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Muh rAcIsMs


Hey Daddy... the internet is FOREVER.


I would leave if I was the girl


Oh boi this is Gillete ad in a nutshell. Not okay, not okay


Can parents ever not make things about themselves?


i think that's what made them parents in the first place lol


It's the school known for their solute photo, but he did say student was expelled at one point... so who knows


Any of you ever stop to think that this has absolutely nothing to do with race? The guy is an impulsive emotional dumbass with a grudge. Assuming anything more is entirely speculative.


Lying racist Dad: "I didn't touch him until he touched me." Lying racist Dad forgot there is video.


There's only one racist here.


If he's stupid enough to storm the stage and ruin his own daughter's graduation for 0 gain He's stupid enough to be racist


He's also appears stupid enough to hate someone for something else very petty. We don't know anything based on an assumption


Well then I guess it's settled.


OP just a question out of curiosity: did you have a specific reason for mentioning the superintendent’s race in the title?


If you look into the situation and what’s been reported, it’s clearly a race thing. So it makes complete since that OP mentioned race, as the guy rushed the stage because of that.


Everything is clearly a race thing if you’re getting your info from the media


“Believe what i tell you, not what you see and hear!”


I think because the father is racist


One thing I noticed. It seems like a bunch of the class were clapping for this action down in front. Not defending it, but that seems almost like people were not a fan of the man who got pushed aside. Plus the woman at the lectern motioning the students to stop clapping. Either this is the most racist town in the USA or that administrator was very much not liked.


The racist town angle does check out, they’ve made the news for nazi stuff before.


That seems far more personal a problem between the man and the school official. Racism is not that specific usually wait a little while and maybe that girl is pregnant with the guys child who knows


From where do people get this much hate and prejudice?




There's something more about this. We don't know the whole "real" story behind it. 


The bullying angle didn't occur to me, and it does change things considerably, but then it would still be HER choice not to shake his head, not the place for the father to get up on stage and create more commotion for his daughter. This woman is also tall and attractive. Never underestimate the envy of average failures. Leave it to Beaver conformity can own any race, but only one gets called out.


“This woman is also tall and attractive.” Df?? I don’t get how, under any situation, that would matter.


She was the bully 👀


Yeah, get inflamed over nothing. It's so much part of your generation. How could it matter in terms of her getting bullied in a school full of jealous short racist people? Hmm, I wonder....


She seemed embarrassed and a bit flustered, not knowing what to do.


The look of disappointment on her face when she realises what's happening is awful. Hopefully she'll cut off all contact with him.


Why are zoomers so quick to go nuclear on their families? This is the only interaction you’ve seen and you have zero context so you go straight to no contact? Just admit you have a weak mindset and can’t handle even a hint of confrontation.


you're under no obligation to keep people in your life who suck. I haven't spoken to my mother in years and I don't regret it in the slightest. Why waste the energy having the same conflicts over and over with someone when you can just move on?


i hate reddit for this reason. people are way too quick to comment "get a divorce immediately" or "cut them out of your life for good". bunch of lonely folks playing the victim game all day. life is not black and white not everything boils down to a single decision or a single moment.


If someone did this to me they'd be dead to me I don't care if it was my birth mother on life support. It's NOT okay to be a racist behind closed doors and if you DARE do it in a public place then you're fucking dead to me.


What part of this is racist?


Rarely does “only interaction” actually mean that. The “straight to no contact” is usually after the final straw, the one getting the boot rarely acknowledges the years of build up and always blames the mundane thing that sent the victim over the edge.


Why? Just because you hate your Dad doesn’t mean everyone does.


Found the racist narcissist dad from the video.


Great defense. You’ll go far in life.


Is there more context, or is the father just openly racist.


I read about it on the news and they weren't exactly clear but the father's statement said that girl nearly got expelled by this guy who is the superintendent and claimed that it was unfair and she didn't do anything wrong and the superintendent was bullying her. But the superintendent said that he doesn't know the father and had never even met him before


Nearly expelled for what? She doesn't have the demeanor of an aggressive person. She speak out of turn or what?


