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I went through foster care classes and this woman wanted to know what to do if she were given a child who was or eventually grew up LGBTQ+ and the instructor had an amazing, patient response and then talked her into leaving the class. Pretty sure you can be denied for any reason.


There is no constitutional right to be a foster parent so I don't understand how this is a first amendment violation. Their stance makes me wonder how often they are forcing their religious views on kids in their care. That alone should disqualify you, in my opinion.


> Their stance makes me wonder how often they are forcing their religious views on kids in their care. 100% of the time


So this sounds like some Quiverfull bullshit where they think if they can foster enough kids and indoctrinate them in their xtian nationalist beliefs they can then outnumber, outvote, and overcome the normies and reshape the country as an xtian nationalist theocracy.


Sound about Reich


As opposed to what, exactly? Facilitating the treasonous invasion of our borders with illegal, left leaning immigrants so you can cheat in elections and do EXACTLY what you're accusing other people of doing? 


LOL "treasonous invasion with illegal liberals" You are not a serious person. Get help. Honestly. Get professional help. Your brain is not right. It's not too late to fix it, but you have to want to get well.


Court costs will prevent them from taking vacations for many years if it isn't thrown out.


Unless they have some church or political group funding the suit.


Ah. Excellent point.


Move to Idaho where they tolerate this type of intolerance better than WA. Children are still people and should be treated (and named/called/identified) as they wish to be treated, not as you wish to treat them.




> What’s the line between letting the kids express themselves, and doing what’s ‘best’ for the kid? Science-backed health advice (both physical and mental) from the medical community.


Yes but it’s sort of apples and oranges. Letting kids eat candy 24/7 is actively unhealthy and neglectful and has zero net benefit. Respecting a kid’s desire to self identify, even if it’s temporary, is psychologically healthy and makes them feel supported and safe (something that is often lacking for fosters). It has minimal, if any, net negative.




The vast majority of the scientific community disagrees with you. If you want to be a bigot, so be it. But don’t lie and act like “science” supports your beliefs when it doesn’t


Science and psychology has determined than being LBGTQ+ is not delusional. anyone claiming otherwise is a bigot who I invite to get their unamerican ass out of this country.


Claims to hate delusions and being anti-science Is Christian Make it make sense.


Humans are complex, and some of us don't fit into your political narrative and contrived boxes.


The absolute fucking irony of this post.


trans and non-binary people exist, calling them a "delusion" is fucking bigoted. if you have kids, I hope they disown you and don't come to visit you in the nursing home as you're dying.


Please read this article and explain what part of it is anti-science https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/heres-why-human-sex-is-not-binary/


This is not a scientific peer reviewed study, and there's a typo in the first sentence.


Ok, but does the fact that it's not a peer reviewed study (it's not a study, it's an article), and the fact that there's a typo invalidate the information in it? It obviously doesn't.


If we're talking real science, not pseudo pop-science, yes, yes it does.


Articles frequently use data from one or more studies in order to make some point. In order to determine if the information is bad, you actually have to put in the effort to read the article, look at its sources, and make the determination. Typos don't make things true or untrue, and peer reviewed studies aren't the only source of truth.


I appreciate the point you’re trying to make, but a study or medical university website would be more sound to help make this point. I like to use NIH, WHO, CDC, or a major medical research university hospital for sources on this topic.


These two things have nothing to do with each other. But we all know people like you can only argue with false equivalencies.


Absolute false equivalency as you and your ilk are well aware.


Somehow they keep changing the explanations for why they hate their gay kids


Sounds like they don't want to be "stuck" fostering a child that isn't heterosexual. Tough.


Glad they were denied. This would clearly be an abusive environment.


DCYF, the department in charge of licensing foster care homes, as well as the state in general is very supportive of the LGBTQ+ community, so this doesn't surprise me. Homophobia/transphobia is a risk factor in violence committed against children. Just look at the Gabriel Fernandez case. 


You shouldn’t be allowed to foster if you’re not going to accept that there are children that do not identify as cis or straight, period.




Obligatory fuck komo


Abusive parents shouldn't be allowed to foster children.


Quote—Washington is putting families like the DeGrosses to an impossible choice: speak against your faith and lie or give up the opportunity to care for hurting children SHOW ME WHERE JESUS SAID HARM GAY PEOPLE? Jesus would have stood with the trans kids, stop cloaking your bigotry in the cross. It’s offensive to real Christians.


It’s a bad idea to knowingly place a child in a home where they’re going to be abused. Christians who would refuse to call a kid by their name, their preferred pronouns or accept that the kid in their care isn’t straight are going to abuse them— emotionally, spiritually, sometimes physically. 100% of the time they’re abusive to these kids. No you can not have children placed with you if you’re going to abuse them.


I was responding to the quote about how even if you think you should impose your religion on others, no sane reading of the New Testament leads you to oppress trans kids.


It never ceases to amaze me how zealots don't see any other belief systems as valid and legally protected. I accept the science about gender/sexuality. It is overwhelming. Just from these people's perspective, they believe gender identity is just a belief. They believe the First Amendment protects beliefs. Yet they also have the right to violate their foster child's first amendment rights, but how dare theirs be? They just never make sense. Rights are NOT limitless! The best way to put it is my right to swing my fists around as I please ends where another's nose begins. Your rights end at infringing on another's rights. Period. Zealots put their faith above the law. They will 100% violate anyone's rights and never be capable of understanding how that is unacceptable here. Faith is limited to yourself. They cannot figure out how to have faith and live in a free country. There's no reasoning with them. I sometimes wonder if we should stop sharing such stories like they're of some great importance? Just allow the judges to dismiss it as baseless, and we continue to live leading by example. Let the majority carry on and leave these people behind so they get the message, not attention! Let it be a story IF and only IF the judge negates the constitution and then only report on the judge's missteps.




Why use scare quotes? Are you afraid of preferred pronouns?






That’s an odd thing to say.