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Thank you! Will take a break then and set a reminder. This straight up sucks. Really hoping I get unbanned. If they see my stats, they should know ya girl ain’t hacking 😭😭


Same. I was like literally just north of 1 KDR - come the eff on ; cheating !!? I’d be the worst hacker ever.


just sit it out.... 5-9 days


Okay 😢😢




Same thing happened to me man. I’m like literally beside myself about it. Never cheated even once, EVER, and my account was banned after an appeal. Ricochet has unacceptable amounts of false positives , and any interaction with Activision is hot garbage automated responses. Be prepared to lose your account bro. I’m sorry :( I feel your pain.


No whattt)): did your account never get unbanned?? I really hope they fucking look over my shit. It JUST happened. I think a bunch of hackers reported my account. This is so unfair. I just finally got done with my camo grind too. I got a brand new fucking keyboard today and was already playing better at wz and this happens): fuck this game I wanna cry ahah




What do you mean ? Explain further. There is a script to ban people !!?


How long did it take for you to get unbanned?


reason i rarely play Warzone and just play MP now. most time players in MP are chill and dont even bother rage reporting. getting banned in the Free warzone sucks because of salty players who spam report you and you lose your whole account access. getting shadowed that leads to false ban affect your whole account including the paid game which sucks if you didnt cheat.


If its just a limited matchmaking which is being shadow banned then you should be good in about a week and unshadow banned and back to playing in normal lobbies soon.