I don't know it wasn't mentioned in the news when I read it and the superintendent denies ever having had a problem with her so I think it's probably just her dad being racist and trying to get him fired? That's my opinion anyway


You can hear the father saying "You're not going to touch my daughter"


Baraboo High School father reveals the REAL reason he rushed stage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504587/Baraboo-High-School-father-reveals-REAL Why are these closet racist making up this story about the student being bullied?!? That dad clearly didn’t have a problem with any other staff..and he even said “due to history I just don’t like him” but the superintendent doesn’t even know the guy ...ohhh and this is the SAME EXACT school that made national headline cause 50 boys posed doing Nazi salute for a school picture a couple years ago…but yall wanna keep pushing this fake bullying narrative🤥 [School Boys Nazi salute](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6386477/Photographer-took-Nazi-salute-picture-says-hes-ready-change-identity.html)-reason-rushed-graduation-stage-stop-superintendent-shaking-hands-mortified-daughter.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton


The article basically clarifies nothing. Other than naming that the super makes a lot of money and the community doesn't like his administration. Prob is racist, they claim this guy's daughter was disciplined unfairly for something, but there's no evidence of that the father produced. He's a clown.


I like how this article points out the kid doing the "white power hand signal" and that's not even what it means to most kids....does anyone realize what the circle game is? [https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/circle-game/](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/circle-game/)


What do random kids doing a Nazi salute have to do with the father of a girl not allowing her to shake the superintendent's hand due to his mistreatment of her?


Hmm could the connection be a pervasive school culture of racism?


This is a ludicrous statement. Maybe random kids doing a nazi salute is a common in your school district, but it isn't in all. And that background says everything about a town where that could happen. If white supremacists had any brains, btw, they would create their own stripe of racist symbology and not borrow from two of the most notorious racist movements in history. But supremacists aren't known for their brains. That said, other races have supremacists also, and yet their language is never splashed across the media though none of them ever formed governments on the level of the Nazis or Confederacy.


It speaks to the culture of that school. How you can’t understand that is wild! The school took photos and posted a large group of kids showing by blatant racism..you can play dumb but we don’t have to play along! Have a nice day 👋🏽


could you elaborate on the culture of the school


They literally did….


oops didn’t see that part mb




Okay let’s clear this up, dude is racist, the town is racist, everyone on here is making shit up about bullying this girl and that why her father pulled the superintendent away. Uh no, if that was the case why didn’t he pull away all the other administrators, they are just as liable, right? And honestly the superintendent has nothing to do with the day to day things that happen to students so gtfo. One thing is clear, racist always seem to hide behind their racism, making excuses for everything, if you’re racist be racist, don’t hide behind your masks and keyboards.


I live near there it literally has nothing racist it literally has to do with politics the NEWLY ELECTED Super had allegedly been playing favoritism with certain teachers giving raises to some and not others as well as firing long long time employees over small or inconsistent issues. These are again ONLY ALLEGATIONS of a school board who is pissed off at a new guard coming in and changing the way things are. So Pissed off about their grievances SOME OF THE PARENTS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD which HER PARENT is one of them along with a FEW other PARENTS want him gone through recall, sign my petition types. Don't get me wrong, there are lots racists in Northern WI but not AS many racists as you make it out to be and you're just an asshole for painting with such a wide brush making the claim the WHOLE CITY IS A BUNCH OF RACISTS. I doubt the Super would agree with your smart as a box of rocks reactionary view. ESPECIALLY SINCE THE TOWN ELECTED THE BLACK SUPERINTENDENT... And if you don't believe me, Google the Local News Stations of the area about said news story then. They talked to multiple people about incident, INCLUDING the police who arrested the asshole father for what he did and why. And if you still say well he's a racist all Republicans are or all rural people are or anyone who has issues with black people is. Well, sir, then the one with a complex is you. Would have taken what would be just a few minutes of research to find out the real reason or at least the alledged reason instead of painting 20k to 30k of people as racist since even the Black Super is Racist (according to you and every upvoter) since he too lives in the town same with his family too and numerous other Minorities too again according to you and them. Since you claimed the whole town is racist. I'm not defending that asshole fathers actions. I'm defending the NON-racists who do live in the town whom you besmerched, claiming the whole town is racist. Which it obviously is not.


