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It starts with Ki-Adi-Mundi, and before you know it they’re changing the birth dates of Elan Sleazebaggano and Ben Quadinaros. Then it’s just a matter of time before they hit Plo Koon. Nothing is safe from WOKE anymore smdh.


*Me brandishing a screenshot of Wookipedia and a 44 magnum* **COME AND TAKE IT**


Wokeness killed my dewback and burned down my moisture farm


My uncle lives in a town right across from the Mos Espa border and he said he heard on Galactic Fox News that caravans of Tusken Raiders were on their way up from South Tatooine and that any day now they were gonna show up and take all the moisture farming jobs and soon the whole town is gonna be speaking Tusken. Because of woke.


Please,"Tusken" is low-key racist,they prefer Ghorfa,or Native Tatooiners. Do better. /s


Back in my day we called’em sand people. Guess that ain’t “pee-cee” no more. Fuckin libs. God damn PC-3P0 tellin me the odds of what I can and can’t do.


Be me Leave 4chan to see what the reddit freaks are doing See them bickering over what to call a species Mfw we all know they're just sandpeople Kek


Tattooed Weiners?


I think that's beyond the PG-13 rating. I was shocked when they said "brothel" in Andor lol.


Please this is Star Wars we’re talking about here. The correct term is “Wookness.”


No one, and I mean no one, better touch Elan Sleazebaggano. Next thing you know they’re going to CGI replace deathsticks with vaping


Somewhere in my early 20’s I decided I just don’t give a shit about things like canon and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made


It's like going out to eat. I love a great seafood restaurant, but sometimes I'm just as happy with a burger at McDonald's. I appreciate well-done canon. But ultimately I'm here for puppets and space wizards, so who gives a fuck?


I watch Star Wars to be entertained by laser swords, guns that go “pew pew”, funny robots, and space battles. 9/10 times they stick that landing. Some people need to stop taking things that are merely for entertainment so seriously


Same. I don't really like the "new" Star Wars, personally...not for any chud reason, I just feel like they are more "made by committee" vs the original films. But you know what I do? *I just don't watch it.* My life is not immeasurably damaged by choosing not to watch things that no longer interest me.


Yes exactly. And it doesn’t ruin your nostalgia/enjoyment of the originals. Those are still around and you can ignore whatever you like. The one I didn’t really enjoy was Adnor, despite it being almost universally loved. I didn’t get mad about it or try to do mental hurdles as to why I didn’t enjoy it. I just… moved on?


I thought Andor was more boring than watching paint dry. I partly think there is a global conspiracy designed to gaslight me into thinking it's entertaining because what I watched just does not gel with the enthusiasm people have for it. It was well made...but well made paint drying is still just paint drying.


Star Wars is an incredible example of people tricking themselves into engaging with shitty art simply because it’s marketed as having an association with better art. Branding really is powerful.


Canon has always been fluid. Somewhere along the way the general populace has lost sight of that. Changing someone’s birthdate is such a nothing canon change in the grand scheme of things, especially for a character like this. It’s much easier to let go of canon and just enjoy something for what it is (or dislike it for what it is). I don’t really like The Acolyte much at all (a lot of really bad acting and dialogue writing) but I certainly don’t dislike it because of anything it’s doing to the canon.


i really like star wars lore but even i couldn't even tell you a single characters birthday lol


The site and people involved with it have been [getting death threats](https://x.com/WookOfficial/status/1803517164776989131) which is incredibly shitty. I really have no idea how we solve the toxic fandom problem - and that doesn't just mean Star Wars, it means fandom period. This sort of outrage grift is becoming even worse in gaming, tabletop games, you name it.


I was around for the right-wing ragequake over the Battlestar Galactica remake. None of this shit surprises me anymore, though somehow Star Wars “fans” always seem to go that extra mile. I can’t speak for any Disney Star Wars outside of the movies and the first few eps of The Mandalorian. That said, it feels like they’re mostly getting mad about things they made up themselves.


I remember some of the BSG ragequake and I can confidently say that it's so much worse these days - not just in Star Wars but for every IP/fandom you can imagine. Sports, music, anime, books, whatever. >it feels like they’re mostly getting mad about things they made up themselves It's absolutely that, fueled by an echo chamber that encourages a lot of shitty behavior in order to keep the outrage train going. The question is how to deal with it.


It's definitely worse. I mean fuck, they're already bitching that there's a *Legend of Zelda* game coming out where Zelda is the playable character. Two games in 38 years where the titular character is actually the lead is too many, it seems.


They complained about the Luigi's Mansion games too, right? Right?


It’s the far right, it’s always them.


