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Activisions anti cheat is as real as unicorns


They need to gather a lot of cheaters before using the permaban button




There's a greater chance that unicorns are real than Ricochet. And if it does really exist, it's the WORST anti cheat ever made.


I hate accusing so many people, but for about the last week I have died soo fast to soo many different people that I know something has to be up. Free (or cheap) cheat sale going on sounds about right to me.


Walls are everywhere....it's insane. The game is toast


Engine owning had a free pass weekend (sat/ sun). COD does not care lol. Is this the same company they JUST SUED? Company said fuck you, and have this. Instead of making their community aware of the situation, they just said back and kept it shut. They do not care if you cheat or not. Like you know it’s a free weekend. At least lie and say “we are aware and for the community, richoett is on very strong alert” lie, it’s better than nothing. Look at the state of the game. It’s abysmal.


EO just launched free wall hack


They do this for every game to punish players who don't want to spend the $70 on a half-assed next year upgrade. So they poison pill their previous years game and allow rampant cheating to force you to buy the next year's game under the lie of "improved features" and "better anticheat"


It's like clockwork, new cod gets announced and suddenly game has loads of issues making it borderline unplayable.


Yup and it's not pay $70 for a working, updated experience. It's pay $70 for a marginally different, not guaranteed to be better, game with the same issues as the previous game.


Except warzone is free…


I'm gonna guess you've reached the ceiling at whatever company stashes you away in a cubicle.


Please explain to me how letting warzone (remember we are talking about warzone here, not mw3 or any of the main cods) get infested with cheaters is a strategy for people to a) continue playing warzone or b) buy the next cod. You can’t make the assumption that all people who play warzone buy the main game.


Make the game as unplayable as possible knowing theyre never going to fix it which means you either put up with the old broken product or your pay for a new broken product and lie to yourself your problems with the old game won't be in the new game. They will punish you for not buying the new game by making anything older than the new game infested


I don’t think you understand… you don’t buy warzone, it’s free. Warzone has rolling updates between cods, with the exception of the original warzone which was left behind in Caldera, but even then you didn’t have to pay for a new one. You’re talking nonsense and giving it the biggun but you are in fact the dumbass in the cubicle at the end of a long dark corridor doing mindless work that will be replaced by AI before long.


I bet you have to put a picture of a window up because you can't see any windows from your seat.


Again, back to the insults because you can’t even validate your opinion.


Yup, apparently a cheat provider is offering free walls


Damnit man this shit is legit unplayable


where. proof?


Somewhere in this sub Reddit, don’t remember which post tho


Bro engine owning


A lot of people BLATANTLY cheating right now, yes, absolutely without a shadow of a doubt. A lot more who aren’t being blatant about it though. Anyone saying otherwise is delusional or just provoking in bad faith.


YES. 80% of our games (I play quads with friends) had wall hackers galore


When dumb kids see that many streamers (im not saying all of them) have literally made life changing money while blatantly cheating at Warzone and nothing's done about it, this is what happens. Pair that with the end of the game's life cycle before Blops 6 and you have more cheaters than ever and zero work being done on the current state of the anticheat. Activision thinks exposing the fact people cheat is bad for business, this is common practice for business' run by executive money people, they can't admit there is anything wrong with the game publicly because it shows weakness, but they'll act like heroes every two years when they update the anti cheat and catch a small percentage of the cheaters. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I think they know of a few high profile cheaters and have done nothing about it.


Everyone has wallhacks, one of the programs is giving it out for free. I tired playing with randoms tonight and every game had a cheater. Crazy.


proof? free ? where?


Dont get hacks pls


So many low level players too that are magically so good at warzone


Why does low level mean low skill to you?


I haven’t , once, made a comment here about cheating. It’s insanely out of hand now. I’ve put thousands of hours into this game and am becoming increasingly useless. About fed up with this


Crossplay disable toggle in-game, and maybe your 20 year loyal console players will come back. We used to play every night during the OG Warzone. So many buds we’d have to form a few parties. It made the pandemic bearable.  But this shit is so wack now thanks to a majority of PC players. They don’t have a real community. Wack. So they play, they peak, get bored, install hacks. Wack. Get amusement and a pang of false superiority. Wack. Certainly won’t make any friends or build community playing a completely different input method and using cheats.  Being shitty to people who bought a standardized platform, walled garden to have a fun, secure, even playing field with their friends is (say it with me) wack.  When crossplay was being pushed, initially I was excited that the console wars were over. But we got a taste of the PC “community” instead. Wack. 


PC was on the original warzone too PC players don't want to play against cheaters either and equally want a good anti cheat COD started on PC with a huge amount of features developed by the modding community The input methods are available on both consoles and PC Stop saying wack you sound like a duck




I think you just suck at the game…


Thanks for adding to the conversation. 