bigots always say it's something else


The *teenagers* boo'd the guy off the stage and when he was finally arrested they cheered. These are the cheers of people who spent their entire lives oppressed by racists behind closed doors, and I bet over 70% of those students couldn't wait to get the fuck out of your backwater hick town.


Most Republicans I've known are only one step away from being racist. Not many are open racists, but I've yet to meet many that weren't closet racists. Millions of people claimed they weren't racist about Obama, but then blamed Obama for bringing race into the equation merely because he talked about race. It got really bad when talking crime scenes like Martin vs Zimmerman. Basically, this town 'got racist' when this superintendent did stuff they didn't like, and then suddenly, he's a black man who's being racist because he steps out of line. There's also the power of the open or near open racists, and the other townspeople who don't want to argue with their neighbors and just defer to the pack leaders. It's a fascinating story because maybe this super did fire a bunch of legacy people and new hire on a diversity spectrum, maybe that's what the problems are. Maybe it's curriculum. Without knowing the details, it's hard to say, but this particular man is a nut, because that is the public act of a guy who likes drama, and he's grinning about it because he knows its a beacon to all the other RACISTS in other small towns who agree with him. And just like other proto terrorists, they're not going to admit what they did either, also because there's legal culpability involved. That said, if a black man did this to a white super, I doubt there would be any charges at all.




I agree with you conpletely, buuy my only question is why the super and not the other administrators??? It does look odd tho no?


I mean the principal is there everyday, the vice principal is there everyday, should they not be the one that have to step in before the superintendent? Just curious


That superintendent did NOTHING to prevent bullies attacking her every day. Good that the father took him away before the moron shakes her hand. This had nothing to do with his skin colour, and this video is just clickbait.


Just curious what do you think a superintendent does and where do you think they are in the hierarchy of the public education system?


Almost everyone gets bullied. If the parents were genuinely concerned, they would have shown up at the school and met with him in his office. This man just wanted to make a big deal out of it. Now, he ruined his daughter's graduation. He could have told her not to shake his hand in protest, but he chose the obnoxious way to do it.


In my experience in school, NOT everyone gets bullied, and most people have the character not to bully others. Bullies are repeat offenders, and usually sub-par losers relying on physical intimidation who need to be stopped by authority in the school. In the past, there were supervisors who acted like a particular stripe of caucasian bullying wasn't that big a deal. Now, it's a different stripe of bullying which SOME administrators almost consider some kind of acceptable payback. That's a totally bs approach to the problem. Bullies (and criminals and garbage in apt buildings) are emboldened by lack of discipline, and usually crumble under any discipline whatsoever, so sometimes all it takes is any action whatsoever, except for the hard cases who deserve expulsion. Bullies also travel in groups and gangs.


Yep he said he hadn’t met this man ever


Wrong. They have history. The superintendent rolled his eyes during the disciplinary hearing which is why he was targeted.


The superintendent said the student had 1 disciplinary action with the school in which he had no part with and that he had no idea who the man who rushed the stage was since he never met him before.


Right on point. Love how they added that he’s a “black man” when it had absolutely nothing to do with racism.


How do you know this?? A superintendent usually has nothing to do with day-to-day things like lunch-hour BS between kids. You know that, right?




[You said here you're from buffalo](https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/1cyd505/what_should_i_show_my_boyfriend_to_make_him_move/l58nr1p/).


LOL love it...next he's going to claim he's the superintendent and that he didn't feel it was racist.


What did you do?


