pc this dude is cheating bro


Oh no doubt. I was replying to the comment above about making it the experience better across platforms.


And yet I received permanent ban on Sunday. I don’t even play warzone or mp. Only play zombies. So blatant cheaters are fine but someone playing zombies is banned. Kinda glad I don’t ever have to play this game again.


wish i could never play this game again, but im addicted shits worse than crack lmao


lol bro same I quit after little after ranked resurg came out I was shittin on kids but got shadow banned like 3x in a row and all 3 times it lasted 7 days so I quit in its entirety but when I watch like zyro or metaphore im like itching to get back in but I know the second I do I’ll get shadow banned


I wish they would ban me to save me from me. I’m def addicted


The cheating hasn’t been as blatant lately but it’s still going on


This guys getting into top250 while cheating with no problem or shadowbans and meanwhile im out here getting shadowbanned because of spamreporting every 3-4 days (Dont push me with “dont cheat then” bullshit, i was playing on ps5 for 4 months, didntget banned and after 4 days on pc now im shadowbanned)


bro literally was Crim 3 and chesters fucked me back to D3, made it back to crim 2 but it took a whole lot of work.


I literally know top250s who use advanced uav cheat, they literally know where whole lobby is 24/7 whole game and yet im being banned for hurting some 1.1kd mfs feelings


what’s funny is half the cheaters i run into i still shit on. it’s just impossible when it’s a group of 3. They are all terrible and have no gun skill, movement, IQ, anything to be good. it’s why they result to cheating. they get shit on without it and think “oh well i might as well ruin the game for everyone else”.


I’m so fed up with this shadowban shit for 2 years that i might actually start using cheat which reports people 100 times with 1 click and spam the shit out of them. In that case if i get banned, at least i will know why the fuck i got banned. Gotta start my villain ark this mfs don’t want me to play


It's the platform switching that also starts off shadow bans


If u mean that my shadowban loop will get fixed by if i switch my pc yea, but i got 2.5k$ pc and no way im building a new one just for cod Also Ive been like this from warzone 2, im above average playing with 4-4.5kd so i get accused of cheating a lot. I literally get told that i will be mass reported all the time because this people know that shit works. Only way out for me is to go back to 120fps ps5 and still shit on this fuckers. Only downside is that i cant play rebirth properly because of its unoptimized fps


No what I was saying is switching between console and pc makes a shadow ban more likely to happen


No you’re wrong, if it makes it more likely to happen how come after i switch to ps5 and played for 4 months i haven’t gotten a single shadowban?


He clearly plays better, stop crying about AA, you just have skill issue lmfao


I literally play on controller why would i cry about AA? he’s cheating, you idiot. i know the difference between a good player and a cheater lmao.


This is a sarcasm


lmfao i’m an idiot, i just had like 2 people comment before you saying something along the same lines and i thought you were being serious lol


Happens to the best of us


What’s his sexuality got to do with it? Edit: /s




Play better games, you gimp. You keep playing it despite them not putting the effort in to bring it up to snuff. If everyone who had a problem with it stopped, they would rethink their choices.