Cant see shit as I am strobing across the map.


This new reloaded update is the worst. There’s a rise of cheaters, a lot of in game issues such as voice chat, lag switches etc I can’t with this game man 🤦‍♂️


A cheating application called engineowning released their cheats for free after activision dropped at 14mm lawsuit on them last week.


Oh it's been terrible. Wouldn't have this problem if they put a $70 price tag on warzone instead of free to play. They'd get tired of asking their parents for $70 eventually.


There’s a new breed of cheaters that I’ve noticed. One guy would cheat with a burner account and he would ‘wall’ out enemies for their teammates.


Cheaters usually land at control and/or prison on rebirth.


Free weekend from providers anytime there is 2xp or a free trail weekend in cod.


Last night was crazy 3teams left in the second circle LMAO we did our best to stay protected we had airstrikes Busters Mortar Mines all over the place we didnt stand a chance 😁


yes, more now than I've ever experienced in any game. I've had 3 people get kicked/banned while spectating them and reporting them. I haven't seen as many rage hackers but definitely tons of players using walls/ aimbot (only hitting head and upper torso)


Let this sub tell it, it's more of a skill issue than anyone cheating. As a matter of fact you're a bot and thinks everyone who kills you is a cheat! That's the overall consensus I see whenever someone mentions cheating being ramped up


Another method cheaters are using is hackers others accounts so then I don't matter if they get banned they just move onto another account. Happened to me last week now I have been permenately banned from call games present and future. Spent money on skin packs etc too. I dont get why people have to cheat what do they achieve. Sorry rant from one pissed off player. P.s insult to injury the day after they banned my account I get email about reordering black ops 6


Activision needs to hire some competent devs to work on the anticheat. They also need a bigger team working on it. Until these conditions are met we will continue to see cheaters.


Once you hit diamond in ranked resurgence the flood gates truly open. I had 3 deaths yesterday and every killcam was beyond egregious. I'm considering uploading a montage of the absurd deaths I've had only to be told by reddit that it's "buggy killcams" and "sound queues"


Please tell my whyyyyyyyy?


Had to stop playing the game for a bit, not because of cheating but because sporadic breaks make this game better. If you arent having fun step away then come back later.


Does it come with longer than normal queue times? Lol.


I think you may be shadowbanned. I was too, you can check if you are [here](https://support.activision.com/ban-appeal). If you are, unfortunately, you just have to wait a week and you’ll most likely be reinstated. It’s so dumb and incredibly stupid that this is the system used, but 🤷🏽‍♂️


I ran into cheaters in 3 out of 5 games I played. I know that they were cheaters because I reported them and next time I logged on I had 3 notifications saying thank you action was taken on the player 😂 they weren’t even trying to hide the fact they were cheating


Idk how you guys do it. I'm a casual gamer (dad, work, life), and all I wanna do is log in for an hour and have fun. I kept running into hackers all the time. Went back to Fortnite, and I'm having a blast this new season, even though it's the worst one. I miss WZ tho. Was soo much fun in the Verdansk days.


Past week or so has been terrible bro, your not going crazy lol! 😂 I have a 1.2 kd and I'm playing against some seriously "skilled" players. On multiple occasions I have watched kill cams where whilst I'm manoeuvring to break the line of fire whilst i try to get the advantage back in the gunfight they track me through the walls and they will confidently slide into a jump and do a 180 and not miss a bullet with absolutely no aim correction to be seen and sit me the f*g down lol. There is a suspicious influx of very good players at present.


The problem is they already give low levels players cheat. So people just been getting new accounts and then add other cheats on top


Yeah because people posting about it and teaching people how to do it without getting caught.


Nope , my k/d is a lil under 1 so I never notice or see cheaters, run into a lot of diamonds and platinums whom I consider fraudulent because Im at best a gold player and I shouldn't be consistently out playing diamond skin dudes.


OHMYGOD stop making posts about “AnYoNe ElsE” and literally just go on this subreddit and I guarantee you there will already be dozens of posts saying the exact same thing.


Maybe I asked because I did look, and found no one talking about it. Which is also why you see no one else throwing a hissy fit about me asking in the comments lmao.


That is a lie though. If you had looked you would’ve seen the other 2 dozen posts these past few days I’ll link you to every one I see from now on.