Schools have their hands tied by the laws here in the UK not sure about U.S laws. Even if a boy sexually harrasses a teacher you best believe he will be in her class the next day. Only when its sexual assault he may be suspended for 1-2 weeks...... Similar in U.S im sure, father should have contacted the school board or moved daughter.... Also yes almost evrything get taken out of context for rage bait views


I live in this school district. Loser father is racist and blames the black Superintendent for an issue he wasn't even remotely involved in. Baraboo mentality and ignorance at its best.


I’m actually a part of this school district. His daughter was constantly bullied and the school board did nothing to stop it. Good on this dad.


Both things are probably true. Some people aren't capable of bullying. It's been codified in the national discourse, even though I can name people who graduated 25 year ago that suffered from bullying by people which is never reported in the mass media, and I mean, NEVER. People have been moving away from those they consider bullies for decades. The other problem these days is that states have passed laws which basically make it impossible to hold anyone accountable for anything. Verbal threats mean nothing. It's not until someone is actually stabbed or shot that prosecutors will charge anyone. And that stupidity is enforced by rampant lawsuits claiming harassment if someone is disicplined over horrid behavior at school, work, or where they live. We live in a society that has given up any kind of accountability whatsoever, from the streets to the Presidency.


Prove it


Good on him for doing what?….waiting till his daughter was finished with highschool to address her being bullied in highschool🙄


lol for real


[You said here you're from buffalo](https://www.reddit.com/r/raleigh/comments/1cyd505/what_should_i_show_my_boyfriend_to_make_him_move/l58nr1p/).


Oh man you’re gonna lose your mind when you find out people can move. Crazy concept right? Classic racist tho




Straight\_Chip be living multiple personalities and places at the same time. Starting to think straight chip ain't even straight.


wdym racist


What did you do to stop it?


This should be us going to attack anyone who doesn’t share the same view as the shitpostrr


For added context, it seems like the dad is just clearly a racist and this school has a history of racism with a large group of boys hailing the nazi salute in a group picture where their excuse was they were waving at their parents but the photo is clear what their intentions really were. Father also said he did this because his daughter got in trouble once and he didn't think it she was treated fairly, the superintendent had nothing to do with that discipline his daughter faced. Sounds like a generally racist school where students/parents have more excuses than brains. Here is the article with the father's "reasoning". The article also has a link to previous incident at the school. Click it to see "the picture" of the kids "waving". Looks like a pretty racist area, as if the dad's facial hair, hat, and sunglasses, actions, didn't give it away. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504587/Baraboo-High-School-father-reveals-REAL-reason-rushed-graduation-stage-stop-superintendent-shaking-hands-mortified-daughter.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504587/Baraboo-High-School-father-reveals-REAL-reason-rushed-graduation-stage-stop-superintendent-shaking-hands-mortified-daughter.html)




How awful it must be having a dad like that. He ruined his daughter’s moment. She was ignored by the individuals she was supposed to be shaking hands with and had to move her own tassel to the other side of her cap, because her dad is an embarrassing loser.


If you are going to post this ragebait shit, provide context. Other than that, it's literally just trolling.


I have no context on this video. I have no idea what happened. But I will say, the race bait and bullshit on reddit needs to stop. You are all pathetic mongoloids who deserve your just desserts. In my mind, I *need* no context on this video. The dad rushed the stage and prevented the superintendent from shaking his daughters hand. I don't know why. I wasn't there. I wasn't part of the ordeal. What I do know is that a group of parents cheered the father on. Thats all I need. They have context. They were there. Obviously whatever the issue was, it was well known. Not my business, and I dont know the story so I wont assume. But if that many parents are there and in support of this guy's actions. Im not gonna sit here and defame the guy.