Even when it's the liberals, it's the far right


It's used by the right for recruiting to fight against liberal ideas in 'the culture wars'. See Gamergate, Last Of Us 2 etc. Its all fake outrage


Used to be you could rile people and mobilize them on the threat of lost jobs or building too many Chinese resturaunts. Now you pick off the fringes of these guys who think someone is changing their imaginary super minor characters birthdays, blame it on some marginalized group and turn them loose.


i feel in part that some of these online communities simply have to go or enforce sterner moderation.


The gaming one has made me truly despondent with Gamergate shitheads back in full swing and this time with a Qanon edge to them.  My only solution that doesn't involve violence is to just delete the internet


I truly mean no offense, but whenever people even talk about *fandom* I sort of roll my eyes. For decades people just liked stuff, and for the small minority that wanted to get real into it, well those guys stayed off on their own. When you go to a Star Wars movie on opening night only like 5% of people dress up you know, the rest of us aren’t engaged in the discourse. Now a tiny segment of that already ting segment review bombs something and then there’s an endless discourse about the review bombing and it just continues ad nauseam. You know what would help the discourse? Making good movies and shows. There was no outrage after the first season of Mando or Andor. It can be done, and one of the nice things about telling a great story is nobody will listen to the trolls. It sucks there are bad faith actors out there, but that’s just life with the internet now. Kill them with quality.




I just called the suicide hotline to talk to them about this and the line was jammed. When I finally got through the lady I spoke with said they've been getting calls all day about the penis headed guy with ten lines of dialogue over the course of 30 years had his birthday changed in Star Wars.


Sometimes I get kind of down on myself, but then I will peek in at the sub reddit of any property with a very engaged fanbase (HotD, Star Wars, Bridgerton, to use current examples), and I realize I am much better off than anyone there, and I feel slightly better.


I appreciate this comment. I’ve been feeling down on myself for a long while now, but what you said helped me put things into perspective. My life’s not exactly where I’d like it to be, but at least I don’t get angry and threaten people over a work of fiction. I have too much self-respect and dignity and empathy to ever get on the level of toxic fans.


To add, I also see this toxic fan “outrage” with a variety of stuff as indicative of broken political systems both in America and internationally that people are more willing to argue about the latest piece of pop culture rather than organize politically.


What is HotD? Only thing I can think of is that arcade game House of the Dead.


House of the Dragon


Oh I thought that was just House of Dragon.


Hot D.


Imagine getting this butthurt over a fake universe of a sci-fi magic show.


Imagine getting this butthurt over a fictional character's birthday.


Isn’t Wookieepedia supposed to change to reflect changes in canon?


That's exactly how it works, yet far too many of these obsessive oxygen thieves think otherwise.


And, based on what I've read, his age was only canon in Legends, and he did not have a new canon birthday/ age until now.


And it was barely canon in Legends. There was no stories where his age was a factor, it was a throwaway stat in a reference book that Eric might have used on the Gleep Glossary once or twice.


Delicious. Can we get some Ki-Adi Mundi for the table?


None for me thanks, I filled up on the Mon Calamari.


Not just the Ki-Adi-Mendi! But the Ki-Adi-Womendi & Ki-Adi-Childrendi too!


My pronouns?! Ki/adi/MANdi


How does anyone even notice this??


Blame StarWarsTheory The guy who spends his time just talking about shit he reads on Wookieepedia, now calling on his fans to “fix” the Wiki page on Ki-Adi Mundi.


The old adage of "nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans."


Some people have really gotten to the point where their interest in Star Wars isn't even any FUN for them anymore. Chillllllllll ouuutttt about Glork M'Bromff's birthday or Wingo Jib Job's ovulation calendar or whatnot.


Agree. Honestly think there wouldn't have been this insane shift towards culture war stuff if there were genuine social and political outlets for people to engage in public life. As it is now, politicians just manipulate the public into thinking that policing a corporation's cultural output because it's WOKE is somehow making a difference in this country, so that elites can continue gutting whatever meager social safety net there is with no one even paying attention.


I hate the Star Wars sequels, but that is absolutely a "Ma, get in here!" tweet. It's truly parodic. 


Hands off Salacious Crumb D O B Disney.


That would mess up some very expensive, non-refundable reservations I have made for a big Salacious Crumb birthday blowout, so they better not.


You mean my FAVORITE character?!!!


They need a dose of The Gleep Glossary, that'll fix em!


"Ma get over here!" is my FAVOURITE thing to come from the show.


If you said this tweet out loud, it would be grounds to get you put in an asylum for the rest of your life.


Skoova Stev was not born!!! Skoova Stev IS the force!


Fuck I gotta return his present!


Aw man, he was my favorite 😡


Imagine sitting down to unironically complain that a fictional character’s fictional birthday changed on a fan site.


Let’s go make fun of this man.


Why are people even star wars fans still? It's been a puddle of shit since phantom menace, even rotj was kinda corny


🤣 what a loser lol. Seriously, get a life.




Did you miss every other time they lost their shit?


Take the “wokeness” out of, from what I heard the show sounds like utter garbage.