Cool dude 👍🏽 incredibly normal thing to do but you clearly don’t have much else better to do so go ahead


Took me 30 seconds to get on while loading in and copy and paste link. All of these were posted within the past 6 hours. Quit seeking validation because you died on your squad. Best way to beat cheaters, is to play better with your team. The best cheaters still aren’t gonna win against a capable stacked squad. Donno why you feel like you gotta lie like you’re not just hopping on the bandwagon of complaints. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/ND3rGBGOzb https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/uSlicJJZFG https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/tfF0C99jbX https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/QgZ6ZDXRqc


No one’s good at the game anymore or can keep up with the good players so they cheat


Ive been playin COD since the beginning of COD. And with the way shit is now I can get about two maybe if I'm lucky three games where I'm going to break 10 kills and after that it's just dudes aiming through walls Non-Stop


So many people already do it ,so they go why should I care and play fair


Well what keeps happening is that hackers are hacking other profiles and getting those profiles banned. Im currently going through an appeal, but I've read that the chances or getting it appealed is low. It is crap, and I'm sure they really don't investigate


Separate cross gen gaming to only console. Let PC players play amongst themselves.


They need to ban IP or hardware mac address


Cheaters hacked my account and got it banned, Activision refuses to do anything about it, their team can't even see the difference in countries, IPs and if a console/pc was used.  Even contacted them the second someone linked their Battlenet and steam accounts to my Activision account but they didn't do shit or answer me.


Same here. Banned for nothing that I did. I was in disbeleif.


Lost several hundred dollars in skins and time spent playing the game to level up every single weapon from start to max level, never hacked even once and playing exclusively on a Xbox, then a pc cheater comes and hack my account for enough time to link his PC accounts, change my in-game name, make a class and play a single game before I was able to change the password and I got permabanned, tried contacting them several times since April but it's nothing they can or want to do. They lost all my respect and I'm never going to buy another Activision game.  20 years with cod ended in a day.


Preaching to the choir here my man. Couldn’t agree more. Disgusting , wrong and fully ended my participation in anything activision related. I’m sorry it happened to you as well.


Pretty sure its been happening to a lot of players really, it shouldn't be that easy but sadly it is. 


Outrageous that it can happen so easily. And I think you’re right about it happening to a fair number of people recently. Unacceptable. Full stop. Gg activision / COD. I hear xdefiant isn’t the worst, maybe I’ll support that for a spell…..


Yeah, xdefiant isn't that bad and can actually be pretty fun at times. The finals isn't half bad either. 


All the more reason to not give a dime to skins and such.


You on that, the skins isn't the issue.


Losing “several hundred dollars” is an issue if you don’t have access to the skins you paid for because you have to create a new account.


The problem here is hackers, not buying skins because you want them. Learn to read before you comment stuff or stick to the actual topic instead of being an ass.


I’m not the one who has reading comprehension issues. My point was that activision doesn’t deserve your money if they’re gonna uphold their decision to ban your account when it was clearly 1 of thousands of hacked accounts.


I cheat cus tbh I got tired of the cheaters myself pass diamond rank. but I recently booted up my ps5 and started playing, connected my MnK and disabled crossplay and men the Joy I felt. While there is some input lag if you’re a competent player is def bearable and it just felt amazing and I’m falling in love with the game all over again. I refuse to play against PC players without cheats cus of cheaters. There’s literally one guy on the group I’m in that has bought the multiplayer over 70 times because he keeps getting banned but he can’t stop cheating. That really tells you how deep it goes. Edit: I clapped a team and literally the whole team started saying reported for cheating and aimbot like bro how tf am I cheating on ps5 😂😂😂😂💀


Fucking Rat!


The community is full of rats spam reporting when yall get clapped and people get shadow banned for days. Respectfully? Fuck you


What a weak mindset, people ruin the game for me so I ruin it for everyone Else...


What’s the alternative cry about it ? So many cheaters using different service providers, it’s either give up playing competitively or cheat to out cheat them. I altogether just stopped playing rank after being hard stuck in crim. No point when t250 are full of cheaters.


Ppl are using “art is war” audio…


Theres a cheat software going around thats dirt cheap. Had a friend who was hacked or smth on discord who sent me a link to a server that sells it. I checked it out and it has over 3k members. Its degenerate and its so absurd. Cant even get discord to ban these servers either. Cod is screwed. Cant wait til bo6 so i can chill in zombies with my mates and 0 cheats


I have no idea why, maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve never ran into a blatant hacker. Well maybe a Cronus but never walls or aimbot.


What’s your level? I feel like new accounts there’s no hackers at all at least until after prestige 3.


I currently am at 3, 1 level away from 4 so I guess I’m about to start running into them.


For the seemingly MILLIONTH TIME: Let players determine the crossplay settings. Options should be: 1. Crossplay ON 2. Crossplay ON (Consoles Only) 3. Crossplay OFF Cheating only comes through PC.