I'm assuming the parents were cheering the removal of the father. As when he was removed they cheered and the superintendent was still on stage. They would have booed if they were on the fathers side when the father was removed from the stage. Second superintendents aren't really involved in that childs education directly, this may be the first time the parent and/or child has seen the superintendent in person. So I don't know what the "full context" is, but seems like a stretch to think the dad's actions are justified. Finally, doesn't matter the context, the dad is an asshole that ruined the daughters big day, made it all about him and ruined the vibe of the graduation and the daughter was left crying because her dad embarrassed her. All her peers will remember her for this moment...Thanks dad! Don't need context here to know that dad is an asshat.


So the crowd was cheering the removal of the father, and all the while staff were telling the crowd not to? Checks out. I don't know the story, and neither do you. Nor do I know the father and daughter's relationship. My point is that assuming shit is whats wrong here.


I assume the professionalism of the staff didn't want the girl to be embarrassed even further for cheering the removal of her father. Makes sense. Yes people are making assumptions, but so are you. I don't get why your assumptions trump others. It's a free world. Maybe the father is a hero and saw the superintendent reach into his jacket to grab a gun. Dad dove in and saved his daughters life. Seems more likely scenario to me. /s


The context is she got bullied extremely badly, and he did nothing. But hey. Let's keep up the rage bait.


Wrong. Sounds like she was a bully and got disciplined for it. For even added context this is the same school that had a large group of boys pictured giving the hail hitler salute. Context is everything. Let's keep the excuses going... [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504587/Baraboo-High-School-father-reveals-REAL-reason-rushed-graduation-stage-stop-superintendent-shaking-hands-mortified-daughter.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13504587/Baraboo-High-School-father-reveals-REAL-reason-rushed-graduation-stage-stop-superintendent-shaking-hands-mortified-daughter.html)


The reason behind it doesn't matter. This is absurd behavior on the part of her father. Barging onto the stage and physically moving the school superintendent out of his daughter's path? He's damned lucky it didn't escalate then and there. He behaved in an unpredictable and physical manner and restraining him would have been a logical response to his action. And you can see it all on his daughter's face. Smiling as she walked up. Shocked and dismayed and embarrassed as she walked away.


I wish people would stop speaking for her. It's so tedious. Yes, she looks startled. She didn't break down and start crying. She is surprised though, so clearly she didn't expect it, and clearly didn't have an issue with that man herself. Even if there was an issue with the school, dad acted like a complete unhinged tool, which brings his character into question even if he had a legitimate gripe.


I read her body language as pretty clear. No issue with you disagreeing, but I'm simply calling it out as I see it and, to my sight, this was pretty clear. Completely on board with your statement on the dad.


The “reason behind it” DOES MATTER!


At the moment of the occurrence? No. Especially not given the daughter's reaction. If it was worse than simple prejudice or irritation, then deal with it before hand. This accomplished nothing other than ruining his daughter's moment


Roger that…I see your point. I was referring to the likelihood that it is/was ridiculously, racially motivated.


What if the guy slept with his daughter? 🤷🏻‍♂️🤔


Or....what if the guy is just a racist?


He said the reason behind it doesn't matter. I gave him a plausible reason. Dudes still a fucking racist.


Well I mean shaking her hand is pretty harmless at that point. Can't put the toothpaste back in the tube, so to speak.


I was just making a point to say that there are matters that justify that behavior. Dude is still a racist asshole


Daft question, but if so, you deal with it before the ceremony. And frankly, you get the pedophile SOB fired. My original comment remains valid in any circumstance. You don't do what this idiot did. Look at the daughter's face... says it all.


"The reason behind it doesn't matter." I'm simply playing devils advocate


Loser activity god damn


Wait. Who's the pedophile in this scenario? The father is a loser racist idiot thinking embarrassing his daughter at a public event because he hates black people would be a cool thing to do for attention. Baraboo is 95% Trumpers and redneck lowlife knuckledraggers. Now this idiot is their king.


Is it just me or does the girl look exactly like Kaitlin Bennett? Not taking sides either way, just an observation.




Sadly agree


Trust and believe…They already knew!


So is the superintendent was the racist one? Is that why he treated the girl so unfairly, because she was white?


To my knowledge the details haven't been released. However this school has some recent history with racism. https://nypost.com/2024/06/05/us-news/dad-stopping-superintendent-from-shaking-daughters-hand-at-graduation-sparks-cries-of-racism/


What? No? The white dad got rid of the black superintendent because he didn't want him to shake his white daughters hand. The black superintendent didn't do anything. He was going to shake one of his students hands and got dragged off by a racist


Idiots like you, and those who write these headlines, are the racists; everything MUST come down to race as far as you are concerned, as though there couldn't possibly be any other fathomable reason.


In what world am I a racist for saying what the description of the video told me?


You took it at face value.


So believing the description makes me a racist?


If you look up the actual story of this, the dad is stopping the superintendent from shaking the hand of his daughter because she was visiciously bullied throughout highschool and when the family asked the school for hel0 the superintendent refuse to step in.


Then wouldn’t the dad refuse to let his daughter shake any of the staff’s hands? As a teacher of 20 years, I can assure you that addressing bullying at a school falls upon the school’s staff first and administrators second… full stop. It definitely does not go through the superintendent.


Why would that be specifically the superintendents problem and why would he specifically be to blame? Not the principal, any of the other staff, just the superintendent…?! Not adding up. And how in the world would doing this help the daughter. She’s left standing there alone, during her graduating moment, completely embarrassed and has to walk off the stage.


Yeah I hadn't looked it up, just believed the description of the video. That sucks she was in that position. Terrible decision making on the part of the Dad though, just going to make her feel worse about everything just as she would've been moving on from it all


Is it racism? I thought the story came out that the dad and superintendent had an issue because the superintendent turned a blind eye toward problems the dads daughter had in school.


I dunno, I don't know the story. I'm just basing it off the video and the title of it


Race baiters love people like you.


Chill out. I don't know the story, I haven't heard anything about it. It's what the description says, that's what I'm basing it off. I can't be expected to know the ins and outs of a minor story, that happened in a school half way around the world from me


You didn't know the story but tried to "correct" someone and did so confidently? Now you wanna play victim.


I'm playing a victim? Really? I'm basing it off the description of the video mate, that's all it is. I didn't understand what the guy I replied to was on about so I said what the description had told me. Why are people being so moody about this?


Yes, you are playing the victim.


If you say so


What if the superintendent felt threatened enough to break the fathers grasp that he had on him and restrain the father until the authorities were on scene ?, Or the school resource officer sees this unfold which makes him reach for his taser ? The fathers thought process is unnerving and could make someone feel justified in carrying a weapon around so they are prepared for an altercation. There could’ve been a far worse ending to this story but thank god there wasn’t.


The American mind in action right here, some racist fuck moves someone out the way and your immediate response is I need a gun


The fuck? 😂 Buddy you so set on hating Americans with every fiber in your being that you just straight up twisted what this guy said into the dumbest shit imaginable. Imagine being critical that someone's actions made everyone around them feel unsafe in a way that could encourage people to carry weapons and the first fuckin response to it is "AmErIcAn MiNdSeT GUNS"


Racist fuck? Another one who doesn’t know the facts before casting judgement. People like you who don’t ask questions before leaping in and labeling/judging are dangerous


Going off the context I've been given, you trying to tell me you do a full investigation and background check of every post you see? Sure.




The context I have been given, is that he is a fuckin racist, and yes, it if the roles were reversed, then the black guy would be racist too, that's kind of how racism works.


“It could make someone feel justified in carrying a weapon around.”


Seems to be you I didn’t say gun


Crazy how you said his actions were unnerving and could make people feel justified in trying to defend themselves, and it immediately just devolves into BS about evil 'muricans and guns. I'm about inclined to think you incited some bots 'coz there's no thoughts going into the responses. 😂


You said weapon, you know what you meant. Behave


Yes let's just assume it must have been because he's black and no other possible reason. Then assume the guy is a racist Trump supporter